WfDO Chapter 54

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money (21)

Thank you, Estelulu, for the support! <3

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Ye Wei was kidnapped to a mountain about two hours away from City C. Those kidnappers had been planning for a long time. They changed cars several times along the way to ensure the success of their plan. 

This place was a dilapidated house, which could barely shelter from the wind and rain. As for the specific location, she didn’t know.

It was late. Around five to eight hours had passed since Ye Wei was kidnapped. The sky was thoroughly dark. There were no lights or human activities in this deep mountain, only darkness and the noises of insects and birds.

The man who caught Ye Wei initially planned to torture her and deliver a blow to Mo Yu and Mo Yuan, but now Ye Wei was his accomplice, he naturally wouldn’t execute that plan.

Ye Wei spent the night safely. She huddled in the corner and barely slept. At dawn the next morning, Skinny Monkey[1] brought her three fragrant chicken drumsticks. He relayed the news that Mo Yuan and Mo Yu should be here soon. The chicken drumsticks were handed to give her some strength, in case she didn’t have the strength to kill them.

Ye Wei gnawed at the drumstick. She expressed nervously, “I will definitely fail. I can’t beat Mo Yuan, let alone Mo Yu. What should I do?”

Skinny Monkey, “Don’t panic, we will give you a weapon. You just need to wait for them to bring you out, while they are not on guard, stab them from the back. As simple as that.”

Ye Wei, “It sounds simple. But, although I am good at things like stabbing people in the back, I have always used my beauty for that. I have never literally stabbed someone in the back. I’m a little anxious…”

Skinny Monkey, “……”

Skinny Monkey’s gaze at Ye Wei was indescribable. He ought to admit that Ye Wei was a natural beauty. Even if she was unkempt, he could still discern that she was a beauty. Such a shame that she was a brainless beauty. It was a great loss of points.

“Eat quickly and call me when you are done.”

Ye Wei chewed the drumsticks anxiously. It was already daybreak. She called the Skinny Monkey and he tied her up again.

She obediently let him tie her up and wondered, “Can I brush my teeth? Now I smell of drumsticks. If I speak. I will be discovered.”


Skinny Monkey and the others were outlaws. In this place, how could they, kidnappers, carry toothbrushes wherever they go? In the end, he brought Ye Wei out to rinse her mouth with water. 

Ye Wei purposely cleaned her face en route. When the Boss found out, he wiped her face gray again and threw her into the room, too lazy to pay more attention to her.

Probably, because they deemed that she was brainless, no one guarded her. She was locked up in a shabby room alone. She leaned against the corner and looked up to count the cobwebs on the beam. There was no soundproofing on the house so she could hear the voices of men outside clearly.

She lay down with her eyes closed. She had lost track of time when she heard a rustling sound nearby. She peeked and caught a head emerging from the broken window. It’s not a stranger’s face, it’s Mo Yu!

It’s a pity that the window was sealed with two wooden blocks. He couldn’t climb from the window. Ye Wei had a cloth strip stuffed in her mouth. She could only blink her eyes at him.

Mo Yu carefully mouthed, “Don’t be afraid, wait for me!”

Ye Wei nodded.

There seemed to be another person outside beside Mo Yu. With some effort, the two of them eventually get the wooden blocks off. Mo Yu glanced around and judged no one was coming. He leaped to the window and entered the house.

He looked at Ye Wei, who was sitting on the ground in a sorry state. At present, her hair was messy, her face and body were dirty, and the wound on her arm had not been treated. The wound had long been clotted by the dried blood. She stared up at him with wide eyes.

Mo Yu made a “Shh” gesture, “I’ll remove the cloth. Don’t make any noise.”

Ye Wei pecked, showing her understanding. 

Mo Yu removed the cloth strip on her mouth, Ye Wei coughed a few times and rushed to talk in fear, “Why did you come here? I’m scared to death. I thought I would never be able to go back alive to see you again…”

Mo Yu was weighed with guilt, “I’m sorry, it’s all my fault. I implicated you. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”

Ye Wei nodded again, “They tied me up and locked me here. Every second is devastating like I could die at any moment! It’s really terrible! Let’s stop talking. Let’s get out of here. I don’t want to stay here anymore. .”

Mo Yu assured her.

Ye Wei was still anxious, “Why are there only two of you? Do you know how many of them are here? I’ve seen at least a dozen of them in this period of time. If we are discovered, we’re dead!”

Mo Yu soothed, “Don’t worry. We are worried that if we bring many people, the snake will be alarmed. Mo Yuan is dealing with a man called Hao Ge[2] in front. Let’s leave quickly and gather with Mo Yuan.”

Ye Wei nodded again, “Okay, okay! Let’s leave!”


Meanwhile, Mo Yuan had arrived at the place arranged by Hao Ge.

The place was on the lowest point of a ridge between two peaks. Hao Ge and his people were on the higher ground while Mo Yuan and his people were on the lower ground. There was only a path for one person to pass in the middle. On the left and right sides were cliffs. The dilapidated house where Ye Wei was being held was not far from this place. 

Hao Ge laughed arrogantly, “I didn’t expect you to really dare to come, unlike your cowardly father. His son turns out to be quite courageous. I thought you traitors had lived a stable life for decades and had become a waste! ”

Mo Yuan ignored his insults, “Now that I’m here, let Ye Wei go. This is a grudge between us. It has nothing to do with Ye Wei. Don’t involve innocent people.”

Hao Ge sneered, “In people’s mouths, the heir of Mo-jia is a heartless and cold-hearted man. I never imagine you will take risks for a woman today. It seems that you are also ’deeply in love’ with Ye Wei? ”

“You think too much, Ye Wei is nothing to me. I just don’t want to owe anyone anything.”

“You want to try to fool me at this time? If Ye Wei is nothing to you, why do you show up here?” Hao Ge mocked, “You want me to release her, fine. Where’s Mo Yu? If you dare to replace Mo Yu with a fake like your father did, just wait to get your hand on Ye Wei’s corpse!”

Mo Yuan countered, “How do I know if Ye Wei is still alive now? Maybe she is already dead. I want to see her in person.” He knew that the more he said so, the less the other party would notice that his people had already found a way to save Ye Wei.

“I’m different from you. You Mo-jia people can sell your friends for wealth. I am not like that. The most important thing in my life is righteousness. I am a man of my word. If I say Ye Wei is still alive, then she is still alive.”

Mo Yuan was taciturn. A while later, he said “Fine, let me consider it.”

Mo Yuan stepped back a few steps as if he was discussing something with the others.

But in fact, he was just stalling.

He understood that Hao Ge would not let Ye Wei go. The so-called exchange of Mo Yu for her was merely a cover. If he really agreed to the exchange, most likely both Mo Yu and Ye Wei would end up dead.

After all, Mo Yu and Ye Wei were irrelevant people to Hao Ge. It didn’t matter to him if they died. He could get his revenge by killing Mo Yu. For him, whoever died, he would still profit from it without getting any harm.

What’s more, these outlaws, which one of them had no blood in their hands?

Now he just wanted Mo Yu to rescue Ye Wei quickly.

He signaled to the others, asking about Mo Yu’s situation. Xue Zhao whispered to his ear in a low voice, “Mo Yu has found her. In three minutes at most, Mo Yu will take Ye Wei to the cliff on the far right. The terrain there is dangerous. Hao Ge’s attention is on us and he won’t notice them. We have sent our people there to meet them.”

Mo Yuan nodded calmly, “Tell them to move faster.”

Hao Ge was clever. If he delayed any longer, Hao Ge would discover his plan.

Xue Zhao curtsied, “Please rest assured.”

Just at this time, Dou Lun ran over in panic on his face, “Mo-xiansheng, it’s not good!”

Dou Lun was the team leader in charge of this operation. He was also the person in charge of contacting Mo Yu and guiding him the way. Yet, at this time, he actually came here regardless of the overall situation. It appeared that something unexcepted happened. 

“What happened?”

“Ye Wei wants to kill Mo Yu!”

Rewinding to the time when Mo Yu found Ye Wei and was about to take her to escape, Ye Wei suddenly defected and hold Mo Yu hostage——

Mo Yu wouldn’t be unprepared when he went to find Ye Wei. In addition to the necessary self-defense gun and knives, he also had a micro communication device in his ear and a camera hidden on his chest.

Not only that, several drones were released around silently for surveillance purposes. They could get a clear view of the situation.

Hao Ge wanted revenge and so did Mo Yuan.

The pain in his leg couldn’t be in vain!

Ye Wei’s every move was clearly captured on camera.

Ye Wei wanted to kill Mo Yu!


Xue Zhao was floored. He reflexively glanced at Mo Yuan. Mo Yuan’s countenance also changed. Xue Zhao followed behind, “I’ll have a look!”

What’s going on with Ye Wei?

Why does she want to kill Mo Yu?

She defected?!

Or is she originally Hao Ge’s person?

One guess after another appeared in Mo Yuan’s mind. For the first time, he sensed that things were beyond his control.


On the other side, even Mo Yu himself did not expect that Ye Wei would suddenly defect and point the muzzle of the gun at him.

In the dilapidated house, Mo Yu was petrified. He stared at Ye Wei with a look of disbelief. He was disappointed and dismayed. He couldn’t believe that everything in front of him was true, “Ye Wei, you want to kill me?”

Ye Wei hoisted the gun at him with both hands. She smiled, “You are so smart, can’t you see what I’m doing? You don’t need me to spell it out for you, right?”

Mo Yu was puzzled. He shook his head frantically, “Why? No. It’s impossible. You won’t kill me. You have no reason to kill me…”

Ye Wei tilted her head, “Why not? You see, I am pointing a gun at you. Is it still not clear? How about I kill you now?”

“No. No! I don’t believe it!”

“So sure?”

Mo Yu didn’t believe that Ye Wei would really hurt him. He persuaded, “Ye Wei. I don’t know what’s going on, but put the gun down and follow me, okay? I’ll take you out of here. No one can hurt you again, I promise. ”

Ye Wei, “No. I don’t believe it. I hate people lying to me the most. You’re all lying to me. I won’t go with you.”

Mo Yu tried to get close to Ye Wei and seized the gun in her hand, but Ye Wei stepped back alertly. The hands clenching the gun aimed square at Mo Yu. She shouted, “Stop, if you get closer, I’ll shoot!”

Mo Yu whispered gently and coaxed, “Ye Wei, be good, put down the gun and come with me, okay? I will protect you. I won’t let anyone hurt you or deceive you again…”

“Shut up!” Ye Wei was furious. “If you say a word more, I’ll shoot!”


“Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! If you talk again, I’ll really shoot!”

“Okay, okay. I won’t say anything. You calm down first.”

“Haven’t I told you to shut up, why are you still talking! Go die!”

Ye Wei’s dark eyes glared at Mo Yu fiercely. Her face was dirty. The beautiful face was hidden under the dirt. She bit her lip. Under Mo Yu’s soft words and Mo Yu’s unbelievable eyes, she resolutely pulled the trigger!

Mo Yu saw the determination in her eyes, without the slightest hesitation or struggle.

He discerned clearly that she was going to kill him.

She really wanted to kill him!

At last——


All sounds returned to nothing and the air was still.


Ye Wei. “……”

Mo Yu, “……”

Mo Yuan, Xue Zhao, and Dou Lun in front of the surveilance, “……”

Dou Lun propped on the table and wiped away his sweat.  

Xue Zhao slumped to the ground with a thump. 

Mo Yuan’s clenched fist loosened.

Ye Wei fired, but there was no bullet in the gun?!


Ye Wei never considered that there was no bullet in the gun. She staggered and retreated a few steps in fear. She shivered against the wall, barely supporting her weak body.

She stared dagger at the gun in her hand. She recalled the man that put the gun in her hand, briefing her that he had turned off the safety[3]. If Mo Yu or Mo Yuan really came to save her, she just needed to pull the trigger and kill those who had hurt her.

But she had pulled the trigger, why……

She began to shout, “Help, help!”

Within a second, Skinny monkey and several other people entered the room. Ye Wei jumped up and grabbed Skinny Monkey’s arm, “I have pulled the trigger. I have! But Mo Yu doesn’t die. He isn’t injured. What is wrong with this gun? There are no bullets in the gun! Did the Boss make a mistake?”

Skinny Monkey knew what happened. He hid next door and saw everything clearly. If Ye Wei didn’t shoot, he would.

He tried to drag Ye Wei in and catch Mo Yu, but Ye Wei kept holding on to him and he couldn’t pull his arm from her grasp. The look of panic and fear made her look like a crazy woman. 

Sure enough, God is fair. When creating her, he bestowed her utmost beauty on the price of her brain. He tore his arm from her grasp. “Alright, alright. Calm down! Mo Yu is going to escape! Don’t you want revenge?!”

Ye Wei was awakened by the roar, but when Skinny Monkey and others ran to the window, they couldn’t no longer see even a shadow of Mo Yu.

Skinny Monkey turned his head in anger at Ye Wei, “You…”

The Boss’ order was not executed well. They would surely get punished for this.

Ye Wei was still not done with him. “Why is there no bullet in the gun! Do you know about this!? I could almost kill Mo Yu! I could almost kill him! I could almost take revenge!”

Skinny Monkey, “……” Is it your turn to question me?

“If it weren’t for you delaying me, Mo Yu would be our prisoner now! ”

Ye Wei hurriedly retorted, “Then what are you doing here? Mo Yu must not run far! Hurry up and catch him!”

Skinny Monkey, “……”

Skinny Monkey summoned several people to chase Mo Yu. Now Ye Wei’s identity as an accomplice was exposed, she didn’t have to continue to be tied up as a hostage. She rolled her eyes in a bad mood, “What about the Boss? Why did he give me a gun without bullets?”

Skinny Monkey rolled his eyes back. Their boss was not a fool. Even if Ye Wei appeared harmless and brainless, there was no way the Boss would easily trust her and give her a real gun. If she defected after being rescued, wouldn’t they be the ones who suffer?

They never trusted Ye Wei. Hence, they kept hiding next door. First, he wanted to see if Ye Wei would really shoot Mo Yu, confirming her hatred for Mo Yuan and Mo Yu. Second, even if Ye Wei didn’t shoot, he would shoot Mo Yu.

Unfortunately, Mo Yu escaped.

The thing he didn’t anticipate was that Ye Wei would really fire the gun. She was still mumbling beside him, “Just a bit more ah. A litte bit more! Just a little bit more and I could get my revenge!”

Skinny Monkey spoke, “You said that you didn’t dare before, but now you dare to?”

Ye Wei hugged her arms, still trembling, “This is my first time doing this kind of thing! Of course I will be afraid! But, after taking the first step, I’m not so scared anymore.”

Skinny Monkey tugged the corner of his mouth, “Wait here, I’ll go find the Boss.”

Ye Wei hummed. She stayed still. Skinny Monkey returned after a while and took her to see Hao Ge.

Hao Ge was still negotiating with Mo Yuan. After hearing that Ye Wei really pulled the trigger on Mo Yu from Skinny monkey, he raised his eyebrow and smirked, “Ho. I didn’t expect this stupid woman to be so brave.”

Skinny Monkey nodded in agreement. He carefully informed, “Mo Yu escaped and Mo Yuan will know that Ye Wei is not on their side. She can’t be used anymore to exchange Mo Yu. Boss, it’s my fault! Please punish me!”

Hao Ge waved his hand. He arrogantly stated, “Since Mo Yu and Mo Yuan have entered this mountain, they won’t go out alive!”

He glanced at Mo Yuan at the foot of the mountain. The man was thin and gloomy. He was someone difficult to deal with. Such a man was the proudest. Breaking his leg was equivalent to cutting off his spine. He knew that Mo Yuan must want to seek revenge on them.

“By the way, go and bring Ye Wei to me.”

“Understood, Boss.”


Over there, Mo Yu managed to get rid of his pursuers and fled back. His gaze was empty with red tinted in the corner of his eyes. He appeared to be in pain. 

He never reckoned Ye Wei would hate him so much to the point she wanted him to die. 

Clearly, the Ye Wei in his memory was not like this. She was coquettish and capricious, and maybe greedy for money, but she was never vicious enough to kill out of hatred… right?

He couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to believe it.

However, the fact was served right in front of his face. He had to believe it.

He began to reflect. Was he the one that pushed Ye Wei to this point?

They were initially here to save Ye Wei. But Ye Wei obviously sided with Hao Ge. 

Could she still be saved?

He wanted to save her.

The Ye Wei he just met was like a stranger. He couldn’t recognize her. But, he still wished to bring Ye Wei back. 

Hao Ge was not a good person. If Ye Wei continued to follow him, her life would be over. 

Xue Zhao came to them, “Mo-zong, I saw Ye-xiaojie.”

Mo Yuan was taken aback, even Mo Yu raised his head in a flash, staring at Xue Zhao. Xue Zhao was flustered and explained, “I saw Ye-xiaojie standing next to Hao Ge.”

Without a second thought, Mo Yuan and Mo Yu went to look at the monitor. As expected, they could see Ye Wei standing next to Hao Ge at a glance. Ye Wei was still wearing a white dress, dirty and mixed with blood. When the wind blew, she looked fragile, as if she could be blown away by the wind.

But, this fragile woman, who could inspire pity from others, was a woman that could point a gun at her savior.

It was hard to deny that she was not a vicious woman at this juncture. 


Ye Wei played with the gun in her hands. She clicked the trigger to test it. 

Mo Yu recognized the gun. It was the gun that almost killed him. If there were bullets in it, he would be dead by now.

They couldn’t hear what she said.

Hao Ge handed her two bullets and taught her to put them into the barrel.

Ye Wei tried back and forth several times, and eventually got a hang of it. It was unknown what they talked about, but Hao Ge suddenly laughed. Ye Wei also laughed. 

Maybe they talked about something happy.

Xue Zhao sighed. He couldn’t bear to look at it.

They came to save her but she got along with the enemy instead!

Who was at fault?

Who knows, just then, there was a gunshot in the air!


This piercing noise shocked the birds in the mountains.

Almost everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

After the noise, it was accompanied by a succession of gunshots!


Bang! Bang——!

After about a dozen chaotic gunshots, the noisy mountains returned to stillness.

The gunshots were abrupt and Xue Zhao’s mind was blank.

Was there an internal dispute on Hao Ge’s side?

But when his gaze fell on the monitor, he was dumbfounded— Ye Wei stood there with blood all over her body. Her white dress was dyed red. Her lips muttered something before she dropped to the ground! Hao Ge slumped on the ground with his hand covering his chest. Blood flowed from his fingers and soon dyed his palm red. His face was ferocious.

Xue Zhao couldn’t comprehend it. What’s going on?

Dou Lun’s voice rang.

“I learned some lip reading before, Ye Wei seemed to say…”

“‘Kill you, a liar.‘”

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[1] 瘦猴 – Shòu Hóu. Lit. skinny monkey. A saying for someone extremely thin like a beanpole. Most likely a codename.

[2] 豪哥 – háo gē. Lit. Brother Hao. A gang sometimes calls their boss “Ge,” so it is actually more like Boss Hao. But, to make it sound like a name, I will write it as Hao Ge 一and bc I can’t imagine Mo Yuan calling other people “Brother” or “Boss”

[3] A mechanism used to help prevent the accidental discharge of a firearm. Can be internal safeties or external safeties (such as trigger lock). Sometimes these are called “passive” and “active” safeties (or “automatic” and “manual”) respectively.

Ry’s Corner

Finally, Ye Wei can clock off. Will she barely pass the passing line again? Or will she pass with flying colors?

No Ye Wei next chapter, only wrapping things up ft. Mo Yuan.

Ye Wei will be back in the next next chapter.

I want to mend my broken heart with Ye Wei because I just finished “The Memory Lost in Space” for the nth time, so I will try to finish Arc 3 this week~ (No promise tho)

And, actually, Chapter 57 should have been the first chapter of Arc 4, and Chapter 58 should have been Mo Yuan’s extra. But, considering Mo Yuan’s extra has no plot relation to Arc 4, I decided to bring it early as Chapter 57 while the og!Ch57 will be Ch58.

Anw. So sad. My bae. Why must Tong Hua do that to my bae.

I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3838

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