WfDO Chapter 56

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money (23)

Thank you, Meimei, for the support! <3

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At last, Ye Wei died.

She floated into the air and heard the incessant gunshots from below. Needless to say, she was shot into a sieve. 

She’s as good as dead. 

Completing another task, the first thing she did was admire her otherworldly wisdom and courage. 

Where else could you find someone who was as courageous as her to die for work, where?

Her end of being shot to death was truly miserable.

If she only got 60 points again… she would certainly demand justice. 

Her death was not only ugly in sight, but also in smell. The smell of blood was not pleasant. She was really worried about whether the Male Lead’s psychology was strong enough. 

But that matter shouldn’t be too problematic. 

She was a vicious woman that could attack the Male Lead who saved her. The itsy-bitsy affection that the Male Lead had for her must have vanished to the thin air at that moment. Therefore, her life and death shouldn’t matter much to him. 

Ye Wei strolled with peace of mind.

Team Leader Jia Xin had been waiting for her for a long time. She looked as strict as ever. She adjusted the glasses on the bridge of her nose. She waited earlier on purpose because she wanted to give special care to this special crane tail in the form of her colleague. She commented, “Not bad.”

Ye Wei also deemed she completed her task well. Still, she couldn’t help but get nervous. “Thank you for the praise, Zuchang. Zuchang, do you think I can pass with a great score this time?”

Team Leader Jia, “……”

That stumped her. After all, every time she was optimistic about Ye Wei’s result, her result always narrowly crossed the passing line.

Ye Wei was stumped too. She didn’t feel good to admit that her hard work only got 60 points.

She clasped her hands in front of her chest and prayed to the God above. Only then did she peeked nervously at her personal information bar. 

Congratulations to Commissioner Ye Wei for successfully playing the role of vicious Supporting Female and completing the branch plot

Task completion: 100%

Task score: 100

Lord God’s message: Outstanding work performance. Keep up the persistent efforts



See, she was indeed a talent!

Ah! She could die happy!


Don’t mention Ye Wei, even Jia Xin was astonished by Ye Wei’s score. She then felt the relief and joy wash over her. Her sight was not wrong! Ye Wei was indeed a valuable talent!

Thanks to her outstanding work performance, Ye Wei got a bonus. She not only got her pay but also could take a paid leave. Furthermore, her long-awaited lottery was here!

With a 100% winning rate, she had a greater probability of winning the Chinese Medicine System as the lottery reward!

In order to get the Chinese Medicine System and not waste the 100% winning rate, Ye Wei specifically located a colleague who had been to the world of cultivation to do a divination for her and gave said colleague a thick red packet[1] from her 12-yuan purse. Twelve o’clock on the night of the full moon was when her luck was at its peak!

She hurriedly wrote down the time with the note on her little smart manager[2]’s and ordered it to remind her when the time came.

Nonetheless, she was not the kind of person who would get carried away. For the sake of maintaining her excellent grade, after she finished these things, the first thing she did was not to have fun, but to write “The Experience of 100 Points” with the hope that every task she did in the future would score 100 points!

She didn’t want to be the crane tail nor the stumbling block of the team anymore!

She finally experienced the joy of scoring 100 points! How vexing would it be if her score—


Ye Wei’s smart manager rang twice. She glanced at it and noticed she got a message from Team Leader Jia Xin, who asked her to go to the office to find her.

Why did Team Leader Jia look for her?

Save for handing her tasks, Team Leader Jia generally wouldn’t look for her, unless… there was something wrong.

She was puzzled. She put aside the “The Experience of 100 Points” and went to Team Leader Jia’s office. 

Jia Xin was crushed with a headache now. Not long ago, the Lord God of the System called her over. The main plot of the world from Ye Wei’s latest task had collapsed again!

In the original plot, Ye Wei, a vicious Supporting Female, died and the Male Lead was tangled with love and hate for her. However, in the end, all went well. The company of the Female Lead healed his heartbreak. He would be with the Female Lead and soar together, reaching their perfect Happy Ending together. The cold-hearted and ruthless Supporting Male didn’t bat an eye at Ye Wei’s death. He walked down the mountain quietly, without even stumbling and without any guilt in the slightest.

When Jia Xin went to pick up Ye Wei, she remembered she also took a careful look at Mo Yu. 

As the Male Lead, Mo Yu was the Son of Fate of that world. He couldn’t accept Ye Wei’s death and had a dispute with Mo Yuan over it, but he wasn’t pained as if he was dying. Anyway, the Female Lead was by his side to heal him. It wouldn’t take long before he got out of the haze of the past and started a new life, becoming the winner of life with both career and love in his hands.

As for other minor supporting roles, she didn’t pay more attention. She took a second look at Mo Yuan because Mo Yuan’s aura was strong enough, not inferior to the Male Lead. Moreover, she found that Mo Yuan was remarkably handsome. It was a pity his temperament simply repelled any breathing being. He was shrouded with gloomy air that made people couldn’t get close to him. 

He was that of a pool of stagnant water, calm without any wave, as if no one or thing could stir up a ripple in his heart. 

All in all, he was just a supporting role. Hence, she didn’t care much about him. Just take a glimpse.

Yet! This minor supporting role that she didn’t care about was the one who caused havoc to the main plot of the world!

Zuchang,  you are looking for me?”

“Come, sit down.”

Ye Wei blinked and sat down. Team Leader Jia’s expression was always meticulous and solemn, and now the solemnity on her face was one level worse than usual. Ye Wei inevitably felt nervous, “Jia-zuchang,  what are you looking for me for?”

Team Leader Jia sighed, “There was an accident in your latest task.”

“… Accident?”

“Yes.” Team Leader Jia handed Ye Wei a document, “See for yourself.”

Ye Wei picked it up. She read it in one go and her expression worsened as she read. 

“I didn’t leave with Mo Yu to save him?”

“I shot Mo Yu to protect him?”

‘I leaned against the wall to block bullets for him?”

“I killed Hao Ge in the end for fear that Hao Ge would retaliate and hurt Mo Yu? I knew that I had no way out and wouldn’t end well so I struck first?”

“I was actually a good person who loved Mo Yu deeply???”

Ye Wei was dumbfounded. When did her script change from a vicious Supporting Female to an affectionate Supporting Female who sacrificed herself for others?

Fortunately, the document gave her clear insight into the cause and effect.

So, it turned out, after her death, everything still went smoothly. Mo Yu had judged she was a woman who could kill out of hatred. 

The accident happened when Mo Yuan, who was evidently a cold-hearted and ruthless person, watched the playback of her death repeatedly at his home.

And then, bam, he discovered the “truth”!

Following that, he told Mo Yu the “truth.”

Knowing the “truth,” Mo Yu swam in guilt. He was in pain. He rued and despaired. 

If he could turn back the hands of time, he would even pay with his life to save Ye Wei! He would definitely save her!

The most painful thing for him was that if it wasn’t for Mo Yuan watching the video before Ye Wei’s death repeatedly, if it wasn’t for Mo Yuan discovering the “truth” about Ye Wei’s death, then… he would still think badly of Ye Wei, maybe even until his death. He would still think of her as a crazy woman who couldn’t wait to kill him because of hatred. He would still misunderstand her in death…

Mo Yuan also told him that nothing had happened between him and Ye Wei. He had never touched Ye Wei, and Ye Wei had never tried to seduce him. They were innocent. They never even held hands. 

Between them, it was more about him using her as a chess piece.

Ye Wei was by his side, but her heart was on Mo Yu’s side. 

“How do you know?”

“Because I like to see others in pain.” Mo Yuan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the study. He pointed to the pond, the tree, and the recliner. “I like to look at her here and see her forlorn when she missed you. I like the way that she was obviously in pain, but still had to pretend to be happy in front of me.”

“You are simply a lunatic! “Mo Yu was fuming with fury

“I am a lunatic? You call me a lunatic?” Mo Yuan was also fuming with fury, “The lunatic one is that woman! She even gave up her life for you! She ought to understand that as long as she moved her hand on Hao Ge, whether she succeeded or not, she would die! But she still did it! She killed Hao Ge, and then she died too! She chose to drag him down! You call me a lunatic, but she was more than a lunatic! She could sacrifice her life for others! I am different from her! I still cherish my life!”

Mo Yu’s heart was stagnant. He covered his face in pain. He couldn’t retort Mo Yuan’s words. 

However, no matter how painful or remorseful he was, Ye Wei couldn’t return. 

Ye Wei was a lunatic.

An utter lunatic. 

The corners of his mouth raised, displaying a smile uglier than crying.  “Why was she so stupid. Was she not afraid that I would keep misunderstanding her……”

“She had done so many things for me, but if it weren’t for you accidentally discovering the truth, I wouldn’t know it, would I? The truth will be buried underground forever with her death.”

“Ye Wei was no longer here. No one would tell me the truth in her place. I would keep misunderstanding her, misunderstand that she wants to kill me!”

“She died for me, but I still misunderstood her!”

“She lost her life for me, but I still blame her for trying to kill me! I blamed her. I saved her regardless of the danger, but she defected to the enemy and tried to kill me in turn! How could there be such a ruthless woman in the world?”

The more he thought of it, the more his heartache was. Mo Yu’s eyes were red, as if he was on the verge of exploding. 

Such Mo Yu made Mo Yuan feel better. A smile finally emerged on his face. Ah. He really was a lunatic, wasn’t he. Watching others suffer gave him joy and Mo Yu’s pain doubled his joy. “Mo Yu. You blamed Ye Wei for not trusting you. But, have you ever trusted her?”

……Trust? The excuse that was once used to accuse Ye Wei was brought up by Mo Yuan.

Mo Yu was already in enormous pain, when he heard Mo Yuan mention it, his pupil dilated. He could hardly stand still. He staggered back and hit the black desk heavily.

He propped one hand on the desk, staring wide at Mo Yu’s eyes as if he was a devil. Mo Yuan’s smile became even more prominent. His voice dripped with sarcasm. “Ah. So your ‘trust’ is nothing more than that. No wonder Ye Wei plunged into despair.”

Mo Yu sensed the metallic taste overflowing in his mouth. His temple bulged with veins. He bit his lips too hard and tore them. He swallowed the blood from his mouth. 

He glared at Mo Yuan with his fingers clenched tightly on the desk. The blue veins on the back of his hand burst, which was enough to show that his restrain was close to snapping.

Mo Yuan delivered another blow. “Say, if Ye Wei on the Huangquan Road[3] learned that you still misunderstood her even after her death and didn’t have the slightest trust in her, how ‘happy’ would you think she be?”

Mo Yu, “……”

Mo Yu was silenced by his stinging words

His hand moved to press the place where his heart was, only to feel that something was empty there. 

Once again, his memories of Ye Wei flickered in his mind. 

Ye Wei, who told him she was disappointed in this world. 

Ye Wei, who told him that there was nothing else she could hope for in this world. 

She evidently revealed that she was someone squeamish, greedy, capricious, and stingy. Yet, she didn’t hesitate to give up her life for him.

He shut his eyes in pain and despair. The image of Ye Wei lying in a pool of blood flared. Her white dress was dyed red. Her dark and supple long hair was solidified by blood. She was tattered, smelly even. If Ye Wei was still alive, she would never allow herself to look like that. She loved cleanliness, after all. If Ye Wei was still alive, she would scream in fright when she smelled herself……

He abruptly recalled the time when he went out for a picnic with Ye Wei. They were still in university at that time. He forgot to bring a picnic blanket. The green lawn was comfortable to sit on, but she vehemently refused to sit. He had to remove his overcoat and use it as a pad before she was willing to sit. She was extremely delicate. She said willfully that she was afraid of dirt and bugs and told him that as a boyfriend, he ought to protect her. 

He replied with a smile, declaring that he would definitely protect her.

That distant past reappeared in front of him, almost crushing him!

He sank to his knees with a thump. There was no other time when he was most sober than now. He realized it clearly. The person he hated the most, was himself!


Ye Wei the Onlooker, “……”

Team Leader Jia the Second Onlooker, “……”

Ye Wei’s face was scrunched. “Obviously in the original plot, the original vicious Supporting Female blocked the hole by accident, didn’t she? Why did it become ‘intentionally’ when it was me?”

Team Leader Jia, “……”

Ye Wei was anxious to death. “What the hell are these two people doing? Damn it, I’m just a disgusting vicious Supporting Female! Is my acting not superb enough?! Did I give the vibe of Holy Mary?!” 

“Am I someone who can sacrifice myself for others?! Absolutely I am not!”

Team Leader Jia, “……”

To be honest, Team Leader Jia was quite curious, “You look at them like this, don’t you feel something in your heart?”

Ye Wei wondered, “Feel what? Baffled? Yes. I’m truly baffled. Is there something wrong with these two people’s brains?”

Team Leader Jia, “……”

Very good. She deserved to be the talent she valued, cold-hearted and ruthless. She was a Master at not recognizing her own relatives[4]


Let’s just continue watching. 


Miao Shuya cooked a table of delicious food in the evening, all of which were Mo Yu’s favorite. 

Mo Yu rented a house near the company. He didn’t like living in the house arranged by Mo Shizong. He was not comfortable living there,

Unfortunately for her, even when the food was cold, Mo Yu hadn’t returned. He didn’t reply to her message and didn’t answer the phone. Miao Shuya was afraid that Mo Yu would be kidnapped again. She was close to contacting Mo Shizong to inform him that Mo Yu was missing.

Just right in time, Mo Yu came back.

However, his face was pale and his eyes were dull. His whole person was sluggish as if he just received a heavy blow. Miao Shuya was startled and hurried up to support him, “Mo Yu, what’s wrong? What happened?”

Mo Yu’s body jolted as if he was electrocuted. He avoided Miao Shuya’s touch by conditional reflex. His brows furrowed, “Why are you here?”

Miao Shuya, “……”

Miao Shuya explained in embarrassment, “I got off work early. I noticed that you’ve lost weight recently, so I came over to make you some delicious food.”

Mo Yu glanced at the sumptuous dinner on the table. The first thing that emerged in his mind was Ye Wei. Ye Wei was a foodie. If she saw so much delicious food served in front of her, she would be so delighted to shout, but Ye Wei was no more. She died to save him. She couldn’t enjoy delicious food ever again.

His heart throbbed in pain. The pain wouldn’t kill him, but it tormented him to a fate worse than death. 

“No need.”

“…are you in a bad mood? Did something happen?” Miao Shuya suppressed the dismay in her heart and asked tentatively.

“Shuya. Don’t come here again in the future.”

“What…Why?” Miao Shuya was stupefied. Why did Mo Yu abruptly say such words to her? She undoubtedly felt that Mo Yu liked her a bit. 

What went wrong?

She couldn’t think of anything.

Obviously, it was fine before. He never drove her away if she came to his house. Why did he say such cold and callous words this time? 

If it was in the past, she might leave without saying a word, but after Ye Wei died, Mo Yu was not in a good shape. She wanted to take care of him. 

But, his words… It was like drawing a clear line with her.

“Tell me, what happened? If you don’t make it clear, I’m not reconciled. Give me a reason.”

Mo Yu shut his eyes. It was quiet for a while. 

He opened his bloodshot eyes again, “Ye Wei never wanted to kill me. She died to save me.”

Miao Shuya was stunned. She voiced in disbelief, “What did you say?”

“I also learned that when I went to save her, I had already stepped into the enemy’s trap. If it weren’t for her… She deliberately shot me, it was all to block the muzzle of the gun facing me behind her. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be able to stand here. I would probably have died at that time. ”

Miao Shuya was dazed. She couldn’t grasp her mind. Did she hear Mo Yu’s words just right? “You said that Ye Wei… tried to kill you to save you? How can you be so sure of it?”

She couldn’t believe that Ye Wei could die for Mo Yu. In her memory, Ye Wei, in addition to showing off her money, would always cause trouble for her or corner her… Such a Ye Wei could give up her life for Mo Yu?

Yet, when she scrutinized Mo Yu’s expression… His expression was not faked. If it weren’t for conclusive evidence, Mo Yu wouldn’t believe it so.

Mo Yu didn’t want to say a word more, “You go. I’m really tired today and need to rest.”

Miao Shuya’s mind was in a mess. She discerned that the Mo Yu now became so distant from her. She caught Mo Yu’s hand. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at him. She hoped he could say something else. At least as before, let her accompany him instead of driving her away or even speaking such heartless words to her again.

Mo Yu didn’t look back. His attitude was perfunctory. “Just go. Ye Wei won’t be happy if there are outsiders at home.”

The words were like a judgment on Miao Shuya. Her face paled. She loosened her hand from Mo Yu’s and let her arms hang weakly on her side. What else was not clear to her? Mo Yu repelled her. He told her not to appear in front of him again in the future and not to disturb the space belonging to him and Ye Wei.

It was heartwrenching for her. She endured it and refused to let herself cry.

Mo Yu halted for a moment. “I’m sorry.” 

Then, he went straight back to his room without looking back.

Miao Shuya stood in the living room. The lonely incandescent lamp was dreadfully dim. She glimpsed at the closed bedroom door. She smiled in sorrow. She knew that she would never be able to compete with Ye Wei.

She was not someone who loved to cry, nor was she someone who could easily cry. From childhood, she strived to be strong. She fought for what she wanted. Hence, she always worked hard.

When she realized her feelings for Mo Yu, she attempted to get closer to him.

She was not afraid of love.

In fact, she was pretty much waiting for it with hope. 

But now, the love she kept waiting for was gone.

She was like a statue in the living room. She stood, and kept standing until the numbness crawled on her legs. 

The closed door never opened. 

Eventually, she picked up the bag on the sofa and left.

The table of delicious food was completely cooled and it ultimately ended up in the trash can.


“No! Don’t go ah! Where are you going?! Aren’t you the Female Lead? Why don’t you insist on it?! How can you give up just because of this!” Ye Wei was dying of anxiety. Watching Miao Shuya and Mo Yu go farther and farther away. She instantly threw the blame from her hands, “Zuchang! This pair of Female Lead and Male Lead is most likely not true love! If it is true love, even if the mountains crumble and the earth splits, they won’t be separated!”

Team Leader Jia, “……”

But, frankly, Ye Wei couldn’t care less about it. Her concern was… “The main plot collapsed, then, my performance……”

Team Leader Jia replied, “Your score won’t be affected. The System determines your score when you complete the task and the subsequent events won’t matter. However, the collapse of the main plot is related to you. So, your bonus will be deducted a little as a punishment.”

Ye Wei heaved a relieved sigh. Her score wouldn’t be deducted. Anyway, it’s just a bonus and she had plenty of money.

Team Leader Jia said, “You’re lucky that the main plot collapsed, but the world didn’t. You should pay more attention to your next task!”

Ye Wei immediately vowed, “Rest assured, Zuchang. Next time I will be so vicious that both man and God will despise me. I will absolutely be ruthless. I promise I won’t leave a gap that can be misused by others.”

Team Leader Jia nodded with satisfaction, “Mn, it’s good if you have this awareness.”

However Ye Wei had a question, “Zuchang, I don’t quite understand. If the main plot of the world collapses, won’t the world also collapse? The main plot of this world collapsed, but why did the world not collapse?”

Team Leader Jia lifted her glasses. Why did the world not collapse? Well, it’s because a new main plot was being generated. 

As for what the new main plot looked like, it’s really hard to say.

Because not only did she not know, but even the Lord God of the System could not predict it.

“Try not to ask the question you shouldn’t ask. ”

“Oh, okay.”

As long as her points didn’t get deducted, all was fine. 

Ye Wei shook her head and sighed helplessly, “Before, I was afraid that the Male Lead was not strong enough and affected my performance. Now, I was too confident that the Male Lead was strong enough.”

Team Leader Jia, ……too confident???

Ye Wei, Sigh, Sometimes it’s not good to be too confident.

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[1] 红包 – hóng bāo. A red packet containing money as a gift (or bribe or kickback). The thicker the red packet, the more the money.

[2] 小管家 – xiǎo guǎnjiā. Little housekeeper. But not a literal housekeeper, more like software for your phone/pc that has functions such as cloud scanning, system acceleration, real-time protection, network speed protection, health assistant, and other functions. I.e. QQ (Tencent) PC Manager (QQ电脑管家) or QQ Mobile Manager (QQ手机管家).

[3] 黄泉路 – Huángquán Lù; Huangquan Road. The Yellow Spring. The road leading to the underworld (the equivalent of Hades or Hell).

[4] 六亲不认 – liù qīn bù rèn. Lit. Didn’t acknowledge six relatives (Father, Mother, Older Sibling, Younger Sibling, Husband/Wife, and Children). A figurative way to call someone apathetic. In this case, Mo Yu and Mo Yuan are mere ‘tasks’ to be done.

Ry’s Corner

I forgot to click publish before I sleep lmao.

Anw, Ye Wei cares plenty about her relatives. She worked so hard just so she could return to her family after all. 

I want to say Mo Yuan is the MVP of this chapter but Ye Wei probably begs to differ.

I was wondering what the 中国医系统 is when I realized it is a “Chinese Medicine” System (“中国医”系统) and not a “Chinese” Medical System (“中国”医系统 or in this case, a “Healthcare” System) 🤪 

“Chinese Medicine” System is more like a system that grants you knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine like acupuncture and the kin.

My bad, already changed the one in Ch33.

And the 100% winning rate refers to the lottery. With the lottery, it’s either hit or miss. 100% rate will guarantee Ye Wei struck a reward from the lottery, but that doesn’t mean she will get what she wants. The reward pool for the lottery is big, after all. 

Red Packets are often presented on festive occasions such as weddings, lunar new year, graduation, etc. Red Packets are mostly given out to the younger generation who are normally in school (and then your parents will “keep” it for you). Or still single (along with the question, “Got boyfriend/girlfriend not?”, “When will you get married?”, “Any plans to have kids ah?”). 

Hey, as long as your face is thick enough to say “hóng bāo ná lái!” everything is good.

You can also send an online red packet with WeChat but the meaning is not as ‘heavy’ as the real red packet. You can put any amount in the online red packet, so sometimes ppl will send a red packet with the amount of 520, 1314, etc on it. 

520 – wǔ èr líng sounds like 我爱你 – wǒ ài nǐ a.ka I love you. 

1314 – yī sān yī sì sounds like 一生一世 – yī shēng yī shì (lit, one life, one world) a.ka for the rest of my life/forever, and has a romantic connotation.

So, does anyone want to send me a red packet on 5/20? :)

Check my stupid bae Jian Xingzhi, tsk I’m sure he burns others’ Male Lead scripts so he can be the Male Lead.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4134

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7 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 56”

  1. Nearly dropped my heart when there was an accident with her latest task lmao.

    It reminds me of the day when I got a great exam score but then the professor said she used the wrong answer key to mark the exam QAQ


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡