TVIRAD – Chapter 73

Arc 6
The Queen’s Male Pet (6)

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Ye Chen judged that to transform Lu Liang, she must start with the subtleties. 

Thus, she transferred Lu Liang to the welfare home. In that way, Lu Liang would get in touch with more people. As for Ming Hao, following the process of the original world line, Ming Hao was transferred into the air force.

In the original world, Ming Hao would display his talent in the air force, and then Ye Chen would promote him to Major General.

Ye Chen threw Ming Hao into the air force casually and began to put attention to Lu Liang’s state of mind.

Lu Liang adapted well to the welfare home. He assisted the weak and the elderly every day. Ye Chen silently observed him, watching him smile every day because he did good deeds. She was relieved.

She hid, watched Lu Liang change, watched Lu Liang make friends, watched Lu Liang have neighbors, and watched Lu Liang live a normal life. She was really relieved.

In the twinkling of an eye, two years passed. Ming Hao was like a fish to water[1] in the army and Lu Liang became the Dean of the welfare home. At this period, the Musen Galaxy had completed the rectification and waged war against the entire galaxy. Since then, Martial Law[2] was in effect in the Yadong Galaxy. The Yadong Galaxy sent manpower to the battlefield in the Far East. The entire galaxy was haunted by the atmosphere of war and the people were frightened.

Lu Liang’s temper had become more gentle. Because of his long-term welfare and charity work and good appearance, Lu Liang was highly praised on the Internet and became remarkably popular. Wherever he went, there would be a group of people following him.

The Yadong Galaxy’s battlefield in the Far East did not go well. It was defeated five times in a row, and the first legion was almost wiped out.

This incident shocked the entire Yadong Galaxy. From the top to the bottom, everyone was stricken by terror.

Ye Chen was not particularly afraid, because she knew that all this was building up for the battle on the Swan Star. In that battle, Ming Hao would be forced into a desperate situation by the encirclement of the enemy. Then, he would rely on his ultra-high spaceship driving skill to blow up the Musen Galaxy’s spaceship with the latest explosive weapons by chance, resulting in the destruction of a legion of the Musen Galaxy. Ming Hao would also happen to fall into an abandoned space-teleport station, hence, he was able to escape.

The destruction of the Musen Galaxy’s most important legion would bring an absolute blow to the Musen Galaxy. Ming Hao would be famous all over the world. He took that opportunity to marry the Queen, Ye Chen, and paved the most important road for him to ascend as a King. 

Ye Chen knew the future, so she was not afraid at all. She focused on Lu Liang and observed the task’s progress every day.

As Lu Liang helped more and more people, the task’s progress kept advancing. Ye Chen finally could let her heart go.

Ye Chen loved these days when she could follow him in silence. He wouldn’t know what she was doing or her little thoughts. She could be at ease.

A week before the start of the battle on Swan Star, Ye Chen still watched Lu Liang from afar. That day, Lu Liang did all his work and got off work early. He treaded on a small path and Ye Chen trailed behind with her bodyguard. When he arrived at a park, Lu Liang abruptly halted and turned around.

The setting sun shadowed his figure, Ye Chen just bent over to peek. Before she could pull herself back and hide, she saw Lu Liang looking at her with a faint smile, as if he had known she was there for a long time.

Ye Chen stilled. She unhurriedly straightened up, and coughed lightly, “Visiting the park?”

Lu Liang hooked the corners of his mouth, “Yeah. What a coincidence.”

“Well, take your time.”

Ye Chen made a U-turn, wanting to leave. Lu Liang called out behind her, “Bixia, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Don’t you want to ask if I’m doing well?”

Ye Chen didn’t look back. Lu Liang walked up from behind, put his hands on her shoulder, and said with a good expression, “At any rate, we have experienced life and death together. Let’s take a stroll together, yes?”

“Get your hands off me,” Ye Chen scowled. “Just stroll if you want to stroll. It’s not like it would be any different with me.”

Lu Liang chuckled. He asked her, “Do you miss me?”


Lu Liang pinched her cheek with his hands, “Be good, tell the truth.”

Ye Chen: “……”

Suddenly I got the urge to beat someone.

Seeing Ye Chen on the verge of collapse, Lu Liang let go of his hands, “Bixia,” he smiled, “Let me return to the army, okay?”

Ye Chen didn’t expect him to make such a request. She was a little confused, “Isn’t the welfare home good?”

“It’s very good,“ Lu Liang walked forward, Ye Chen followed him and listened to him, “It’s really good in the welfare home. I met a lot of people. They are all very nice. For the first time, I know that it is a happy thing to be liked by so many people.”

“Those uncles and aunts are interesting. The children are also very cute. For the first time, I was not killing others, but helping others. This feeling gave me a sense of happiness that I can’t explain in words.”

“In that case…” Ye Chen pursed her lips, “Why don’t you continue to stay in the welfare home?”

“It is precisely because there are so many lovely people,” Lu Liang smiled, “that I want to protect them. Bixia, I am, and have always been, a soldier,” Lu Liang faced her with solemnity

“And as a soldier, you should let me stand on the battlefield.”

Ye Chen was quiet. She looked into the eyes of the person in front of her.

What a beautiful pair of eyes ah. There was a sunset glow, an overflowing tenderness, and her in his eyes.

She was willing to believe his words, even without evidence. She nodded and replied, “Alright, when this battle is over, I’ll transfer you back.”

“Why wait until that time?” Lu Liang was puzzled. Ye Chen froze. How could she tell him that in this battle, the Yadong Galaxy suffered most of the casualties, and the vanguard troops that were dispatched, except for Ming Hao, were wiped out.

With Lu Liang’s character, if he went to the battlefield, where Ming Hao was, where he was. How could she tell him that she could predict the future and knew the cruel fate that the others, besides Ming Hao, would face? 

Maybe the Villain was different from others, but Ye Chen didn’t dare to gamble.

She softened her voice, “You go and familiarize yourself with the spaceship first. You haven’t touched it for a few years. I’m afraid you won’t be used to it. ”

Lu Liang seemed to accept the offer. He nodded, and then he glanced sideways at Ye Chen: “Then Bixia, if I make military merit, will Bixia reward me? ”

“Of course.”

Ye Chen nodded, “I will reward everyone who has made military merit. Including you. So, don’t worry.”

Lu Liang squinted at her, “Then Bixia, please wait for me.”

The two strolled for a while. Lu Liang sent Ye Chen back to the palace and went directly to the Second Corps training camp.

As soon as he entered the spaceship simulation room, Ming Hao walked up head-on. Ming Hao dragged Lu Liang aside and whispered, “I heard that you are participating this time. Is it true?”

“The list has come down. Can it be false?”

Lu Liang wore his gloves without changing his expression. Ming Hao looked around and saw no one. He continued, “Aren’t you afraid Bixia will find out?”

“If I do a great job, it won’t matter if Bixia finds out.”

Lu Liang walked to the deepest part. Ming Hao followed him with a little anxiousness, “What if Bixia knows that Ye Wen has arranged an identity for you in the army, what if she is unhappy? ”

“You should ask what she would do instead.” Lu Liang sat in the cockpit, expressionless, “Would she treat me worse than now?”

Ming Hao choked on these words. He sensed that Lu Liang’s courage was really getting bigger. If he had the same courage as him, he really wanted to rebuke him. Frankly, Bixia is already good to you now. As far as your attitude is concerned, it is already benevolence for her not to kill you.

But he had no courage.

Two years ago, after Lu Liang was transferred to the welfare home by Ye Chen, Ye Wen arranged a position for him in the army under Lu Liang’s name as a small officer.

Because of his connection with Ye Wei, Lu Liang wasn’t obliged to do the obligatory training. Hence, Lu Liang pretended to work in the welfare home every day. After he got rid of Ye Chen, he went to the barracks to train.

It went on for two years. 

Lu Liang understood Ye Chen’s intention, to weaken him, and gave way to Ming Hao. According to their present skill, Ming Hao’s skill was behind Lu Liang. If Lu Liang went to the battlefield, what else could Ming Hao do?

And the reason why Ye Chen let him go to the later battle, Lu Liang could also understand. It was nothing more than because today’s battle was the battle that made Ming Hao famous. It must not go wrong.

Lu Liang understood it. He really understood it. He also told himself to get used to it. After all, Ye Chen had helped the Male Lead for five lifetimes, and this life was no different.

However, perhaps it was because of the influence of the task, or because he really thought so in his heart. When Ye Chen said that he would be allowed to work again after this war, Lu Liang almost burst out laughing in anger.

It’s because you want to make Ming Hao famous in this war, right?

And because you want to marry Ming Hao after he is famous, right?

Lu Liang sat in the cockpit, turned on the simulation, and started rounds of wanton and indiscriminate bombing. 

Dream on!

Not sparing an enemy, he annihilated all the spaceships perfectly. After acquiring the score of S, Lu Liang walked down and patted Ming Hao on the shoulder.

“Don’t go this time. I’ll go.”

“Ok.” Ming Hao followed him out and lightly said, “It’s just right, I’m a little tired.”

Lu Liang nodded, and the two went on their way to take a shower. Lu Liang went back to his house by himself. Not long after leaving the barracks, he saw a small car parked on the side of the road.

Lu Liang was familiar with that car. He instantly corrected his attitude. He walked in front of Ye Wen and bowed. “Lord. ”

Ye Wen sat in the car. He appeared like he was in his early 40s. He was wearing a well-fitting suit. He sat in the back of the car with his eyes closed. 

Bixia will withdraw me from my position soon,” He said calmly, “I have spent so much effort to train you, Lu Liang, don’t let me down.”

“Don’t worry, Lord,” A hint of coldness flashed past Lu Liang, “I’m still waiting for one day to count accounts with Bixia about the past. ”

“After I come back this time, I have something important to tell you. You must come back with military merit,” Ye Wen opened his eyes as he said, “No matter what the means.”

The meaning of this sentence was obvious, that is, even if he didn’t make any military merit, as long as he had the ability to rob it, then, he must rob it from others. 

Lu Liang understood Ye Wen’s meaning. He curtsied and raised his hand on his chest and made an oath.

Ye Wen liked a sensible young man like  Lu Liang. He nodded and ordered the driver to drive away.

When Ye Wen left, the coldness reappeared in Lu Liang’s eyes. He flipped the thin blade between his hands and left.

A week later, the Yadong Galaxy was ready for battle, and the battle for Swan Star kicked off.

In the parliament hall, Ye Chen sat on a high seat. She saw the scene projected on the projector. Hundreds of spaceships were ready to go. The officers were constantly confirming the information and the safety of the spaceship. Ye Xiaoxiao sat next to Ye Chen and reported to Ye Chen, “This time we sent a total of 200 spaceships, including three aircraft carrier-class spaceships, 170 ordinary spaceships, and 27 assault fleets. ”

The Assault Fleet was also known as the Killer Group and the Death Guard Group. The spaceship was small, carrying advanced weapons, was full of cutting-edge technology, strong flexibility, and high lethality. It was often used to quietly destroy local aircraft carriers or to create a bloody path when surrounded.

This fleet was fighting with its life. The survival rate was incredibly low, so it was easy to be promoted. That was the reason Ye Chen put Ming Hao in this fleet.

On the screen, Ye Chen recognized Ming Hao’s ship. The word “1” was painted with white paint on his ship, extremely conspicuous.

“The Oster Galaxy will be on the outside to resist the reinforcements of the Musen Galaxy. There are now 100,000 ground troops stationed on the Swan Star. We have brought 150,000 ground troops. As long as we land, we will have an absolute advantage. ”

“On the space battlefield, our fleet is twice as large as the Musen’s army on the Swan Star. As long as the Oster Galaxy resists the Musen Galaxy’s reinforcements, we will have the upper hand.”

As she said that, Ye Xiaoxiao glanced at Weiss, the representative sent by the Oster Galaxy.

Weiss nodded towards Ye Chen, “Bixia, don’t worry, we Oster has absolute sincerity. ”

Ye Chen nodded. She looked at Will, the President of Oster, and expressed solemnly, “This time, I will entrust the task to Oster.”

Will had a polite conversation with Ye Chen, and went to talk for a while with Ye Wen, who represented the Yadong Galaxy next to him.

The two galaxies each put a noble ambassador in the other’s country, which was equivalent to a kind of hostage.

The army began to approach the Swan Star and Ye Chen felt a stir of emotion in her heart. 

The victory of this battle was a tragic victory. She didn’t know the specific situation and only knew the general outcome. It was not enough to make her reverse the situation. In order not to make the situation worse, she had to keep silent.

In the end, a tragic victory was also a victory. 

If she interfered and caused the butterfly to flap its wing, the butterfly effect may lead to a worse result that maybe even Ming Hao wouldn’t survive. 

Looking at the grand spaceships on the screen, as well as the young people walking around in the spaceships, Ye Chen felt that it was the right decision not to let Lu Liang go to the battlefield.

On the other side, Lu Liang was adjusting the equipment on the ship. 666 chatted with Lu Liang. “Host, what are you going to do after you win this time?” ”

“I haven’t fought yet. Let’s talk about what to do after winning later. Isn’t it a little too early to talk about what to do after winning even before fighting?”

“Host, you are so good, you won’t lose!” 666 flattered sincerely, “Is Host going to propose to Bixia?!”

“Yeah.” Lu Liang casually replied, “Why would I not? I don’t propose, must I wait for Ming Hao to propose to her?”

“Oh. But, Host! Ye Chen bullied you so much, why do you still want to marry her?! You see, she always leaves all the good things to Ming Hao, I think she is bad!”

Mn,“ Lu Liang agreed, “I also think she is pretty bad. ”

“However…” Lu Liang had some helplessness in his eyes, “What can I do? I can only choose to forgive her.”

He resented.

He hated.

Yet, when he approached her, the resentment and hatred would always turn into helplessness and he would submit defeat.

Forget it, why must he hold grudges against a little girl.

They were all for the task. They had their own difficulties.

Anyway… the moment he hugged her in his arms and bowed his head to kiss her hair, hadn’t he decided to forgive her?

Lu Liang thought of the days when they were in escape before. Somehow, sweetness swirled in his heart. 

The spacecraft gradually approached the Swan Star. As the leading force, Lu Liang and more than 20 other small flying ships took the charge to rush out towards the Musen’s facility on the ground. 

The facility on the ground was specifically built to aim at these heavy spaceships, and couldn’t aim at small ships like Lu Liang’s, especially with his great flexibility in controlling his ship. The Musen Galaxy sent the same assault fleets out, and the sky turned into a battlefield and Lu Liang flew around effortlessly. 

His operation was particularly smooth and perfect, and his calculation of the other party’s orbit was also accurate. He shot down three ships of the other party in a blink. Ye Chen watched the perfect operation of it and was mesmerized. Ye Xiaoxiao glanced at Ye Chen’s expression and smiled, “Ming Hao[3] performance’s this time has improved by leaps and bounds.”

In her mind, Ye Chen commented, “Of course ah, the Male Lead.”

38 nodded up and down at Ye Chen’s words.

On the outside, Ye Chen smiled back, “I have always known that he is a talent.”

——However, you can say that just because you haven’t seen Lu Liang.

Compared with Lu Liang, Ming Hao’s skill did not seem to be so top-notch, but such a level of operation……

In Ye Chen’s heart, that is to say, he had caught up with Lu Liang.

For Ye Chen, the biggest compliment she could give was that your level is almost the same as Lu Liang.

The two sides fought for a while. Because of Lu Liang’s existence, the situation showed an overwhelming victory. Lu Liang finished blasting half of the ground’s facility and returned to his aircraft carrier to prepare for the second replenishment. The medium-sized ship behind him began to prepare for landing. At this moment, Ye Chen heard gunfire!

The gunfire came from the projector. After the sound, the screen on President Will’s side went dark. No one knew what happened. Ye Xiaoxiao’s face was blank. Ye Chen was also in a state of complete confusion but she could still calmly order, “Immediately contact the Vice President of the Oster Galaxy and other alternative contacts. I want to know what happened in the Oster galaxy, right away. ”

“Understood, Bixia.”

The others rushed over at once. However, before they could contact the people of the Oster Galaxy, Ye Chen found that there seemed to be a fleet approaching in the distance.

Those fleets were large in number and came swiftly. Ye Chen recognized that they were reinforcements from the Musen Galaxy that should have been on the periphery!

“Where are the people of the Oster Galaxy?!”

Ye Chen got up from her seat and raised her voice. The liaison hurriedly raised his head and whispered to Ye Chen, “Bixia, the third fleet sent a message that Oster’s army has withdrawn and also asked us if we want to withdraw?”

If they could be withdrawn, of course.

The Oster’s army had started to withdraw. With the Musen Galaxy’s one-life-for-life style of play, it is absolutely impossible for the Yadong Galaxy’s army to come back alive when the Musen has the advantage.

It was a war, but Oster and Yadong paid far more attention to human life than winning or losing the war.

Nonetheless, they couldn’t withdraw before, and neither could they withdraw now. 

Once they withdraw, the formation of the army would be disordered and become a mess. The Musen Galaxy would take the opportunity to chase them to the end, which would lead to the complete annihilation of the army.

In the current situation, to stay was to fight to the death; to escape would also end in death.

Ye Chen clenched her fist and looked at the panicked soldiers on the screen.

The low-level soldiers still didn’t know where so many enemies came from. They all asked their commanding officer.

They were still young and they should have a future.

Perhaps it was because she had been a Queen for a long time, or perhaps because of the image she caught of Lu Liang at the welfare home, she was moved by the subjects of this galaxy. Ye Chen looked at those young faces and sensed the responsibility and love given to her by this country.

Obviously, she knew the ending and had already expected it long ago. But, when faced with it, the tips of her eyes still reddened. She commanded in a cracked voice, “Tell all the soldiers, get ready and fight to the death! ”

Ye Chen’s command was quickly conveyed, and the Yadong Galaxy began to redeploy the battle plan. At the same time, the contact to Oster Galaxy was connected.

“Your Prime Minister Ye held our President hostage and forced us to retreat. Because of this retreat, we suffered heavy losses, Ye Chen-bixia, shouldn’t you give us an explanation of this matter?!”

The Vice President on the opposite side roared loudly, and it was clear that he was not pleased.

Ye Chen closed her eyes and rubbed her temple. The person next to her cautiously probed, “Bixia?”

“Switch it off!”

Ye Chen opened her eyes.

Will was kidnapped by Ye Wen. Oster’s trust in the Yadong Galaxy was shattered. There was no point in talking anymore.

Ye Chen glanced up at the screen. The war had begun. She watched the ships constantly exploding on the battlefield and clearly sensed the lives that passed away one by one. She desperately recalled what happened in the original plot…

How did Ming Hao win?

“During the war, the Musen Galaxy spaceship appeared on the battlefield, carrying the latest gravity bombs. The bomb destroyed almost the whole of the Yadong Galaxy spaceships…”

“There’s a skull flag on that ship…”

“Ming Hao shuttled his ship and aimed at the skeleton spacecraft, shooting it with high precision!”

“The shot exploded the spaceship and the bomb. When the gravity bomb exploded, the entire space shook. All the spaceships were not spared一 Only Ming Hao’s broken ship was spared, and by chance, it fell into a space-teleport station……”

A spaceship with a skull flag, and a gravity bomb that blew up all the ships……

Ye Chen stared at the screen, a spaceship with a skull flag gradually appeared.

It moved at a snail’s pace and appeared to be carrying something.

On the other side, Lu Liang stopped most of the attack with his own strength.

All the firepower was concentrated on Lu Liang, which completely disrupted the Musen Galaxy’s attack. Ye Chen put on her communication device and tuned the channel to Lu Liang’s personal channel.

“Ming Hao,” Ye Chen’s voice came, Lu Liang glanced at the screen and laughed out loud.

Ming Hao. Ming Hao. Ming Hao.

In Ye Chen’s mind, there were probably only tasks and the Male Lead, weren’t there.

Lu Liang squeezed the steering wheel, sensing the rolling fury in his heart. 

He didn’t reply.

Ye Chen still continued slowly, “Please, attract their attention and hold them back.”

“I want the other fleet to withdraw

“I know, this may put you in danger, but I believe in you, no matter what, you are favored by the Goddess of Fate.”

With that said, Ye Chen let Ye Xiaoxiao command the fleet to retreat quietly and disperse so that when the bomb explodes, the casualties could be minimized.

Lu Liang listened to Ye Chen’s words with pursed lips. He rushed into the center of the enemy formation according to what she said.

That was a provocative action. He rushed directly towards the opponent’s main aircraft carrier. The people of the Musen Galaxy were angered by his actions and focused all their attention on him and began to bombard him.

His skill was too good and perfect. Like a loach, he couldn’t be caught. Regardless, as the attack got heavier, many could see that it was not easy for him. 

By this time, most of the Yadong Galaxy’s army had already retreated, and the other half stopped in front, blocking the line of sight, pretending to be still fighting.

Ye Xiaoxiao looked at the spaceship operated by Lu Liang on the scene. The spaceship of the Musen Galaxy began to crowd one by one into the shape of a “wall”, enclosing Lu Liang in the middle. Ye Chen never let anyone break through the “wall” to rescue him. Seeing the “wall” gradually tightening, Ye Xiaoxiao couldn’t help frowning, “If this goes on… He will die. ”

Ye Chen clenched her fists, feigning calmness, “I believe God’s favor will fall on Ming Hao.”

After all, it’s the Male Lead… After all, it’s the person who didn’t die even if the whole legion was dead. He wouldn’t be so easy to get killed… right?

Yet, just after saying that, Ye Chen heard a familiar voice.

“The Goddess of Fate favors Ming Hao,” Lu Liang’s voice was without fluctuation. The Musen Galaxy had surrounded him, creating a wall to hinder Lu Liang’s escape. He had nowhere to escape.

Even so, his voice was calm.

“Then, what about me?”

He asked.

The Goddess of Fate is there for Ming Hao, you are there for Ming Hao, and all good luck is there for Ming Hao. Hence, you could rest assured to give such an order——

Then, what about me?

Who will be there for me?

Before his voice died out, the Musen Galaxy’s spaceship fired collectively. Ye Chen, across a distance of hundreds of light-years, roared, “No!!”

The author has something to say: 

[Mini Theater · The Doctor’s Glass Dregs[4]]

Doctor: “Da Bai.”

Mo Shubai: “Mn?“

Doctor: “I heard you got married today.”

Mo Shubai: “Yep.”

Doctor: “Then, you can be discharged from the hospital.”

Mo Shubai: “Why???”

Doctor (smiling): “Because, you are married.”

You are now married. You don’t have to stay with me in the hospital anymore.

In any case, you are not destined to be my Da Bai.

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[1] 如鱼得水 – rú yú dé shu. A natural. Adapt quickly. Good at it.

[2] 戒严 – jiè yán. Temporary rule by military authorities of a designated area in time of emergency. Normally invoked in times of war, rebellion, or natural disaster.

[3] Lu Liang in the original text, most likely a typo.

[4] 玻璃渣 – bōlizhā. When used in a movie/novel’s context, it means abuse/angst.

Ry’s Corner

Double the abuse.

F for Doctor.

Also, yes, this chapter was published when MSB’s got married to Zhang Ergou (the Nail-Clipper Man from the Mini Theater in Ch41.)

In my company, once in a blue moon, when they don’t have a conscience, some teams will be given ‘paid leave’ *cough* vacation *cough* to survey a rural area and create plans to improve the lives there to consolidate the good image of the company. In a way, it’s actually leaning more toward surveying how beneficial the land and the place are, but eh. Fortunately (bc I will be temporarily free from malding on doing my work), or unfortunately (bc I will be malding from the living condition of this task), my team is one of the teams that get handed with the task. Anw, I’m joking, I luv my company and my ‘paid leave’.

I have checked the place thrice with my team. The place is beautiful and the people are quite friendly. It really can be considered a vacation if I close my eyes to the terrible signal and no wi-fi. Even, the water allocation is time-limited bc of the lack of supply. Though, in all honesty, I’m more worried about the signal problem rather than the water supply (:

I envy the teams that got to areas that have good signals. A truly paid vacation. I hereby blame my situation on my Team Leader that sucks at drawing lots.

I hope I can survive these 3 months wuwuwuwu.

My phone and PC are my babies. Yet, I can’t bring my PC nor do I have the heart to bring my laptop. I and my team will stay at the district head’s residence bc there aren’t any hotels or any rentable buildings there. I am not comfortable leaving my laptop in a stranger’s place. Plus, my laptop is useless even if I bring it because I will spend 90% of the time outside.

Worry not, I’m piling up chapters from now so I can set some scheduled updates before I say bye to my baby and learn back the way to live without technology QAQ

Ry’s Complain Corner

This ‘paid leave’ reminds me of my time at University. My Uni would *cough* force *cough* let us help improve lives in rural areas as one of the requirements for graduation. And obviously, 8 out of 10 of the people were perfunctory in doing that, all for the sake of graduation.

It was way worse than this ‘paid leave’ obviously. Rather than get paid, we, impoverished undergraduate students (hyperbole much ofc), use our own money for it and racked our brains to think of a way to improve their lives. The Uni subsidized us, but it wasn’t enough to make an obvious improvement. If the improvement wasn’t obvious enough, we must repeat it next year. Thus, searching for another way to fund our project was a must. Sadly, sponsorship isn’t allowed because it is a “business relationship”. As students representing our Uni, we shouldn’t use sponsorship as one of the sources of our funding because we must return some commercial advantages to them which wouldn’t show our sincerity in helping others. Until now, I still hold grudges over it.

I don’t mind the task. Even though I’m complaining about it, I actually enjoyed the process. Despite that, to be frank, I still believe that back then, I must improve my life as an impoverished undergraduate student before I could help others improve their lives lmao.

…I think, today’s Corner is long enough, haha. Cya.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4493

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2 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 73”

  1. Enjoy your so called ‘paid leave’!!!! Hopefully you have a good time and survive.
    Thank you for the new chap!!! ❤❤
    You’ll be fine Lu Liang, you’re the ml.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡