WfDO Chapter 65

Arc 4
The Supporting Female Is a Stand-In for the Female Lead (8)

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Cao Heng ate his meal with trepidation. His focus was on the matter related to Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei. Thankfully, both of them didn’t interact much at the dinner table. However, as soon as he let go of his heart, Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei left the room one after another. 

His heart tensed once again. His sixth sense predicted tonight would be another restless night for him. 

He kept an eye on them and began to shift his attention to Ye Wei at all times. 

When Cao Heng noticed Ye Wei was leaving the room, he swiftly grabbed Ye Wei’s arm and invited her for a drink. 

Last time, he failed to block Ye Wei from encountering an awkward scene. He hoped tonight would end up well. 

Ye Wei rejected sheepishly, “I’m not very convenient now. How about I drink with you later after I return from the bathroom?”

Cao Heng, “……” A simple sentence blocked all his subsequent invitations. As a gentleman, no, as a man, could he stop Ye Wei from going to the bathroom and gave her wine instead? Of course not.

The corner of Cao Heng’s lips twitched, “Just in time, I’ll go too. Shall we go together?”

Ye Wei didn’t doubt Cao Heng’s action, “Okay.”

Thus, they walked together and met across the scene.

And the scene in front of them was even more terrible than the last time. If Ye Wei heard about the matter between Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei from others, she could still express her doubts to Xu Chi and clarified the matter. Then, they could explain it to her… But, now, Ye Wei heard about the matter from the sources themselves. They were caught red-handed, what explanation could they give?

He sighed hopelessly and couldn’t bear to see more.

“Ye Wei, don’t be sad. A’Chi, he…” He didn’t know what he should say now. At this point, he couldn’t find any excuse for Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei. A simple “misunderstanding” couldn’t justify their action.

Ye Wei oh’ed, “So you know about this too?”

……Great, now he is an accomplice. 

Cao Heng averted his gaze with guilt, “My bad. I didn’t mean to hide it from you…”

Ye Wei waved her hand, “I understand. You don’t have to feel bad. I really understand.”

Cao Heng was comforted when he heard Ye Wei’s words. He feared Ye Wei would also blame him. 

He used to think that Ye Wei was together with Xu Chi because of ulterior motives, yet, after getting along for some time, he came to an understanding that Ye Wei was a simple girl. 

He had seen countless women with intricate minds. Their eyes were muddy and mixed with myriad desires. Only Ye Wei was gleamingly clean. Even if she scolded people, her eyes reflected her genuine feelings.

Sadly, she met the scumbag Xu Chi.

Ye Wei added, “After all, you are Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei’s best friends. Three of you are childhood friends. It’s only natural that your relationships are close. With such a deep friendship, of course, you won’t want to betray your friends. I can see you are a person who values feelings and righteousness. So, even if you didn’t tell me, I can understand it. I don’t blame you.”

… No, Cao Heng took it back. He wasn’t comforted at all.

Once again, Liang Ruowei was startled by Ye Wei’s sudden appearance. 

Why did she appear here? Why didn’t she enjoy her dinner peacefully!

How could she appear just at the right time every single time!

It’s like she was omnipresent. 

Every time they met, she never said good things about her. This time, she scolded her as an indecent person, a scum, and a Little Three!

In the end, morally speaking, Ye Wei is Xu Chi’s current girlfriend. Liang Ruowei and Xu Chi had broken up long ago. Liang Ruowei’s “entanglement” was indeed the same as the third party who seduced someone else’s boyfriend. 

Regardless, she loves Xu Chi deeply, and Xu Chi her. They sincerely love each other. She may have made some mistake, and she didn’t regret it. Especially since her rebirth. She had acknowledged the truth that humans are selfish and they won’t suffer for others. She’s also human. She was not that big-hearted to give Xu Chi to another person. She had lost him once, and she didn’t want to lose him the second time. 

Liang Ruowei bravely stood up for herself, “Ye Wei, I know that I am the one who is wrong on this matter. No matter what you say about me, I won’t retort it. After all, it’s my fault. I’m sorry. Anyway, don’t misunderstand Xu Chi. He keeps rejecting me every time I pester him. He doesn’t do anything wrong一”

Xu Chi coldly interrupted her, “Stop. I wronged her on this matter. I won’t deny it.”

The rest of Liang Ruowei’s words were stuffed down her throat. Xu Chi’s alienation saddened and embarrassed her. 

In front of Ye Wei, he treated her like this. Wasn’t it the same as not giving her any face?

Why did he treat her like this.

What’s wrong with her apologizing to Ye Wei on his behalf. 

Xu Chi glanced at Liang Ruowei, “You don’t have to defend me on my behalf. I am wrong and I know it. This is my business and Ye Wei. I don’t need others to apologize for me.”

Liang Ruowei choked, not only because of Xu Chi’s refusal but also because of his indifferent eyes, “I…”

She bit her lips and shut her eyes. She changed her words, “I’m sorry, I am too nosy.”

Xu Chi looked at Ye Wei, at her pale face and her bright and pure eyes. She stared at him with pure eyes, clouded with loss and confusion, as well as indescribable pain and sadness. She clearly never guessed he would treat her like this. 

He had no courage to look at Ye Wei. His heart was astringent the more he looked at her, “Ye Wei, I’m sorry…”

Ye Wei’s eyes never moved from Xu Chi. Her fingers curled on her chest. She questioned him, “Sorry? You are sorry to me, is it because your previous conversations are true and not just a mistake? You never liked me? You only regarded me as Liang Rouwei? You didn’t fall in love with me at first sight. You only noticed me because I look like Liang Ruowei?

Xu Chi fell silent. Ye Wei’s words were not wrong, but… “The first time I saw you, I indeed noticed you because you looked a lot like Liang Ruowei. However, after being with you for so long, I slowly discovered that except for your similar appearance, you are an independent person on your own and not a copy of Liang Ruowei.”

Ye Wei listened without interrupting. It was unclear whether she understood his meaning or not. She summarized, “I see. So, you are with me not because you like me, but because you miss Liang Ruowei too much. When you see me, it’s like seeing her? When you look at my face, you can alleviate your deep yearning for her? Even the clothes, jewelry, desserts, and snacks you prepared for me before are also Liang Ruowei’s favorite…”

“No wonder… No wonder I and she coincidentally like teardrop-shaped jewelry. Honestly, I didn’t like it before. But, because of you, I came to like it. You always think of me as her?”

“…I’m sorry.” Xu Chi didn’t know how to explain it. His lips kept parting, but it was like he didn’t know how to say other words save for sorry. 

Ye Wei was stunned, “Sorry? You don’t deny it? You don’t want to give me an explanation? You admit it?”

Her gaze landed on Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei. 

Liang Ruowei’s face was displayed with obvious joy. She knew that Xu Chi had not forgotten her! Her return was not late!

Ye Wei’s smile quivered, “So I’m right? Xu Chi, in your eyes, from the start, I am just a stand-in for Liang Ruowei? You never liked me. Liang Ruowei is the person you like. Even now you don’t want to give me any explanation and rush to admit you indeed wronged me…”

Each time Ye Wei said a word, Liang Ruowei’s smile turned brighter. All the hurt and suffering she experienced during this period of time was worth it. As long as Xu Chi still liked her, nothing else mattered.

Xu Chi tried to explain, “No. It’s not like that. I thought so at first, but it gradually changed. I know that you are not Liang Ruowei. You are Ye Wei. The one and only Ye Wei. You are yourself, not anyone’s stand-in.”

Xu Chi looked at Ye Wei pretending to be calm and forcing herself to analyze the situation rationally. He couldn’t tell what it was like in his heart, but the distress and panic were real.

During their time together, they rarely quarreled and only had a few unpleasantness. When he was with her, he would forget all the unpleasantness he felt before and could relax.

He didn’t want to be the cause that made Ye Wei wear such pained expressions. 

Even Cao Heng on the side was distressed. He would prefer Ye Wei to get angry and make a fuss instead of calmly analyzing the situation with a pained expression. Comparing the past and the present, realizing the falsehood of her relationship with Xu Chi. Knowing their relationship was built on falsehood, she denied herself and her feelings word by word. 

Xu Chi rubbed his forehead, “Ye Wei, I’m sorry. Let’s go back home and talk about it, shall we?”

Ye Wei pursed her lips, “Go back home and talk about it? Why should we go back now? The related parties are all here. Isn’t it better to make it clear right here and right now?”

Liang Ruowei also wished Xu Chi and Ye Wei stayed here. She didn’t want them to go back and talk alone. She had long known Ye Wei was not a simple woman. Who knew what she would say to shake Xu Chi’s heart for her when they were alone. Ye Wei’s scheming was much deeper than she showed. 

Different from Liang Ruowei, Cao Heng thought it is better for this matter to be talked about in private. They had been standing here for quite a long time and attracted many onlookers. Besides, there were lots of acquaintances who were invited to this dinner. Xu Chi was famous and Liang Ruowei even more. Coupled with the rumors about Xu Chi, Liang Ruowei, and Ye Wei that had been circulating these days, their appearances here were like giving a free show to them. After tonight, without a doubt, the rumor would spread like fire once again. 

And just like Cao Heng’s thought, the news of “Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei caught red-handed by Ye Wei” had spread. Even some pictures were added for interest. 

Aiyo, Ye Wei now knows she is only a stand-in?】

【At last! Congrats! Shall we hold a celebration lol】

【See! I have said that this matter can’t be hidden from Ye Wei since Liang Ruowei’s return】

【When Liang Ruowei left, she broke up with Xu Chi. Now Liang Ruowei is back, she snatched Xu Chi back. Nonetheless, Xu Chi has a girlfriend, whether she is a double or not, she is still his nominal girlfriend! Tsk tsk. Why did I only find out Liang Ruowei is so fake? She even set up an arch to be a bitch.】

【Pity? Am I the only one who envies Ye Wei? With Xu Chi’s face and figure, even if I’m only taken as a stand-in, I will offer myself for free!】

Ai, I also want to sleep with Xu Chi ah.】

【??? Are all of you emotionless machines who can only think of sleeping?】

【Yes, I am. Thanks for the compliment.】



Xu Chi still tried, “Ye Wei. Let’s go back home and talk about it, okay? Everything you want to know, I will tell you one by one.”

Ye Wei shook her head, “No need, you’ve made it pretty clear. I’m not stupid. I already understand everything now.”

Cao Heng, who hid aside from the start, asked tentatively, “…What do you understand?”

Xu Chi had the same doubts. He didn’t know what Ye Wei understood. He did deceive her, but he never meant to make peace with Liang Ruowei. He didn’t want to get involved with Liang Ruowei anymore. 

Did Ye Wei think he and Liang Ruowei met frequently because he wanted to make peace with her?

Liang Ruowei was bursting with happiness. Since Ye Wei understood everything, it’s better for Ye Wei to be self-aware and leave Xu Chi on her own initiative and save her, Liang Ruowei, from troubles!

Ye Wei glanced at Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei, and asked rhetorically, “Cao Heng-ge, don’t you understand?”

Cao Heng was confused by the question, “Me?” What doesn’t he understand?

Ye Wei sighed in her heart. This colleague’s comprehension ability was really poor. Still, if his comprehension ability was strong, there was no need for her. Ye Wei helplessly looked at Cao Heng. Cao Heng was taken aback. Why did he feel that Ye Wei looked at him as if she was looking at a mentally retarded person with a very low IQ? No, no. He must have seen it wrong.

Ye Wei said, “I mean, I understand that A’Chi and Liang Ruowei is a true love!”

Cao Heng, “Ah?”

Xu Chi, “……?” He and Liang Ruowei is a true love?

Liang Ruowei subconsciously felt that Ye Wei’s next word won’t be good, “…? What do you mean?”

Ye Wei, “What do I mean? Is it so difficult to understand my words? As I said before, I understand that A’Chi and you won’t purposefully keep entangling each other. Ruowei-jie won’t deliberately want to be a Little Three who seduces other people’s boyfriends, A’Chi won’t deliberately want to be a scumbag who steps on two boats and swings from side to side. I believe that Ruowei-jie and A’Chi are not the kind of scum with a questionable character that belongs in the garbage. After all, the children who grew up under the guidance of Grandpa Xu won’t be so bad. “

Xu Chi felt tight in his heart. If his grandfather knew about this matter, he would be extremely disappointed in him.

Ye Wei turned back her words, “But, in the end, you became like this. You would rather be a scum belonging to the garbage than stop getting entangled. There can only be one reason. The problem is not in your character, but in your feelings! Because both of you are true love! Both of you are in love with each other. You can’t help it and are helpless. After all, both of your love is too deep.”

“Only love can make you reckless and daring, staying together against all odds. As long as both of you can be together, selling your character and conscience is not a big deal.”

“I have never thought that love is so powerful that even morality can’t restrain both of you.”

Cao Heng, “……” Pardon???

Xu Chi, “……”

Liang Ruowei was choked by her words. 

Cao Heng peeked at Liang Ruowei and Xu Chi. Question marks popped up above his head. Can you call this a true love? A true love that can’t even be restrained by morality?

Liang Ruowei was flushed with anger. Look! Hadn’t she said that Ye Wei was not a simple woman! She said that she understood them, yet every word was satirizing that they had a problem with their character and they were scumbags. Wasn’t she saying this to guilt-trip them?

However, this was good. Now Xu Chi could see that Ye Wei was not as simple as her performance.

She endured her dissatisfaction and looked at Xu Chi. When she noticed his expression, her heart dropped. There was guilt on his cold face. His orbs glinted with loss, as if he was nervous and couldn’t construct any sentence to explain it to Ye Wei.

Liang Ruowei could read from Xu Chi’s expression that Ye Wei already had some weight in his heart, a heavy weight, even. However, Xu Chi himself hadn’t realized it yet. 

She was cold all over. She thought she came back at the right time and Ye Wei had no weight on Xu Chi’s heart. 

Xu Chi’s face blanched. There was guilt, and there was regret. 

He also had a sense of powerlessness, as if he couldn’t explain his fault no matter what he did. “Ye Wei, I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I know my actions hurt you, but I didn’t mean to hurt you. I know that it’s too late to say anything now and nothing I do can make up for my mistakes.  Is there anything I can do for you to forgive me?”

Gentle and soft were words that fit Ye Wei the best. She was always reasonable and never liked to quarrel with others. At this time, she appeared calm and steady, but Xu Chi knew that Ye Wei was far from as calm as she pretends to be. On the contrary, her heart must be in chaos as her eyes appeared a bit dull. When she looked at him, her gaze was especially filled with tenacity. 

A smile bloomed on her pale face. She solemnly and earnestly answered, “Xu Chi, you don’t have to do anything or explain anymore. I can understand you. Really, it’s not easy for you to do all this for love after all. Such sacrifice is really impossible for ordinary people, at least I can’t. I can’t make such a big sacrifice for you, and my love for you hasn’t exceeded the shackles of morality. I’m really sorry.”

In one go, Liang Ruowei and Xu Chi’s words were blocked by her, especially Xu Chi’s. 

The tightness in Xu Chi’s chest doubled when those beautiful eyes looked at him with a self-deprecating smile. 

Cao Heng supported his chin and reconsidered things. He had felt that Liang Ruowei’s approach was not morally right. And now that Ye Wei said it, he agreed even more. Regardless of Xu Chi’s feelings toward Liang Ruowei, Xu Chi’s current girlfriend was Ye Wei. Morally, Liang Ruowei’s approach was truly similar to that of Little Three. 

He wasn’t prepared to deal with Liang Ruowei that became like this. In fact, he liked Liang Ruowei very much since he was a child. The “Ruowei-jiejie” in his eyes was someone beautiful and outstanding. She had always been his goddess. He couldn’t understand how she changed a lot in such a short time. Sometimes, her change made him think the person in front of him was a stranger and not his “Ruowei-jiejie”.

Obviously, before, she was a proud and open-minded person. When did she start to become a selfish and narrow-minded person that harbors deep malice toward an innocent person like Ye Wei?

The feeling of suffocation intensified and Xu Chi clenched his fist. For some reason, he sensed that Ye Wei was suddenly so far away from him. 

Liang Ruowei’s face was red from Ye Wei’s accusations. She nearly coughed blood as she looked into Ye Wei’s eyes. She couldn’t release her anger nor retreat. She was uncomfortable all over. “Ye Wei, you don’t need to ridicule us like this. I know what I did is too much in your opinion, but for A’Chi, I don’t regret一”

Ye Wei nodded affirmatively, “Yes. I know. That’s why I said I’m ashamed of myself. I can’t do what you did even for A’Chi. Thus, I admire your love for A’Chi… I am not wrong for saying that, right?”

Liang Ruowei sneered. How could she not hear the irony and sarcasm in Ye Wei’s words?

She was mad, but she had to endure it because Xu Chi was still watching. Xu Chi believed they hurt Ye Wei too much. If she lashed out at her, Ye Wei’s scheming would succeed. Her countenance was not much better than Ye Wei. She frowned, “Ye Wei, what do you mean? Are you scolding me for being indecent?”

Ye Wei: “No. I didn’t scold you. I’m just stating the fact and affirming your love.”

……Stating the fact? Affirming your love?

Cao Heng covered his lips and coughed lightly to suppress his laugh.

Liang Ruowei’s lips twitched. She inhaled and exhaled a few times to suppress her anger. “Ye Wei, A’Chi and I met earlier than you, so our relationship is way deeper than you think. I know that you blame me in your heart. I also know that my actions hurt you. I know sorry is not enough, but there are things that I can’t explain clearly to you, particularly the feelings between me and A’Chi. I hope you can understand it.”

Ye Wei tilted her head, “What should I understand? That everything you do is because you love Xu Chi? That you love him so much that you can do anything for him? If you want me to understand these, I already understand it. Or, did I understand it wrong? If so, then explain it to me once more and I will try to reunderstand it.”

Liang Ruowei, “I…”

Xu Chi pressed down the complex emotions in his heart. His eyes swept icily toward Liang Ruowei, “Liang Ruowei, stop talking. The things between us are over long ago and there is nothing between us anymore, have you forgotten?”

Liang Ruowei’s face blanched.

Ye Wei shook her head, deeming Xu Chi’s words as a lie, “If the things between both of you are over, then what am I?”

Xu Chi was puzzled, “What do you mean?”

Ye Wei smiled and expressed bluntly, “Aren’t I the evidence that you and Liang Ruowei are not over and you still love her?”

Xu Chi pursed his lips as the bitterness in his heart spread, “You are not.”

Ye Wei turned a deaf ear to that. She stared at Xu Chi with solemnity, “Actually, seeing Liang Ruowei’s actions, I seem to understand that I can’t compare to her and my love for you is not greater than hers. She paid so much just for you in a way that I can’t. Hence, I choose to quit. A’Chi, you deserve the best love.”

Xu Chi, “???”

Liang Ruowei, “…!!!”

Cao Heng, “……???!!!”

What was this ‘best love’ nonsense?!

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Ry’s Corner

In previous chapters, I keep saying melon seed, but actually, it is 瓜籽 – guāzǐ. Usually, it is baked seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, or watermelon. I only liked the sunflower seeds one tho.

It’s good for snacking, like watching movies or gossiping. I enjoyed the process of cracking the shells rather than eating the already unshelled ones haha. Eating kuaci won’t make you full, anyway.

If you noticed, Xu Chi stopped calling Liang Ruowei ‘Ruowei-jie’ or ‘Ruowei’.

Bby Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. Luv.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3781

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6 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 65”

  1. Every now and then when it comes to melon seeds i get super lazy and reduse to peel them and eat them sith the shell still on 🙀🙀🙀 it really doesnt taste the best but you get the flavoring ftom the shell!!

  2. I really hope that I have at least 25% of Ye Wei’s talent in talking. If I have it, it wouldn’t be very difficult for me to socialize with people.


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