TVIRAD – Chapter 68

Arc 6
The Queen’s Male Pet (1)

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The air was still.

38 and Ye Chen stared at each other quietly. 

“As far as I remember, I am a person with a partner.”

Ye Chen gravely voiced. 38 guiltily averted its gaze. 

Ye Chen soon added, “You can’t place me in a tempting place like this! I will have a hard time keeping myself under control!!!”

A Queen!

A Queen who could choose her bed warmer!! 

This was simply dangling a piece of meat in front of a yandog!!!

No, no. She must calm down, inhale, exhale. 

She conveyed with a straight face, “Even though I have decided not to let the Villain fall in love with me this time, I won’t cheat on him. What do you mean by binding me to this role, huh?”

“It’s not that I want to bind you to this role,” 38 sighed with helplessness, “Do you think you can choose to be whoever you want to be? It also depends on the degree of compatibility, okay? Save for this Queen body, there is only a slum girl body that is compatible with you in this world. That girl is handicapped with huge debt. You choose. If you want to be her, I will directly send you to her body.”

“No need.” Ye Chen refused on the spot. “I want to train my willpower. I can withstand it! I won’t be corrupted by money and beauty!

38, “……”

Reaching a consensus, 38 delivered the original owner’s memory to Ye Chen.

The original owner’s name was also “Ye Chen.” She had an older sister named Ye Ling. Ye Ling was appointed as the heir apparent since she was born. Hence, she was pretentious and domineering. She frequently bullied her younger sister, “Ye Chen.” Their mother was harsh and apathetic. She turned blind eyes toward Ye Ling’s bullying of Ye Chen. As a result, “Ye Chen,” who had been bullied since childhood formed a distorted personality. She showed an innocent and gentle side like a white lotus on the outside while actually, she was rotten and tyrannical on the inside. 

Few people knew about her tyrannical side. She always vented those emotions on the people around her who have low status. Therefore, the people around her fear her, but everyone else and the courtiers love her.

With her forbearance and mask, “Ye Chen” ultimately got rid of Ye Ling and won everyone’s support. She ascended as a Queen at the age of 14.

On the original world line, after she ascended, she abandoned her mask and lived wantonly. She sought bed warmers here and there. Her favorite ones were Ming Hao and Lu Liang. Way later, she fell in love with Ming Hao and ditched Lu Liang. Lu Liang framed Ming Hao and the Queen punished Ming Hao because of that. But, when the truth was revealed, she threw all the blame on Lu Liang. Lu Liang escaped far to another galaxy. He hated Yadong Galaxy to the bone since then. He even wanted to blow up the entire galaxy. 

Ye Chen was not without blame when it came to the above events. 

She loved Ming Hao with all her heart, but Ming Hao did not. From the very start, he was forced by her. The true love in Ming Hao’s heart was Ye Chen’s cousin, a well-known minister, Ye Xiaoxiao. Ye Xiaoxiao’s appearance was not as good as “Ye Chen’s,” but then again, there were few women in the world who looked better than “Ye Chen.” However, she was gentle, kind, caring, and magnanimous.

To sum it up, her character was the character that the Male Lead, Ming Hao, liked best.

After the fateful encounter between the two, Ming Hao and Ye Xiaoxiao started to conspire against “Ye Chen.” They benefited a lot from Ye Chen’s love for Ming Hao. After Ming Hao became the new King of the Yadong Galaxy, Ye Xiaoxiao became his Queen. As for Ye Chen…

A cannon fodder’s only end was death ah. What else? 

“This time, your task is no different from before. The first task is to prevent Lu Liang from blackening. Don’t let him do something overboard like blowing up the entire galaxy in the future.”

“The second task is to make Lu Liang and Ming Hao join hands to build a better galaxy together.”

38 looked at Ye Chen with sparkling eyes, “Host. You can do it, I believe in you!”

Ye Chen didn’t respond. She stared at 38’s sparkling eyes and scrutinized them. After a while, she bobbed her head. “Your new expression is nice to look at. Starting from now, use this expression to look at me.”

“No.” 38 immediately returned to its smiley expression. “I refuse. I prefer this expression that is neither humble nor arrogant.”

Are you sure it’s not a mocking expression instead?

Sparks flashed between Ye Chen and 38.

The voice of the maid broke out their confrontation. “Bixia[1], the Lord Chamberlain has brought all the qualified candidates. Is it alright to start the procession now?”


The reminder from the maid called back Ye Chen to her senses. 

At this time, “Ye Chen” had just ascended the throne. She came exactly to the time when “Ye Chen” chose Ming Hao and Lu Lian as her bed warmers!

Tasting the hard lessons of the previous five worlds, Ye Chen came to the conclusion that the best way for the Villain to live a happy life is not to fall in love with her. 

If she was doomed to not be able to stay with him, then it’s better not to let him have her from the start lest he gain something that he will soon lose. Only after she had worked hard and collected enough points to be able to accompany the Villain for a lifetime would she and the Villain fall in love again! 

Before that, when facing the Villain……

She merely wished to successfully finish the task. 

She must learn to be ruthless. Distance herself from the Villain and don’t let him have any chance to have feelings for her!

Therefore, for the selection of the bed warmers today, choosing Lu Liang was out of the question.

Ye Chen mulled over it and let the maid in to serve her. After bathing, she went to the hall and started today’s “Beauty Pageant”.

She was a bit excited about it. She had transmigrated to so many worlds, but this was her first time experiencing this kind of treatment. As a yandog, she was naturally happy. Even if she couldn’t do anything to them, she still could appreciate their faces!

In particular, the Villain’s appearance always got a full mark in her eyes. His face was truly pleasant to look at. 

Ye Chen strode into the hall with great expectation. All the teenagers knelt down at once the moment she entered the hall, “Bixia.”

Those teenagers were mostly around sixteen or seventeen years old, and the oldest was no older than twenty. They were all vigorous and handsome. 

After so many years of the exchange of communication and culture, the clothing of Yadong Galaxy also got some improvements while still retaining the traditional oriental robes. A great majority of the people had their sleeves circled tightly to their hands. Wide sleeves were only worn on formal occasions, or only by nobles. All the young people in front of her were dressed in black robes with a high-neck collar on the upper part of the robe. It tightly wrapped around the body, outlining the lines of masculinity that belonged to young people. 

Ye Chen entered the hall with a smile. The original owner had always been a smiling tiger[2], someone with a wicked heart but innocent in appearance. 

She accepted their salute with a nod and sat down on the golden throne. “Stand up.”

“Thank you, Bixia!”

Everyone stood up in a neat and uniform manner as if they had been professionally trained to do so. Ye Chen finally could see their faces after they stood up. No one before her was ugly. Anyone who stood before her now was someone that could make girls scream just from their appearance. 

They all stood upright and straight, with solemn faces. 

Everyone had their own unique style. Graceful, flirtatious, bookish, heroic…….

Ye Chen was dazzled. She sensed that her nosebleed could gush out at any moment. 

Noticing Ye Chen’s turbulent heart, 38 hurriedly came to rescue, “Host. Eat melon, eat melon. Quick. Calm down, quench the fire…”

“It’s no use… I can’t keep this up… This time, the temptation[3] is too lethal…”

In her mind, Ye Chen lifted her head and pinched her nose. “Fast, 38. Give me a quick-acting heart-saving pill.”

On the outside, Ye Chen was still smiling. Her gaze swept towards the crowd as if she was not impressed and was used to it. She lazily waved, “Withdraw the unrelated ones.”

The attendants understood Ye Chen’s meaning and immediately withdrew, closing the door en route. In the hall, there was only one Chamberlain and a group of teenagers waiting to be selected.

The Chamberlain offered her a whip as soon as the door closed. 

Ye Chen was stupefied when she saw the whip. Ah, right… When there was no one around, the Queen… liked to play with a whip. 

Blue lines dropped on Ye Chen’s face[4], but in order not to violate her personal setting, she sweetly smiled at Ling Yu, the Chamberlain who had been by her side since childhood. “ Good boy.”

She grabbed the whip and stepped down the platform.

“Report your name.”

Ye Chen starts from the first one and picks up the other’s chin with a whip.

The other party reported his name and Ye Chen just nodded.

Not him.

This person was neither the Villain nor the Male Lead.

But he looked so good ah……

Ye Chen couldn’t help but look at him twice.

Then she discovered that the person next to him also looked so good……

When Ye Chen was focused on appreciating faces, Lin Jianxi, oh no, this time, he should be called Lu Liang, stood in the middle and talked to 666, “She is the person whose heart I should capture in your mouth?”

“Yes.” 666 replied, “Host, you have also seen the world line. This woman contributed a lot to Ming Hao’s transformation from a slave to the ruler of the galaxy. If you want to change your destiny, the first step is to snatch this opportunity belonging to Ming Hao! This is the Queen that paved the way for Ming Hao! After you capture her heart, she is yours to use!”


Lu Liang’s eyes shifted to the side at Ming Hao not far away.

He came to this world when he was ten years old. He was in the slave cart. He met Ming Hao at that time and soon became a good brother with this cheerful Male Lead according to the strategy.

Then the two were sent together to the base that specializes in training assassins, where children were sent in to fight each other to death like raising Gu[5], and the last person standing would be the Queen’s Secret Guard. 

He and Ming Hao fought to death in front of the ten years old girl. They both lived because the little future Queen said—

“Both of them are good-looking. It would be nice to send them to my bed in the future. ”

They never thought that, one day, their lives would be spared because of their faces.

Anyway, it didn’t matter. Since then, he and Ming Hao became close. Ming Hao had a koi physique, Lu Liang followed him and picked up a lot of treasures. As they collected treasures together for a long time, Lu Liang gradually treated Ming Hao as a real good brother.

Fortunately, 666 always existed in his mind.

666’s words woke him up. Lu Liang remembered how Ming Hao finally killed him in the original storyline.

He must not die, he must not lose everything belonging to him. 

Lu Liang recalled Lin Jianxi, Shen Jingfeng, Elt……

Reminiscing on the experience of the previous five generations, his heart hardened. He looked up at the woman walking toward him. 

Ye Chen asked the names of all of the people and eventually saw an extremely outstanding young man on the line.

The young man was half a head taller than the person next to him. His wheat-colored skin had a healthy luster. Although his expression was solemn, he had a pair of smiling eyes. Hence, even with such a solemn expression, Ye Chen saw the illusion of joy in his eyes. 

Gazing at his eyes would remind people of the little milk dog they raised, tenderness and joy would inevitably appear in their hearts. 

“This is the Male Lead, I’m positive about it[6]!”

Ye Chen concluded and 38 expressed its approval. 

Sure enough, the other party reported “Ming Hao” as his name. Ye Chen and 38 smugly smiled at each other. 

The halo of the Male Lead was shining so bright ah.

Ye Chen nodded, “Stay.”

Ming Hao was slightly stunned. He was obviously not willing to. He started with difficulty, “Bixia…”

Mn?” Ye Chen smiled softly, “Do you have any objections?”

“I… I don’t want to…”

“What don’t you want? ”

Ye Chen smiled deeper. Ling Yu frowned. He stepped forward, “Bixia, let me…”

Ye Chen sent a glance at Ling Yu. This Chamberlain who knew the Queen’s character with the back of his hands directly understood her meaning. He stilled in place and glared coldly at Ming Hao who clenched his fist and opened his mouth nervously.

Tsk. Courting death.

Ling Yu scoffed at those blind fools. Those people were in the dark, oblivious to Ye Chen’s true face as a tyrannical monarch.

“What don’t you want?” Ye Chen smiled kindly, “Tell me.”

“I don’t want to… be Bixia‘s bed warmer. I want to learn to pilot a spaceship and serve the country on the battlefield!”

Ming Hao closed his eyes, exhausting all his courage to shout these words!

The temperature instantly dropped down. The smile was still ever-present on Ye Chen’s face.

Hmm, this is quite tricky.

Ye Chen brooded. According to the original owner’s temper, this kind of person must be dragged out and killed. In the original world line, Ming Hao said the same, and the result was……

“Ye Chen” ordered people to torture him, if he was still alive by the end of the torture, then, drag him back to her side. 

Ming Hao returned alive and became an obedient dog from then on.

But Ye Chen was not a person like the original owner. To treat the Male Lead like that……

She didn’t have the guts to do so.

But if she only punished him lightly, it would be OOC.

Ye Chen was weighing the scale in her heart when a cold voice interrupted her, “Bixia!”

Ye Chen’s head tilted in the direction of the voice. 

Ah, a beauty.

A peerless beauty that would leave all the noble ladies in the dust.

His appearance was delicate, with fair skin and a clear complexion as if he was carved from white jade. He had phoenix eyes and cherry lips and the bridge of his nose was high. His facial features were indistinguishable, a hazy mix of the beauty of both sexes, a blooming poppy-like beauty. 

Ye Chen’s heart skipped a beat. 

The other party knelt down on one knee towards her and attested, “Chen[7] is willing to wholeheartedly serve Bixia. Ming Hao has a pure heart[8], I hope Bixia can forgive him for his offense.”

Ye Chen was silently contemplating. This situation didn’t happen in the original world…

She remembered that Ming Hao and Lu Liang, the two proud Sons of Heaven, were extremely prideful and absolutely unwilling to be the Queen’s bed warmer. Then, after they were put in order by the Queen, both of them became dogs.

The only difference was that Ming Hao became a dog with hidden claws, obedient on the surface but never forgetting his will and dreams while Lu Liang forgot about himself under the Queen’s favor and was reduced to one of the irrelevant men in the Queen’s Harem. It wasn’t until he was forced to flee from the Yadong Galaxy that he regained back his own life.

According to her memory, Lu Liang should have resisted, just like Ming Hao.

The consternation that flashed in Ye Chen’s eyes was captured by Lu Liang. Lu Liang lowered his head and said even more respectfully, “Bixia, Ming Hao is a talented person. Shall Bixia needs someone to accompany her, Chen is utterly glad to do my best.”

Bixia…” Ling Yu’s brows wrinkled, “These two, should they be disposed of together?”

Mn?” Ye Chen tipped her head and softly rebuked, “When did I say that I am going to dispose of them?”

Ling Yu was taken aback. With bad premonitions in his heart, he began to kowtow desperately, “Bixia, spare Chen’s life. Chen is at fault for the transgressions. Chen will immediately…”

“Ling Yu,” Ye Chen languidly dragged her words, “Don’t treat me as if I am a cruel person[9].” 

“Ling Yu dare not.”

Ling Yu stopped his action and respectfully prostrated without daring to raise his head. 

Ye Chen sighed and returned her attention to Ming Hao.

“What a beautiful boy,” She lifted her hand and stroked Ming Hao’s chin, compelling the kneeling person to meet her gaze. She whispered, “Stay with me. I’ll give you everything you want, eh?”


“If you dare to say no,” Ye Chen pointed his finger to Lu Liang. Her words were as soft as a feather, “I will kill him.”

Lu Liang felt a basin of cold air drenching his heart. 

Ming Hao bumped his gaze with his brother. He shut his eyes. When he was about to answer, Lu Liang had opened his mouth first, “Then, Bixia, kill me.”

Ye Chen glanced at him from the corner of her eyes, “Do you think I dare not kill you?”

“If Lu Liang becomes an obstacle to Lu Liang’s brother’s life, Lu Liang would rather die! ”

Lu Liang straightened his spine and met Ye Chen’s gaze. Ye Chen sneered, “Fine. As you wish. Drag him to the water prison! I will personally end him!”

Bixia! Please let him go!”

As soon as Ming Hao saw Lu Liang being dragged away, he rushed over and begged, “Bixia I am willing to do anything, please…”

“Willing to do anything?” Ye Chen’s smile blossomed again, “Then, that’s good. I’m pretty optimistic about you.”

Ye Chen glanced at Ling Yu, who was prostrating on the ground, “That’s all. I’m tired. Oh, and the one just now.” Ye Chen narrowed her eyes. Her eyes explicitly expressed what she was thinking. “Since this beauty has pleaded for him, forget it.”

“Understood, Bixia.”

Ling Yu answered respectfully. He then led someone to open the door.

Everyone walked out, only Ming Hao left kneeling on the ground. His face was pale and his expression decadent.

Ye Chen threw one last glance at him and strolled out.

“Host,” 38 asked, “What are you thinking doing all that ah?”

“Nothing. Just creating a good relationship with the leading roles,” Ye Chen answered lightly. “At least, before the main line is finished, the leading roles must not die.”

“Then, why did you bully him like that?”

“Suppress him first before raising him.” Ye Chen profoundly explained, “This kind of person would have taken it for granted if you always be kind to him. Only by giving him a slap before a date[10] would he cherish the sweetness of the date. Just wait and see.”

Ye Chen didn’t elaborate further and took 38 on a tour to familiarize herself with the environment.

When Ye Chen and 38 were happily touring this Sci-fi world, Lu Liang was back to his room.

He knew that according to Ming Hao’s temper, as long as he said those words, Ming Hao would certainly agree to Ye Chen’s request. He was not worried about what Ye Chen would do to him. He just felt Ye Chen was quite strange. 

From his memory, the reason why Ye Chen liked Ming Hao instead of the original Lu Liang was that she liked Ming Hao’s kindness and purity.

Because she never had it that she cherished such beauty. And Lu Liang, who was similar to herself, became dispensable no matter how beautiful and attentive he was.

Therefore, in order to capture Ye Chen’s heart, first and foremost, he must not let her think of him as someone sinister. Originally, in Lu Liang’s plan, Ye Chen should be interested in him after his selfless sacrifice yet she didn’t even spare him another glance. 

Oh, no. She was amazed by his face at first, but there was no follow-up. How so? Did he misunderstand her character or……

Lu Liang remembered a thing. 

In his past memories, he would always meet a Ye Chen……

So… this Ye Chen, was she the Ye Chen mentioned by 666 that has a system like himself?

Or did this Ye Chen merely share the same name as her?

Lu Liang couldn’t determine the answer. However, he could nail that if she was the original Ye Chen, he would be safe because she should have been pleased by his show just now; If she was the Ye Chen he knew, the one that was softhearted and kind, he also would be safe because she wouldn’t have the heart to do anything life-threatening to him no matter how severe his transgression is.

When he thought of Ye Chen and recalled that Ye Chen actually chose Ming Hao over him, Lu Liang felt a stinging pain in his heart. Especially when he thought that Ming Hao would be sent to Ye Chen’s bed tonight. The pain became even more unbearable. 

His memories of the past were especially clear, although he didn’t remember the feeling of being madly in love with her in his past incarnations, he remembered that this person was the woman he had married.

In a sense, even though he didn’t want to admit it, she was his wife. 

“Host,” 666 watched Lu Liang pause his movement after taking a sip of water and carefully probed, “What should we do next?”

Its Host didn’t even get the opportunity to get close to the Queen. How should he capture her heart!

666 was anxious and offered, “Host, would you like to redeem a Heartthrob Aura with your point?”

“No need.” Lu Liang put down the cup and opened the mall page.

That Heartthrob Aura would cost him all his points. Furthermore, he didn’t want it

Lu Liang scanned the mall page and bought a stealth device along with a map that showed Ming Hao’s position. He fastened the stealth device to his body and headed towards Ming Hao’s position.

Ming Hao was guarded by a group of people and Lu Liang kept waiting for an opportunity to rescue him while not alerting the guard. After Ming Hao was sent to the inner room of the Queen’s bedroom, he was placed on the bed. Because he didn’t have any strands on his body, the bed curtain was lowered to cover him. All the attendants were waiting for the Queen to enter from the outer room. Lu Liang grabbed this opportunity to jump into bed and covered Ming Hao’s mouth. He whispered, “It’s me.”

Ming Hao widened his eyes and worry was reflected on them. Lu Liang pressed the button on the stealth device and his figure materialized beside Ming Hao. He began to undress and whispered as he took his clothes off, “Put on these clothes and go quickly. The farther you go, the better.”

Lu Liang buckled the stealth device on Ming Hao. Ming Hao knew it was a valuable thing only with a glance. He couldn’t figure out where Lu Liang, who grew up with him, got this high-end goods. He insisted, “No, let’s go together.”

“I want to stay here.”

Lu Liang refused directly, without a trace of emotion in his cold eyes. “Ming Hao, if you want to be an excellent pilot, you do it. I just want wealth and glory. This is the path I chose. Help me achieve it.”


Ming Hao’s jaw dropped. At this time, human voices came from the outside. Lu Liang had already taken off most of his clothes and only left with his underwear. He pushed Ming Hao from the bed, “Go!”

Ming Hao stopped procrastinating. He was about to escape when he halted and asked, “Do you have any underwear I could use?”

“I only have the one on my body.”

Ming Hao, “……”

By this time Ye Chen had reached the door. The door creaked open and everyone bowed down. Ming Hao leaped out of the window with his clothes and jumped all the way to the ground from the protruding place on the wall. He glanced back at the Queen’s room and gritted his teeth, “Lu Liang, I will definitely come back to save you.”

With that, Ming Hao resumed his escape. 

At this time, Lu Liang was lying on the bed, feeling a little restless. He began to contemplate whether to take off his underwear or not.

He knew how women seduce men, just stand naked and they’re good.

But, he didn’t know how men seduce women……

In his five lifetime of memories, his cognition of women was limited to Ye Chen. What did she like again…?

Ah. She likes beautiful faces……

Lu Liang subconsciously touched his face. By now, Ye Chen was already at the bedside. 

She toured around this world with 38 today. This world was so goddamn interesting.

All kinds of people from outer space were wandering around, and there were many lovely pets. They rely on many kinds of transportation when they go out, and the speed of the elevator was the same as that of the rollercoaster.

Most importantly, as long as you had money, they could serve all kinds of food to you. There were so many varieties that it was mind-boggling for Ye Chen.

This world was divided into two opposing extremes. The nobles were lapped in luxury, living extravagantly while the poor suffer to the fullest extent from the plundering and chaos caused by war.

After a whole day of shopping, Ye Chen was tired. She sat by the bed and ordered the attendant to soak her feet. She waved to the people beside her, “Withdraw.”

The original owner was a person who loves to take a bath alone. From her words, everyone could digest that she was planning to take a bath.

They glanced at each other and wanted to say something, but in the end, considering Ye Chen’s moody character, they retreated in silence.

Ye Chen removed her clothes and entered the bathroom. 

As the Queen, her bathroom must be grand!!!

Ye Chen ran around on the inside, checking the ups and downs. 

The massager in the bath was enjoyable and she let out an emotional sigh, “Ha-ah~!”

Lu Liang who was still bundled up in the quilt: “…”

This person is without doubt the Ye Chen he knew.

Ye Chen was so happy that she hummed a tune.

The Queen’s voice was pleasant, barring for the little bit tone-deaf part. Ye Chen hummed a few songs, but all were out of tune and Lu Liang’s ears were about to bleed if this kept going.

He stared at the top of the bed blankly. 666 poked him with unease, “Host, are you alright?”

“No,” Lu Liang’s face was like he had nothing left to live for. “I just kind of want to give her money.”

Ah, why?”

“People sometimes beg for money when singing, but she sings so badly that I want to give her money to beg her not to sing.”

666 became angry when she heard it, “This is too much! This woman actually tries to murder my Host with her singing!”

Lu Liang, “……”

666 cautiously voiced, “Host?”

Lu Liang, “Will upgrading your system upgrade your IQ?”

666. “……”

666 instantly burst into tears.

“Don’t, don’t abandon me, don’t abandon 666… 666 will be upgraded to 999 in the future!”

“What’s that? Cold medicine[11]?”

“Literally that,” 666 sobbed, “6 flipped to 9.”

Lu Liang, “……”

He despaired a bit. He was surrounded by two severely mentally handicapped people, what to do if he got infected by them and also became mentally handicapped?

The mentally handicapped Ye Chen didn’t realize there was another person in the room. She hopped happily to the bed and flopped herself on the bed. 

She imagined she would fall into the bed as soft as a cloud. 

At the same time, Lu Liang was still shaken by 666’s IQ, Before he could react, he was crushed by the weight of Mount Tai in the form of Ye Chen. 

The two of them were stacked together in the shape of “丁”. Ye Chen fell on his lower abdomen and both of them froze on the spot. Ye Chen’s body was faster than her brain. She jumped up and rolled over from the bed. She drew out the decorative sword hanging on the wall and put on a defensive posture, “Who!”

Lu Liang didn’t speak. He tugged his pants and the quilt to cover himself.

Ye Chen observed the figure of the man behind the bed curtain and was enlightened, Oh, Ming Hao.

She relaxed and switched to her gentle appearance. She came forward and comforted, “Sorry, did I scare you, Ming Hao?”

She picked up the curtain and was about to say something. As a result, she looked up——

This person!

Why is it this person!

What the fuck?! Isn’t this the great Villain, Lu Liang?!!

Hasn’t she sent him away?! Could it be that Goddess of Fate still played tricks on her and let him and Ming Hao be her bed warmers?!

Hold up!

Ye Chen was stumped when she noticed there was only one person on the bed. So, the Male Lead, Ming Hao…… Where. Is. He?!

“Where is he?!”

Ye Chen fiercely drove the sword onto Lu Liang’s neck and bit her words, “You let him escape, didn’t you?”

As expected of her dearest Villain. He was so awesome he could steal people directly under the Queen’s eyes!

But didn’t this situation deviate too much from the original plot?

Ye Chen’s mind was gearing at full speed. She sneered, “Don’t want to talk? Don’t blame me for hurting you if you don’t talk.”

Ye Chen’s sword hovered closer to his neck yet Lu Liang’s smile bloomed.

The smile was as captivating as a mountain of flowers, flirtatious and coquettish. Too gorgeous.

While Ye Chen was shaken, Lu Liang lifted the quilt to reveal his perfect figure carved from the white jade. His legs overlapped and his eyes were full of temptation. He called out softly, “I am here to serve Bixia. Is Bixia not satisfied with the arrangement?”

Ye Chen was dazed. Her eyes glued on Lu Liang’s face as if she had lost her soul. She was utterly enchanted by this beauty.

The fair neck, the elegant lines, the eyebrows that could only be depicted by the brush of a genius painter, the silky black hair cascading like a waterfall……

Ye Chen swept her eyes over him. The sword in her hand had become askew. Lu Liang smiled with satisfaction, still retaining his gaze on her. 

38 collapsed and desperately blared alarms to snap Ye Chen back to her senses.

“Host! Wake up! Ahhh! Get over it! Otherwise, do you really want electric shock therapy?!”

666 whistled in Lu Liang’s mind.

She knew it! Her host is the best!

Ye Chen’s gaze made Lu Liang quite pleased. He liked the way she wholeheartedly only had himself in her eyes, even if it was merely because of his beauty.

Lu Liang leaned forward and cups his hand on Ye Chen’s face. He approached her and breathed out, “Bixia, I’m cold.”

Ye Chen abruptly recovered.

In fact, she still couldn’t process what happened, but she realized that this direction was completely wrong!

Thus, she intuitively pressed Lu Liang onto the bed and enveloped his face and body with the quilt.

“If it’s cold, cover yourself with more quilts! Have a good rest! Bye!”

Ye Chen spun around and ran away.

Lu Liang was speechless under the quilt.

666 was amazed by Ye Chen’s reaction, “This Queen is really pure ah……”

Lu Liang, “Hehe.[12]

Ye Chen ran out, pulled her bathrobe, and suddenly halted.

Fuck, her priority should be chasing Ming Hao!

She impatiently ordered someone to chase Ming Hao. Then she put on her clothes and strode back aggressively. She sat on a chair and ordered the figure who was lazily lying on the bed, “Come down!”

Lu Liang got up leisurely and rolled up the curtain. Then, Ye Chen remembered that he was not dressed yet!

When she saw so many women here, she puffed up and ordered angrily, “Put down the curtain!”

Lu Liang, “……”

This woman was quite troublesome, wasn’t she.

Regardless, he obediently put down the curtain, Ye Chen then said, “Put your clothes on!”

Bixia, I don’t have any clothes to put on here.”

Lu Liang’s voice was warm and soft, with a hint of deliberate charm. Ye Chen shuddered.

She resisted the impulse to stab the people behind the curtain with a sword and ordered Ling Yu, “Find him clothes. Come to see me after he gets dressed.”

She stood up and waited outside. After a while, Lu Liang came out.

To be honest, Lu Liang was much more in line with Ye Chen’s aesthetics than Ming Hao. Ye Chen liked beautiful men more than sunny and handsome men. Lu Liang, this person, if he wanted to be charming, he could be so charming to his bones. If he wanted to be cold, he could be as cold as the snow on Mount Tianshan, untouchable by the red dust. 

If it weren’t for the fact that Ye Chen was doomed to leave here and had decided not to provoke the Villain, she would have to do him just for Villain’s appearance this time!

But she had broken his heart too many times.

This time, she wanted to learn to make him happy.

Lu Liang walked up to Ye Chen. He wore clothes unique to the palace, with a touch of antiquity. Lu Liang knelt down on one knee in front of her and bowed respectfully, “Bixia.”

“Did he take the initiative to escape or did you help him?”

Ye Chen treated him with indifference. Lu Liang lowered his head and said nothing. Ye Chen scowled, “You don’t answer, so you acquiesced that you helped him?”

Lu Liang still said nothing. Ye Chen lifted Lu Liang’s chin with a whip, “Do you know how people like you will die here?”

“Is Bixia really willing to let me die?” Lu Liang’s smile bloomed like a lotus flower. Ye Chen was startled. Lu Liang put his hands on her neck and whispered, “Bixia made a promise to A’Liang long ago, did Bixia forget?”

Ye Chen was dumbfounded.

Made a promise to Lu Liang??

The original owner actually made a promise to Lu Liang???

What promise? When did she come into contact with Lu Liang? Why did this body have no memory of it at all? Was there really no memory of it or was the memory lost during the transmission?!

Ye Chen was not sure how to answer that and began to anxiously call 38 for help.

“38, I have no memory of it at all. What’s going on? He doesn’t look like he’s telling a lie!”

“Try to extort information from him.” 38 immediately suggested, “Maybe it’s a lie he made on the spot!”

Ye Chen accepted 38’s suggestion and frostily questioned, “What did I promise you?”

Bixia is really forgetful…” Lu Liang muttered, “Clearly you told A’Liang that you like A’Liang the most and will take A’Liang away one day.”

Ye Chen had some conjectures when he heard this. The original owner may have made that promise long ago when she first met Lu Liang. The original owner just said it casually, but Lu Liang took it to heart.

Ye Chen was bitter and jealous.

Bitter because her favorite Villain was so innocent that he was deceived by this scum Queen.

Jealous because how could her favorite Villain put this scum Queen’s casual words to heart and got deceived by her!

Her expression was unsightly. 

Lu Liang showed a pitiful expression, “Bixia… You… You didn’t forget about it, did you?”

Ye Chen didn’t reply. Her gaze fell on Lu Liang’s face.

She didn’t know how to deal with this matter. If she didn’t deal with Lu Liang properly, the people here might doubt her identity. In this world, there were many spies disguised as high-ranking officials. If the people here doubted her, she may be caught and subjected to a memory-probing interrogation. If it came to that… She didn’t know to what extent the people here would interrogate others, but she was sure that it wasn’t something to be taken lightly. 

But to deal with Lu Liang properly……

She couldn’t do it/ (ㄒoㄒ)/~~

Such a beautiful Villain… The Villain on the apex of her heart[13]… How could she hurt him! Totally reluctant ah!

It just so happened that Lu Liang gave her an excuse.

She examined Lu Liang’s expression and her face softened several points.

“How could I forget?” She smiled gently. “I always remember. I just joked with you. You are too tired today, so go and have a rest first.”

She retracted her whip and said coldly to Ling Yu, “Send him back to his room.”

“No!” Lu Liang hugged Ye Chen’s thigh, “Bixia, I won’t go, I want to stay with you. I’ve been waiting for this day for so long! Let me stay with you!”

Ye Chen, “……”

At this time Ye Chen was faced with two choices.

First, be the obscene Queen and stay the night with him. 

Second, be the tyrannical Queen and execute him for disobeying her words. 

Third… There was no third except for acting OOC.

She took a deep breath and saw Lu Liang’s disastrous beauty. 

She covered her eyes.

Can’t think, can’t think at all.



Ye Chen gave up on herself decisively.

He won, okay! He totally won!

She couldn’t bear to hurt him, what else could she do?!!

She was also desperate that she couldn’t act as the tyrannical and unscrupulous Queen!

38, “So you choose to be the obscene Queen instead.”

Ye Chen, “……”

“It’s quite in line with your yandog’s design.”

Ye Chen, “Can you please stop…”

The author has something to say:

[Mini Theater]

Doctor: “Da Bai, what are you doing?”

Mo Shu Bai: “Setting up my diet.”

Doctor: “? Why do you want to diet?”

Mo Shu Bai: “My readers are all fat. I want to lose weight in place of them.”

Doctor: “How did you come to this conclusion?”

Mo Shu Bai: “Because I always see they comment, ‘I laugh/cry like a dog with a weight of X hundred pounds’, ‘I laugh/cry like an orange cat with a weight of X hundred pounds.’ Think about it, a few hundred pounds, how can they not be fat?”


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[1] 陛下 –bìxiàYour Majesty / His or Her Majesty.

[2] 笑面虎 – xiào miàn hǔ. A smiling tiger — an outwardly kind but inwardly cruel person; a fierce person with a hypocritically sweet smile. A false smile to let others’ guard down. Someone with a wolf’s heart but innocent in appearance.

[3] 糖衣炮弹 – tángyī pàodàn. Lit. Sugar-coated Bombshell/Candy-coated Cannonball. Sweet corruption/seducement.


[5] 蛊 – . A poisonous insect. In ancient legends, the way to raise a Gu is to place hundreds of insects in a vessel and wait until they devour each other. The last remaining insect is called Gu.

[6] lit. 绝壁 – juébì. Cliff. Specifically, a very steep cliff that cannot be climbed. It is also an internet term for: absolutely, too powerful, too great, and cannot be described in words. 绝壁 – juébì (Cliff) – 绝对 – juéduì (Absolutely).

[7] 臣 – chén. Used to address oneself in front of the sovereign.

[8] 赤子之心 – chì zǐ zhī xīn. The innocent heart of a child — utter innocence.

[9] 豺狼虎豹 – chái láng hǔ bào. Lit. jackals, wolves, tigers, and panthers. A metaphor for the wicked. Beast.

[10] lit. 给个甜枣 from 打个巴掌再给个甜枣吃 – dǎ gè bāzhǎng zài gěi gè tiánzǎo chī. Beat with a slap before giving jujube (Chinese date) to eat. Has a similar meaning to the idiom carrot and stick. A combination of reward and punishment to induce a desired behavior.

[11] Reference of Sanjiu Group’s 999感冒灵 – 999gǎnmàolíng, traditional Chinese medicine for colds that patients can purchase without a prescription from a physician or other medical professional with prescribing authority.

[12] 呵呵 –  hēhē. Onomatopoeia for laughter. Could be a gentle laughter/chuckle or ridicule. You choose.

[13] 心尖尖上 – on the apex/cusp/tip of one’s heart. Beloved. To put a person on the tip of the heart is to protect, love, and cherish that person. The most important place (person) in the heart where you cannot give up those nor separate from them. It can also be said as 心头肉 – xīn tóu ròu or the person closest to one’s heart.

Ry’s Corner

So long.

I prefer to think of Lu Liang’s hehe as a chuckle because he realized the Queen is indeed his Ye Chen.

About the Mini Theater, it’s just a joke where you comment like “I laughed so hard/roftl” but in an exaggerated manner. It just, MSB took it quite literally.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 7055

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