TVIRAD – Chapter 74

Arc 6
The Queen’s Male Pet (7)

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The moment Ye Chen roared coincided with the time countless bullets shot toward the small ship. The ship with the skull flag had also moved to the middle area and prepared a huge missile that aimed at the Yadong Galaxy’s army.

“Retreat!”Ye Xiaoxiao yelled. When this huge missile appeared, Ye Xiaoxiao understood the reason why Ye Chen let their fleets retreat. Ye Chen’s whole mind was already on the besieged small ship and couldn’t think of other people at all. Ye Xiaoxiao commanded the ship to retreat quickly, but it was too late——

The missile exploded in the air, forming a huge black hole and sucking all the objects around it.

Most of the Yadong Galaxy had retreated, only the frontline ship remained. These empty ships used for cover were all swept into the huge black hole without resistance.

In the face of such a terrible weapon, Yadong Galaxy’s army had withdrawn rapidly between the time of explosions when all the other ships were focused on Lu Liang.

Seeing that the casualties were not heavy, Ye Xiaoxiao moved her gaze to the screen on the other side. There was only Lu Liang’s flying ship on the screen. It had been quite long after the Yadong Galaxy’s army retreated and according to Ye Xiaoxiao’s guess, Lu Liang should have been blown to pieces the moment everyone fired. However, when Ye Xiaoxiao looked at that screen, she noticed that Lu Liang’s ship was still intact!

Lu Liang activated the protective layer of the ship and boldly manipulated the ship to shuttle through the hail of bullets. The bullets were dense and only had little gaps. They all hit Lu Liang’s ship and broke some parts. But, Lu Liang insisted on moving, and perhaps by miracle. Lu Liang’s ship didn’t explode or crash.

When it was confirmed that all forces had retreated safely, everyone shifted their attention to Lu Liang.

Ye Xiaoxiao reacted first and instructed, “Hurry up! Open the live broadcast! The national live broadcast channel!”

By that time, everyone also realized that Lu Liang was safe. 

It was inevitable for him to get hit by all that bullets. He adjusted the position of the spaceship to minimize the damage to the engine and the cockpit.

Even if the wing was scarred, even if the body was pierced, he would still fight!

This kind of indomitable spirit, this kind of spirit that would fight the opponent to the death even at the last moment.

This was the spirit that a galaxy needed most in times of war!

Reducing the damage to the cockpit and engine in such a dense rain of bullets, an operation like that was much rarer than skillful maneuver tricks. Even the elites in the air force must admit that after so many years of experience, they couldn’t achieve that, and Lu Liang was the first and only one.

All the eyes were on Lu Liang. His handsome face was calm without any waves. His hands were stable as he adjusted the direction and confronted the enemy.

The galaxy broadcast this image on all screens simultaneously. At first, what caught everyone’s gaze was his handsome appearance. They were amazed by his appearance, but soon, the respect for him began to sprout as they continued to watch.

Everyone believed that he wouldn’t survive.

In such a siege, a person was struggling without any reinforcements.

Yet, he was still resisting, still fighting, and did not give up at all.

Someone recognized it and exclaimed, “Ah…! Isn’t he the Dean of the welfare home…”

“It’s Dean Lu!”

“Yes, yes! It’s Lu-gege!”

Many people echoed his name. He was already prestigious before this. With this, his reputation reached its peak.

The whole conference room was silent, Ye Chen clenched her fist, staring at the screen with a slight tremor on her body. 

“Where’s Ming Hao…” she inquired in a dumb voice. Ye Xiaoxiao couldn’t understand why Ye Chen asked for Ming Hao at this time. She was stunned and quickly answered, “He should be resting at the moment.”

“Order him to save Lu Liang now!”

Ye Chen looked up.

At this time, the only thing that could save Lu Liang was Ming Hao.

As the Male Lead; As the person cherished by the plot.

As a Queen, she couldn’t let the whole galaxy risk death for Lu Liang alone when the enemy came up with a deadly new weapon. Still, she couldn’t watch Lu Liang die.

“Call Ming Hao.” Ming Hao became her only sustenance. She shouted, “Order Ming Hao to save him!”

Bixia,” Ye Xiaoxiao reminded solemnly, “Ming Hao alone can’t save Lu Liang.”

“He can.” Ye Chen stared straight at Ye Xiaoxiao, “If it’s him, he can.”


“Order him to go right away!”

Bixia! Please don’t be impulsive!” Ye Xiaoxiao cried out, “Ming Hao is not as omnipotent or as perfect as you think compared to Lu Liang! Lu Liang is our hero right now!”

“If Lu Liang can’t return,” Ye Xiaoxiao continued slowly, “Then neither can Ming Hao.”

Ye Chen couldn’t refute. Her lips pursed into a straight line. 

She couldn’t explain to others, the reason why she had absolute trust in Ming Hao. In what way could she tell others? “Oh, he is the Male Lead, the energy source of the Main System, the Main System treasures him. So, Ming Hao won’t die, he absolutely won’t die!”?

She stared at the screen and eventually acquired, “Fine, don’t let Ming Hao save him.”

Then, Ye Chen walked out, “I’ll do it myself.”

Bixia,” Ye Xiaoxiao took hold of Ye Chen’s arm and reminded her once again, “Please don’t be impulsive! You are the Queen of the Yadong Galaxy! Please remember the weight of your life to us!”


She just opened her mouth when there was a loud noise on the screen.

Ye Chen and Ye Xiaoxiao’s attention was instantly back to the screen. They saw that Lu Liang’s ship was hit by a missile. Fortunately, the protective layer blocked the attack for him, but there was also a crack in the protective layer.

The body of the ship shook violently, which was the source of the loud noise just now.

Lu Liang’s scalp was numb by the vibration. He urged 666, “How long until 12:31:27?”

666 observed the video replay of Ming Hao’s attack on the skull-flag ship in the original world line. Lu Liang had watched it countless times before. Every minute, every second. He had calculated all the timing and was incomparably clear about it.

At 12:31:27, the protective layer of the enemy’s ship carrying the gravity bomb would temporarily fail due to the aftermath of the bomb. At the same time, the space-teleport station would reach the position of coordinates [332,411,317]. It was the time when Ming Hao collided with that ship. The bomb would explode after 1 minute and 20 seconds, blowing up the entire Musen Galaxy’s cutting-edge fleets on the battlefield, and Ming Hao would fall into a space-teleport station that was constantly moving and was spared.

Could such a coincidence even exist in real life?

It all was thanks to the Male Lead’s golden finger that he had such good luck and met with so many coincidences.

Lu Liang controlled the ship and 666 gave him the countdown while asking Lu Liang, “Master, have you thought about your lines for later?”

Lu Liang looked at the front intently, and when the countdown reached 12:31:10, Lu Liang sped towards the ship with the skull flag!

Before everyone could react, they saw his spacecraft break through the “wall” of the spaceship with a spirit of defying death. He hustled towards the large spaceship that had just dropped the gravity bomb.

No one understood what was in Lu Liang’s mind. Everyone only saw that his ship’s fuel tank was hit, and the ship burst into flames. The cockpit was protected because of the special materials but the entire ship flew towards that large spaceship like a fireball.

A small one-person ship went to collide with a large spaceship.

What’s he thinking?!

Lu Liang glanced at the dashboard. He controlled the speed while detecting the moving position of the space-teleport station.


When the ship was about to collide, Lu Liang opened the cockpit, adjusted the spacesuit he had already worn, and jumped out!

Everyone opened their eyes wide as they watched Lu Liang jump out of the cockpit. He seemed to have brought some accelerator and rushed in a fixed direction!

The small ship, which everyone thought could not cause any damage to the large spaceship, slammed into the spaceship and detonated all the fuel and bombs it carried, causing a big explosion.

The protective layer of the ship failed!

Even ordinary people who knew nothing about the military could notice that the protective layer of this large spaceship had failed!

After Lu Liang held off Musen Galaxy alone and gave Yadong Galaxy’s army enough time to retreat, he crashed into their main force, causing huge damage to Musen Galaxy’s army!

Everyone was shocked and awed.

Lu Liang floated in the universe, such a small person, in the vast universe, like dust.

Anyone with basic knowledge knew that with their technology, the oxygen content and protection level of the spacesuit was only enough for a person to persist in the universe for less than two hours.

And that not counting the fact that he was surrounded by the enemy.

Hence, the moment Lu Liang jumped out of the cockpit, he was doomed to make a life-or-death choice.

There was no commentary nor sound, the screen was quiet.

Only his voice, like a clear spring and a jade stone, rang in the quietness.

His voice was so soft and gentle. 

“I don’t know if any of you can hear me, but…”

His voice came from the screen. Almost the whole Yadong Galaxy’s people were looking at him, but he didn’t know it.

He may just think that he was talking to the official channel, or maybe to no one. 

With his hands spread, he floated in the air with gentle eyes.

“I’ve tried my best.”

“I hope you have retreated safely, and I hope all my comrades-in-arms can go home and reunite with their families.”

“I hope Uncle Zhang can pay more attention to his legs and the little fatty[1] can study hard.”

“Even if Lu Liang can’t go back, I hope you guys can keep living on. ”

Someone in the crowd covered their mouth and sobbed. Especially those who have been named, those who have been looked after and accompanied by him, all cried out.

Ye Chen stared at him silently without any expression on her face.

Then she heard the man look at the screen, as if he knew she was looking at him. His eyes were as tender as the moonlight at the night they were on the run.

He said——

“And my Queen,” he whispered softly, “If I can go back alive, will you marry me?”

Ye Chen was quiet. Behind him was the starlight and sparks of fire.

It was unknown who shouted first, “Promise him…”

Soon, the whole city, the whole country, echoed the voice.

Bixia, promise him! Promise him!”

This proposal was unprecedented, Ye Chen listened to the voice outside the palace and her lips curled up. 

The person next to her had already adjusted the channel for her, and whispered, “Bixia…”

Ye Chen’s gaze was downcast. With a cracked voice, she made a sound. 

“Okay, I promise.”

The sound came from a distance of light years. 

A huge vibration appeared on the screen. Everyone saw that the main ship of Musen Galaxy exploded for some reason.

The gravity bomb became their own Grim Reaper. Hundreds of ships tried to escape, but they were all torn into the black hole.

The screen shook fiercely. The successive explosions of gravity bombs lead to the instability of space.. After an extremely cruel moment, the screen returned to darkness.

Lu Liang also disappeared.

Lu Liang only heard Ye Chen’s “Okay, I promise”, before he fell into the space-teleport station and sensed the familiar squeeze.

When he was out of the station, Lu Liang’s complexion was far from good. 666 fully understands the reason. 

Because according to the original plan, Lu Liang would say “Bixia, say you love me” to Ye Chen after that sentece.

In their current situation, Ye Chen would certainly not refuse him. Thus, Lu Liang could successfully coax a sentence of “I love you” from her.

However! Because Ye Chen was silent for too long, there was not enough time! Lu Liang didn’t get to hear her “I love you”. Lu Liang’s face potrayed how unhappy he was.

666 comforted Lu Liang, “Master, you’ve done a good job. Look, you aren’t angry at Ye Chen anymore, are you?”

“She is the one that made me angry in the first place!”

Lu Liang let out a cold sneer.

He had planned this performance for a long time. It was already in his calculation that Ye Chen would let the army retreat. He desired to create a hero image out of him for the whole galaxy, so this kind of desperate action was essential.

He had already exchanged the enhanced equipment of the ship with 666. He also exchanged for necessary escape equipment before he started the plan.

Ye Chen’s order to distract the whole Musen Galaxy army alone was the most welcome opportunity that he wanted. On the one hand, after two years of training, he couldn’t bear to watch his comrade-in-arms die just like that; On the other hand, that order gave him complete control to show off!

If he predicted correctly, with Ye Xiaoxiao’s professionalism, she would regard him as a hero model and shape the national fighting spirit by broadcasting his heroic deeds live across the galaxy!

There was such a person who attracted the attention of the whole fleet for the sake of the galaxy and ignored his life-and-death for a suicide attack, forming a heroic image. In addition, he annihilated the main force of the Musen Galaxy. Plus, at the last minute, his words were emotional and tearful. He even coaxed a promise out of Ye Chen. When he returned, his status, without doubt, would increase by a lot.

By that time, whether it was prestige or status, he would far exceed Ming Hao. 

The most important thing was, Ye Chen promised him. 

When he returned, he could marry Ye Chen in an upright way without any objection from anyone. 

Floating in the universe, Lu Liang lifted his hand and poked the panel on his arm. He began to search for the nearest habitable planet. While at it, he sent a distress signal to the army.

After he was done, Lu Liang moved toward the nearest habitable planet.

His position after jumping out was good. The nearest habitable planet was no more than 30 minutes away. His spacesuit was enough to support the journey, even if it couldn’t, there was still 666.

He paced towards the habitable planet. He pondered about something and abruptly asked in a happy tone, “Did Ye Chen cry for me just now? ”

“Master…” 666 was a bit helpless, “Don’t you think you are a bit childish right now?”

Lu Liang only smiled and didn’t reply. 

So what if he was a bit childish?

He hated the fact that that person didn’t pay enough attention to him. He was jealous of Ming Hao, and the other Male Leads that could always get the best assistance from her.

He didn’t know what her specific task was, but he always resented that she could leave him behind without any hesitation.

He had given so much. In every life, no matter their situation, he could fall in love with her again and again…

But, she…

He didn’t know.

Many times, when he looked into her eyes, he would think that she liked him. 

But, when he traced back to the past, he found that she always had such affectionate eyes.

Such affectionate eyes… Yet, she never hesitated to abandon him.

Even so, he couldn’t truly hate her. Even in this lifetime where it was said that his feelings had been cleansed. In the beginning, he could maintain his reason and just focused on performing his tasks.

Slowly, without knowing when it started, he couldn’t help but want to be nice to her, watch her laugh, stay with her, and let her eyes stay on him. 

Every beautiful moment in his memory, it was all related to her.

In this life, as Lu Liang, his happiest moment was actually the time when they were on the run on the garbage star. She leaned on his lap and fell asleep peacefully. When the moon was bright outside, she stayed by his side gently and quietly, like a kitten.

It was at that time he judged that, no matter what, he could forgive her for everything.

Because at that time, he felt that she liked him.

As long as she liked him, even if he knew that the road ahead was difficult to thread on, he would cut through thorns and vines to pave a way for her.

He knew that she had a task, that she was going to marry Ming Hao following the original plot. 

However, it didn’t matter. If she was forced to marry Ming Hao by the plot, then he would change the plot of the world, defying the fate bestowed by Heaven, and force her to marry him instead.

She would be his wife, accompanying him through the ups and downs of life. One day, she would be able to sincerely say that she loves him. 

“Where is the progress of my task?”

Lu Liang suddenly remembered, and 666 took a look at the progress, “Uh, 60%. But, when you return, it is estimated that it will reach 90%. ”

As a villain, Lu Liang’s only requirement was to stand higher and surpass Ming Hao in many aspects, that’s all.

Love, friends, power, wealth, status, and social evaluation.

Lu Liang had surpassed Ming Hao in terms of social evaluation. He would also have considerable wealth, status, and power when he returned. And with Ming Hao as his friend, Lu Liang could be considered to have a good circle of friends. 

The only flaw may be love. 

“What is the requirement for the “Love” aspect to meet the standards? ”

Lu Liang frowned. 666 soon replied, “When Ye Chen chooses you between completing the task and you because that means Ye Chen really loves you with all her heart.”

“That high?” Lu Liang was a little astonished, “I can’t even imagine she treats me nicely, let alone choosing me before her task… That is out of the question!”

As he said that, Lu Liang entered the atmosphere and the spacesuit burned quickly. And because of the protective layer, Lu Liang just felt a little hot.

He fell all the way to the stratosphere of the planet, opened his parachute, and descended slowly.

At this time, 666 slowed down and continued, “Host, your expectations for Ye Chen are really low.”

“Yes,” Lu Liang answered bluntly, “My expectation for her is… As long as she likes me, that’s enough.”

Whether she liked him a little or a lot, it didn’t matter.

Anyway, he liked her. He liked her so much. He was satisfied to have a bit of reciprocation.

The moment Lu Liang landed, Ye Chen received the signal.

When Lu Liang’s distress signal was received, Ye Chen was in a daze. For a moment, she almost mistook him for the Male Lead. 

However, after a while, she reacted abruptly, deeming that now was not the time to discuss whether Lu Liang was a Male Lead-in-disguise at all.

She immediately said, “I’ll pick him up. I’ll go in person!”

Bixia,” called Ye Xiaoxiao, “We will send someone over. You just wait here.”

“No, I’ll pick him up.”

Ye Chen was not at ease. She didn’t trust anyone to handle Lu Liang right now. She was afraid of any mistakes.

Lu Liang was now wandering alone and may die at any given time. Yadong Galaxy regarded him as a hero, which meant that Musen Galaxy regarded him as a nemesis and would assassinate him at all costs.

As for Musen Galaxy’s assassination ability, Ye Chen dared not underestimate it.

She ordered people to prepare and set off toward Lu Liang’s location. 

When she got on the ship, Ye Chen contacted Lu Liang.

When she contacted him, Lu Liang was hiding in a cave, gnawing on bread. He chirped in delight when he received a signal from Ye Chen, “My Queen, Bixia, have you come to me?”

“Stop playing around!” Ye Chen was puffed up, “Are you hurt?”

“No, I’m fine.” Lu Liang took a sip of water, “Your call makes me feel that this dry bread is a delicacy on earth. “

Ye Chen, “……”

Was it just her or did this person really become less and less respectful toward her? How come she didn’t know Lu Liang was such a person before.

Nevertheless, the fact that Lu Liang almost died still haunted her. She was silent for a long time and eventually said, “Congratulations, you have become a hero of Yadong Galaxy.”

Lu Liang leaned against the cave wall. He listened to Ye Chen’s words and looked up at the misty sky outside.

“It doesn’t matter whether I become the Yadong Galaxy’s hero or not. The important thing is —”

He softened his voice, but still couldn’t suppress the tenderness and caution in his voice, “Ye Chen, have I become your hero?”

[The author has something to say (1)]

[Mini Theater 1 · Words of Love]

The Common People: “Bixia, marry him! Marry him!”

Ye Xiaoxiao: “Bixia, marry him! Marry him!”

The Common People: “Get together! Get together!”

Ye Chen: “Do you think this is under the university dorm?! Can you please be more serious!”

Lu Liang: “Discussing our marriage is the most serious thing in the universe.”

Ye Chen: “……”

Fine, whatever you say.

[Mini Theater 2 · Hospitalization]

Doctor: “You can leave the hospital. You are now married and destined not to be my Mo Shu Bai.”

Mo Shu Bai: “It’s Da Bai who got married. I’m Mo Shu Bai.”

Doctor: “Isn’t it the same?”

Mo Shu Bai: “Well, Da Bai’s lover is Zhang Ergou. Mo Shu Bai’s lover… Em…”

Doctor: “Who is Mo Shu Bai’s lover?”

Mo Shu Bai: “No one. She has no lover.”

Doctor: “Oh. Then, now, she has.”

[The author has something to say (2)]

Someone asked me why I had to write an article about double abuse when I was on the joyous occasion of being newly married.

Well, let me tell you the answer—

Because I want to have some waves in my life…!!!

Reader: “Go die!!!”

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[1] 小胖子 – xiǎo pàngzi. nickname for children, mainly bc children are usually chubby and cute.

Ry’s Corner

“Do you think this is under the university dorm?!”

Just like when a person confessed publicly and everyone else started chanting “Accept him! Accept him!”

Talking about it, my friend in Uni got a confession like that. So our Uni dorm is a U-shaped building with empty space in the middle. She lived on the 2nd floor. I was, as usual, hijacking my friend’s room for wi-fi and food when out of nowhere, someone from outside shouted my friend’s name. We thought we were in trouble so we rushed out outside lmao. Her not-yet-bf bought roses and made an ♡ out of roses while he kneel on one knee with a bouquet in his hands… I could already foresee the rejection, especially because my friend didn’t like a high-key confession. Some whistled and some cheered. While his words were the expected sweet words of confession, it still resulted in silence. Then, my friend dragged me inside and slammed the door. I still thought it was a miracle there were no flying slippers considering my friend’s temper.

That was a mess, the not-yet-bf was upset he got rejected in that way in front of many people, and the not-yet-gf was upset with that kind of confession that made her a topic of discussion in the dorm for quite a while. 

Anw, long story short, they still end up together. The bf still likes to do surprises and such, but now more low-key and does it in private where there are no public eyes.

Also, unimportant info, our uni wi-fi is fast with a high DL and UL limit which reset daily per user (So you can borrow your friend’s student ID to get more limits, hoorah!). The dorm is in the uni area, so we can access the wi-fi from the dorm, which was why I treated her dorm like my 2nd home during my uni days. Let’s just say that I effectively used the wi-fi for everything but the intended purpose.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3998

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2 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 74”

  1. The ML is such an idiot, he’s jealous of the og ml for being favored by Ye Chen when it’s him who has been involved with her lifetime after lifetime. Smhhh


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡