TVIRAD – Chapter 70

Arc 6
The Queen’s Male Pet (3)

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Far away from the spaceship, there is no loud noise caused by the impact of the explosion. The spacecraft behind bloomed quietly in the distance like fireworks. The spark lit up, again and again, illuminating the faces of the people opposite, creating an illusion of red faces.

The air was quiet.

No one uttered any word.

Just right then…

Bixia, aren’t you deaf?”

Lu Liang broke the somewhat ambiguous atmosphere.

Ye Chen, “……”

She coughed and turned her head, putting on a calm face, “That’s it. Don’t use the word ‘deaf’ on me, it’s disrespectful. ”

“My bad,” Lu Liang smiled. “I haven’t received etiquette training. If Bixia is offended, please forgive me.”

“Then, what kind of training do you usually do?”

Ye Chen’s brain went offline for a second and the words already escaped her lips. Lu Liang glanced flatly at the rear mirror, “Killing. ”

As soon as he said that, Lu Liang maneuvered the ship to accelerate sharply. At the same time, Ye Chen saw bullets quickly flying by their ship.

She swallowed the scream back into her throat. She glanced back and discovered that they had been surrounded by those who had just run away. Lu Liang’s expression was grim. He pushed the gear directly to the forefront, “Sit down!”

Ye Chen directly moved her hand and clutched the handrail next to her. She gulped, “Is there something I can do?”

“Sit still and don’t scream. ”

Lu Liang then completed a rapid movement, circling left and right in the air, and shot down one of the ships that had just approached.

While the opposite ship exploded, Ye Chen felt their ship also quake violently. She subconsciously asked, “What’s wrong?!”

Lu Liang quickly lit the light spot on the screen with his hand, and controlled the steering wheel with his other hand to dodge the ship behind him.

“It just hit our left wing, we have to land quickly. A hundred miles away is the nearest space-teleport station, so get ready.”

A space-teleport station, em, Ye Chen got the gist of it. After all, she had seen so many sci-fi movies, but……

“What should I be ready for?”

“Be quiet!”

Lu Liang made a sudden dive and launched all the tracking missiles. At the same time, their opponent also launched the missiles!

Lu Liang rushed straight into the station and Ye Chen instantly felt a sudden increase in the density of her body, which made her viscera ache. She kept her mouth shut. She felt her whole body was squeezed and twisted. After what felt like a century, the pressure on her body became less. Before she breathed a sigh of relief, the ship swayed hard again. She didn’t need to ask and knew that they were shot again.

“Lu Liang, can you do it well or not?”

Ye Chen panted heavily.

Clearly, in the movie, it’s nearly impossible for the protagonists to be hit!

Lu Liang glanced at her and didn’t bother to explain. He told her directly, “Prepare for the second teleport.”


Soon, Ye Chen once again felt the pain of the pressure. When she came out again a minute later, Ye Chen was squeezed into tears. She resisted the urge to vomit and waved her hands, “Stop, really, stop… You hand me to them, don’t continue to teleport. I won’t escape……”

“It’s not like we can continue.”

Lu Liang glanced forward at the garbage star ahead.

Garbage star, as its name suggests, was a planet with the purpose of storing garbage.

But generally, there would be slums inhabited by many species on the garbage star. This star was extremely barren, so the species on it would be particularly ferocious.

However, Lu Liang had no other choice. He adjusted his direction to land on the star. He then swiftly untied his seat belt and jumped in front of Ye Chen to untie her seat belt. He tugged her up, and put a parachute backpack on her back. After he set it, he also put on the parachute backpack.

Soon after, the ship had already entered the star’s atmosphere and began to vibrate violently. The temperature in the cabin spiked, and a huge noise was made due to friction. After Lu Liang explained to Ye Chen how to open the parachute, the ship had already rowed into the air. Lu Liang kicked open the door of the cabin, grabbed Ye Chen, and jumped down!

The two opened their parachutes, and then floated in the sky. The ship slid into the distance like a meteor. At last, Ye Chen was relieved. She sighed, “They shouldn’t be able to catch up.”

Her hand was still in Lu Liang’s grasp. They landed slowly like two dandelions. Lu Liang scanned around, and he found an amazing scene.……

A large group of people, ah, not only people, some were people and some animals, was densely packed in a large crowd, gathered together, and dashed towards the direction where they landed like a turbulent river.

They encircled them from all sides, like several armies gathering to fight for something.

As for what to fight for……

It’s obviously Ye Chen and Lu Liang!

People who fell from the sky with parachutes were evidently richer than everyone on this garbage star.

They were a lump of fragrant meat in their eyes!

Ye Chen also saw these people. She swallowed her saliva, sensing that she was gradually sinking because of gravity. She requested in panic,  “Can we just…go back?”

“Don’t worry, I have already sent a message to your people. Bear with it.”

Lu Liang patted Ye Chen’s hand and Ye Chen felt a great sense of security washed over her.

At this time, he was still putting on that innocent face with a serious and cold expression, which was out of tune in Ye Chen’s eyes.

All in all, it was a good-looking face. 

Ye Chen silently thought so. She descended to the ground with Lu Liang. The moment the two landed, they were swarmed by the crowd. All kinds of weapons were aimed at them. Lu Liang held Ye Chen’s hand and raised it up, making a gesture of surrender.

“I’ll hand over everything,” Lu Liang said in the common language of interstellar. He unhurriedly started to get rid of things in his bag. The people who surrounded them saw that they had a good attitude and the people negotiated with their groups. The leaders of several groups discussed the distribution of it. Time passed, and one of the old men came to Ye Chen and spoke in a jerky interstellar common language, “You, come with me.”

Ye Chen stared blankly at Lu Liang. Lu Liang’s expression turned stern. He took a step in front of Ye Chen and stood in front of the old man, “Sir, we have given you the money.”

“Money… give it to them. ”

The old man motioned to the two people next to him, then pointed to Ye Chen, “She, belongs to me. You, belong to her. ”

Next, the old man pointed to a woman who was smoking on the side.

The woman had two antennas on her head and she had vertical pupils. It was evident that she was a hybrid.

She moved away from her cigarette pipe and puffed out a cusp of smoke. She spoke to Lu Liang, “Handsome guy, let’s go. I’ll treat you well.”

Lu Liang didn’t speak. He glanced around.

Too many people.

They were densely packed with at least a thousand people. There was no room for struggle at all. Lu Liang measured the strength of the two sides and asked 666, “Is there any goods that can be exchanged to deal with this situation? ”

“Host, you don’t plan to start fighting them, do you? “666 gasped and then hastily answered, “No, this kind of goods that can help you directly are very expensive. You can’t afford it! I… I can’t provide it either… ”

Lu Liang, “……”

Lu Liang pursed his lips, “Then, what would happen to me if the Queen died here?”

“Your points will be deducted. But if the Host dies, it will be a complete failure of the task. So, Host, don’t do anything stupid. ”

666 worriedly added, “Moreover, Host, this is your first task but that Queen must be an experienced tasker. She… Her system is more advanced. Don’t worry…”

When Lu Liang heard this, he didn’t want to pursue why 666 said that Ye Chen’s system was more advanced than hers. He let go of his heart and sighed, “To tell you the truth, we are the nobles of the Yadong Galaxy. If you are willing to let us contact our family, we can offer you more money. ”

With that said, Lu Liang put his hands on Ye Chen’s shoulders and stated solemnly, “Especially this one, this is the eldest lady of our family, If she meets with any mishaps……”

He didn’t go on with what he said, but the warning was clear. Everyone examined them up and down. The old man narrowed his eyes: “Is that so…”

There was a lustful look in the old man’s eyes. “That’s great. I’ve never tasted the taste of a noble lady before.”

“Silly boy,” the woman behind Lu Liang knocked on the pipe and smiled, “If you are really nobles, a garbage star like this will be easily blown up by your family. If they know that you are in our hands, do we still have a way to live? ”

“We have trackers on us,” Ye Chen voiced coldly, “Everyone in our family knows that we have landed on this planet. If we die, you can’t live.”

Tsk, this young lady,” the woman showed a disdainful look, “The reason why our star has become a garbage star is because there is a strange mineral that prevents the signal from this star to be transmitted to the outside world, so this star can’t conduct an interstellar communication. Your signal will disappear over time. Trackers? Heh.

The woman and the people around her looked at each other, and then laughed as if mocking Ye Chen’s ignorance.

Ye Chen’s expression was frosty. She gripped the laser sword in her hand, ready to start fighting at any time, “So, you won’t let us go?”

“What do you mean?” The woman noticed Ye Chen’s murderous intent when she gripped her sword. “Lady, life is more important than anything. With your beauty, you can live easily.”

Ye Chen sneered in response. 

She cast her gaze on Lu Liang.

She was not worried about herself. She had 5,000 points. It was not a big deal to break the dead net with these people. She was now a rich person. When people have money, they start to put weight on their dignity.

Now she could fight for her dignity. Her only worry was that the “Beauty Saving the Hero” script would make Lu Liang fall in love with her.

This world was a relatively advanced world, 38 could no longer accurately monitor the Favorability Value, but according to the previous inconsistent plot, Lu Liang’s Favorability Value for her at this time was quite high. If she treated Lu Liang a little better, the germination of his feelings was inevitable.

How could she save Lu Liang without making him fall for her?

Ye Chen was in a difficult situation. She looked around and stopped her gaze at Lu Liang who wore an indifferent expression. She pondered about it and decided not to say anything. Just fight, then take Lu Liang away! On the way, she would try to reduce Lu Liang’s Favorability for her.

Wrapping her decision, Ye Chen didn’t say a word. She signaled to Lu Liang and brandished her sword!

And the moment Lu Liang received her signal……

He rushed to the woman holding the cigarette pipe, and, plop, knelt down sincerely, “Master!”

Ye Chen had already drawn her sword, and the others had already drawn their weapons. 

Lu Liang’s kneeling stunned everyone.

Ye Chen instantly blew up in her mind.

I may not want you to fall in love with me! But do you think I want you to betray me?!!

Didn’t you say that I’m your belief?!

What about your loyalty to the Queen?!!

Did you feed your conscience to the dog?!!


The rage blinded Ye Chen. Ye Chen was keen to kill these people with her sword. Yet, out of nowhere, a dark needle plunged into Ye Chen’s body. Ye Chen’s eyes went dark, and she only had time to curse, “You son of一” before she slumped to the ground.

Lu Liang watched Ye Chen fall down. He then focused back on the woman in front of him, “Master, I will be your person from now on, and I will definitely serve you well! ”

“Good boy.” The woman was satisfied with Lu Liang’s performance. When Lu Liang saw others carrying Ye Chen away, he bowed his head and covered his emotions. He didn’t get up until he heard the woman ask him to get up and follow him away.

“Help me monitor Ye Chen’s side.”

Lu Liang ordered 666, and 5 points were deducted from his points. “Yes, sir![1]

“Watch less Hong Kong crime movies.”

Lu Liang could directly guess what the System was doing recently just from her answer. 666 let out a low “Eh”.

“Those who touched her just now,” Lu Liang played with the thin blade of his fingertip, his expression flat. “Put trackers on them.”


666 always carried out Lu Liang’s orders without hesitation. After everything was set, 666 couldn’t help asking, “Master, can I ask you a question?”

By this time, Lu Liang had already been pushed into a dilapidated cell. The woman stood at the door and winked at him, “There is another beauty waiting for me tonight, so you can only be wronged here tonight.”

“Yes, Master.” Lu Liang smiled obediently. The woman was pleased with his obedience. She appeared to be afraid of him being jealous. So, she blew him a kiss before she left.

After the woman left, Lu Liang put away his smile. He sat on the ground and began to dismantle the equipment from his wrist, assembling the escape tools.


“Master…” 666 quipped in a naive voice, “Why do you care about Ye Chen so much? Isn’t’ it good to treat her merely as a task target?”

Lu Liang froze slightly, 666 continued, “Master, do you know that right now you look like a sick girl with ultrastrong possessiveness!”

“666,” Lu Liang glanced up at 666 with a poker face, “Why don’t you change your name to 38?”

666 stiffened, then she went into a fury, “I don’t want to be 38! 3838438 is a famous xuezha[2] in our AI world, I don’t want to be it!”

On the other side, 38 sneezed. “Who? Who is scolding me?!”

Ye Chen, who woke up in a dim room, recognized she was lying on a pile of hay. 

Ye Chen looked at the arched roof and recited the three classic questions——

“Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing here?”

“Host!”38 was terrified by such Ye Chen, “What’s wrong with you!”

“38…” Ye Chen reminisced of Lu Liang who defected to the enemy side. She was glum. “I think, I’m disappointed with love.”

How could the Villain abandon her so readily?!!

Shouldn’t the Villain shout, “If you want to touch even a strand of her hair, you have to step over my dead body first!”?!

Then shouldn’t the next thing be she held him back and shouted, “Lu Liang, don’t do so much for me!”?!!

She was so worried he would do something impulsive out of love, yet he turned his face and sold her away?!!

What the fuck[3]

She must have taken the wrong script, this Villain must be a fake Villain!

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[1] Originally in English in the original text.

[2] In case you forgot, xuezha – learning scum. Idiot.

[3] Originally in English in the original text.

Ry’s Corner

Because of her low EQ, 666 (Smooth!/Nice!/Awesome!) should turn into 38 (Idiot) instead.

*gasp* A short chapter? No way.

666 is referred using 她 – (she) while 38 is 它 – (it), sometimes msb typo’ed and used 他 – (he).

In MSB’s other novel, TLHA, 38 and 666 are reffered using 它.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2645

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