WfDO Chapter 58

Arc 4
The Supporting Female Is a Stand-In for the Female Lead (1)

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Although Ye Wei had a 100% chance of winning the lottery, her bad luck was no joke.  She prayed with utmost sincerity she could muster[1], just to draw a Truth System.

The so-called Truth System granted the person who owned this System the ability to hear the truth from others’ mouths. No lies could help the truth escape her.

Even so, this System wouldn’t automatically make the owner a know-it-all being[2]. There were restrictions to use the System and it was particularly inconvenient.

“Dear, with me, you are the smartest woman in the world.”

“Dear, are you worried about being cheated of money, body, and mind? Worried about being lied to until the end? With me, all liars will have nowhere to hide!”

“Dear, bind yourself to this System and you will never regret it!”

Ye Wei merely glanced at it and tossed it into the warehouse, staying to collect dust. She was clever and ruthless enough. Ordinary liars couldn’t fool her. There was no difference whether she had this system or not. 

The one she longed for was the Chinese Medicine System. Nevertheless, what she wanted the most was the one that she couldn’t get. Ye Wei gulped away her saliva as she stared at the Chinese Medicine System. She clenched her fists and swore. One day… she would definitely get her hand on it!

Before going to another task, Ye Wei returned to her real world to rest for two days. During this time, she listened to her mother reading several newspapers. She liked entertainment gossip, her mother didn’t. Despite her mother didn’t like it, she was willing to read it to the vegetative her.

In the gossip her mother read, a male star who had always been portrayed as a good man and was inseparable from his wife[3], was revealed to have cheated on his wife. For some time, countless melon-eaters[4] were shocked and the social media was on fire. Just from the sounds of it, the situation appeared to be remarkably exciting.

Ye Wei herself almost jumped out of the bed. The man who played the role model of a good man in and out of the play turned out not to be a good man. She had to bite down the bitter pills. She was blind to liars. Suddenly, she felt that the Truth System wasn’t that bad? Perhaps she could use it for the next task. 

At last, she heard her mother say that the wedding photos of her cousin and her future brother-in-law have been taken, and the wedding invitations have been sent out. They would get married at the end of the year. Her mother wiped away her tears, “Weiwei, will Mama never be able to see you get married for the rest of Mama’s life?”

Ai, Mama is already old. I don’t know how long I can stay with you.”

“You are my and your father’s only daughter. We are not at ease to hand you over to someone else.”

“Recently, your father’s health is not as good as before. Ye Xin… She… has a good heart and has been thinking about you. She is also good to us. Your father has arranged for her to go to work in the company. ”

“Even if you can’t wake up, we hope someone can take care of you after we die.”

“Weiwei, wake up quickly…”

Ye Wei listened to it silently. Her heart was astringent. It was not that she didn’t want to wake up quickly, but that she couldn’t. After her mother left the hospital, she hurried back to the Time and Space Administration Bureau. She initially planned to rest for two days, but now it appeared that she had no time to rest. 

However, when she asked for her task, Team Leader Jia told her that her task would arrive two days later. Because her previous score was not bad and it just happened that the bureau was understaffed, she was assigned to supervise an exam.

“Supervise an exam? Are new people coming?”

“Quite so. It’s all the Supporting Females who disturbed the world line in the worlds where you went on the task before. During this period of learning and transformation, the Lord God of the System decided to let them take the examination of the Time and Space Administration bureau first. If they fail, they will be directed to reincarnation.”

Ye Wei nodded, “Are there any extra points or subsidies?”

Team Leader Jia, “…Yes.”

Ye Wei smiled cheerily, “Alright, I’ll go right away.”

After she was done supervising the exam, Ye Wei hurried to her task.


“I’ll be back tomorrow night.”

—Xu Chi.

Xu Chi was Ye Wei’s boyfriend and the only heir of Xu Enterprise.

Grandpa Xu had a son under his knee, named Xu Xiao, who was Xu Chi’s father. Xu Xiao was an admirable business genius. Many people predicted that Xu’s Enterprise would rise to a higher level in his hands. Unfortunately, his life was not smooth. In the second year after his marriage, he died in a car accident. He and his wife died in that accident. 

Xu Xiao and his wife died unexpectedly, leaving his son Xu Chi, who was less than one year old.

Grandpa Xu, the elder, must send away the youngster. He had to endure the grief as he took care of his son and daughter-in-law’s funeral and appease the restless people in the company, and at the same time, personally raised Xu Chi. 

Xu Chi didn’t fail to live up to the expectations of Grandpa Xu. He showed great talent from an early age. His intelligence was on par, if not surpassing, his father, Xu Xiao. He returned from a well-known foreign university at the age of 20. In just a few years, he completely took over the Xu Enterprise. He was a true proud Son of Heaven. 

The industries under Xu Enterprise involve hotels, apartments, supermarkets, cinemas, etc. The industries were all over the country. They were a truly prosperous Family.

Xu Chi not only had a perfect family background, but even he himself was extremely outstanding. He had an outstanding business ability and a handsome appearance. He was once rated as the fifth eligible bachelor that celebrities and nobles most want to associate with. There was no one who wouldn’t marry if the marriage object was him. Many noble ladies and celebrities wanted to have a blind date with him, even a business marriage was fine. 

Ye Wei, this time, was just an ordinary female college student.

The fact that two people who had no intersection in their lives[5] could become boyfriend and girlfriend was an eye-catching thing, not to mention that the other person was Xu Chi.

Frankly speaking, Ye Wei and Xu Chi’s being together was indeed a totally unexpected accident[6].

Ye Wei encountered Xu Chi when she went to apply for an internship in the summer at Xu Enterprise. She ran so fast that she almost collided with Xu Chi’s car. At that time, she was shocked silly. Xu Chi got out of the car and took her to the hospital in person. Not only that, but he also exchanged contact information with her.

By that time, Ye Wei was even more shocked.

She went to apply for an internship at Xu Enterprise. Could she still not know who Xu Chi was? Moreover, as an outstanding young man, Xu Chi had been in the newspaper for a long time. She recognized Xu Chi almost at a glance, not only because of Xu Chi’s status, but also because of Xu Chi’s intelligence and talent. She would never guess that the person who bumped into her would be Xu Chi. What’s more, she didn’t expect that the legendary Xu Chi would take her to the hospital in person?

Even more, after the incident, Xu Chi took the initiative to invite her for dinner?!

Who was Xu Chi? He was a gentle and handsome eligible bachelor. Which woman could refuse Xu Chi’s invitation? Ye Wei definitely couldn’t.

The first time they met, they went to a western restaurant with delicious food and good music. The atmosphere was lovely. Xu Chi personally sent her home that night. Ye Wei was so excited that she couldn’t sleep all night.

The second time they met, Xu Chi gave her a necklace.

The third time they met, Xu Wei sent her a bunch of roses.

The fourth time they met, Xu Chi stared at her face for a long time. When she got off the car, he gently stroked her face一 He didn’t kiss her, but the expression on his eyes made her feel that she was cherished and loved by him.

Things had developed to that point, Ye Wei was almost certain that Xu Chi fell in love with her at first sight and he was pursuing her.

Ye Wei was an ordinary girl. She knew that she was good-looking, but she never thought that her looks could make Xu Chi fall in love with her at first sight! This discovery gave her joy for a long time. As long as she thought of Xu Chi, she would beam with happiness. Almost immediately, she wanted this brilliant love relationship with Xu Chi to bloom. However, Xu Chi never uttered a word about it and she couldn’t muster the courage to ask for it. 

Until one night, Xu Chi drank a few more glasses of wine. He hugged her and kissed her for the first time. He called her “Weiwei” intimately and fondly

Ye Wei felt that her heart almost soared to the sky. That was her happiest and treasured moment.

The relationship between the two was confirmed that night. Since then, she became Xu Chi’s girlfriend.

After their relationship was confirmed, Ye Wei discovered that Xu Chi seemed to like looking at her very much. When he looked at her, he would softly touch her cheeks and hair with particularly gentle eyes. Sometimes she would be embarrassed by him and cover her face with her hands as she asked him, “Why are you looking at me like that? I don’t look that good.”

Xu Chi smiled and replied, “You look good.”

Covering her face, she was a bit shy and puzzled, “Why do you like to look at my face so much?”

Xu Chi glanced at her and only said, “Go to sleep.”

Ye Wei pouted, quite dissatisfied. But, she was secretly happy in her heart. She considered that Xu Chi liked to see her face so much because he liked her. If he didn’t like her, why did he keep looking at her in that way?

Xu Chi was really kind to her. He was gentle and also liked to present her with all kinds of gifts. Since she dated Xu Chi, he had prepared almost everything about her. Clothes, food, and clothing, almost all of them were ready for her.

This kind of Xu Chi was indeed very good. Yet, sometimes it would make Ye Wei quite down. For example, she didn’t like western food so much. Sitting in the restaurant, listening to music, and cutting the steak in a dignified and elegant manner was not her style. She liked Chinese food. Sauteed Beef with Hot Pepper and Spicy Hot Pot were her favorites. It would be best with some vinegar.

Another example, she liked to watch movies but didn’t like to listen to opera or other kinds of musical entertainment. She could fall asleep when she listened to those. It took a lot of effort for her not to let herself fall asleep, her thighs were swollen red from her pinching to stay awake.

Another example, he liked to give her a variety of desserts with matcha flavor accompanied by a cup of black coffee without sugar.

She didn’t like matcha, nor did she like black coffee. The matcha dessert had a bit of bitterness in its sweetness, not to mention the bitterness of black coffee. She liked sweet things and couldn’t withstand bitter things in the slightest. She liked strawberry-flavored snacks. She liked juice. She also liked coffee, but at least with three spoonfuls of sugar and several bags of creamer.

Another example, she preferred cute and lovely clothes and jewelry. Elegant clothes and jewelry made her feel out of place when they were put on her. She felt that she was still a youth, wearing them made her feel that she was a few years older……

She didn’t remember when her long and straight black hair had curls.

Even her habit of walking had changed because there were teachers who would teach her all kinds of etiquette.

Unconsciously, she seemed to be different from her previous self, but at the core, she was still her. 

She noticed she had changed a lot. Regardless, for Xu Chi, she was willing to change. Xu Chi treated her well. The person she dated, Xu Chi, was not an ordinary person, but the famous heir of a huge Xu Enterprise. Xu Chi’s life experience and position destined him to be extraordinary. His circle was full of deceit and intrigue behind the elegant mask. She was his girlfriend, so she must be worthy of him. She couldn’t be a disgrace to him.

Until one day, Ye Wei saw another woman who looked like her.

That woman had wavy curls. She wore a long red dress, graceful and luxurious. When she smiled, she was as bright as the sun.

Someone next to her called her, “Weiwei-jie, you’ve been abroad for many years. Are you finally willing to come back now?”

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[1] 求爹爹告奶奶 – qiú diē diē gào nǎi nǎi. Lit. Beg Father to Tell Grandmother. Begging for help everywhere. In dire need to ask for help.

[2] 天下无敌 – tiān xià wú dí. Lit. None equal (to him/her) under Heaven/in this land.

[3] (接受采访)三句话不离(老婆) – sān jù huà bù lí. Lit. (In an interview), within three sentences, there will always be words about (his wife). To always talk about his wife in an interview. From the idiom 三句话不离本行 (to talk about one’s profession all the time), which means that a person is inseparable from the scope of his profession.

[4] 吃瓜 – chīguā. Netizen. Gossipers.

[5] 八竿子打不到一起 – bā gān zi dǎ bù zháo. Lit. 8 bamboo poles couldn’t hit them together. Too far away from each other. Unrelated people.

[6] 意外中的意外 – yìwài zhōng de yìwài. Lit. an accident within an accident. Totally unplanned/unexpected.

Ry’s Corner

After an unplanned break, we can start Arc 4! Woohoo!

I thought I would be more productive during my break, guess not.

As I tl’ed this chapter, I recalled the ending of this Arc and couldn’t help but sigh.

What could go wrong with a stand-in, right?

Anyway, this is a Slow-in-Emotion Male Lead with Soft Stand-in Supporting Female(?).

Xu Chi is Zhong Shen V2 but better (or maybe worse) in certain aspects. He is certainly not emotionally stunted like Zhong Shen, but…

Ye Wei, go wild and have fun with your status as a stand-in!

Ye Wei’s name is written as 叶薇 – Yè Wēi and the name of the ‘Female Lead’ of this Arc is 梁若薇 – Liáng Ruòwēi. They share the same “薇 – wēi.”


On a serious note, copied from my other update, I will be busy for the next 3 (or 4) months.

In my company, once in a blue moon, when they don’t have a conscience, some teams will be given ‘paid leave’ *cough* vacation *cough* to survey a rural area and create plans to improve the lives there to consolidate the good image of the company. In a way, it’s actually leaning more toward leisure surveying how beneficial the land and the place are, but eh. Fortunately (bc I will be temporarily free from malding on doing my work), or unfortunately (bc I will be malding from the living condition of this task), my team is one of the teams that get handed with the task. Anw, I’m joking, I luv my company and my ‘paid leave’.

I have checked the place thrice with my team. The place is beautiful and the people are quite friendly. It really can be considered a vacation if I close my eyes to the terrible signal and no wi-fi. Even, the water allocation is time-limited bc of the lack of supply. Though, in all honesty, I’m more worried about the signal problem rather than the water supply (:

I envy the teams that got to areas that have good signals. A truly paid vacation.

I hereby blame my situation on my Team Leader that sucks at drawing lots.

I hope I can survive these 3 months wuwuwuwu.

My phone and PC are my babies. Yet, I can’t bring my PC nor do I have the heart to bring my laptop. I and my team will stay at the district head’s residence bc there aren’t any hotels or any rentable buildings there. I am not comfortable leaving my laptop in a stranger’s place. Plus, my laptop is useless even if I bring it because I will spend 90% of the time outside.

Worry not, I’m piling up chapters from now so I can set some scheduled updates before I say bye to my baby and learn back the way to live without technology QAQ

Ry’s Complain Corner

This ‘paid leave’ reminds me of my time at University. My Uni would *cough* force *cough* let us help improve lives in rural areas as one of the requirements for graduation. And obviously, 8 out of 10 of the people were perfunctory in doing that, all for the sake of graduation.

It was way worse than this ‘paid leave’ obviously. Rather than get paid, we, impoverished undergraduate students (hyperbole much ofc), use our own money for it and racked our brains to think of a way to improve their lives. The Uni subsidized us, but it wasn’t enough to make an obvious improvement. If the improvement wasn’t obvious enough, we must repeat it next year. Thus, searching for another way to fund our project was a must. Sadly, sponsorship isn’t allowed because it is a “business relationship”. As students representing our Uni, we shouldn’t use sponsorship as one of the sources of our funding because we must return some commercial advantages to them which wouldn’t show our sincerity in helping others. Until now, I still hold grudges over it.

I don’t mind the task. Even though I’m complaining about it, I actually enjoyed the process. Despite that, to be frank, I still believe that back then, I must improve my life as an impoverished undergraduate student before I could help others improve their lives lmao.

…I think, today’s Corner is long enough, haha. Cya.

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2272

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9 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 58”

  1. You deliberately sprinkling salts on my wound, don’t you. You know that soon, I will be the impoverished undergraduate students racking my brain for the project QAQ You make yours sounds bad even though it’s literally a paid vacation, sans the internet. Dang it.

    Why is there a (?) behind the Soft Supporting Female?

  2. Okay, I think the systems she accumulated will reveal the truth and liberate her once she returns. The Truth system will likely play a major role to unveil a betrayal. Maybe I am overthinking but it is such a waste to not use the systems she accumulated.

  3. Just finished the chap. Scumbag man made her into a replacement? If she had been aware, it would be a bit tolerable but to manipulate her into becoming another person and act as that person’s substitute?!!?!? That is low. Scumbag man.


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