TVIRAD – Chapter 72

Arc 6
The Queen’s Male Pet (5)

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Ye Chen and Ming Hao glanced at each other with dust on their faces. Lu Liang’s face was bad, and he didn’t continue his attack on Ming Hao, “Don’t make trouble, go to sleep.”

Ye Chen was also a little tired. She returned to the cave and fished out the bath bottle from the basic life supplies pack she had exchanged with the system. The bath bottle was actually a portable water heater + faucet with sufficient water content. A small bottle was enough for more than 30 baths. Ye Chen shook the bath bottle at them and offered, “Do you people want to take a bath?”

The three of them stared at the bath bottle. There was a bright light in their eyes. Xiao Ye Chen moved fast to snatch the bath bottle, but Lu Liang’s hand was faster. After seizing the bath bottle, he put it back in Ye Chen’s hand, “You go in and wash. I’ll watch them for you. ”

“I want to wash. I want to wash too!” Xiao Ye Chen yelled out her discontentment, “I’ve been tired all day, I want to go to bed early!”

“She also has to go to bed early. ”

Lu Liang glanced at Xiao Ye Chen without any expression. He pushed Ye Chen, who was still standing still in front of him, “What are you still stunned about? Hurry up, wash then sleep.”

He was tall. When he stood in front of Ye Chen, he gave an inexplicable sense of security. Ye Chen’s heart was warmed by his words. Lu Liang was protecting her and it made her a little happy. At this moment, she could find the shadow of the person she liked from Lu Liang. 

Ye Chen repressed her inner happiness and went into a compartment in the cave, Lu Liang took a quilt to hang it at the entrance, and then stood outside, guarding her. 

Ye Chen was a little shy. She washed her hair with flushing water inside, “Why don’t you let Xiao Chen come over to take a watch…”

“She is unreliable.”

Lu Liang was firm. In the past few hours, Lu Liang had seen that Xiao Ye Chen was a minx. Who knew if she would rush in to take bath together with Ye Chen. 


Ye Chen whispered softly and stopped talking. 

It was easy for people to feel unsafe when they were not wearing clothes. Ye Chen initially thought that she would feel particularly uneasy when taking a bath in a place like this. But, when she knew Lu Liang was standing outside, she was at ease.

After washing, she brought out new clothes from the gift pack and put them on. She stepped out cleanly while wiping her hair with a towel. She proposed to Lu Liang, “I will watch the outside for you?”


Lu Liang glanced at her. The water trickled down from her fair face to her neck, and down the crevice lane.

His eyes darkened slightly. He stretched out his hand and buttoned her collar. Ye Chen blinked foolishly. When she was back to herself, Lu Liang had withdrawn his hands and trod in without changing his expression, “Wait for me.”

Ye Chen nodded, then she remembered, “Oh, wait, your clothes.”

With that said, she handed him a brand new set of clothes from her gift pack to Lu Liang. Lu Liang glanced at the clothes in her hand, which appeared to be casual clothes. He hummed lightly, “You have so many new things in your hands.”

Ye Chen froze, with fear that he would continue asking where the things came from. Luckily, Lu Liang didn’t delve further. He just said to her, “Hold it, hand it to me later.”

Lu Liang went in and the sound of splashing water came from inside. Ye Chen leaned against the wall with the clothes in her arms. She reminisced that many years ago after Gu Jianan was done playing basketball, he liked to hand his clothes to his clothes and let her wait for him with his clothes in her arms.

The tiny details from her memory bloomed a smile on her face.

Lu Liang suddenly reached out and said, “Clothes.”

Ye Chen was startled. She flusteredly handed the clothes to Lu Liang. After Lu Liang came out in his clothes, his gaze darted down at her, “What have you done that made you look so guilty?”

“No, I was in a daze just now and you startled me.” Ye Chen quickly covered up the fact that she was reminiscing about him. Lu Liang looked at her strangely, “In a daze with a spring look[1]?”

Ye Chen, “……”

Really. This rascal’s skills became more and more proficient. 

Lu Liang wiped his hair with the towel and strolled out. He motioned to Ming Hao and Xiao Ye Chen to go in and wash, and at the same time dragged Ye Chen over.

Ye Chen’s hair was much longer than Lu Liang’s. It hadn’t dried yet. Lu Liang glanced down and frowned, “Why is your hair still wet?”

Ye Chen was dragged by him and stumbled. She learned that Lu Liang was really getting more and more impolite to her since they landed on this star.

She also frowned, “Lu Liang, do you forget that I am a queen?”

“I remember,” Lu Liang tilted his head with a smile, “I still remember that when I was your male pet, I didn’t serve you well. So, you ordered me to death by caning. Fortunately, I escaped from the danger.”

Ye Chen, “……”

Did the temperature just drop?

Ye Chen shuddered. Lu Liang hauled her to the edge of the fire and pressed her to sit down. He flung a towel on top of her head. Ye Chen frowned discontentedly, “Hey!”

“Don’t talk.”

Lu Liang put his hands on the towel on Ye Chen’s head and began to wipe her hair. The words that were ready to shoot from her mouth were blocked. She was like a well-behaved cat. She acted aggressively, but when touched by someone, she immediately became docile.

Lu Liang’s hands were big and warm. When wiping her hair, he was gentle and meticulous, a contrast from his usual poisonous tongue. 

Ye Chen peeked at him in secret. Under the light of the fire, Lu Liang’s face was warmed with an orange glow. He himself didn’t notice it, but his gaze at Ye Chen was pretty soft and affectionate.

Ye Chen was afraid that he would find her gaze. She glanced again at him and quickly retracted it. Lu Liang, on the other hand, was immersed in the pleasure of taking care of Ye Chen. He did not notice this person’s small movements at all.

By the time Ming Hao and Xiao Ye Chen came out, Ye Chen’s hair was almost dry. Lu Liang raised his eyes and glanced at Ming Hao, and said directly, “Let’s take turns to keep watch at night. I will watch the second half of the night and you will watch the first half.”

“Okay.” Ming Hao gave him a meaningful glance, “You take Bixia for the second half of the night, and I will take Xiao Chen for the first half of the night.” ”


“Stop talking, go to bed.”

Lu Liang dragged Ye Chen into the only bed in the cave.

Ye Chen had almost no room for struggle, thus she was towed and even pushed into the bed by Lu Liang. Lu Liang lay on his side, leaning sideways, blocking the light outside for her. He closed his eyes, “Sleep.”

Their distance was remarkably close. Ye Chen turned her back on him, facing the wall. But, she could still feel the burning heat from the man’s body.

Ye Chen was sleepless because of it. She opened her eyes wide and stared at the wall. 38 couldn’t help but remind her, “Host, if you don’t sleep now, you won’t be able to stay up for the rest of the night. ”

“38 ah…”

Ye Chen had a worry in her heart, “Don’t you think Lu Liang treats me a bit too nice?”

Without waiting for 38 to answer, Ye Chen had answered her own question, “No, no, no, it must only be my illusion.”

“Actually,” 38 commented calmly, “I think he indeed treats you pretty well. ”

Hearing this, Ye Chen had an urge to hold her head and cry.

She didn’t want to make the Villain fall for her! She really didn’t mean to!

She had tried her best to distance herself as far as possible from the Villain. Why was the Villain still good to her!

But, in the deepest corner of her heart, she was secretly relieved by this cognition. 

In fact, she had been to several worlds, but Ye Chen kept having a contradictory state of mind similar to first love.

A little girl’s love always had so many concerns entangled.

Ye Chen was honestly a little weary after tossing for so long. She was about to fall asleep when Lu Liang stretched out his hand and fished her into his arms.

Ye Chen opened her eyes wide, and the whole person was stiff. Meanwhile, the other party seemed to be asleep, rubbing her head with his, like a puppy, and breathing evenly.

At first, Ye Chen wanted to wake him up, but when he rubbed her, her heart became weak again.

For a long time, she really wanted to hug him.

But she always restrained herself for fear that he would be moved and fell for her again. 

At this time, he was asleep and wasn’t aware of anything. So a slight touch should be forgivable, right?

Ye Chen secretly thought so and treasured this hug.

She hesitated for a while and stretched out her hand. She carefully placed it on Lu Liang’s hand. When she observed that Lu Liang didn’t make any movement from it, Ye Chen fell asleep contentedly.

When Ye Chen closed her eyes and her breathing became even, Lu Liang slowly opened his eyes, staring at the person in front of him with a complicated look.

What was in her mind when she did this?

Lu Liang contemplated thoughtfully, not realizing the slight joy in his heart. The joy was hidden too deeply so that he couldn’t find a trace by himself. However, all things would leave traces, such as the softness of the heart brought by this joy that he could perceive.

The impulse to get closer to her became stronger. After a long time, he finally relented. He bowed his head and kissed her hair gently.

She was fast asleep and didn’t know anything.

When he kissed her hair, an inexplicable idea passed by Lu Liang’s mind.

Forgive her.

The moment this idea appeared, Lu Liang was startled. He began to probe into himself. Forgive what?

Did he actually have some resentment toward her?

Lu Liang lay on the bed, brooding over it. He still didn’t quite understand it after pondering for quite some time. Or maybe, it’s because he didn’t want to understand. He closed his eyes, hugged the person in his arms a little tighter, and resumed his sleep.

After sleeping until midnight, Ming Hao came in and woke them up. Ye Chen squinted her sleepy eyes and followed Lu Liang to watch the night.

Ye Chen didn’t sleep well and was still sleepy. She sat at the entrance and tried to hold his eyes open.

Lu Liang glanced at her thin clothes, “Do you have a blanket?”

“Blanket? “Ye Chen was a little muddled. She reacted after a while, “Have!”

Without saying a word, Lu Liang stood up and went to grab the blanket. He pressed her head on his thigh and covered her with the blanket. He ordered, “Sleep.”

Ye Chen tried to struggle, but Lu Liang was strong. In addition, she was too drowsy. Leaning against Lu Liang was so comfortable for her. After struggling symbolically for some time, she wrapped herself in the blanket and closed her eyes again.

Before closing her eyes, she saw the moon of this star, a moon with a slight red color. Beneath the moonlight, the man was tall and good-looking, like a patron saint who would always guard her all the time.

Because he was by her side, she could do everything with ease. He would always tolerate her, accompany her, and love her.

He was the greatest luck of her life and her only treasure.

Ye Chen shut her eyes, with a sore feeling in her heart. 

And Lu Liang leaned against the wall, always vigilant. The girl leaned on him and fell asleep like a well-behaved kitten and his heart was soft.

“Host,” 666 muttered, “I think there’s something wrong with you.”


“I feel that all over you…” 666 lengthened her voice, “are emitting pink bubbles!”

Lu Liang, “……”

“Watch fewer dramas and read more books. If you talk like this again in the future, I will ban all your Korean drama channels.”

666 burst into tears from his threat.

When Ye Chen woke up in the morning, the light of dawn fell on her eyes. Soon, Ye Chen felt a warm hand hover above her eyes, blocking the light for her.

Ye Chen blinked and her eyelashes brushed over Lu Liang’s palm. Lu Liang knew she was awake and explained, “The light is too bright.”

Such casual tenderness stirred Ye Chen’s heart and her heart thumped. She responded with a faltering voice, “Oh…”

Lu Liang opened his fingers a little bit, and Ye Chen slowly adapted to the light until she could see the other’s face clearly.

Somehow, Ye Chen thought that today’s Lu Liang was particularly enchanting.

Four people stayed in the cave relying on Ye Chen’s living supplies, waiting for the rescuer to arrive.

Ye Chen was not worried about the shortage of supplies at all. Anyway, if it’s nearly empty, she could just exchange it again in the mall. She ate delicious and spicy food every day and she was happy.

She started to worry about how to mend the main plot. 

38 was a System. Its boss was the Main System. The Main System had several Systems as its subordinates and each System had different ways to obtain energy. However, most of the energy acquisition came from the normal operation of their Main System. 

The normal operation of the Main System was the way the Main System obtained energy. It was done by maintaining the core of the book. If the core theme was not disturbed, then the Main System would receive the energy without disruption. 

For example, the first world, Gu Jianan’s world, was a romance novel. The core theme was the Female Lead and the Male Lead were in love with each other. Hence, Zhou Yu and Ye Min must love each other. Otherwise, the Main System would not obtain energy from it and would not have enough energy to run. System 38’s job was to maintain the core theme so the Main System could continue to run. 

The core theme of this book lay in Ming Hao’s counterattack. The key events in Ming Hao’s life, such as gaining the favor of the Queen, entering politics with the help of the Queen, and owning his own army with the support of the Queen, must happen. The fewer the events occur, the greater the impact on the Main System would be.

Before Ye Chen completed the main task of preventing Lu Liang from blowing up the galaxies, she must first let Ming Hao finish his key events.

So, with bitterness, Ye Chen began to coax Ming Hao.

“When the rescuers come, you go back with me. I have made it clear to you that I don’t really want you to be my male pet. I just want to build my own faction in the name of a male pet, and I want to use you to cut off the Prime Minister. Don’t worry I won’t do anything to you, you will be a male pet only in name…”

Ye Chen had made it extremely clear, but Ming Hao was unresponsive. He took a careful look at Lu Liang. Ye Chen followed his eyes and noticed that Lu Liang was crafting weapons from branches with a knife.

The thick trunks of the branches were cut by him into the shape of several arrows, especially sharp and pointy.

Looking at the arrow, Ming Hao felt a chill on his back. He quickly shook his head at Ye Chen, “Bixia, I won’t go back. Why don’t you call Lu Liang back as your male pet? I think he is suitable for it.”

“Why did you suddenly bring him up?” Ye Chen tilted her head in confusion and withdrew her gaze from Lu Liang, continuing to persuade Ming Hao, “Go back. What’s the point of staying in this garbage star? I will take you to eat delicious food, I will ensure that you rise to the top with a smooth path, and then in the name of the male pet, I will pet you一”

Before he finished, a sharp knife flew past Ye Chen’s cheek and nailed a fly the size of a fingernail to the wall. Ye Chen stared at the struggling fly for a while and finished her words, “to Heaven……”

“My bad,” Lu Liang came over and pulled out the knife. He smiled softly, “My hand often slipped.”

Upon hearing this, Ming Hao strengthened his determination.

If he didn’t refuse Ye Chen fiercely, the knife just now wouldn’t miss. It must certainly stab the person Lu Liang wanted to stab.

Ming Hao directly went into action, “Bixia, I won’t go back. Just give up.”

This was a bit hard.

Ye Chen thought about all the reasons why Ming Hao refused to go back. Most likely it was nothing more than not trusting her and judging that she was going to harm him. She could only let Ming Hao see her goodwill through practical actions.

Ye Chen acted without delay. She would do whatever she set her mind on. Thus, every day she gave Ming Hao her meticulous and thoughtful attention, brought him delicious food from the mall for him to eat, handed him good clothes for him to wear, and brainwashed him that he would make great progress and have a bright future if he return with her.

Every time Ye Chen did these things, Lu Liang stood behind her, playing with the thin blade in his hand with a measured smile.

After knowing each other for so long, of course Ming Hao understood what Lu Liang meant. It was not an exaggeration to say that he knew him well, so staring at the thin blade, Ming Hao knew that Lu Liang was furious. He didn’t want to court death so he became more frantic at rejecting Ye Chen. Yet, Ye Chen was not one to give up. The more Ming Hao rejected her, the more she stuck around him, tirelessly harassing Ming Hao.

Lu Liang watched all this without a word. Anyway, Ming Hao knew how to be measured and definitely would not follow Ye Chen, so he was not that panicked.

Lu Liang suppressed his emotions and his temper became exceptionally bad. When Ye Chen came to talk to him, he would ignore her. He completely threw away the respectful attitude he had when he first met Ye Chen.

666 painstakingly advised him, “This won’t do, Host. Although you know she is not the Queen, she doesn’t know you know, does she? Your attitude is too arrogant…”

Lu Liang ignored it. He sat at the entrance and watched Ye Chen stick to Ming Hao by the fire. Ming Hao was unmistakably in an tough situation. He kept sending him a signal. Lu Liang kept his mouth shut, pretending not to see it.

Ming Hao eventually couldn’t resist saying, “Bixia, I’m sleepy, why don’t you go and talk to Lu Liang. ”

“Oh, I have nothing to talk to him about. Ming Hao, if you get to know me more, you will know that I am a good person. ”

This was really awkward for Ming Hao. He angled his head to look at Lu Liang and saw Lu Liang with his head bowed down. He refused once again, “Bixia, I’m sleepy, really.”

With that, Ming Hao hurried to find Xiao Ye Chen. Ye Chen sighed when she saw Ming Hao running at the fastest speed from her.

Lu Liang walked over and sat opposite Ye Chen, adding a light ore to the fire. Ye Chen propped her chin and frowned in sorrow.

She had worked very hard, but Ming Hao didn’t look like he would go back with her. What should she do?

Watching Ye Chen’s distressed appearance, Lu Liang spoke “Am I really so boring to talk with?”

Ye Chen raised her gaze at Lu Liang, quite startled. Lu Liang pursed his lips, appearing to have stretched his pride to the limit, and his limit was asking that question. Ye Chen studied him and somehow thought of his previous lives.

His personality changed from time to time, but he always made Ye Chen feel very familiar with him at certain moments.

In this case, when he pursed his lips like this and lowered his pride to ask her “Am I really so boring to talk with?” Ye Chen inevitably thought of Gu Jianan, Lin Jianxi, and Elt, who closely resembled Xie Wushuang.

She couldn’t say anything hurtful to him.

But she also couldn’t praise him and told him what she had in her heart.

She could only avert her gaze awkwardly, “It’s…not like that.”

“Then just talk to me,” Lu Liang expressed quietly, “Why do you always go to Ming Hao.”

Ye Chen hung her head and didn’t reply. When Lu Liang saw her like this, Lu Liang felt the tightness in his heart.

To tell the truth, he knew deep down the reason Ye Chen was pestering Ming Hao. It was nothing more than because Ming Hao was the Male Lead, nothing more than because she had a task to perform. He may not have knowledge of her task, but he could vaguely guess that her task must have something to do with helping the Male Lead.

And that just made him angrier.


Why must she always be by Ming Hao and all the other Male Leads’ sides?

The world had been so unfair and always oppressed him. Why should even Ye Chen be forced to stand on Ming Hao’s side?

Tiny dismay sprouted in Lu Liang’s heart. He didn’t know who to blame, Ye Chen? What could she do? Like him, she was merely a task executor who would be punished if she failed to complete the task. The System? Every world had its own rules and they just followed the rules to survive. 

Lu Liang walked out. Outside of the cave, he watched the sky light up and the loud noise of spaceships approaching from far away. Lu Liang became alert. He turned his head and warned, “Be prepared, someone is coming!”

It was unknown whether it was an enemy or a friend. The party didn’t go out rashly. Ming Hao protected Ye Chen and Lu Liang went out to inquire about the situation. Ye Chen and Xiao Ye Chen nervously hid behind Ming Hao and watched Lu Liang go to the village.

Lu Liang went for a while and returned with a group of people.

Ye Chen saw her cousin, Ye Xiaoxiao, who was now a member of the cabinet, coming with a group of guards. 

In the original world, Ye Xiaoxiao became Ming Hao’s person in the end. She was an extremely upright, kind, and capable female politician. Before she discovered Ye Chen’s cruel nature, she was loyal to the monarch. Seeing Ye Xiaoxiao, Ye Chen understood that the rescuers were not far behind. Ye Xiaoxiao was tall and slim, wearing a black coat. She hurriedly stopped in front of  Ye Chen and knelt down respectfully on one knee, “Bixia, Chen is late.”

“At last now you are here, ” Ye Chen kept a reserved smile. She helped Ye Xiaoxiao up and said with emotion, “You’ve worked hard.”

“This is Chen’s duty. ” Ye Xiaoxiao respectfully accepted Ye Chen’s words. Lu Liang had already left secretly. Lu Liang was now considered Ye Wen’s person. When he went to Ye Xiaoxiao, he pretended to be Ming Hao. And now, he switched his identity with Ming Hao in the cave, so he avoided coming out.

Ye Chen was delighted that he and Ming Hao switched their identities. She spun around and seized Ming Hao’s hand before he could dodge. She smiled, “It’s thanks to Ming Hao this time, otherwise everyone won’t be able to see me here today. I must take Ming Hao back and reward him plenty.”

“No…” Ming Hao refused hard, “It is Chen’s duty to protect Bixia. Chen has other things to do, so Chen won’t return with Bixia…”

“You saved Bixia. For that, we should give you a good reward,” Ye Xiaoxiao smiled. “This gentleman doesn’t want to be tied up, right?”

Ming Hao shut his mouth. He quietly glanced at the cave.

Brother, it’s not that I won’t help you, it’s Bixia that is too persistent.

Ming Hao reluctantly accepted his fate. He took Xiao Ye Chen with him and followed Ye Chen and her party to return.

Before they left, Ye Chen told Ye Xiaoxiao, “I promised to reward this Guniang with a spaceship. Leave one here, so she can use it when she comes back. ”

Chen obeys.”

Ye Xiaoxiao obeyed Ye Chen’s order without the slightest hesitation. She dispersed the people to several other spaceships and left with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen glanced at the cave for one last time. She didn’t know where Lu Liang went. 

Her heart was empty when she couldn’t find Lu Liang. 

She flew a long way in the spaceship with a distracted mind. Next to her, Ye Xiaoxiao reported the current situation, “Bixia‘s inspection has been stopped now. The murderer is still being investigated and there should be results soon. ”

Ye Chen nodded.

What’s there to investigate? Isn’t it obvious? Now, who wishes for her death except for her cheap uncle, the Prime Minister?

Nevermind, she couldn’t say that. There were still a lot of other people who wanted to kill her.

After sending Ming Hao to one of the spaceships, Ye Chen was relieved. She only discovered that for people like Ming Hao, coercion would be much more effective than fawning. Thus, as long as she could make sure Ming Hao was by her side, she didn’t bother to please Ming Hao anymore.

Instead, she began to worry about Lu Liang’s safety.

After Ye Chen’s inspection was forcibly terminated, she returned to the palace and began to resume her normal work. As for Ming Hao, Ye Chen decisively and simply let someone tie him up and throw him into her palace to eat and live with her, creating an illusion of a male pet to the outside world.

Ye Chen carefully inquired about the news of ”Shen Jingfeng”. When she got the news that “Shen Jingfeng” was back, she relaxed and waited for Lu Liang to come to her. As a result, she opened the window every night and waited, but Lu Liang never came to her.

Ye Chen felt suffocated over it, so she just went to Ming Hao every day.

If he didn’t come to her, then at least he should come to Ming Hao, right?

As a result, after waiting and waiting, Ye Chen had enough.

In a rage, she simply filled Ming Hao’s place and her place with surveillance devices, lingering to arrest Lu Liang at any time.

She didn’t know what she was betting on. She only felt that this person should come to her.

After staying up late for two months in a row, Ye Chen heard the alarm ring in the early hours of one morning. She swiftly got up and discovered that it was Lu Liang who went to find Ming Hao!

She jumped up from the bed. She was wearing a pure white dress, so, as she ran, she held the corners of her skirt. She had no time to put on shoes and ran towards Ming Hao’s room barefoot. A large group of maids chased after her, anxiously shouting, “Bixia! Bixia, please wait!”

Ye Chen couldn’t wait anymore. She was extremely anxious in her heart. She ran frantically, wishing to see that person as quickly as she could.

She wanted to ask him if he was okay, if he was injured, and how he was doing.

She had accumulated a lot of grievances and questions. She waited to see that person and pour out all her thoughts. 

She strained her best to rush over. Yet, when she slammed the door open, only Ming Hao was sitting inside.

“Where is he?!” Ye Chen gritted her teeth. 

Ming Hao looked confused, “Bixia, what are you doing here this early?”

“I am asking you where Lu Liang is!”

Ye Chen clenched her fists and Ming Hao still pretended to be stupid, “How could I know where Lu Liang is? I have never been outside.”

“Don’t pretend, I know he’s here!” Ye Chen gave the maids a look and signaled the maids to close the door.

Ye Chen began to look for him like crazy. She opened the cabinet, threw away the quilt, squatted to look under the bed……

Really not in line with her usual conduct.

Ming Hao watched Ye Chen search around helplessly, “Bixia, I really haven’t seen him. ”

Ye Chen treated his words like air. She searched every nook and cranny scrupulously. When she verified that Lu Liang was indeed not there, a great sense of loss surged up.

Grievances welled up in her heart.

She just wanted to see him, she really just wanted to see him. Why was it so hard.

She didn’t want to do anything to him. Why did he avoid her so?

She just wanted to know if he was doing well.

Ye Chen pushed down all her emotions. Her face was calm as she left. 

But not long after she turned around, the corner of her eyes dyed red. She bit her lips without a word.

“Host,” 38 sighed, “You are not spoiled.”

Ye Chen, “……”

“Only spoiled women are qualified to feel wronged at every turn.”

Ye Chen, “……”

You got a point.

Still, she really felt wronged.

It was him who always teased her.

It was also him who now avoid her like a plague

At first, she guarded her heart so vigilantly. It was he who teased, tempted, and petted her again and again, creating so many weak emotions in her heart. 

Ye Chen returned to her room with countless indescribable sorrows and grievances. As soon as she entered the room, she blocked everyone outside the door and closed the door. She leaned against the door with her head down. 

The room was dark. The moon became the only source of light.

It made Ye Chen feel safe.

At this time, a male voice poked fun at her, “Yo, what happened to our Queen? ”

Ye Chen abruptly looked up and saw Lu Liang sitting on the windowsill.

He was wearing a white robe with one leg bent and his back against the window frame.

The moonlight shone on him and made his white robe gleam with fragmentary light. He looked at her with a smile in his eyes, as if with some ridicule and snickering. He had confirmed her feelings and he hid aside to snicker while watching her.

Ye Chen’s anger value exploded within a second. But it was sinking fast because of how good-looking this person was, “You, get down!”

“Why should I get down?” Lu Liang tilted his head, “If Bixia tells me to get down, I must get down?”

“Lu Liang!” Ye Chen roared, “Do you still remember that I am the Queen?!”

Lu Liang’s face instantly changed.

He sneered, “Yes, you are the Queen. Of course, I remember.”

With that, he waved his hand, “That’s it then. I’m leaving, Queen.”


Ye Chen panicked and the man jumped outside from the window. Ye Chen ran to the edge of the window and couldn’t find anyone outside the window. She looked downstairs blankly for a long time.

Even though… she had a lot to say to him.

When she was dejected, a flower with the ice-cold temperature of the night was pinned on her hair.

Ye Chen looked back blankly and saw the person standing behind him inserting the flower in his hand into her hair. 

“Fool,” At Ye Chen’s dumbfounded appearance, Lu Liang chuckled, “I came here with difficulty, how could I walk away so fast just like that. ”

“You have seen Ming Hao,” Ye Chen stated solemnly with a sullen face, “What else do you want to see me for?”

“Do you want to know? “Lu Liang blinked. Ye Chen frowned, intuitively sensing that the other party’s next words were not a good thing.

Lu Liang bowed his head with his lips loomed near Ye Chen’s ear, just a short distance away. 

There was a smile, with some huskiness and a little melodious baritone, in his voice. He whispered affectionately,  “I miss you, Bixia. ”

That sentence was like an atomic bomb, which exploded into Ye Chen’s heart with a bang.

She stared at Lu Liang in a daze and Lu Liang stared at her earnestly, his eyes were full of her. 

“I’m serious,” he emphasized, “I miss you, I’ve been missing you for a long time. ”

He always acted carefreely, but when he said these words, Ye Chen, for the first time, discerned that he was dead serious, and also good-looking.

But, no matter how good-looking he was, he didn’t belong to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen always hoped to prevent this person from deepening his feelings for herself. She replied with a restrained expression, “Oh, thank you. ”

Lu Liang’s disappointment was visible for her to see, “Just a thank you?”

“What else do you want?”

“How about,” Lu Liang offered his cheek to Ye Chen with an ordinary expression as if he was talking about the weather, “A kiss?”

Ye Chen, “……”

What happened.

What exactly did Lu Liang do to himself during her absence.

Lu Liang seemed to realize that his words were inappropriate. He leaned back and put on a solemn expression, “Bixia, do you know about the coup in the Musen Galaxy?”

The situation in the Musen Galaxy had always been unstable. As a galaxy with the unity of government and religion, the struggle for doctrinal orthodoxy had always been the main issue of their galaxy. The conservative wing of the Musen Galaxy was strongly aggressive and rejected all non-religious existences, while the reformists were relatively moderate. Not long ago, the people in power in the Musen Galaxy were reformists, but three days ago, there was a coup in the Musen Galaxy. The conservatives completely cut off contact between the main star and the outside world. Ye Chen only knew that there was a coup in the Musen Galaxy and nothing more.

When Lu Liang said that, he apparently knew more news than her.

“They have now settled the dust. Arhan is now the new leader of the Musen Galaxy. He went to find Ye Wen last night.”

Ye Chen listened quietly. Arhan was the leader of the conservative party. Arhan was in power, which meant that the Musen Galaxy would start to attack the other galaxy. Maybe the war wouldn’t start right off the bat, but surely it would happen. The Musen Galaxy required a certain amount of time to clean up their mess, but it won’t be for long.

Arhan contacted Ye Wen, evidently wanting Ye Wen to support them. However, both the Oster Galaxy and the Yadong Galaxy had an agreement. Should the Musen Galaxy’s conservative party prevail, they would unite to oppose the existence of the conservative party. This covenant had not changed for hundreds of years and as long as Ye Chen was in power for one day, this covenant wouldn’t be changed.

In the original storyline, Lu Liang went to the Musen Galaxy and became a radical among the conservative members of the Musen Galaxy. No one could tell whether Lu Liang’s true intentions were to use them or he really became a devout believer. Ye Chen only knew that the Lu Liang from that time was like a madman, frenziedly attacking the Yadong Galaxy he once loved.

The tragedy of Lu Liang’s life started with the Queen, from his inner desire for power and crazy jealousy of the Male Lead, Ming Hao.

Ye Chen had successfully set Lu Liang on another path, changing the Queen’s influence on him. But, the prompt for the completion of the task never popped out. So, what should she do to remove Lu Liang’s jealousy of Ming Hao?

Gave him everything he wanted, or what?

Ye Chen weighed the impact of the emergence of a new plot on Lu Liang. She then asked 38, “Why is my task progress of Lu Liang stuck at 50%?”

“Ah, about that,” 38 spoke in a deep voice with a lollipop in its mouth, “It’s because Lu Liang’s three views have not changed.”

“What does it mean that his three views haven’t changed?”

“That is, Lu Liang’s perception of the world has not changed. Even if you give him the world, it won’t have any lasting impact on him. He is still a young man who is easily jealous and has no sense of responsibility to the country. After you leave, any frustration may lead him back to his old way.”

“Host, you don’t plan to take the method of brushing favorability to influence him this time, so you can’t change his life philosophy like any Villain in the past because of their high favorability for you. Hence, you have to change his life philosophy in other ways. ”

She indeed didn’t plan to brush Lu Liang’s favorability to influence him, but……

Ye Chen was poker-faced. She proceeded to say to 38, “You can’t confirm his Favorability Value to me, can you? ”

“If you want to confirm it, spend points.”

38 opened its mouth in an indifferent manner.

Ye Chen nodded.

38 immediately deducted 500 points.


Ye Chen broke down. She only got 5000 points from the last task. Wasn’t this an extortion!

“The higher the plane, the higher the cost. Get used to it. Rural people feel like this when they go to the city. Cheer up. If you work harder, I can buy a set of clothes.”

With that said, 38 began to operate while humming a little song.

Ye Chen sensed that 38 exuded a joyful aura. Ye Chen’s expression was flat as she spoke, “A ball like you still needs clothes? It’s not necessary.”

“I need it ah!” 38 rebuked anxiously, “I want to buy a hat. I have signed up for the Blind Date System! I might have a blind date soon!”

Blind date……

Ye Chen collapsed. She didn’t understand the AI world. What kind of relationship could these Systems have?

“Oh, the Favorability Value is out. ”

38 took out the lollipop and exclaimed in surprise, “70.”

“What does 70 mean?”

Favorability Value did not necessarily represent love, it required to be above a certain value to be considered love. 

Ye Chen had not been very clear about the distinction of the Favorability. She only knew to desperately brush it to 100. 38 explained, “70 is above the passing line. There may be friendship, admiration, worship, or other emotions for you but there are no special attributes to the emotions.”

Hearing that, Ye Chen was relieved, but thinking about it again, she felt wrong, “Then, why is he so good to me?”

“Honestly, these past days, he isn’t that good to you, especially his mouth,” 38 cautiously added, “As for his behavior… Maybe it’s just because you are the Queen?”

The original Lu Liang was the same, desperately trying to please the Queen because he knew that Queen’s favor could bring him a lot of things.

Ye Chen judged that her previous worries about Lu Liang were all in vain. What ‘he would fall in love with her if she got in touch with him’?

Look, wasn’t there enough contact between them now? 

She’s in love with him. Yet, he only has 70 for his Favorability Value. 

A white-eyed wolf was never easy to raise.

So, Ye Chen had a plan in her heart, and it included getting in touch with the Villain. She listened to Lu Liang talking to her about the situation expressionlessly and looked at Lu Liang with a long gaze.

Bixia, what’s the matter?” Lu Liang smiled. Ye Chen discovered that after he returned to the palace, he had a pretty good attitude toward her. Compared to the time when they were outside……


“Lu Liang ah,” Ye Chen whispered, “Have you ever been in contact with the common people of this galaxy?”

“The common people?” Lu Liang was taken aback. He shook his head in a daze, “Chen was sold to the palace when he was young. Why did Bixia suddenly ask that?”

No wonder he had no sense of responsibility at all to this galaxy.

“I see,“ Ye Chen nodded, “From today, you will come over every week and go out of the palace with me to get in touch with the society.”

Lu Liang was dumbfounded. He soon knitted his brows, “Then about the Musen Galaxy and Ye Wen…”

“You keep an eye on it first. Don’t worry too much about other things. ”

 Lu Liang showed his understanding. After a moment of silence, Lu Liang said, “Then, Bixia, I will leave?”

“Go.” Ye Chen nodded.

Lu Liang jumped from the window. After he landed, he recalled Ye Chen’s state, and couldn’t rest assured.  


“Yes, Master!”

“Can you check Ye Chen’s Favorability?”

“I can’t… but,” 666 added in a quiet voice, “Truthfully, the Favorability Value is not particularly useful.”


“The calculation method of Favorability Value is quite complicated. To put it simply, it is the numerical representation of a person’s overall state of emotions. However, people’s emotions are complex. For example, one time, she likes him and her Favorability is 70. Another time, she loves him and the Favorability reaches 90. And sometime later, she despised him and the Favorability falls to 20. So the overall Favorability is 70. Therefore, it really doesn’t represent the actual situation. 666 believe it is not advisable for the Host to confirm the emotions of the target by querying the Favorability Value!”

After listening to 666’s words, Lu Liang nodded and then praised, “You have a solid foundation.”

“That’s right!” 666 was excited, “I’m an outstanding AI graduate. I can recite the textbook backward! I am not the same as those who have taken the make-up exam several times!”

On the other side, 38, who had taken the make-up exam for the basic course ten times, sneezed.

Who! Who is scolding him again!

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[1] 怀春 – huáichūn. An expression of yearning for love/thinking of love. Intoxicated expression.

Ry’s Corner

So LoOooOng. I thought I can be more productive during holiday, guess not.

“I can recite the book backward” actually a hyperbole for being smart. But, considering 666 is an AI, perhaps she can really recite the book backward?

Also you didn’t read it wrong, sometimes 666 call Lu Liang “Master” and sometimes “Host.”.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 7325

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3 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 72”

  1. Whatever the world is, the ML feelings is always so intense XD. Now that i read it again, Lu Liang is actually ❤❤❤.
    Thanks for the chapter!


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