TXW Chapter 12

Chapter 12

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Shimei was aggrieved and felt wronged in her heart. Because of it, she firmly descended the mountain after severing her relationship with the sect. As soon as they left, there was a sound of explosion everywhere. The mountain collapsed and the Sect was destroyed… “

Song Xinian knelt on the ground in the temporarily cleared cave, bowed his head, and confessed the previous event with guilt.

Su Yueli knelt beside him, staring blankly ahead.

Shen Zhiming stood in place and observed the Wen Xin Sect that had been razed to the ground not far away with a calm look.

He recalled everything he saw in the secret realm. 

The traces of Qin Wan’s fight with the Qinglong. The remnants of the Qinglong. The crushed branches of Su Yueli’s call. The river under the cliff. The traces of Su Yueli’s life at the bottom of the cliff.

He could imagine what had happened on that cliff. Now Song Xinian retold the event to him, it was unavoidable that he deemed the situation ludicrous. 

“Yueli,” Shen Zhiming turned to look at her, “Do you know how your Shijie survived those ten days on the cliff?”

Su Yueli lowered her head even more and dared not speak.

Since she learned that everything that happened in her shihai was watched by everyone, she was numb to everything and no longer wanted to respond to anything. Especially after she recalled that she continued to act innocent under the knowing gaze of others.

Shen Zhiming spread his palm. The air fluctuated and portrayed the messy place where Qin Wan fought with the Qinglong in the secret realm. Su Yueli looked up blankly and stared at it with confusion.

“These blood belongs to your Shijie.” Shen Zhiming’s voice dragged her back to reality. “The day she pushed you off the cliff, it was not to hurt you.”

Su Yueli didn’t respond. Her gaze burned on the air. On the dried blood, the broken boulders, and the scattered scales. 

“You were fully aware that she didn’t mean to harm you. So why did you want to harm her?”

“She didn’t harm me this time. But, how can I be sure,” The corners of Su Yueli’s eyes tinted red, “that she won’t harm me in the future?” 

Shen Zhiming’s brows were scrunched from her words. Su Yueli shifted her gaze to him, “You like me. Jun Shu likes me. Shixiong likes me. You men all like me. Which woman can tolerate me?”

“That’s because you deliberately seduce us!”

Song Xinian retorted. Su Yueli moved her gaze to him. She already understood that her time was running out and she had no way back. She laughed and taunted, “If your mind is firm enough, do you think I can successfully seduce you? She has been your Shimei for more than ten years.”

Her gaze returned to Shen Zhiming, “She is the disciple raised by your own hands. Jun Shu’s fiancee since he was a child. If all of you have even a little bit of care for her, would I succeed in seducing all of you? And now all of you blame it all on me?”  

“When you love me, you can say you are willing to give your life to me and treat the others as ants. When you hate me, you blame me for seducing you to lose your principles, acting as if you guys were upright gentlemen and I was the disastrous beauty that led you astray. Did I force you to interrogate her? Did I force you to doubt her? Did I force you to denounce her?!”

“Yes,” Su Yueli nodded, “I’m selfish. I live in fear that she will harm me so I take the initiative to make the first move. I want her Dragon Neidan and use all of you to achieve it. I am vicious, but then what about you guys?”

“Foolish and cruel. Speaking profusely about morality and justice yet when something happens, you push the blame on the women. If it weren’t for your noble birth and extraordinary talents,” Su Yueli glared at them with scorn, “What’s the difference between you and me?”

The scene quieted down. Song Xinian and Shen Zhiming were silent.

Su Yueli’s eyes were glued to Shen Zhiming, waiting for his response. Shen Zhiming scrutinized the disciple in front of him.

He was partial towards her. 

Since she came to the Sect, he had lost his conduct as a Sect Leader. He should no longer be partial towards her and deliver the due justice as it is.

Su Yueli’s gaze at him contained both hatred and fear. After some time passed, he lowered his gaze. “Su Yueli, as a disciple of Wen Xin Sect, has a treacherous mind and deliberately framed her fellow disciples. Her bone will be nailed. She will be sent to the ice cave on the Cliff of Repentance to reflect on her fault for one hundred years, if by that time the nails still did not fall, then she was not allowed to go out of the mountain.”

“As for Qin Wan,” Shen Zhiming stared into the distance, “Order all disciples to discreetly search for Qin Wan and Jian Zhiyan. Whether Jian Zhiyan is alive or not, it doesn’t matter. However, Qin Wan must be brought back to the Sect without the slightest hurt. If she is willing to come back…” Shen Zhiming paused and didn’t go on.

Song Xinian understood that Shen Zhiming wouldn’t hold Qin Wan accountable. On the contrary, if Qin Wan was willing to return to Wen Xin Sect, Shen Zhiming may choose her as the next Sect Leader candidate. 

Song Xinian bowed his head and curtsied respectfully, “This disciple understands.”

Su Yueli slumped on the ground, visualizing the torturous bone-nailing and the isolation of hundred years on the cliff. She didn’t know whether to be happy that her life was saved or not.

Shen Zhiming once again observed the Wen Xin Sect that had been razed to the ground.

He appeared to have a sobriety that he had not had in years.

A disciple who could have such resilience in her Golden Pill stage and able to fight a bloodied battle with Qinglong for ten days. A disciple who would protect her fellow disciples even if she was jealous and envied them. A disciple who was very likely to own a Dragon Neidan and rebuild her cultivation to the Foundation Establishment in one day. A disciple who just relied on a bunch of arrays and talismans to flatten Wen Xin Sect to the ground……

A once-in-century genius, gifted physically and mentally. Someone that could be relied on to lead the Sect. 

Shen Zhiming shut his eyes, sensing the tiredness seeped in. “Inform the Chengzhu of Huangcheng to take Ning Buxiu back.”


“What about Jun Shu?”

“I heard that he is still taking a bath.”

Shen Zhiming, “……”

He could guess what happened to Jun Shu. That Jian Zhiyan would certainly not survive should Jun Shu encounter him again.

He sighed, “Tell the disciple to start rebuilding the Main Palace.” 

It was almost nightfall when the Wen Xin Sect started to be rebuilt.

At this time, Qin Wanwan and Jian Xingzhi had walked out the Wen Xin Sect boundary and were trekking near a river. They noticed that the intimidating aura of Shen Zhiming had completely vanished and Qin Wanwan instantly lost her tension and sank down to the ground. She sprawled on the lawn and yelled, “I don’t want to go on! I can’t walk anymore! I want to rest!”

“You are already tired from just a little walk?” Jian Xingzhi frowned. He walked back to Qin Wanwan’s place and squatted down, pulling her up. “How can a cultivator be so squeamish? Get up, start walking.”

“How long should we still walk?” Qin Wanwan was pulled up by him and tried to negotiate a compromise with Jian Xingzhi.

Jian Xingzhi pointed his finger to the mountain in the distance, “Just go over that mountain.”

After crossing that mountain, they would reach the town…

Qin Wanwan went on strike at once. She laid back on the lawn. “You go. I call it a day. I want to rest!”

Do you think I don’t want to?!

Seeing Qin Wanwan’s laziness, Jian Xingzhi clenched his fist.

666 sensed Jian Xingzhi’s turbulent emotion and quickly dissuaded, “Host, you can’t hit the Female Lead! She’s your golden thigh and your target! Hitting her is equal to 100.000 volts of electric shock. Please consider it!”

After experiencing it for so many days, Jian Xingzhi had understood the concept of 100.000 volts.

He glared at Qin Wanwan lying on the ground and held back the impulse in his heart. 

“Get up.”

He patiently instructed Qin Wanwan.

Qin Wanwan turned a deaf ear and pretended to be dead.

Jian Xingzhi had nowhere to vent. He raised his hand and banged his fist on the big tree beside Qin Wanwan. He shouted through gritted teeth, “Get. Up!”

Qin Wanwan heard something crack and opened her eyes in a daze. Her eyes rolled to the side and saw the tree beside her swaying and making a creaking sound before slowly falling to the side with a loud “Boom!”, splashing a burst of dust.

‘Jian Zhiyan’ stood in front of her with murderous intent. His clenched fist was bleeding. For a moment, she seemed to see Jian Xingzhi, that ferocious Immortal, standing in front of her with eyes full of anger.

The position where she was stabbed began to ache again. Qin Wanwan shivered and got to her feet. She brought out her handkerchief and wrapped Jian Xingzhi’s hand with it while trembling

DaDa Lao.” Qin Wanwan gulped, “It’s hard for a tree to grow that big. Next time you have something to say, just say it. Don’t destroy our beloved Mother Nature.”

“So can we continue our walk now?”

Jian Xingzhi stared contemptuously at Qin Wanwan. Qin Wanwan pecked fast like a chicken.

Jian Xingzhi spun around and left. 

Qin Wanwan stood where she was. She looked up to the sky and hold back the tears that nearly fall. She took a deep breath and comforted herself.

No matter how the world bullies me. I must still preserve… as if

She would definitely dump him when they reach the town! Watch her!

Tossing away the incident with ‘Jian Zhiyan’ to the back of her mind, Qin Wanwan ignited a little hope to dump Jian Xingzhi as soon as possible. She followed Jian Xingzhi listlessly and walked along the river.

After a while, Jian Xingzhi noticed that she hadn’t made any sound. He subconsciously peeked at her. 

Qin Wanwan was walking with her head bowed down. Her steps were weak as if she was tired out. 

Jian Xingzhi halted his steps. He measured the distance to the mountain and pondered for a moment. He eventually called her, “Qin Wan.”

“Ah?” Qin Wanwan raised her head. Jian Xingzhi beckoned her. He then show his back to her and squatted down.

Qin Wanwan was rooted on the spot, dumbfounded. Jian Xingzhi urged her, “Come on.”

Qin Wanwan’s eyes lit up at once. She lost no time to throw herself on Jian Xingzhi’s back.

Jian Xingzhi swayed from the inertia. He stabilized his figure and got up with her on his back. Qin Wanwan wrapped her arms around his neck and perfunctorily expressed, “Are you alright? Am I not heavy? If you can’t carry me, just tell me. I will walk on my own.”

“Shut up.”


Qin Wanwan zipped her lips. After a period of silence, Qin Wanwan felt bored again and couldn’t restrain her mouth. “Jian Zhiyan, in fact, we don’t have to rush. I have a lot of food in my Qiankun bag. We can eat while walking, enjoying our walk.”


He had the task of causing her trouble ten times within 5 days and assisting her in at least 5 fights. How could he complete the task in this place where chickens don’t lay eggs and birds don’t shit[1]?

Ai,” Qin Wanwan heaved a sigh, “Zhiyan ah, you are so conscientious and ambitious. Even as a Male Pet, you know so many things that normal people don’t necessarily know. Oh right, speaking of which, I forgot to ask you,” Qin Wanwan relaxed and recalled many questions she wished to ask. “Where did you learn so many advanced methods? Oh, and on the day on the Judgment Stage, where did you learn the spell you painted on your palm?”

Jian Xingzhi became nervous as soon as the questioning began.

In the realm of cultivation, possession was something highly detested by many. In his time, if there were people suspected of possession… The entire realm of cultivation would besiege those vile people and thoroughly eliminate them.

Even though he didn’t deliberately possess this body, no one might believe him if he said so. 

His nervousness was visible to the naked eye. Qin Wanwan studied his demeanor and comprehended that he had things he couldn’t disclose to others. She patted Jian Xingzhi on the shoulder, “Don’t be afraid. I am just asking out of curiosity. If you don’t want to tell me, I won’t force you.”


Jian Xingzhi had never been more grateful for Qin Wanwan’s “It’s none of my business” temper than now. He breathed a sigh of relief. Soon after, he thought of something. “Right, Qin Wan. I have a question,” His brows furrowed, “You said that before you have reached the Golden Core stage, but where do you learn all the stuff you know?”

The things she knew were all Upper-level skills. Even he had never seen some of those before. 

Qin Wanwan abruptly discovered that Jian Xingzhi still had some intelligence left in his brain. She coughed softly, “I don’t force you to answer, so you also shouldn’t force me.”

Anyway, they would soon part ways. Why must they ask so many questions to each other?

Qin Wanwan closed her eyes and leaned her head on Jian Xingzhi’s back, “Alright, I’ll sleep for a while. If you are tired, just wake me up.”

Jian Xingzhi ignored her words and kept carrying her. When he judged she had fallen asleep, Jian Xingzhi directly commenced to sprint wildly through the dense forest.

When Qin Wanwan opened her eyes again, it was already the next morning. Qin Wanwan perceived the light sweeping her face. In front of her was the gate of a town. Above the gate, the word “Xunxian Town” was quite magnificent under the sun.

“We have arrived?”

Qin Wanwan rubbed your eyes hard in disbelief. She jumped down from Jian Xingzhi’s back and glanced around. In the morning, people came and went to Xunxian Town. They lined up to hand in documents and bribes to the guards, entering the town one after another.

Qin Wanwan strolled to the notice board next to the town gate. The notice board was covered with various posters, and a bounty was placed on each. The Tian Jian Sect offered plenty of rewards for those. One of the posters was empty, without any pictures. It only said:

[Qian Liu. Known as the flower-picking thief[2] or the Lecher, harbors the treasure ‘Thousand Faces’. He can change his looks and loves beauty (both men and women). He has committed hundreds of crimes. Recently, he was spotted in the vicinity of Tian Jian Sect. Bounty Level: Middle-level, Grade 5]

This world divided everything into three levels: Upper, Middle, and Lower. Each level had nine grades, with Grade 9 as the highest grade.

Middle-level, Grade 5.

This Qian Liu seemed to be quite strong.

Qin Wanwan casually scanned the information at will. She was quite tangled about whether to accept the bounty or not.

Jian Xingzhi glimpsed at the faceless poster in front of Qin Wanwan and then at the three-day countdown of his second task in his mind. He acknowledged that he could not delay the task anymore.

His gaze darted to the guard who was taking bribes at the gate of the town and shouted, “Hey.”

Qin Wanwan yawned as she skimmed through the posters. She tilted her head to look in the direction of Jian Xingzhi. She saw a child and an old man being scolded by the guards for not having money to pay the bribe. 

The old man’s back was crumpled, appearing extremely pitiful.

Jian Xingzhi’s ‘Hey’ attracted everyone’s attention.

Before Qin Wanwan could react, she watched Jian Xingzhi point his finger at her and bragged, “She said, you are all human garbage! Even if there are a hundred of you, she can beat them all!”

The author has something to say:

Jian Xingzhi: “These comrades, come, beat up my Master!”

Qin Wanwan: “Mom! Dad! Help!!! I met a lunatic!”

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  1. 鸡不拉屎鸟不生蛋的地方 – jī bù lā shǐ niǎo bù shēng dàn de dìfāng. Desolate/Deserted place where no human could be seen. It is actually written as “a place where chickens don’t shit and birds don’t lay eggs,” in the text but that’s probably a typo.

  2. 采花大盗 – cǎihuādàdào. Sexual offender.

Lei’s Corner


From Chapter 6 of the novel and Chapter 10 of the Manhua.

It looks stupidly cute on him www.

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A man with no future and a woman with no past, what will their end be?
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The Sword Immortal was My Ex-Boyfriend by Mo Shu Bai [Transmigration]
Ai? Why is this Sword Immortal similar to my Ex from the 21st Century? – the FL, most likely.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2904

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