WfDO Chapter 69

Arc 4
The Supporting Female Is a Stand-In for the Female Lead (12)

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After Ye Wei left, Xu Chi and Cao Heng soon followed. 

As soon as the parties left, the cafe, which had been silent, became bustling. The people there just came for a coffee, but unexpectedly got to watch a big play. 

Who would expect that one mere Ye Wei would have the boldness to reject not only Cao Heng, but also Xu Chi, one after another?

Cao Heng and Xu Chi were highly sought by myriad people, but those men were so unattainable that no one couldn’t truly get into their eyes even if they exhausted all means!

Where did Ye Wei’s confidence come from?! Wasn’t she just a little white lotus from a small family! Did she really believe herself as a princess who can do everything she likes?!

The more hateful thing was, Cao Heng and Xu Chi, who were rejected by Ye Wei, were not angry in the slightest. Instead, they looked guilty and tried to flatter her!

Anyway, Cao Heng was the one blatantly appearing as the guilty one and trying to flatter her. Xu Chi’s reaction was not obvious, but judging from his attitude towards Ye Wei and comparing his attitude to others, his attitude towards Ye Wei was something that the others could only dream of. He was so lenient and good towards Ye Wei. 

Ye Wei, who was originally their object of pity, now became their object of envy. 

Really, they envied her to death.

In the same fashion, no one expected that Liang Ruowei, who was supposed to be Xu Chi’s true love, didn’t even get any attention from Xu Chi from beginning to end, as if he didn’t even notice her existence.

They were no fools. After all this, would they still think that Xu Chi was here for Liang Ruowei? No, they wouldn’t.

Zhou Qianyu was snickering like crazy in her seat. She couldn’t stand Liang Ruowei’s arrogant appearance. If it wasn’t for Xu Chi, who would have put her in their visions?

And now Xu Chi unexpectedly didn’t notice Liang Ruowei, instead, his focus was all on Ye Wei and he ran after her when she left. This was not a situation where people should rejoice, but, in Zhou Qianyu’s opinion, Liang Ruowei’s defeated appearance was something worthy for her to rejoice on. 

She strode to Liang Ruowei’s seat with a bewildered expression, “Ruowei-jie, why are you still here? Xu-zong and Cao-shao have just left, chasing after Ye Wei. Did they forget the appointment with you? You should call Xu-zong back quickly. Perhaps they did not find you and think you left earlier?”

Liang Ruowei has eyes. She had been watching from the side just now. Could she not know what just unfolded before her eyes?

She scowled in her heart. She had seen a lot of such faces in her previous life, so regardless of how angry she was, she was still calm on the surface, “I made an appointment with a friend, but that person is neither A’Chi nor A’Heng. Regarding A’Chi and A’Heng, they have their own private matters to deal with, so I won’t bother them.”

Zhou Qianyu secretly rolled her eyes. What ‘They have their own private matters to deal with, so I won’t bother them‘? She just finding an excuse for herself.

“Ah, is that so? To be honest, I accidentally heard the conversation between Xu-zong, Cao-shao, and Ye Wei from the side just now. It appeared that they were trying to get Ye Wei’s forgiveness. In the end, you have your share of blame for Ye Wei cutting off her relationship with them. Considering you, Xu-zong, and Cao-shao are good friends, don’t you want to do your best to live up to your title of good friends and help them resolve the matter?”

Liang Ruowei was nearly smothered by Zhou Qianyu’s words. She distracted herself with a sip of her coffee. The bitter taste filled her mouth and made her recall her reason. A moment later, the unbearable bitterness developed into a deep and mellow fragrance again. She hooked the corners of her mouth and said coldly, “This is a private matter of A’Chi and A’Heng. If they need my help, they will talk to me by themselves, so you don’t need to bother yourself with it. Besides, they don’t like their private affairs being discussed. If they know that their conversation is overheard, they will be very upset, don’t you think so?”

‘Oh, a threat?’ Zhou Qianyu smiled, “Aren’t I simply worried about them? Besides, I overheard it by accident, not on purpose.”

Liang Ruowei smiled back, “Then, let me thank you on their behalf. Next time I see them, I will relay your concern to them.”

“No need, it’s not a big deal,” Zhou Qianyu waved her hand repeatedly. “Seems like, I am just a bit too worried about nothing. Since there is nothing else, I will go first. My friends are still waiting for me over there.”

The group of envious ladies ‘over there’ who was always on standby for gossip turned around, who is ‘your’ friend?’

Liang Ruowei glanced over and motioned with her chin,  “Mn, take care.”

Zhou Qianyu walked away. her lips muttering words dripping with acid and sarcasm that she herself could hear. Liang Ruowei kept pretending. If Xu Chi truly cared about Liang Ruowei, he wouldn’t run after Ye Wei, nor would he not notice her because of Ye Wei. Yet, the person Xu Chi was looking for is Ye Wei. Even if he was rejected by Ye Wei in front of everyone, he just followed her behind without anger. What did it imply? It implied that Ye Wei may not be as simple as a mere stand-in. At least, she has quite a weight in Xu Chi’s heart and he cared about her. 

Now, this was a good show to watch.

Liang Ruowei was frankly going to die of rage. Since when could any insignificant person just come to her and bully her like this? Did they think that she is easy to bully?

The coffee in her cup was unbearable. She couldn’t bring herself to drink it any longer. She sent a message to her friend, saying that she has something to do and must leave in advance, and left the cafe.


On Xu Chi’s side, he was having a hard time. Beside him, Cao Heng kept blabbering in his ears, making him feel that he was the world’s greatest sinner. 

“This is all because you never listen to me. I have advised you, time and time again, to be frank with Ye Wei. Paper can’t wrap up a fire. But, you never listen. Now, look, it’s not surprising you ended up like this!”

“Seriously, if you confess to Ye Wei in person, the outcome may be better. At least, it would be way better than being discovered by her. Maybe things won’t turn out like this.”

“As soon as Ruowei-jie is back, I knew that the matter couldn’t be hidden any longer.”

“Now, Ye Wei not only detests you, but she also blacklisted me. What do you have to say in defense, huh?”

Xu Chi: “…”

He sent him a sideway glance, “Aren’t you the best at making girls happy?”

Cao Heng was mad, “Can it be the same? For other girls, it is just a matter of giving them a few bags and all the problems will be solved, but Ye Wei won’t buy this act!”

Xu Chi contemplated over it, “I have given Ye Wei gifts before, and she is happy every time she receives it.”

Xu Chi’s words were genuine. He used to give Ye Wei gifts. No matter what it was, she would be delighted and like it.

Cao Heng was exasperated, “Don’t talk to me about the gifts you gave before. It is all when she doesn’t know anything. Now she knows everything, you can try to give her those kinds of gifts yourself and experience how ‘happy’ would her reaction be at first hand.” :)

Xu Chi: “…”

Cao Heng pushed, “Do you know what Ye Wei really likes? Not the kind of gifts that you gave her and she likes, but what she really likes, you know it, right?”

Xu Chi: “……”

Xu Chi’s brows furrowed as he thought of the answer, what does Ye Wei like?

He and Ye Wei had been together for half a year. They had spent a lot of time together. Ye Wei knew that he likes mushrooms, green pepper, and bamboo shoots; She also knew that he didn’t like onions and carrots; She knew that he liked black and white, so on his birthday, she gave him a black tie.

She knew that he didn’t like noise, so every time she was with him, she would not force him to go to a lively place. They had been together for so long and had never gone out on a date. She said that if people like each other, they don’t have to go out to see a movie or go shopping to be on a date. As long as they are together, they will be especially content.

She was so good and always accommodating him. She made him more and more insatiable and he took all of her care for granted.

After all that, did he know what Ye Wei likes? He did not. 

The food on the table would be either what he or Liang Ruowei like; The clothes and jewelry in the closet were also what Liang Ruowei likes. In their long relationship, he always imposed too many things on Ye Wei and never tried to understand the real her. She was just a stand-in, thus, he regarded her as Liang Ruowei.

But, when all is said and done, Ye Wei is not Liang Ruowei.  His attitude toward her was hypocritical, but her concern and feelings for him were real.

Cao Heng urged, “A’Chi, what are you thinking? I am asking you a question here. Quick, what does Ye Wei like? What does she like to eat? Which constellation does she like? Is there any country she wants to visit? We have to find the right medicine to treat Ye Wei’s injury. As long as we do our best, she will certainly forgive us!”

Xu Chi shook his head, “I don’t know.”

“Don’t know?” Cao Heng was dumbfounded, “You don’t know? Your time together is not short. You really don’t even know what she likes?”

Xu Chi: “I don’t know.”

Cao Heng: “……”

Cao Heng: “Oh, I see. I really should be glad that Ye Wei finally got rid of you scumbag.”

Xu Chi: “…………”

He had nothing to refute. He was indeed sorry for Ye Wei and had failed her badly. 

As they were talking, a notification popped on his phone. 

“After leaving the cafe, Ye-xiaojie and Zhao Qi went directly to the mall. They strolled in the mall for a while and then sat in the dessert shop for an hour. Ye-xiaojie ordered a cup of mango juice and a strawberry shortcake.”

“After Ye-xiaojie finished her dessert, she and Zhao Qi went to the supermarket on the first floor of the basement for forty minutes. They bought some snacks, and went to a grilled fish shop on the fourth floor for dinner.”

“After that, Ye-xiaojie and Zhao Qi went to the cinema.”

Granted that strolling in a mall and having dinner together was normal, why did they still go to watch movies?

Xu Chi’s expression sank.

Cao Heng knocked his finger on the table, “See, just like I said, Zhao Qi has bad intentions! He must be interested in Ye Wei, otherwise, no man would continue shopping and watching movies together with a woman who he met for the first time. He must want to pursue Ye Wei!”

Xu Chi stood up and walked out. Cao Heng swiftly seized him, “Where are you going?”

Xu Chi answered, “I know that Ye Wei is angry with me. All the decisions she makes now are irrational. I can’t just leave her alone.”

Cao Heng retorted, “But Ye Wei also made it clear that she has nothing to do with you anymore. You can’t intervene even if you want to. Besides, since Ye Wei is willing to go on a blind date with Zhao Qi and continues it, it shows that she at least has a good impression of Zhao Qi.”

Xu Chi was taken aback, “What do you mean?”

Cao Heng rubbed his chin seriously, “It means exactly as I say. I’ve dated numerous women. I know what they are thinking. If they are willing to further develop with you, they will agree to go shopping and watch movies with you. If they are not willing to go shopping and watch movies, it means they have no interest in you. Am I clear?”

Xu Chi: “……???”

Xu Chi reacted after a while, “You mean that Ye Wei likes Zhao Qi?”

Cao Heng voiced, “I can’t say she likes him, but in this situation, it can develop into liking. In fact, it is also good. After being hurt so much by you, she is willing to start a new relationship, which shows that her heart is strong enough and that she is not desperate for love. This is good for her.” Cao Heng emotionally expressed his thought with a trace of gratefulness.

Xu Chi: “……!!!”

Xu Chi instantly left without saying another word.

Cao Heng shouted from behind, “Where are you going?”

Xu Chi answered coldly, never stopping on his way, “I will go to find Ye Wei. Don’t follow me.”

Cao Heng, who was about to get up and follow him, sat back and blurted, “A’Chi, if you do like Ye Wei, don’t act so cold and detached as if you don’t like her! You have to apologize to her first, you know! You should speak with a better tone!” After thinking about it, he still felt uneasy and decided to tail him.

Xu Chi didn’t hear what Cao Heng was saying at all. He just wanted to see Ye Wei right away. Cao Heng said that it was a good thing that Ye Wei could go out of the past and start a new relationship, he should feel like that too, but, he couldn’t understand why he felt neither happy nor fortunate because of it.


Xu Chi waited for about two hours at the entrance of Ye Wei’s community before he got to see Zhao Qi driving Ye Wei back. He opened the door, and Ye Wei jumped out of the car. They parted ways with a smile.

Ye Wei appeared to be pleased, especially with her smile. When she smiled, her eyes would curve into crescents, which made her cuter.

“Thank you. I had a great time today.”

“Me too. If there is another chance in the future…”

“Of course, there will be.”

In the past, he often saw Ye Wei’s smile, because Ye Wei liked to smile. When she encountered something happy or saw something happy, she would nest beside him with a curved smile. Sometimes she would pull him together. If he didn’t smile, she would poke at his lips and say, “Little old man, give me a smile.”

However, since that fateful night, he had never seen Ye Wei smile again. To be precise, Ye Wei never smiled at him again.

It wasn’t until Zhao Qi left that Xu Chi walked out and called to her, “Ye Wei.”

Ye Wei halted on her step in surprise when she saw Xu Chi. The man was wearing a simple white shirt and black trousers, He was tall with a slender figure. She didn’t know how long he had been standing there in the middle of the night, but his black hair was a bit damp from the low temperature of the night. The strands of hair fell on his forehead, which made his temperament extraordinarily colder and handsome. 

Ye Wei was nearly fascinated by beauty. 

Fortunately, she was mentally firm enough to be an excellent tasker and returned to her role in a flash.

Her brows crumpled, “Xu-xiansheng, did you wait here to talk to me?”

She called him “Xu-xiansheng,” so polite and alienated. 

Xu Chi nodded, “Mn. I owe you a formal apology and an explanation. I know that what I did to you is unfair. You can hate me and make any demands on me. I just hope you can calm down before impulsively making a decision.”

Ye Wei accepted his words, “Xu-xiansheng, thank you for your kindness, but you can rest assured that the injury inflicted by your action on me is not enough to make me lose my love for life. I will live well every day, cherish my time and love my life.”

Xu Chi, “If you think so, then… that’s good.”

Ye Wei replied, “Of course, the world won’t suddenly become a bad place just because of a bad person like you. It hasn’t become less beautiful. There are many beautiful things waiting for me to discover in this world.”

Xu Chi: “……”

Ye Wei waved her hand, “It’s already late. I’ll take my leave. Goodbye.”

When Ye Wei left without hesitation and her back gradually disappeared from his sight, he sensed a kind of inexplicable panic.

Ye Wei didn’t cry, nor did she make any demands on him. She didn’t even question him. Her attitude was extremely courteous and the way she looked at him was no different from looking at a stranger. She seemed to completely ignore his existence. 

His heart was pinched by an indiscernible thing and it was intensely strangling.

He wished to stop Ye Wei, but Ye Wei’s evasive actions and her alienating words when she left him behind made him clueless about how to face her.

With this hesitation, Ye Wei had gone far.

Cao Heng, who was hiding aside, came out. He patted Xu Chi on the shoulder and sighed.

He could see that Ye Wei hadn’t put her feelings away. Her words were obviously angry words. After all, Ye Wei has a deep affection for Xu Chi. How can she let it go this fast?

Xu Chi was skeptical of Cao Heng’s observation, “Really?”

Cao Heng added, “Then let’s say, Ye Wei really left it all behind and doesn’t love you anymore, then can she not hate you for all this? Think about it, if the person who was deceived was you, could you easily forgive that person? Even if you don’t love that person anymore, can you not hate that person? If it were me, I would scold the other person bloody and make him regret being a man all his life! How can there be such a forgiving person in the world?!”

Xu Chi calmly thought of it and felt that what Cao Heng said made sense. Even if Ye Wei had let it go and didn’t love him anymore, it was impossible not to hate him. Then, because Ye Wei didn’t hate him…

Ye Wei hadn’t let it go, after all. 

Who knows, it didn’t take long for him to receive a message from Cao Heng, “Ye Wei is in love!” with a picture of Ye Wei and Zhao Qi strolling along the street hand in hand with smiles on their faces attached. They both appeared to be content in the picture. 

Xu Chi’s heart throbbed in pain, in such a way that he was impaled by something and left with an aching sensation that was rather painful.

Another message came from Cao Heng, “It seems that Ye Wei really left it all behind. I’m really happy for her. I think you should rest assured.”

Xu Chi: ……No. I can’t rest assured in the slightest.

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Ry’s Corner

The arguably best wingman, Cao Heng.

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3321

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