WfDO Chapter 59

Arc 4
The Supporting Female Is a Stand-In for the Female Lead (2)

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When Ye Wei transmigrated, the original owner and Xu Chi were already together. The relationship between the two seemed to be pretty good.

As her boyfriend, Xu Chi often took her to various parties, whether it was some large-scale public events or small private gatherings. He never shied away from her. Therefore, many people in the circle know that Xu Chi had a college girlfriend named Ye Wei which he loved and doted on.

Wasn’t Xu Chi’s blatant affection for Ye Wei a sign of her importance to him?

The original owner believed so. She felt she was dipped in honey whenever she thought about it. She regarded Xu Chi as a man who she could entrust her life to.

In the view of the original owner, although Xu Chi was rich and the son of a wealthy man, he did not have the bad habits of the rich second generation, nor was he a playboy who only knew how to squander their money unrestrainedly for fun. On the contrary, he was really excellent. He could be described as clean in both life and work.

That conviction never changed, until Liang Ruowei appeared.

She always thought she was Xu Chi’s true love. She thought she and Xu Chi fell in love at first sight and were in love with each other. She thought she had found a man who could be entrusted for life, but in the end, she was just a stand-in?

Xu Chi didn’t like her at all. What he really loved was Liang Ruowei!

Because he liked Liang Ruowei, because he couldn’t forget Liang Ruowei, he noticed her, who was similar to Liang Ruowei. He even made her more and more identical to Liang Ruowei.

So, turned out, from the start to the end, she was a fool dancing in his hands. All were her wishful thinking!

The original owner was miserable when she discovered that. She liked Xu Chi. She really liked him. Even if she didn’t like him much in the beginning, they had spent time together for quite a long time, in which Xu Chi was always gentle and doted on her. Her little love had sprouted into a deep love as time passed. Where could she think that her boyfriend, who treated her like a treasure, never saw her as herself and only regarded her as a stand-in for Liang Ruowei?

It was at that moment that she finally understood why Xu Chi liked to stare at her face so much and often was in a trance. He saw other women through her, didn’t he!

She finally understood why Xu Chi didn’t try to know her hobbies and liking, because he had already set ‘her’ hobbies for her, hadn’t he.

He arranged everything for her. The dresses prepared for her were in the same style as Liang Ruowei, even the desserts and teas were prepared according to Liang Ruowei’s taste. She no longer retained her true self and became another ‘Liang Ruowei’!

The real Liang Ruowei appeared, and as a stand-in, she should naturally retire.

After the self-awakening of the original owner, she was unwilling to be only a stand-in, especially a cannon fodder stand-in. She began to retaliate against Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei, and nearly killed the Female Lead, disturbing the world line and creating chaos. The world was about to collapse, and she was taken away in time by the Lord God of the System. The Lord God of the System judged that the main line of this small world could not collapse. Thus, Ye Wei was sent over to this world. 

——If Lord God of the System judged that this was a Scumbag Abuse task, it may be another ending. With the vengeful character of the original owner after the self-awakening, she may pass the assessment of the Scumbag Abuse Team of the Time and Space Administration Bureau. The Scumbag Abuse Team would certainly shine.

Ye Wei’s task this time was quite simple. Follow the plot as it was and play her role just like before the self-awakening of the original owner. 

Strive to ensure that the Male Lead and the Female Lead love each other smoothly and be together for a lifetime!


Who’s Liang Ruowei?

Liang Ruowei and Xu Chi were childhood sweethearts. She was three years older than Xu Chi. The one that made the move and confessed first was Xu Chi. Xu Chi held a grand birthday party for Liang Ruowei and it was said that the rich second-generation and third-generation in City B were invited. He then confessed to her in front of everyone. For some time, Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei’s love was so sensational and became the object of envy of numerous people.

After Xu Chi’s confession was successful, the two had a high-profile relationship for two years. Before the break-up, Xu Chi proposed to Liang Ruowei. As luck would have it, Liang Ruowei was a woman with ideas and pursuits. She deemed that she was still young and didn’t want to be bound by marriage so early. She wished to study abroad. Meanwhile, Xu Chi, who lost his parents when he was a child, longed for the warmth of home and he wished to start a family early.

The two had a huge disagreement over this issue. After a few months of cold war, they broke up. Even when the issue caused their break-up, Liang Ruowei was still set on studying abroad. She resolutely left the country, and this leave took three years.

If Liang Ruowei never left, perhaps she was already Xu Chi’s wife by now and there was no need for Ye Wei, right?

Xu Chi’s true love was Liang Ruowei, Ye Wei was a mere stand-in. As a stand-in, her final ending was naturally not good.


Coincidentally, the time when Ye Wei transmigrated was when she was already with Xu Chi and when Liang Ruowei had just come back from her study abroad.

At this point, Xu Chi still liked Liang Ruowei, but he had not completely forgotten the pain when he was resolutely abandoned by Liang Ruowei. It just happened that the thing Xu Chi feared most was being abandoned. The knot between him and Liang Ruowei had not been solved, and the “sadomasochistic love” between them had just begun.

In other words, Ye Wei was still in the dark about being a stand-in for Liang Ruowei.

This was easy for her. Just pretend to be an idiot ah. Ye Wei was good at it. Wasn’t it just as simple as hiding her extraordinary wisdom?

The first time Ye Wei met Liang Ruowei was at Cao Heng’s birthday party. He was a childhood friend of Xu Chi. She sat beside Xu Chi and listened to him and Cao Heng chat and laugh.

Liang Ruowei appeared at this time.

She was wearing a red strapless dress, holding a branded handbag in her hand. Her lazy curl cascaded softly on her back. There was no accessory on her hair, nor any earring on her ears. But on her neck, there was a necklace in the shape of a key.

Simple, without losing her beauty.

“Friends, long time no see.”

As soon as she appeared, she became the focus of everyone’s gaze. Some were surprised, happy, dubious, and jealous.……

While at it, those eyes also passed at Xu Chi and Ye Wei. 

Xu Chi merely took a sip of his wine glass with an expressionless face, as if Liang Ruowei was an irrelevant person. Ye Wei looked at Liang Ruowei curiously. She seemed to feel that Liang Ruowei was quite familiar to her, but she couldn’t put it where she was familiar. She whispered to Xu Chi, “A’Chi, who is she? She is so beautiful. ”

Xu Chi frowned and didn’t answer.

Ye Wei thought that Xu Chi’s reaction was a bit odd, but she didn’t mind it much. Xu Chi was kind and gentle to her, but he was also quiet and restrained. He didn’t like to speak about irrelevant things.

“A’Heng, happy birthday, this is a gift for you. I designed it myself. See if you like it.” Liang Ruowei handed Cao Heng a small dark blue box. Cao Heng picked it up with a smile, glanced at Xu Chi on the side, and beamed, “Ruowei-jie, you are back. Don’t you know that when you have been away for so many years, we all miss you to death! Will you leave again after you return this time?”

Liang Ruowei smiled, stroked the hair on her cheeks, and pinned it behind her ears. She glanced at Xu Chi as if nothing had happened. “Mn, I won’t leave again.”

Cao Heng eagerly confirmed, “Really won’t leave? That’s great. Let’s have a drink and celebrate! Celebrate the return of our Liang-xiaojie!”

“Weiwei-jie, you are finally back. We miss you so much during your absence. ”

“Yes, yes. That’s right. Weiwei-jie, don’t leave again this time. How can there be a home outside?”

“When did Weiwei-jie come back? Why didn’t you reveal any news? We might as well pick you up and give you a grand welcome banquet!”


Liang Ruowei lifted her glass and took a sip of wine. She said with a smile, “Thank you for your kindness, but today is A’Heng’s birthday. I dare not steal his limelight. I’ll invite everyone to dinner another day.”

Liang Ruowei’s words was responded with echos of agreements.

She smiled slightly from the compliments and flattery of those people. Her attitude seemed indifferent and alienated. Although she was smiling, it gave people a sense of distance.

Because of this, it made her appear to be more noble and elegant.

She sat down beside Cao Heng without looking at Xu Chi. She picked up the wine glass on the table, “A’Heng, today is your birthday, let’s toast, shall we?”

Cao Heng reflexively peeked at Xu Chi, only to see that Xu Chi was still the same as before. He didn’t even pay any attention to them. Liang Ruowei urged “What are you looking at, don’t you want to give me a face?”

How dare Cao Heng toast her? Who didn’t know that Xu Chi didn’t like Liang Ruowei drinking outside? He recalled that once, a few of them gathered to play together. Liang Ruowei drank a few more glasses and got drunk. When Xu Chi arrived, he almost turned the avenue upside down. Since then, if anyone saw Liang Ruowei drinking, they had to persuade her to stop. Who dare to let her drink after all that?

What’s more, Xu Chi was watching directly from the side. Where did he have the guts to toast her?

While he was thinking of a way out. Liang Ruowei had finished the wine in her glass. It was too late for Cao Heng to stop her. He had to bite the bullet and toasted her. He reminded, “Don’t you know that your alcohol tolerance is low. Drink less.”

“This is only one glass. I won’t get drunk.” Liang Ruowei said happily, “It’s been a long time since I saw an old friend. I’m happy.”

Cao Heng took a sip of his wine and agreed in his heart. It was indeed a long time since she had seen him. He was also happy, but… He glimpsed at Xu Chi, and couldn’t see any trace of happiness on Xu Chi’s face.

Liang Ruowei sighed, “I haven’t seen you for years. You’ve changed a lot.”

She skimmed at the people present and Cao Heng. Her eyes eventually land on Xu Chi, “Some people have changed so much that I don’t recognize them anymore.”

Cao Heng nearly choked and lightly remarked, “Yes, yes. After all, you have been away for so many years. See if I am older now? Are there any wrinkles near my eyes?”

Liang Ruowei hummed noncommittally.

Xu Chi’s hand holding the wine glass tightened abruptly, the blue veins on the back of his hand were clear. Those deep eyes glanced at Liang Ruowei, but Liang Ruowei had already looked away and didn’t look at him anymore. She just held the wine glass and took a few sips slowly一 If they were still dating, Xu Chi would have grabbed her wine and drank it himself by now. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t do it now. He wouldn’t bat an eye even if she drank to death.

Ye Wei sensed the odd atmosphere. She looked at Liang Ruowei, then looked at Xu Chi, whose expression was bad. She blinked twice and leaned to whisper, “A’Chi, what’s the matter? You’re not feeling well?”

Xu Chi replied, “I’m fine.”

Ye Wei pursed her lips. “Liar. Let’s go home. I will make soup for you. You must have a stomachache again now.”

Xu Chi glanced down at her and obeyed her words.

Liang Ruowei put her glass with a clinking sound on the table. Cao Heng subconsciously shook. Liang Ruowei was older than him. When he was a child, he liked to trail behind Liang Ruowei, calling her “Jiejie” this, “Jiejie” that. Later, he grew up and went to play with his circle of friends.

Since childhood, he listened to Liang Ruowei. And at present, he was in a dilemma. One was a good brother and the other was a good sister. What should he do?

Liang Ruowei asked, “Who is this? I don’t seem to have seen her before. I’ve been away from City B for so long that I don’t know the newcomer anymore.” 

Cao Heng, “……”

How should he introduce her? He looked at Xu Chi, then at the innocent Ye Wei beside him. He already felt a wave of a headache coming. 

Xu Chi looked at Liang Ruowei. He held Ye Wei’s hand and introduced, “This is my girlfriend, Ye Wei.”

Liang Ruowei’s expression twisted. 

Ye Wei sent a smile to Liang Ruowei, “Hello, my name is Ye Wei.”

Liang Ruowei didn’t expect Xu Chi to introduce Ye Wei so easily like this. However, she was a person who had experienced a lot of things and could retain her calm. Besides, she had expected what would happen when she came back this time. Still, she was a little heartbroken. She endured it, and smiled back, “Hello, I am Liang Ruowei.”

Ye Wei nodded, “Liang-xiaojie, you are so beautiful.”

Liang Ruowei, “Thank you.”

She quickly soothed the injury in her heart,. So what if Xu Chi acted indifferent to her? If he really forgot about her, he wouldn’t find a woman who was a copy of her to stay by his side. By doing so, it meant that he hadn’t forgotten her at all.

And, she came back early this time just to get Xu Chi back.

In her previous life, she missed her chance with Xu Chi. She felt that Xu Chi controlled her too much. The love Xu Chi gave suffocated her. She also felt that he was dull and did not understand her style. He wouldn’t please her unconditionally. So, she couldn’t help but want to escape him. Later, she did escape from him. In the first few years abroad, she lived freely. She was like a free bird, doing whatever she wanted. She wanted to return and marry Xu Chi only after she had enough fun. What she didn’t expect was that the Liang Family would go bankrupt!

She hurried back to China and faced a mess. Her parents fell ill because they couldn’t withstand the pressure. Her brother ran away because he was afraid. She had to stand up and take care of her sick parents and the company that was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Many of her best friends left after the fall of the Liang family. During that time, she saw too many snobbish faces with sharp teeth under their masks. She begged many people. In the end, her begging resulted in ridicule. When the things in Liang Family returned to calm, they all came to curry favor with her. They were ‘good’ friends, brothers and sisters, but when the Liang Family encountered an accident, they all hid away. She wished she had never known them. Their faces made her sick. 

Only Xu Chi, the Xu Chi she had hurt, was willing to lend a hand to help her when she was faced with a mess in the Liang Family.

She ultimately realized what she had lost. She regretted it. She wanted to reconcile with Xu Chi, but Xu Chi already had a girlfriend named Ye Wei beside him and he actually rejected her for Ye Wei.

She knew that Ye Wei was similar to her. However, no matter how similar Ye Wei was to her, she was merely a stand-in. Now the original had returned, Ye Wei was no longer necessary.

But why did Xu Chi still reject her?

What made her even angrier was that Xu Chi chose to marry Ye Wei!

Luckily, she was reborn. This time, she not only wanted to save the Liang Family’s Company but also to snatch Xu Chi back!

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Ry’s Corner

So, actually, the title for this Arc is 替身女配 (Stand-in Supporting Female) for the first and second chapters. In the third chapter, it becomes 替身女配是女主 (Lit. Stand-In Supporting Female is the Female Lead). Though, in context, it is read as Stand-In Supporting Female is (Standing-In for) the Female Lead.

I think, both are not wrong, bc, in my view, this arc ‘Supporting Female’ is really the ‘Female Lead’ (if the ‘Supporting Female’ didn’t awaken and disturbed the plot, that’s it.). But, in Ye Wei’s and the Supporting Female’s cognition, they are merely Stand-In for the Female Lead. Hence, the title.

I think it is a nice play on the title. So Ye Wei actually got the wrong script without being aware that she got the wrong script, even the Time and Space Administration Bureau is not aware of it. The script they get is only until the time when the ‘Supporting Female’ realizes she is a stand-in and retaliates, disturbing the original plot where the ‘Supporting Female’ became the ‘Female Lead’. They don’t know the later part where Xu Chi chose Ye Wei over Liang Ruowei. Even they didn’t know that Liang Ruowei is reborn.

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2926

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4 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 59”

  1. Wow the plot is just like the dog blood novel where ml found a substitute for his white moonlight but fell in love with her

  2. I thought it was weird that the original host waking up and trying to kill the female lead was seen as disrupting the world story line, since after all that’s a pretty typical Vicious-Supporting-Lead thing to do. So in the proper sequence of events, the oFL is supposed to just, accept being the stand-in until the ML wakes up and falls for her? Also, is the oFL reincarnating part of the main story line or is it a derivation cause by the original host trying to kill her? I’m going to need to draw a chart to sort this one out

    • It’s been awhile since you commented but I think I need to sort this plot out myself to understand it.

      The story turned out to be a rebirth story so there’s two timelines.
      1st timeline: ML uses oFL as a replacement for FL because FL doesn’t want to be restricted and went abroad to play. But then her family suddenly goes bankrupt and she hurries back to China, where oFL and ML are together and have been for awhile. ML helps her because of old feelings, but since he’s been with oFL for a while and actually fell in love with her, rejects FL.
      So oFL doesn’t find out that she’s just a stand-in until after ML already falls in love with her and by that point it doesn’t really matter because she’s got him in the end.

      2nd timeline: FL goes back in time because of magical rebirth story magic, which seems separate from the Time and Space Administration Bureau, around 3 years after she first went aboard. She immediately goes back to China and it’s when ML and oFL have just gotten together so their feelings aren’t really deep and ML is still only seeing oFL as a stand-in, which is the time of this current moment. FL obviously then tries to seduce ML and it works so oFL finds out she’s just a stand-in, is obviously upset and then tries to kill FL, which starts up the world-breaking alarms because she’s ruining her heroine halo and Ye Wei is sent in to fix it.

      So the Time and Space Administration Bureau and Ye Wei only get the story from the 2nd timeline instead of the 1st which is how it’s supposed to go. FL messed everything up because she ended up reborn and going back in time because of plot magic to when oFL and ML’s relationship isn’t stable yet and then trying to insert herself in. What the Time and Space Administration Bureau really should’ve done was somehow undo the rebirth but because they couldn’t implies a lot of times about the nature of stories and rebirth reincarnation etc in this universe and what exactly the Time and Space Administration Bureau regulates within a story.

      In conclusion, this whole arc’s going to be a flaming mess but it’s also so intriguing and I am looking forward to eating it up.


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