WfDO Chapter 57

Arc 3
Mo Yuan

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Ever since Ye Wei died, Mo Yuan noticed something was wrong with him, He found that he kept thinking of her.

He thought of Ye Wei’s contentment when she ate; of her thin back standing in the shade of a tree; of her sweet smile directed at him, calling him ‘Mo-xiansheng’ in a well-behaved and lovely manner; of her staring into him with eager and longing eyes when she wanted to go shopping and buy; even more of her pale and beautiful face when she knew the truth, and her crumbling figure; even more of her painful look when she said she would never forgive him.……

And of how it all ended as a pool of blood, with Ye Wei’s broken body lying there. Cold. Stiff. Lonely. Without any breath.

He began to have insomnia all night long, because as long as he closed his eyes, it was Ye Wei, all kinds of Ye Wei.

He couldn’t comprehend what was wrong with him, let alone why he kept thinking of a dead person. 

Was it because she died in such a foolish way?

No matter how many times he recalled it, he always wanted to laugh. 

That’s right. In his view, Ye Wei was a fool. She asked for death herself.

Obviously, she only needed to hide quietly and wait for them to save her, but she did things on her own. She boldly shot Hao Ge. She killed Hao Ge, but it was at the cost of her own life. 

That was the dumbest way of death he had ever seen. He couldn’t help but laugh until his stomach hurt. 

He was sleepless, even sleeping pills couldn’t make him fall asleep. His mood became worse and worse. Everything made him irritated. At last, he simply ordered someone to send him the video of Ye Wei before her death. 

Ye Wei, who was “alive,” appeared again on the huge screen. 

He watched it, over and over again. Every time he watched it, his view of Ye Wei as a foolish and ignorant woman solidified. To be honest, the thing that surprised him the most was how could such a foolish and ignorant woman as Ye Wei dare to shoot another in front of so many people? Was it because she was so foolish that she had no fear of death? Or was her foolish brain unable to work properly to inform her that she was courting death by doing so?

How foolish she was ah. Her foolishness deserved to be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records!

With Ye Wei’s foolishness as an assist, he could finally fall asleep. 

He began to get used to watching the videos of Ye Wei before her death. He watched them every day, day until night, night until day. However, his state did not improve but became even more wrong. 

Sometimes, he did nothing else but watch the video.

The Butler called a psychiatrist for him. He seemed to believe that he was sick and needed medical treatment.

But, Mo Yuan knew that he was not sick. He just… just wanted to watch Ye Wei’s foolishness, laugh at her and mock her. One time, he desired to knock her head open to see if it was full of tofu dreg[1]. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do so, because she had now turned into ashes. She couldn’t even contain the tofu dregs anymore in her head. 

If she could appear again in front of him, he definitely wouldn’t bother to say even a word to her because of her foolishness. 

He had watched the video one too many times. He could recite every word of Ye Wei. He remembered every expression of her. He could clearly outline the dust and blood on her face in his mind. He could count every strand of her messy hair……

He didn’t understand why Ye Wei was imprinted so clearly in his mind. Perhaps it might really be because of her foolishness. In this life of his, he had never seen a more foolish woman than Ye Wei. 

Until a certain day, he abruptly noticed an odd small hole in the cracked mud wall behind Ye Wei, with messy and dirty soil all over the ground. The hole was round and regular. If you didn’t pay attention, it was easy to miss it. But, once you noticed it, you wouldn’t be able to unsee it. 

It was this round hole that smashed all his cognition of Ye Wei.

He had long known that Ye Wei was a vain and squeamish woman. She couldn’t bear a little suffering or grievance and could cower when met with obstacle or difficulty. She was spineless. With her character, how could she choose to follow someone as dangerous as Hao Ge and refuse their rescue just because she was angry with Mo Yu? She must be clear that following Hao Ge wouldn’t be as simple as that. There would be suffering waiting for her. She would be in danger all the time and her safety couldn’t be guaranteed!

Yet, she did exactly that. 

And under everyone’s stunned gaze, she hoisted her gun and shot Hao Ge. 

——She killed Hao Ge at the cost of her own life. 

Nearly everyone labeled her as foolish, a lunatic.

When he noticed that hole, his guesses were confirmed one by one and he saw everything through a new point of view. 

It all came to light. Ye Wei was far from stupid. On the contrary, she was terribly smart.

She should have known that there was an ambush next door, so when Mo Yu appeared, she was moved and happy, but in the end, she had to stay because she knew she couldn’t leave. If she tried to leave, neither she nor Mo Yu could live. Thus, she lucidly made her choice. Almost without the slightest hesitation, she shot at Mo Yu. 

She got into the enemy’s den, used herself as bait, and let Mo Yu go.

But there’s one thing Mo Yuan still couldn’t figure out. Ye Wei was so smart. Since she already knew that they were nearby, why would she risk her life by killing Hao Ge with her own hands?



It became a thorn in his heart,

“Kill you, a liar.”

That sentence became a whisper of a demon that keep haunting Mo Yuan. 




So, in the end, was he the one that pushed Ye Wei to a dead end?

Because of him, she left her favorite Mo Yu. 

Because of him, Mo Yu treated her unjustly and misunderstood her. 

Because of him, Mo Yu repulsed her and distanced himself from her.  

Because of him, Mo Yu rejected her and fell in love with Miao Shuya.

Her favorite Mo Yu didn’t like her anymore. He liked another woman.

……That was perhaps the most unacceptable thing in Ye Wei’s heart. 

Mo Yuan’s heart hurt. Why did his heart hurt so much?

He felt that he was trapped in the past. He couldn’t break free of it.

He hurt. So, he would drag others down with him. 

He seeked Mo Yu and told him all the truth. 

Mo Yu was heartbroken by Ye Wei’s death, but he had tiny resentment at Ye Wei’s attempt to kill him. How interesting would it be if he knew that Ye Wei was not trying to kill him, but was saving him?

The mere thought of it eased Mo Yuan’s aching heart. Ah, he really wasn’t a good man, was he? He didn’t plan to be one either. 

Mo Yu truly didn’t disappoint. Mo Yu, who knew the truth, despaired. No matter how he regretted it, Ye Wei was already dead and the dead couldn’t return.

“You are disappointed that Ye Wei didn’t trust you, aren’t you? Now look, Ye Wei died for you, but you keep misunderstanding that she was a vile person. Isn’t it rich coming from you? Where is your place to be disappointed in her?”

Ah, how laughable Mo Yu was.

Watching Mo Yu hurt, Mo Yuan was delighted.

Despite that, there was a thing that made him dissatisfied. Mo Yu didn’t get together with Miao Shuya. If Mo Yu and Miao Shuya were together, he would be together with the woman Ye Wei despised the most, and his regret for Ye Wei would spill all over the place. He would keep thinking of Ye Wei, who he didn’t trust but still died to save him. He would live in pain, forever.

Really, what a pity.

Truthfully, there was another thing that he kept hidden from Mo Yu. In Mo Yu’s heart, Ye Wei was a woman who abandoned him for money, but in fact, she sold all the things she brought with her when she left him for money. All that money, part of it was left to her family, while the rest was donated to charity.

The reason was a bit ridiculous. He heard that it was because she wanted to do good and accumulate virtue for herself, so she wouldn’t be lied to again. And, it would be best if she became a rich woman in the next life. 

How foolish. She died before she could enjoy the reward she took from him. 

As expected, as long as a person longed for death, nothing could make them stay.

That foolish woman. 

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[1] Akin to saying there is something wrong with her brain, too stupid, or she doesn’t have a brain at all.

Ry’s Corner

Alternative title: Mo Yuan in Denial Caught in 4K

Just reminding that “想” can mean as think or miss. So perhaps this chapter is not merely about Mo Yuan thinking of Ye Wei, but also missing her :>

His state in this chapter is so wrong though. 

In a way, if we didn’t have Ye Wei’s perspective, this novel would be a tragedy lol.

Arc 3 is done. Arc 4 ikz.

When will my Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space” get his spotlight? @Lyre.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 1681

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15 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 57”

    • Precisely.

      Or maybe it’s like Arc 1 and Mo Yuan is waiting to watch Mo Yu realizing Ye Wei donated all her money to charity and is not a greedy woman.

  1. “Hello, Luo Lan.

      As I tell you these words, I am in your house, sitting on the chair you once sat on, watching the scenery you once watch.

      Today, I come to the place where you used to live.

      I walked the road you walked, climbed the tree you climbed, read the book you read, listened to the song you heard.

      I imagined what you were like in the past, and what you will be like in the future.

      Unfortunately, I cannot peer into the past, nor can I foresee the future.”

  2. And yet another arc wrapped up? Lets hope that the brain hole of the next protag and villain isnt quite as large so that they wont misunderstand ye wei this much. Though this is undoubtedly ye weis fate ✌︎(‘ω’✌︎ )

  3. Mo Yuan you are helpless and I will only laugh at you cuz you’re too stupid to realize you love Ye Wei QAQ you slow witted fool

  4. I want more extra about Mo Yuan’s pov 😭 I’m not reconciled with his pov like atleast please make him realize hi feelings 😭

  5. my heart hurts TAT but also i hope mc keeps getting 100 pts XD she’s so funny lol

    really enjoying this story! thx for the chs! keep up the good work :)


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