WfDO Chapter 66

Arc 4
The Supporting Female Is a Stand-In for the Female Lead (9)

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Ye Wei’s response was utterly beyond Liang Ruowei’s anticipation. She never reckoned things would proceed in this way. 

She imagined that Ye Wei, who knew the truth that she was just a substitute, would be either furious, dejected, or mad. She could almost imagine the bitter and embarrassed expression on Ye Wei’s face. All in all, no woman could stand that her boyfriend had never liked her and regarded herself as a substitute for another woman. 

She assumed that Ye Wei would lose her temper and quarrel with Xu Chi when she learned the truth, demanding an explanation as to why he treated her like this. She understood Xu Chi well, Xu Chi didn’t like to quarrel with people and was not good at explaining emotional matters like this to people. In a situation where neither party was prepared, the situation would aggravate.

Thus, in that way, she would get an opportunity she could take advantage of.

However! Ye Wei neither got angry nor disappointed. She could see the concealed hurt on Ye Wei’s pale face, but Ye Wei still kept her calm and didn’t question Xu Chi! In turn, she was able to accuse her in a righteous manner, sentencing her to death in a few words.

She became a woman who used unscrupulous means to satisfy her personal desire. She was a third party with corrupt morals who seduced other people’s boyfriends!

Every word of Ye Wei demonstrated her understanding, but deep down, all of it was an attack aimed at her.

This woman was really not simple!

While Liang Family was not a deep-rooted family in City B, they were still well-known figures in City B. If tonight’s matter came out, the reputation of the Liang Family would be smeared. Not only the reputation of the Liang Family would get hit, but the matter may also reach Grandpa Xu’s ears. 

Liang Ruowei had a sense of fear of Grandpa Xu since childhood. Even though she grew up under Grandpa Xu’s nose, every time she saw him, she couldn’t help restrain her attitude, 

Grandpa Xu had been in charge of the Xu Family for many years and was a true iron-blooded figure. Although he was now a gray-haired old man, his eyes were as shrewd and sharp as ever, there was nothing that could be hidden from his eyes.

Liang Ruowei was afraid of Grandpa Xu, and so did Cao Heng. None of them, the juniors, were not afraid of Grandpa Xu. 

Should Grandpa Xu hear of this matter, what would he think of her?

Ye Wei, with only a few words, ruined her reputation and made Xu Chi feel guiltier over his actions. He would deem he had made a big mistake and would be distressed for Ye Wei, and that would lead to him being resistant and repulsive toward her, Liang Ruowei. 

“I wish both of you happiness.”

Leaving these words behind, Ye Wei turned to leave.

Liang Ruowei looked at Ye Wei’s lost and miserable appearance. then at Xu Chi. His captivating eyes were tinted red, and his lips kept parting, but only ended up in a sigh. Just as she expected, Xu Chi was remorseful. 

Liang Ruowei ground her teeth. His gestures, was she blind if she couldn’t guess who it was for? 

No. She couldn’t let Ye Wei’s trick succeed!

“Ye Wei, don’t be impulsive. You don’t have to force yourself to bless me like this, I don’t want your blessing either. In your heart, you must blame me, scolding me as indecent and immoral for daring to seduce Xu Chi. Even if you scold me for being a Little Three, I won’t retort back because I know, in the eyes of outsiders who don’t understand the inside story, it is really me who is at fault.”

“I also know that you must have resented Xu Chi for lying to you and hurting you, calling him a scumbag and trash. After all, no one can remain calm when encountering this kind of thing. You must be furious and aggrieved. You don’t understand anything and don’t know what you should do, so you could only vent your anger with words. Therefore, no matter what you say, I won’t refute it. I just hope you can cool down and talk about it again when the time comes.”

“The matter between me and you, I always felt guilty over it, Ye Wei. I believe Xu Chi is the same. I wish to make up for the damage I caused to you.”

Liang Ruowei charitably said. She was mindful not to take Ye Wei’s bait and fight with her. She could only admit the accusations aimed at her, despite that she wouldn’t let herself admit all of these in vain. She would remind Xu Chi that Ye Wei berated her, and attack Ye Wei back. She would show Xu Chi how she, Liang Ruowei, was wronged and let herself get insulted. All for him

And Liang Ruowei’s words were proven effective,

At least, in a way, Xu Chi agreed with some of her points, such as Ye Wei acting out of anger. He hoped they could talk over this matter when she calmed down. “Ye Wei, let’s return first. We will talk about today’s matter another time.”

Ye Wei blinked her eyes and said firmly, “I see. Thank you for your consideration, Ruowei-jie. Your words let me understand how much you have paid for Xu Chi. The love between both of you absolutely can’t be surpassed by anyone and anything. I sincerely wish you to get married as soon as possible, have a child as soon as possible, grow old together and live a happy life.”

Pfft– cough.” Cao Heng stifled his laugh. He knew that his laugh was extremely untimely, but, when he witnessed Liang Ruowei who was evidently enraged but said nothing, he felt it was amusing. And, unexpectedly, he felt a sense of accomplishment. He scratched his forehead awkwardly. He didn’t quite understand why he felt like that. Obviously, he should stand on Liang Ruowei’s side.

Liang Ruowei glared at Cao Heng, who immediately touched his nose and looked up at the ceiling.

Xu Chi was discomfited by Ye Wei’s blessing, especially when he noticed Ye Wei’s remarkably sincere eyes. It appeared that she really spoke those words from her heart, and it made him feel even more ominous. He refused right away, “No, I don’t need your blessing.”

“Oh, that’s also fine.” Ye Wei pondered, then she nodded, “My bad. Please just pretend I never say it.”

Xu Chi: “……??”

Cao Heng: “…” Keh一 Hehe.

Liang Ruowei forced out a smile and whispered to Xu Chi, “A’Chi, I understand, Ye Wei must be angry right now, that’s why she acted like this. Don’t be mad at her…”

Ye Wei couldn’t hear what Liang Ruowei whispered to Xu Chi, but she could see Xu Chi’s expression warped into one of anger. She mediated amiably, “I am aware that I am the biggest stumbling block on your love road. Thus, neither of you should be burdened by my forgiveness and blessing. Please just focus on obtaining your true happiness!”

Cao Heng: “… Pfft— Hahahahhaha!

Xu Chi: “??!!”

Liang Ruowei: “!!!!”

Ye Wei: “And since neither of you wants it, I will take my leave.”

She left with those words, regardless of the petrified appearance of Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei. 

This time, she really departed.

Xu Chi was not content with leaving the matter end like this. He stepped forward, “Ye Wei, what do you mean一”

He didn’t wish for Ye Wei to leave, but he didn’t know what to say to make her stay. 

Cao Heng swiftly blocked Xu Chi, “A’Chi, don’t be like this. Ye Wei is innocent. Don’t hurt her again…”

Xu Chi: “??? Get out of the way!”

Liang Ruowei’s forbearance nearly snapped, but she held herself back and persuaded Xu Chi, “A’Chi, listen to A’Heng, Ye Wei is angry right now. She won’t listen to your words. If you insist, it will only end up in an argument. Wait for her to calm down before you talk to her.”

Xu Chi scowled menacingly at Cao Heng, “I said, get out of the way!”

Cao Heng didn’t bulge and shook his head, “You… Sigh, both of you are my friends, so I have been hiding the thing between both of you from Ye Wei. Now that it has been discovered, I don’t want to make Ye Wei feel that all of us are colluding to cheat her, persecute her, hurt her, or isolate her. Since she wants to leave, then I will help her achieve that. I can’t help her with many things, but if I can help her, even if it’s a little thing like this, then I will.”

The expression on Xu Chi’s became even more stormy. 

Liang Ruowei glanced at Cao Heng with surprise in her eyes. Cao Heng openly standing on Ye Wei’s side was something she would never have anticipated. Even having a dispute with her and Xu Chi just because of a mere Ye Wei? Since when did Cao Heng like Ye Wei so much?

At this moment, Liang Ruowei not only felt robbed of her most beloved Xu Chi by Ye Wei but also of her best friend.

She masked her fury and loss, “A’Chi, I am a woman. I know the way a woman thinks. If you try to explain to Ye Wei now, she won’t listen. Really, I’m not lying to you.”

Xu Chi pushed Cao Heng away. Unfortunately, after the delay caused by Cao Heng and Liang Ruowei, Ye Wei’s figure was nowhere to be seen. 

Cao Heng agreed, “I also think all of you need to calm down before talking about it. Anyway, that’s all from me. Farewell, I will take my leave and won’t bother both of you.”

He shrugged and then left at light speed, leaving Xu Chi and Liang Ruowei with each other.

Liang Ruowei peeked at Xu Chi who sported a gloomy countenance. A little fear of Xu Chi budded in her heart for the first time, “A’Chi…”

Xu Chi didn’t even spare her a glance. He paced to the exit as he took out his phone and made a few calls to Ye Wei, but none of his calls were answered by Ye Wei.

He arrived at the hotel’s gate, but still did not find Ye Wei. 

In the vast night, he was dazed. Wasn’t Ye Wei nothing to him? Why was he so flustered if Ye Wei was nothing to him? Why did he feel drenched in cold water when he thought of completely losing Ye Wei?

Ye Wei’s unfathomable gaze at him, as if looking at a stranger she never knew, wounded him.

A gaze so focused just like she tried to uncover what kind of person he really was and discover the real him for the first time. 

He felt breathless and pained with a vague feeling that there was a phantom hand clenching his heart. 

He rubbed his forehead. When he looked back, he saw Liang Ruowei behind him.

She stood there and stared at him straight, motionless. She, who has always been proud and boastful, was crying.

He never saw her cry.

Even when they quarreled until they broke up, she just pursed her lips with red eyes and declared, “Fine, let’s break up..”

Then, she left without looking back even once. 

However, right now, her tears fell uncontrollably. “A’Chi, I can throw away my public image for you. I can lower my pride and my self-esteem to ask for your forgiveness…But, do you hate me so much? Hate me to the point you can hurt me this much just for an irrelevant woman?”

Xu Chi was stunned. He knew that those actions were proof of his importance to Liang Ruowei and she really regretted her past actions. She was asking him for forgiveness for the thing of the past. But, the thing of that year couldn’t be easily described as a right or wrong thing at all, nor was it a thing that needed his forgiveness.

“Ruowei, everyone has their own life. I have it, and so do you. It’s not wrong for you to insist on studying abroad. You don’t need to ask my forgiveness for that. I don’t hate you or resent you for it. Can’t you understand what I mean?”

“I do, I understand. I shouldn’t have lost my temper and never contacted you. I really know I was wrong, A’Chi…”

“I never contacted you either.” Xu Chi said bluntly, “Have you forgotten? I never contacted you and neither have I attempted to find you abroad. So, why should you say you are wrong about it? If you are wrong, then I also have my share of faults.”

Liang Ruowei was caught off guard at Xu Chi’s words. She opened her mouth with some self-deception, “So, we’re even? A’Chi, did you really not blame me? Can you forgive me? Can we start over?”

Xu Chi added, “At first, I admit, I blamed you for being so heartless. I doubted my weight in your heart. Later, I figured out it was all because you have a life you want to live. I shouldn’t stop you and prison you by my side. I understand your choice, and gradually, I don’t blame you anymore.’

Liang Ruowei hurriedly shook her head, “No, no! The life I want to live is with you! It is only with you that my life is perfect! Didn’t you also say that what you want most is to marry me, build a family, and then have two children, a son and a daughter? We will watch them grow up as we grow old together…”

Xu Chi paused, recalling that it was indeed what he wanted most. When Liang Ruowei had just left, he dreamed that she returned to him in his dreams and promised him that she would not leave and would marry him.

But, people can change. Tonight was the time he truly convinced himself that people can change. He didn’t know what had changed him, that kind of dream really hadn’t appeared in his dream for a long time.

“That’s a thing of the past. At present, I no longer have such an idea for you.”

Liang Ruowei staggered with a shocked expression. Her face paled visibly.

She murmured, “… You… no longer…?”

He didn’t love her anymore?!

So, the person in his heart was Ye Wei?

She returned in advance, Xu Chi still fell in love with Ye Wei?

She covered her eyes in despair. In addition to the pain, there was despair.


Why is she late again?


Cao Heng called Ye Wei the second he left the hotel.

He thought that Ye Wei would ignore him. After all, in Ye Wei’s view, while he was not the perpetrator, he was still considered an accomplice. Fortunately, Ye Wei answered his call. Her kind tone made him even more guilty…

“I’m sorry, but please hear me out, I didn’t mean to hide it from you.”

“It’s okay. I understand.”

“….” Her understanding didn’t make him feel happy at all.

The two of them were seated in the car. Cao Heng glimpsed at Ye Wei, who was sitting on the co-pilot and leaning against the car window. Although Ye Wei’s expression was serene, he couldn’t help but worry. He cautiously probed, “Then where are we going now, shall I take you home or take you out to relax?”

Ye Wei pressed down the reject button from Xu Chi’s call for the nth time and answered Cai Heng’s question, “Just bring me back home.”

Working overtime all night had consumed most of her energy. Of course, the only destination after all the tiring work was home so she could take a well-deserved good rest. 

Also, what was wrong with this Male Lead? Why did he call her all the time and not take the chance to develop his relationship with the Female Lead!

Cao Heng oh’ed and started the engine.

On the way, he observed Ye Wei. He judged that Ye Wei must be suppressing her emotions and pretending that nothing had happened in front of him when in fact, her heart was in a mess.

Her kind of coping mechanism was the most terrifying. If she didn’t vent the pain in her heart from time to time, it would pile up until she thoroughly broke down one day.

“Ye Wei, A’Chi is not here. You don’t have to pretend in front of me. You can cry and scold him if you want. Don’t worry, I won’t tell A’Chi.”

Ye Wei glanced at Cao Heng, “What ‘pretend’? I didn’t pretend.”

Cao Heng: “……” Got it. She doesn’t want to talk about it.

The distress in him amplified, “Okay, Alright. I know it’s all Xu Chi’s fault. I will find a chance to beat him up another day.”

Ye Wei rejected his offer in a flash, “Don’t beat him.”

Cao Heng: “……” As expected, she can’t let go of him, can she?

Ye Wei: If the Male Lead is hurt……

Ye Wei: “Nevermind, you can beat him.”

Cao Heng: See! She still can’t let go of him!

Ye Wei: If the Male Lead is hurt, the Female Lead will be distressed~ Then, they will… hehehe~

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Ry’s Corner

I don’t remember if I have said it, but more often than not, touching your nose signifies that you are guilty or embarrassed.

If today is 18th of July, then won’t that mean… I still have around one and a half moar month until I’m back to civilization…

Bby Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. Luv.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2915

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4 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 66”

  1. I absolutely love her!!! I just found all these updates and I’m crying this is too funny…
    Hope you can come back to civilization again!! We are waiting for you with our arms open :D

    • When reading this chapter, I also crying, with laugh and sadness. Laugh, because Ye Wei’s inner monologue. Sadness, because I can only imagine what the OG!Ye Wei’s feel if she’s the one who finds out about the truth.


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