WfDO Chapter 61

Arc 4
The Supporting Female Is a Stand-In for the Female Lead (4)

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When Liang Ruowei saw the card, she was so close to hurling away the gift out of anger. She didn’t like Ye Wei. Whether in her previous life or in this life, she didn’t like her. This woman didn’t know her own position. She hadn’t married Xu Chi yet, but she had started calling her Jiejie and regarded herself as her Dimei. Did she really think of herself as Xu Chi’s wife?

She scrutinized Ye Wei, who was smiling in front of her. She always felt that her smile was a sore in the eyes, producing ripples of pain in her heart.

It was all thanks to Xu Chi that the ordinary and plain Ye Wei could enjoy everything she had now, everything that should have belonged to her, Liang Ruowei. 

“Ruowei-jie, do you like the gift? It took us a long time to choose this gift, right, A’Chi?” Ye Wei inclined her head at Xu Chi beside her. 

Xu Chi stood aside and nodded with a stoic face.

“Thank you. I like it.” Liang Ruowei smiled at Xu Chi, hiding her displeasure of Ye Wei behind her smile. She had experienced many things in her previous life, she was not the simple lady who displayed everything on her face. What’s more, when it came to Xu Chi, she really had done him wrong. 

When she was abroad, her contact with Xu Chi was null. She only heard of him from Cao Heng when he intermittently mentioned Xu Chi several times. Cao Heng also told her that Xu Chi drank so much because of her matters and was hospitalized several times because of it. Cao Heng understood that he could not persuade Liang Ruowei to go back, but, at least, he hoped that she could call Xu Chi. After all, since childhood, Xu Chi always listened to Liang Ruowei. 

Alas, she never called him.

She considered that she was already abroad and she wouldn’t return back. She couldn’t satisfy Xu Chi’s wishes. What’s the point of calling him again? Wouldn’t it just put salt on the wound and give Xu Chi unnecessary expectations? She refused Cao Heng’s request, and since then, Cao Heng gradually stopped looking for her about Xu Chi’s matter.

She was not completely heartless. She hoped that Xu Chi could move on from her and start his own life.

However, after so many things, she regretted it, regretted it so much. Since she was reborn, why couldn’t she be reborn earlier? If she was given another chance, she would never choose to go abroad. She would be with Xu Chi well. In this way, Xu Chi would not know Ye Wei.

Fortunately, there was still a chance to recover her mistakes.

“Come in, I hope you have a good time tonight.” She looked at Xu Chi, “A’Chi, thank you for coming today. Although there are some unpleasant memories between us, I hope we can still be friends.”

Xu Chi looked at her and frowned. Still, he replied lightly, “Of course.”

Liang Ruowei smiled, “That’s good. I was worried that you can’t accept me as a friend anymore.”

Xu Chi, “I won’t be like that.”

Ye Wei’s gaze at Liang Ruowei and Xu Chi was full of curiosity. Liang Ruowei explained, “Sorry. It’s just, before, I have something with A’Chi. How should I say it… It’s a private matter. I hope you don’t mind.”

Ye Wei shook her head, “Of course, I don’t mind it, Ruowei-jie. I’m not that small-minded. Don’t you agree, A’Chi?”

Xu Chi hummed in response.

Liang Ruowei’s heart was once again clenched by phantom hands. She managed to smile and said, “Have fun inside.”

Ye Wei hugged Xu Chi’s arm with a happy expression.

Liang Ruowei’s eyes were on Ye Wei and Xu Chi until they disappeared from her vision. And even then, Xu Chi never looked back at her, which hurt Liang Ruowe’s heart. 

Cao Heng walked over and sighed helplessly, “Jie, look at the situation now, wouldn’t it be nicer if you returned earlier? Even if you don’t return, you can still make a call. Don’t you yourself know how much A’Chi liked you? As long as you were willing to step back a little and take the soft way, you wouldn’t get to this point.”

Liang Ruowei replied, “I know, it’s my fault. A’Chi is just angry with me now. When he calms down, he will certainly come back to me.”

Ca Heng also thought so. He knew that Xu Chi didn’t like Ye Wei. Ye Wei could be by Xu Chi’s side only because she and Liang Ruowei were similar in looks. 

Liang Ruowei sighed, “A’Heng, you have to help me. You also wish A’Chi to be happy, right? A’Chi likes me. He doesn’t like Ye Wei. He won’t be happy with Ye Wei.”

Cao Heng shrugged, “I really can’t help you in this matter. If you really want to make up with A’Chi, you should go to him in person and ask for his forgiveness. The key to this lay on A’Chi.”

Liang Ruowei expressed, “I understand that. Let’s go in. Let’s not talk about this here.”


The Liang Family was a prestigious family in City B. Hence, Liang Ruowei’s welcome banquet attracted a lot of people. Almost all the rich second-generation and third-generation of City B came. The Liang family villa was bright lit and lively.

Liang Ruowei, the eldest miss of the Liang family, was beautiful, gracious, and elegant. She was the focus of everyone in the audience. In particular, the key-shaped necklace on her neck. Many people had seen it before and people would inadvertently take a second look at it.

They discussed it in low voices, even Xu Chi and Ye Wei’s names were drawn into their discussions.

After all, Xu Chi’s confession caused a sensation in City B. Who didn’t know that the necklace was a token of love between Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei?

“That necklace is a token of love from Xu Chi to her. They both have broken up for so many years. I didn’t expect Liang Ruowei would still wear it?”

“Maybe it’s because she can’t forget her old love?”

“She was the one who was dead-set on leaving. Even when Xu Chi almost died in the hospital, she didn’t come back to visit him. And now she wore that necklace to prove that she still likes Xu Chi? What a joke.”

“Does it matter whether Liang Ruowei likes Xu Chi or not? I just know that Xu Chi has certainly not forgotten Liang Ruowei. Can’t you see that Ye Wei and Liang Ruowei are getting more similar each passing day? Not only do they look alike, even their dresses share the same style!”

“I can see that. Don’t you know that people say that Ye Wei is merely a stand-in for Liang Ruowei?”

“As for Ye Wei, she is quite pitiful. She thinks that Xu Chi likes her. Yet, when all is said and done, she is just a stand-in.”

“If I find out that my boyfriend uses me as a stand-in, I will fight him to death!”

Liang Ruowei walked to a group of young misses with a red wine glass. She smiled at them, “What are you guys talking about that makes you so excited?”

“We haven’t see you for so many years. Ruowei-jie, you have become more beautiful.”

“Right, Ruowei-jie, you won’t leave again, will you? How is your study on jewelry design going? Are you planning to open a studio?”

“Ruowei-jie is really amazing. If it were us, we wouldn’t be able to do it. With our situation, we can only wait for our family to arrenge us for a blind date.”

“Ruowei-jie is so enviable, you are too incredible.”


Liang Ruowei merely smiled. She had no feelings for these plastic sisters. In fact, she resented them quite a bit. She still remembered that when the Liang family had an accident and needed to raise funds, she came to find them. Yet, they gave her a cold shoulder. She pressed down her resentment and said, “You guys have fun. I’ll go there to have a look.”

If it weren’t for maintaining her current image, she wouldn’t want to talk a word to them.

She walked around, dealing with people, with a glass of wine in hand. At last, she walked to the front and raised her glass. She smiled, “Thank you for coming today.”

She had long been accustomed to this scene and could handle it with ease. She said some words and won a burst of applause. At the end of her speech, she suddenly said, “There is one more thing. I hope you guys can help me to be my witness. Today, I want to apologize to A’Chi.”

In an instant, there was an uproar.

“What is Liang Ruowei doing? She actually apologized to Xu Chi publicly?”

“Does she want to get back together with Xu Chi?”

“But Xu Chi now has a girlfriend…”

“Ye Wei is just a fake goods, Liang Ruowei is the real deal ah!”

No one expected that Liang Ruowei would publicly apologize to Xu Chi on this occasion. For a moment, everyone’s eyes were on Xu Chi in the crowd一 with Ye Wei standing beside him.

Xu Chi was wearing a white shirt and a black suit. He was noble and cold. He looked at her without any emotions on face.

Liang Ruowei was a little embarrassed, but her attitude was extremely sincere, “I made a mistake. I hope he can forgive me. I once did some excessive things in order to pursue my dreams and ideal life. But, I don’t have any intention to hurt him. I just think that my life is only a short hundred years in this world. I don’t want to waste it. In the three years I was abroad, I haven’t forgotten everything that had happened here. Now that I’m back, I have to face my mistakes.”

“A’Chi, please forgive me.”

In the past, Xu Chi confessed to Liang Ruowei in front of everyone. In the present, Liang Ruowei apologized to Xu Chi in front of everyone.

She was such a proud person. By doing this, she hoped Xu Chi could see her sincerity.

Ye Wei was in the dark about the situation. She darted blankly at Liang Ruowei and Xu Chi, “A’Chi, did Ruowei-jie really do something that hurt your heart? It appears that she really regrets it and wants your forgiveness. Just now she has apologized to you, and now she apologizes again to you in front of so many people. It shows that she is pretty sincere at wanting your forgiveness…” So, quick, forgive her and reconcile!

Xu Chi bowed his head and looked at Ye Wei who was staring intently at him. Their distance was close. He could clearly see the seriousness and hope in her eyes. She really wished for him to forgive Liang Ruowei.

Xu Chi let out a helpless sigh, “Just leave this matter alone.”

Ye Wei blinked her big eyes, “I just saw that Ruowei-jie is so nice. Plus, she sincerely apologizes to you. So… Don’t be angry anymore.”

“I’m not angry.”

In fact, Xu Chi never expected that Liang Ruowei would apologize to him in front of so many people. In his view, she actually didn’t do anything wrong. Everyone had their own choice, and he just happened not to be her choice.

Therefore, there was nothing for her to be sorry for. What did he need to forgive her for?

Liang Ruowei was in a state of extreme embarrassment now. She apologized to Xu Chi in public, yet Xu Chi’s full attention was on Ye Wei.

She stared at Ye Wei who was holding Xu Chi’s arm and looking up at him with a pure expression on her face. She seemed to be playing coquettish to Xu Chi? And, even though Xu Chi’s face was still cold, she could see a trace of tenderness in his face when he faced Ye Wei.

Why wasn’t the tenderness directed at her?

She had come to this point. She thought that Xu Chi would at least be moved……

Liang Ruowei could feel her face heat up. She seemed to be unable to withstand the eyes of others watching the play anymore and reluctantly smiled, “I hope everyone can have a good time tonight.”

She turned and hurried away.

Ye Wei was anxious, “A’Chi, look! Ruowei-jie is now angry! Go after her!”

Xu Chi, “……”

Ye Wei urged, “Go, go, quick! What are you doing standing still!”

Thus, Xu Chi was forced to find Liang Ruowei. He also reckoned that there were some things that needed to be made clear to Liang Ruowei.

Ye Wei watched Xu Chi chase Liang Ruowei, and finally breathed a sigh of relief and sent a blessing. Good luck! Reconcile soon!

Cao Heng, who appeared out of nowhere, suddenly asked her, “You let A’Chi go just like that?”

Ye Wei blinked and tilted her head with doubt at him, “Yes, otherwise?”

Cao Heng, “……”

What was he supposed to say now?

“Aren’t you worried?”

Ye Wei nodded, “Yes, of course, I’m worried. I’m worried that Ruowei-jie will be upset. Don’t you also think it’s right for me to ask A’Chi to find Ruowei-jie? Aren’t I a great Dimei?”

Cao Heng, “…???” :)

Really, what a great Dimei.

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Ry’s Corner

The OG!Female Leads are so… Ai. Whether it is Shen Yingying, Miao Shuya, or the other OG!FL, the only acceptable OG!FL is the one in Arc 6. Other than that, eeeeeeh.

By the time this Chapter is up, I am most likely already in the village, malding over signal. So, see ya in August, I guess. Sorry if I can’t reply to any messages~

Dw, I already set scheduled updates every Monday (UTC+7), hopefully nothing goes wrong with the scheduled updates :>

Please pardon typos and the kind if you find it bc I currently can’t fix it :<

Also, remember that this novel is for entertainment purpose, which means, the purpose is to make you feel less stressed. If any of you feel more frustated or stressed by it, then the purpose of this novel is not achieved, better just to click “X” and find a more suitable one. Life is already stressing enough lmao.

Last but not least, I hope all of you have a nice day~

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): Number

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8 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 61”

  1. Thanks for the great translation! It’s the highlight of my day. Looking forward to Monday. (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡

  2. I guess the schedule updates failed :”) ik you can’t really see this comment now bc of signnal problems but I want to thank you so much for brightening my day with this super fun novel! :D


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