TXW Chapter 17

Chapter 17

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“It…” Qin Wanwan held her breath, “It died?”

Jian Xingzhi ignored her. He drew his sword and strode back to the Ant King. He poked the Ant King on the ground with his sword and glanced up at Qin Wanwan, “It fainted.”

Qin Wanwan heard his words and spun around, staggering out, “Hurry up! Let’s go!”

“You come back here,” Jian Xingzhi beckoned her, “Hurry up, cut off its antennae.”

“What did it do wrong?” Qin Wanwan was baffled at his insistence, “It always stays in the forest before. If I cut off its antennae without knowing if it has done anything harmful, won’t it be cruel?”

At the thought of this, Qin Wanwan thought of herself. Just like her, she was well-behaved, staying in Ji Shan quietly as she ate and drank to her heart’s content, until Jian Xingzhi smashed the mountain gate and chopped her to this place with his sword. What did she do wrong? Wasn’t that just plain cruel?

Jian Xingzhi heard her objection plainly and mulled. He eventually expressed, “No matter what, you have to take its antennae.”

Fine, fine. You and your NPC’s persistence.

Qin Wanwan understood. She took a deep breath and returned back to the Ant King. She tied the Ant King with an Immortal-binding Rope, and turned to Jian Xingzhi, “Wake it up.”

Jian Xingzhi kicked it over and the Ant King jolted up, darting around in a panic. 

“Who? What are you doing? What are you doing!”

Qin Wanwan didn’t say a word. She raised her hand and made a drawing motion. An array lit up under the Ant King and three thin lines of blood emerged on the Ant King’s body.

“You are carrying three evil debts on your back,” Qin Wanwan sat cross-legged on the ground. The exhaustion from before made her particularly irritable and her tone was impatient, “I will give you a chance to explain it.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

“Then, die.” The two answered at the same time. Two coercive pressures pressed down the Ant King.

The Ant King was crushed to the ground in an instant.

“I will confess! I will confess it!”

As soon as the coercion appeared, the Ank King understood he had provoked the wrong people. He began to confess, like pouring beans into the bamboo tube[1]. He shuddered and started his confession, “I scared a young couple. The man pushed the woman to me as a distraction and ran away by himself. I didn’t hurt any of them and let them escape. After the woman returned, the woman chose to marry another man. The man then prepared to ruin the wedding and snatch the bride, but halfway, he fell into a river and died.”

“I scared a child. The child peed at the entrance of my cave. The child lost a hun[2] soul after I scared him. I heard that the child becomes stupid because of it.”

“I also scared an old scholar. The old scholar was studying at my cave’s entrance. He not only studied there but also brought his students. I couldn’t bear it. I scared him… He also lost a hun soul. Now he is back in his homeland and tells people that there are huge ants everywhere…”

The Ant King wept bitterly, “Daojun, I was wrong. I repent. I will never scare people again.”

“You didn’t kill anyone?”

Qin Wanwan was dubious. The Ant King pecked his head fast, “No, I just made my debut,” and he said with a flattering smile, “I was about to kill people, but righteous daojuns arrived in time and stopped me from killing people.”

Qin Wanwan wasn’t flattered. Jian Xingzhi unsheathed the sword in his hand, “However, that’s also sin on its own. So, let me deliver your punishment .”

“Wait, hold up!” The Ant King shouted in panic at the sight of his sword, “Take me with you!”

Jian Xingzhi paused. The Ant King raised its front-row feet and put them on its two sharp antennae, “Since the two Daojun took an interest with my antennae, you might as well take me away with you. I am ready to be your chicken and dog[3], your spirit beast, your most loyal servant! You two don’t know but,” the Ant King cried out. “It took me a lot of spirit stones to transform my antennae. It’s really not an easy feat for me.”

Jian Xingzhi was not moved. He looked at Qin Wanwan, waiting for her decision. The Ant King quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Qin Wanwan, “Daojun, I can fight, cook, sing, dance, and make you happy! I can also warm the quilt! Please take me away!”

“Warm whose quilt?” Jian Xingzhi glared at him, “Don’t instill her with these ideas.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” the Ant King kowtowed to Jian Xingzhi. “The task of warming the quilt is yours. This little one dares not rob the task.”

Jian Xingzhi expressionlessly lifted his sword again. Qin Wanwan sighed. She supported her forehead with her hand, “Forget it, just take it away.”

Qin Wanwan painted a seal on her hand and laid her hand on the Ant King’s head. After sealing the spirit beast contract on the Ant King’s head, she waved her hand and the Immortal-binding Rope vanished. The Ant King kowtowed again on the ground in human form. Qin Wanwan looked at him, “What’s your name?”

“This little one’s name is Nan Feng.”

“You go return the missing souls. If you have done it, go to Xunxian Town and find me in Yuelai Inn.”

“Yes.” Nan Feng replied and shortly disappeared in place. Qin Wanwan inclined her head and glanced at Jian Xingzhi with a hard-to-swallow expression, “Let’s go back?”

“You return first, I have something else to do.”

Jian Xingzhi turned and went into the woods. Qin Wanwan set on a worried face, “Will you be alright alone?”

“Just take care of yourself.”

Jian Xingzhi waved and walked away. When Qin Wanwan saw him leave her sight, she pumped her fist and ran out merrily. She enthusiastically conveyed to 38, “I have my Qiankun Bag in my hand. This time I will run far away! He will be a civil servant and I will return to the Immortal Realm! We will have nothing to do with each other from then on!”

Qin Wanwan could already foresee her joyous and leisure life after her ascension. After thinking for a moment, she thought of her Qiankun Bag and decided to check if Jian Zhiyan had spent her money indiscriminately.

Just as she put the Qiankun Bag in her hand, she sensed the weight was wrong. She shook it and only a note flew out of the bag.

I will keep the money for you. See you at the inn.”

Qin Wanwan froze like a statue. 

Soon afterward, she collapsed and hollered, “Jian Zhiyan!! I will kill you!!!”

By this time, Qin Wanwan’s cries could not reach Jian Xingzhi’s ears.

He chopped a tree and made it into a plaque. He took his sword and directly carved the words “Yuelai Inn.” He carried it back to the town on his shoulder.

Qin Wanwan calmed down after a short period of madness.

She must wrap this matter up quickly. Tomorrow, whether Jian Xingzhi wanted to or not, she must send Jian Xingzhi away!

Figuring it out, Qin Wanwan returned to the town in a fierce manner.

The two people entered the town together from two different gates in the East and West, and met[4] at the entrance of the inn.

Jian Xingzhi gripped a sword in one hand and a plaque in the other, looking at Qin Wanwan stoically.

Qin Wanwan had a scabbard hanging on her waist. She straightened her back and glared fiercely at Jian Xingzhi.

The two were like experts that were ready to compete against each other.

“Zhang San is back!”

Someone shouted, and the innkeeper rushed out aggressively, “You dare to come back? I……”

The innkeeper just opened his mouth and Jian Xingzhi flung the plaque he was carrying to the empty door of the store, and it fell in place securely. The Sword Intent flowed freely from between the lines. The Sword Cultivator in the scene knelt down one by one from the Sword Intent alone.

“I want to buy you a drink tonight.” Qin Wanwan raised her chin, “Dare you drink it?”

Tonight, she would get him drunk. Tomorrow, she would stuff him in the carriage and let them part ways. 

Jian Xingzhi smiled at her words, “There is nothing in this world that I dare not do. ”

Tonight, he would get her drunk and make her say the sentence that she would “protect him until his ascension,” and complete his task.

The two hit it off immediately and reconciled on the spot. Qin Wanwan stepped forward and took his hand, “Oh, right Zhiyan, why did you only return now? I was so worried that I couldn’t stay still. So, tonight, let’s have a good drink, okay?”

“Go inside,” Jian Xingzhi agreed, “We won’t go back until we get drunk tonight!”

As they spoke, they walked inside.

When Nan Feng came to the Inn, he saw Sword Cultivators kneeling at the door, with mouths full of praise.

“This kind of rich Sword Intent must be comparable to the one from Immortal Realm, I have never seen such a Sword Intent in my life before this!”

“I’m afraid that even the Sword Intent of the Tian Jian Sect’s founder is not comparable to this one…”

Ah!” There was a loud exclamation from the crowd, “I have been enlightened! I have reached the Foundation Establishment!”

Shifu!” Someone simply kowtowed to the plaque and directly worshiped it as a teacher. “Please accept this disciple’s kowtow!”

Nan Feng looked up at the signboard when he heard it. The familiar Sword Intent breezed past his face,

He was very proud when he realized whose Sword Intent was it. His Master was truly powerful!

He took a deep breath of Jian Xingzhi’s Sword Intent. He entered through the backyard of Yuelai Inn and located Qin Wanwan’s position. When he entered the room, he saw that Qin Wanwan was sitting at the table with a box in her hand.

“Master,” Nanfeng asked with a cheerful smile, “Where is the other Master?”

“His surname is Jian and his full name is Jian Zhiyan. You can call him Jian-daojun in the future,” Qin Wanwan introduced to Nan Feng, “My surname is Qin and my full name is… Qin Wan. Then again, it’s meaningless to introduce these things,” Qin Wanwan looked out the window and sighed, “After tomorrow, we will not see each other again. Regardless, before that, you should remember that you must not disclose my strength to anyone, including Jian-daojun.”

Nan Feng nodded, “Master, Nan Feng understands.”

“He went to fetch wine and snacks. We are going to have a good drink in the backyard tonight. Go and help him.”


“Bring more wine,” Qin Wanwan specifically instructed, “You have to make sure the amount can get him drunk.”

Nan Feng was taken aback. A rich imagination[5] flashed past his mind. He didn’t show anything on his face and nodded calmly. He then went downstairs to find Jian Xingzhi.

When Nan Feng arrived downstairs, Jian Xingzhi was arranging the wine in the yard. Nan Feng came over, “Jian-daojun, let me help with it!” ”

Jian Xingzhi glanced at Nanfeng and stopped. Nan Feng took a look at the wine jar on the ground and blinked, “Daojun, can you drink so much?”

“There are still some more preparations to be done, make sure it can get a person completely drunk.”

Jian Xingzhi nonchalantly replied. Nan Feng looked blankly at Jian Xingzhi, various fragrant works[6] he had seen materialized in his mind.

Jian Xingzhi didn’t notice his abnormality. He just focused on his own business, “There is one more thing you need to remember.”

“As Daojun orders.”

“You must not disclose my strength to anyone,” Jian Xingzhi emphasized, “including your Master.”

Nan Feng, “….”

Nan Feng suddenly realized.

So it’s like this! It’s a two-way secret crush of big bosses who pretend to be weak chickens!

The author has something to say:

[Mini Theater]

Nan Feng: “I see, I understand. So it’s like that.”

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[1] 竹筒倒豆子 – zhútǒng dǎo dòuzi. Straight. Idiom for being frank and unreserved.

[2] In Daoism, a human’s soul consists of 3 hun (三魂) and 7 po (七魄). Hun is the Ethereal (Heavenly/Spiritual) Soul, while Po is the Corporeal (Worldly/Earth) Soul. Hun is responsible for all formless consciousness, like the mind, aura, and spirit, while Po is responsible for all tangible consciousness, like the seven apertures (two eyes, two ears, two nose holes, and mouth). Hence, losing/missing a hun soul can turn someone stupid, crazy, or sickly. 

[3] Willing to be/do anything. Be your servant.

[4] 狭路相逢 – xiá lù xiāng féng. Meet on a narrow road.  From a saying that enemies are bound to meet head-on on a narrow road; One cannot avoid one’s enemies in this small world.

[5] 一辆豪华马车 – yī liàng háohuá mǎchē. Lit. A luxurious carriage. A reminder that car is slang for sexy stuff. So a luxurious car means… *cough* and QWW’s instruction really enriched the imagination.

[6] 香艳作品 – xiāng yàn zuò pǐn. NSFW works.

Lei’s Corner

南风 – Nan Feng is South Wind.

I forgot to put ‘e’ behind the ‘antenna’ so the Ant’s antennae became an Ant-powered TV antenna lmao. Already corrected it. I’m so embarrassed, orz. Let me bury myself. AAHHHH. I’m so embarrassed. askdahskdahsjd. I’m so embarrassed. ASDKJHDKSHD. Anyway, thank you for reminding me in the comment :’) 

I actually want to put more details about 3 hun and 7 po bc it is essential for this novel, but then, I think I should re-read this novel again to make sure I don’t give wrong information lmao.

Simply put, Hun is the soul which goes to heaven and is able to leave the body, carrying with it an appearance of physical form; the subliminal self. Hun can exist without the human body. Meanwhile, Po is the soul which is indissolubly attached to the body, and dissolves to earth when a person dies; the supraliminal self.  Po corresponds to seven emotions: happiness, anger, sadness, joy, love, hate, and fear. 

The Hun of a person always carries over the reincarnation, while the Po disappears when a person dies.

I will give a moar detailed explanation about it when it gets mentioned again.

Also, I’m sorry, but Su Yueli is so cute ah. Worthy of the OG!FL title, I guess. (Our Wanwan is still the #1 in my heart ofc). _(:3」∠)_

Manhua Ch10 – Novel Ch6

Updated Relationship Chart (Manhua Ch13 – Novel Ch8)


Jun Shu to Ning Buxiu: (Love) Rival

Su Yueli to Ning Buxiu: Formed a Dual Cultivation

Ch18 of the Manhua is around Ch11 of the Novel.

OOT Corner

This is really OOT, but I heard that CN Otome Game (Joseimuke), For All Time (Ikemen arts), is going global. AHHHH.




I hope it will be released soon. I also hope Light and Night (CN Otome – Visual Novel, hot sexy lickable daddy arts) will come to global. Come on, Tencent, bring it to global, don’t be shy. I WANT MY SARIEL. SCREE. And Yujian Love. If NetEase brings For All Time to global, why won’t they do so to Yujian Love, RIGHT? I’m still hoping to this day.

Life Makeover (Developer Archosaur, the same as Dragon Raja. Joseimuke — Dress Up Game) is going to be released in July if I’m not wrong. Idk if it’s only CN server or Global server tho. But the visual so pretty. I layk pretty things.

Other Romance Novels available in Elysian Pit
The Memory Lost in Space by Tong Hua [Interstellar]
I want moar Qian Xu
The Villains I Raised All Died by Mo Shu Bai [QT]
Soon: Vinegar Jar overtuned.
Low IQ Supporting Female, Waiting for Death Online by Wei Ke [QT]
Idk, I honestly like Xu Chi.
The Husband was the Long Aotian by Mo Shu Bai [Transmigration]
Male Lead dressed up as the Villain.
The Sword Immortal was My Ex-Boyfriend by Mo Shu Bai [Transmigration]
I am actually aware I haven’t updated this one for months.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): Number

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5 thoughts on “TXW Chapter 17”

  1. I think, you got a typo there. Shouldn’t it be coping, not hoping? :)

    For “For All Time,” it is implied, but not confirmed. Don’t set your hopes too high. I will be glad if I can see my bae Si Lan, AiYin and Ye Xuan in global tho.

    For “Light and Night,” perhaps Tencent will wait for 1st anni before announcing the global server? Wait for 24th June. I also have high hope for Light and Night. I’m ready to drag my Lu Chen (Evan, not your Lu Chen from For All Time ) home.

    For “Yujian Love,” em… Here, have another tank of copium.


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