WfDO Chapter 62

Arc 4
The Supporting Female Is a Stand-In for the Female Lead (5)

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Shrouded by the dark, Liang Ruowei’s eyes were focused on Xu Chi. 

She pursed her lips, recalling the way Xu Chi and Ye Wei were intimate just now. She was dejected, especially after she apologized to Xu Chi in public.

——By doing so, she was tantamount to admitting she was wrong when she insisted on going abroad and she regretted it. She allowed her embarrassment to be seen by everyone. She most presumably had become a joke in their mouths and she didn’t want to guess what they talked about her behind her back. 

She didn’t care about it.

She had experienced the twists and turns of life in her previous life. She already understood what was most important to her. Snatching back Xu Chi to her side was her top priority. In addition, she had long seen through the facade of those people.

She no longer cared about their words. Anyway, they were merely irrelevant people to her. 

The reason she apologized in public was to let Xu Chi see her sincerity. She really wished for Xu Chi’s forgiveness. Not only that, but she also wished to arouse Xu Chi’s forbearance and pity. 

Before, Xu Chi treated her the best. He pampered her and protected her. Xu Chi was younger than her by three years, but more often than not, Xu Chi was the one taking care of her. Even when they weren’t together, Xu Chi couldn’t tolerate others speaking bad words about her. 

And now, she pushed herself to the forefront of the storm, subjected to the pointing fingers of others. With Xu Chi’s care for her, there was no way he could remain indifferent. 

As long as she still had weight in Xu Chi’s heart, Ye Wei was nothing to be worried about. 

“A’Chi, are you still angry with me?” Liang Ruowei asked with a wry smile, “Even if I have apologized to you, sincerely apologize for my stubbornness back then, you still can’t forgive me?”

The question lingered between them for a moment. 

Xu Chi then shook his head. “It’s been so long. I have put the past behind, and I thought you also have put it behind. You have done nothing wrong. You don’t need to apologize to me nor do you need my forgiveness.”

“I haven’t put it behind!”

Liang Ruowei rejoiced when she left abroad. She left Xu Chi and regained her freedom. She was secretly delighted when she heard Xu Chi couldn’t forget her. But, that was all in her previous life. 

She didn’t think so anymore. She honestly regretted it and wanted to start over with Xu Chi. “I have never forgotten about it when I was abroad. I have always wanted to finish my studies early and return to you. Back then, we parted on bad terms. We broke up impulsively, not because we wanted to, but because we were angry at each other.”

“A’Chi, in fact, back then, we didn’t have to go to the point of breaking up, did we? I just went abroad to study. Even if you couldn’t go abroad with me, there was nothing wrong with it that needed us to break up, wasn’t there? I could return back when I have time. We would only be separated for a short period of time. I know that I have my share of mistakes in our breakup. I shouldn’t care only about myself. I didn’t think about your feelings and was too selfish.”

Liang Ruowei was headstrong and prideful. She had basically never apologized to anyone in this way. Xu Chi knew her well and understood it. He was stunned. He inadvertently thought of Liang Ruowei who was determined to go abroad. “Why did you suddenly be like this… You wouldn’t be like this before.”

“It’s not all of sudden. I regretted it not long after I went abroad. I always wanted to reach out to you, but you know my temperament. I am stubborn and won’t be soft after I make a decision. So I waited for you to come to me… But… I waited and waited, yet you never came. I was at a loss and frustrated. Sometimes, I got the impulse to come to you myself. However, I stopped myself. I was worried you would reject me and laugh at me…” Liang Ruowei added, “I hesitated for too long and the next time I got news about you, it was news that you get a new girlfriend.”

Her voice choked, with suppressed pain and sadness. She remembered that in her previous life when the Liang family was down, everyone wanted to trample on her. Only Xu Chi was willing to lend a helping hand. At that time, she was elated. She guessed that Xu Chi was willing to help her because he couldn’t forget her. However, when she went to find him, she saw Xu Chi and Ye Wei coming out of the house together. 

Beneath the night sky, they smiled at each other as they walked hand in hand.

The picture overflowed with a warm atmosphere.

The scene delivered a great shock to her. Ultimately, she realized that Xu Chi was no longer hers. Xu Chi had forgotten her. She had become a thing of the past. 

“I was reluctant to admit that there is another woman at your side. I didn’t want to accept the fact that you don’t like me anymore. I was afraid and have never dared to face this matter.”

Xu Chi didn’t expect Liang Ruowei would say this to him, let alone reveal her thoughts to him. He frowned slightly, “Do you come back this time because you now dare to face it?”

“Of course not.” Liang Ruowei stared straight at Xu Chi. “I may never be able to face it.”

She came back this time not to fulfill him and Ye Wei, but to grab him back to her side.

But, she didn’t say it out loud. Xu Chi had Ye Wei by his side now. She didn’t want to be pointed out as the little three[1]. All in all, she believed Xu Chi hadn’t developed any feelings for Ye Wei yet. 

Right now, she backed down and took the initiative to make peace with Xu Chi.  Xu Chi was so smart, there was no way he couldn’t understand what she meant, right?

Xu Chi stared back at Liang Ruowei. There were unknown emotions in his dark eyes that Liang Ruowei couldn’t comprehend. Liang Ruowei wondered, “Why are you looking at me like this? You don’t believe my words?”

Xu Chi voiced, “If you really want to come back to me, there are many opportunities before. Yet, you never take it.”

Liang Ruowei was fast to answer, “I want to, but I’m afraid…”

Xu Chi chuckled. The way he chuckled didn’t give any hints of fondness or tenderness. Instead, it chilled her heart. “That day, when I was in the hospital and Cao Heng called you, I heard all of it.”

Liang Ruowei’s expression twisted. 

That memory was clear as day to Xu Chi. At that time, he was no different from an alcoholic, disregarding his body and his work. Cao Heng couldn’t watch him continue to be like that and discreetly called Liang Ruowei. Xu Chi noticed it and followed him out.

He heard Cao Heng tell her, “…A’Chi is in the hospital because of alcohol poisoning. You are all he can think of. Do you still not want to return? Yes, yes. I understand. I know. Everyone has their own life and pursuit. This is your choice… I’m not forcing you. I just want you to at least call A’Chi and persuade him to stop. You don’t want him to be so decadent all the time right…”

“I know you two have a disagreement. But do both of you really want to break up? Look at A’Chi now, don’t you care about him? You know how much A’Chi likes you…”

“Ruowei-jie. Please at least call A’Chi. If A’Chi goes on like this, his health will deteriorate sooner or later… Alright, okay. I see. Remember, you must call him, okay?”

Alas, no call was made that night.

After that day, Xu Chi distanced himself from alcohol. He started to work seriously and never left his phone behind, waiting for a call that never arrived even after two whole years. 

“That day, you promised Cao Heng that you would call me. So, why didn’t you?”

Liang Ruowei was questioned and panicked, “I, I am worried…”

“Worried about what? Worried that I would reason with you to come back?”

Liang Ruowei shut her eyes and sighed helplessly, “Forgive me, A’Chi. At that time, I had just gone abroad for not long. There were too many things to deal with and every day was hectic. We had time differences, every time I wanted to make a call, I was worried about whether it would disturb your rest. It went on for a long time and I became afraid that you would blame me, so I……”

Xu Chi tugged a corner of his mouth, obviously not believing her words. She said she was afraid to disturb him, but the truth was she totally forgot to make a call, wasn’t it.

“No matter what, it’s all in the past. Let’s just forget about it. You don’t have to explain. In fact, the situation is not bad now. You have finished your study. You can realize your dream and live the life you want to live.”

Liang Ruwoei’s heart stung. His words reminded her of her previous life. She thought of her helplessness and despair when she could not make Xu Chi return to her no matter how hard she tried to retrieve him. The feeling of being given up was so painful that her eyes tinted red, “A’Chi, what if I say I don’t want to forget?”

Xu Chi, “You already made your choice back then.”

Liang Ruowei, “I know that. I know it’s my fault. That’s why I want your forgiveness now…”

Xu Chi interrupted her, “Our today is the result of your choices in the past.”

Tears welled up in Liang Ruowei’s eyes. She shook her head vehemently, “A’Chi, are you still unwilling to forgive me?”

Once, Xu Chi liked Liang Ruowei so much. It was a certain fact. Second to his grandfather, Liang Ruowei was the person he considered as important in his life. Thus, when Liang Ruowei chose to give up on him to go abroad, he couldn’t accept it and numbed himself with alcohol.

After so many years, after waiting day after day for Liang Ruowei, his heart had been worn away by the wait.

She chose to give up on him for the life she wanted. Now that she came back, she wished to start over with him. 

She could easily discard things at will and pick it up again when she wanted to; He couldn’t.

“Ruowei-jie. It’s no longer a question of forgiveness between us. Even if I forgive you, what use can it do?” His tone was calm as if he were saying something insignificant.


“If my forgiveness can make you happy, then, I forgive you.”

Liang Ruowei blankly stared at Xu Chi, who was cold and alienated from her. The pain in her heart doubled. This was not what she wanted. Did she have to watch Xu Chi get together with another woman again in this life? Just like in her previous life?

The dam that she had built for so long broke and her tears fell. Her face was pale, but she still smiled gently. She stepped forward and hugged Xu Chi. Xu Chi reflexively tried to push her away but Liang Ruowei tightened her hug and said through her sobs, “Although you don’t believe what I said, I want you to know that I miss you.”

“I really miss you, A’Chi.”

XU Chi was frozen for a second, he heard the deep pain and longing in Liang Ruowei’s words. She seemed to miss him very much and was hurt because of his indifference. 

For a moment, he even had the idea that losing him was the most painful and terrible thing in Liang Ruowei’s life.

But it shouldn’t be. 

Liang Ruowei was fully determined to go abroad. No one had heard from her for three years. She was proud and confident. She didn’t show anything on her face even when they broke up. 

Now it’s been so long. Why did Liang Ruowei suddenly become so… fragile?

Xu Chi was a bit taken aback, the Liang Ruowei in front of him was not like the Liang Ruowei in his memory.


On the other side, Ye Wei had been lingering in place for some time. Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei hadn’t returned. Ye Wei was a bit anxious about their progress.

While she was anxious, many eyes passed on her with hushed whispers. 

“Ye Wei is so dense. I just saw her tell Xu Chi to find Liang Ruowei. Doesn’t she know that Xu Chi used to like Liang Ruowei to death?”

“Looking at what she did, she undoubtedly doesn’t know.”

“How do you think Liang Ruowei and Xu Chi are doing now? Have they reconciled?”

“Liang Ruowei’s scheming is really deep. She actually retreated to advance. She begged Xu Chi for forgiveness in front of so many people. Xu Chi must have been moved by her.”

“Ruowei-xiaojie is really resolute in handling affairs. She knows that Xu Chi has a girlfriend, yet she still does this. Does she really want to insert herself as a Little Three?”

“So what if she does this ah. Xu Chi doesn’t like Ye Wei. Ye Wei is just a stand-in for Liang Ruowei. Now that the original is back, Ye Wei should abdicate from her position.”

Ai. Ye Wei is quite miserable. What wrong does she ever do? It isn’t even her fault to have a similar face as Liang Ruowei!”

Since Liang Ruowei and Xu Chi disappeared from the banquet, the surrounding atmosphere was peculiar. Ye Wei may not know anything about their affairs, but she was not a complete fool. With the weird atmosphere, she detected the strangeness. She asked Cao Heng, “Don’t you think the atmosphere is a bit weird?”

Cao Heng knew why it was weird. But, could he tell her the reason? Of course not.

“What’s weird? No, it’s not weird.”

Ye Wei was doubtful and suggested, “A’Chi and Ruowei-jie have gone for quite some time. Are they alright? Should we go and have a look? Maybe we can persuade them.”

Cao Heng immediately rejected her suggestion, “Don’t. Let’s wait. This is a matter between the two of them. It’s not easy for us outsiders to interfere.”

Ye Wei rebuked him with a serious expression, “How can you say that? You, Ruowei-jie, and A’Chi are good friends. Now there is a rift between them, you have to try your best to mend it. I also can help persuade A’Chi so that Ruowei-jie and A’Chi can reconcile as soon as possible! Isn’t this what we should do as his good friend and girlfriend?”

That’s really reasonable, but… 

The corners of Cao Heng’s mouth twitched. He couldn’t help but feel guilty towards Ye Wei in his heart. He silently admonished Xu Chi for putting him in this situation.

“You’re right, but neither Ruowei-jie nor A’Chi like others to meddle in their private affairs, so let’s just wait for them…”

Ye Wei pondered about it, but couldn’t let go of her worry. “Let’s have a look at it from a distance. Otherwise, I won’t be at ease.”

With these words, she advanced to the garden.

Cao Heng once again condemned Xu Chi in his heart. He could foresee how chaos will descend once Ye Wei arrived and hastily chase Ye Wei, “No, don’t. Let’s find something to eat, shall we? I’m hungry.”

Ye Wei, “Then you go and eat something. I’ll go to find A’Chi.”

She couldn’t be bothered by Cao Heng and continued on her way to the garden. 

Cao Heng was just perfunctory about being hungry. He couldn’t let Ye Wei go to them in the current situation. Who could guess what will happen and in which situation will she see them? Cao Heng racked his brain to find several excuses to stop Ye Wei, but none of them succeeded. Instead, he was reprimanded by Ye Wei, “Ruowei-jie and A’Chi regard you as their good friend. How can you be like this? You treat them as nothing in your eyes? Scumbag!”

Cao Heng, “……” Well, sorry for being a scum.

Ye Wei lifted her long skirt and trotted to the garden. Cao Heng obstructed her several times and obtained a suspicious look from Ye Wei every time. 

“Why do I think you are a bit strange? Are you hiding something from me?”

“No! Absolutely not! How can I!” Cao Heng nervously laughed and quickly denied, “What can I hide from you?”

Ye Wei squinted at him and walked faster.

Cao Heng’s anxiety was close to breaking up the roof. He followed her in a hurry, praying that…

“A’Chi, Ruowei-jie. What are you two doing? Why are you hugging each other?”

Just before he could finish his prayer, he heard Ye Wei exclaim in a dazed and confused tone.

Cao Heng accelerated his steps to catch up with her and surveyed the situation. Sure enough, he saw Liang Ruowei and Xu Chi hugging each other near the trellis!

Ye Wei sudden appearance made the two distance themselves in a flash.

Ye Wei: Oh, wow.

Cao Heng: Ah, shit.

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[1] 小三 – xiǎosān. Lit. Little Three. The third person in a relationship. A homewrecker. A mistress.

Ry’s Corner

Cao Heng doesn’t get paid enough to deal with this shit

I used Mistress in Arc 2 for xiao san, but in this Arc, I think I won’t translate it like that and use the more literal meaning. Please bear with me :> 

If I remember correctly, there are many instances where LRW is referred to as the person who actively inserted herself as the third person in Xu Chi and Ye Wei’s relationship in this Arc, so I think the literal meaning fits more in this situation. While in SYY’s case I used mistress because she is a ‘hidden’ party in Zhong Shen and Ye Wei’s relationship, just like a mistress. And in a way, bc Zhong Shen is alr Ye Wei’s fiance a.ka future husband.

And for those who are confused about the current Arc: 

[Beat me later if I’m wrong. My memory is not the best. Does this contain a spoiler? I think not, but uh, beware, I guess.]

This Arc takes the Stand-in trope with the Rebirth trope hidden beneath.

The OG!Plot without the interference of reborn Liang Ruowei and unawakened Supporting Female: Liang Ruowei returned from abroad because of her family situation and tried to get Xu Chi back. Xu Chi and Ye Wei end up together as stated in this chapter.

Later, Liang Ruowei gets reborn.

What the Plot should have looked like because of the reborn of Liang Ruowei: Not sure? But she probably should have successfully snatched Xu Chi back?

However, before the Plot is completed, the Supporting Female awakened and disturbed this timeline, causing the Time and Space Administration Bureau to reset the world before it completely collapsed. Hence, there is no known ending for the plot.

Ye Wei and the Time and Space Administration Bureau are not aware of the Past Timeline and are not aware of Liang Ruowei being reborn. 

Ye Wei’s task as a Supporting Female is to support the relationship between Liang Ruowei and Xu Chi. Just like in many rebirth novels where the FL regrets about ML and frenziedly chased the ML after the FL is reborn and succeeds in snatching the ML’s heart. As for why Ye Wei is a Supporting Female, in the Rebirth troupe, if the ML has a fiancee or gf in OG!Plot that is not the Reborn FL, they most often than not are kicked to the role of Supporting Female or even Villainess, like the current Arc. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[I repeat. Beat me later if I’m wrong. My memory is not the best. But please beat me gently ya.]

I hope Tencent already published the news that Light and Night is coming to global soon by the time this chapter is up bc last week, the 24th of July is the 1st Anniversary of Light and Night. Usually, a global server is announced on the 1st Anniv, right? Right…? I mean, look at them: 

Lu Chen, Charlie Su, Xiao Yi, Qi Sili respectively (sorry not sorry for not including you, Xia Mingxing)

Just fyi, I’m a sucker for Visual Novel and Otome, whether it’s on PC, consoles, or smartphone (I prefer PC tho).

Then again, if it’s coming to global, I can imagine all the labels the LIs get and the dissatisfaction of the LIs’ attitude. While ToT’s men drank the juice of respect, the L&N’s men drank the juice of disrespect. Well, not really disrespect. They respect the FL, but eh, how to explain it.

My bias Lu Chen, is the epitome of a sinnamon gentleman.

Char Siu birb is an Angel and the class clown. I can’t stand Victor’s poisonous tongue (Li Zeyan from MLQC), but surprisingly I like Qi Sili’s poisonous tongue and his banter with the FL. Xiao Yi is the Xiao Yi (萧逸, Xiāo Yì). Xiao Yi has Little Xiao One (萧小一, Xiāo Xiǎo Yī – Little One/Xiao’s Sidekick One), the one and only cat, Little Xiao Two and Three, which are a dog, Little Xiao Four, another dog that has a complicated relationship with an alley cat (I can explain. rly). When the FL comes, she became Xiao Xiao Wu (萧小五 – Little Xiao Five/Xiao’s Sidekick Five).

The Childhood Friends trope is either hit or miss with me. Luckily, Xia Mingxing is a hit.

Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll: Charlie Su, Xiao Yi

Looks like can kill, is a cinnamon roll (in my opinion): Qi Sili

Looks like is a cinnamon roll, can kill: Xia Mingxing

Sinnamon: Lu Chen

If I were to rank them, it would be Lu Chen > Xiao Yi= Qi Sili = Charlie Su > Xia Mingxing.

At the end of the day, it all depends on your taste.

Bby Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. Luv.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2913

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2 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 62”

  1. Aiyo, you wish to fast forward time so much that you jumped 24th June to 24th July ya.

    Anw, Cao Heng is the best man in Arc 4 :)

    “Please beat me gently ya”

    No. Please prepare yourself for when you return :)


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡