WfDO Chapter 74

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Is the Real Daughter (1)

Thank you, Estelulu, for the support~ <3

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These past few days, there were clamors of comments regarding the misplaced daughter of the Ye Family. The matter was discovered solely because Ye Shicheng was diagnosed with kidney failure and required a transplant. The severity of the disease could be great or little depending on the person, luckily, the Ye Family was loaded with money and wouldn’t need to worry about the cost of the treatment. The challenging part was to find the matching transplant. Even if the Ye Family has money, it would take time to find the donor. 

Then, they searched among their close relatives, only to discover a problem.

The matching between Ye Ying and Ye Shicheng was nearly zero. Aside from the same blood type, nothing else matched. They repeated the test and the result was still the same, which means Ye Ying and Ye Shicheng were not biological father-daughter?!

A shocking revelation!

Ye Shicheng was furious and got into a fight with Wang Hui, “Did you cheat on me behind my back?”

Wang Hui was as clueless as Ye Shicheng. She could only defend herself, “How could it be? How could I do such an immoral thing!”

Ye Shicheng was in poor health, and this unexpected discovery worsened his health. 

The Ye Family was stormy in the meantime. Ultimately, Wang Hui and Ye Ying went for a paternity test, only to learn that Ye Ying was neither Ye Shicheng’s nor Wang Hui’s biological daughter. 

The darling of the Ye Family, the one they had raised for 18 years in the palm of their hands, was not their own. Then, where was their biological daughter?

With their connection and money, they mobilized enough manpower and resources. They traced from the very beginning and at last found the daughter, whose name is Chen Xiaohong. 

The Chen Family and the Ye Family were almost at the opposite end of the spectrum. The Ye Family has their business everywhere. They lived in a villa. There were maids to clean the house and cook their meals; butlers and guards to take care of their security; drivers to send them to their destination.

Over the years when Ye Ying grew up in the Ye Family, she received not only the best love but also the best education. She is elegant, beautiful, and generous. An epitome of the lady of an influential family.

As for the Chen Family, their house was made with mud walls. The heavy rain outside was equal to light rain inside the house. Things such as cooking meals and cleaning the house were done by themselves. The guard of the house was a big yellow dog. Their transportation was their own two feet. If they were lucky, they could hitch an ox cart. To go to school, Chen Xiaohong must wake up before five and walk ten miles. 

The Chen Family could be said to be so poor that even the bacon smoked above the stove was kept from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. When the Ye Family came to her, Chen Xiaohong was working in the field, already dropped out of school. As for the reason why she dropped out of school, poverty was one reason, the other was because Chen Weigou deemed that tossing money for a daughter’s education was a losing deal. It was more satisfactory to make her work and earn money, supporting her younger brother. She could work for a few years for them before they would marry her off to another family. 

The Chen Xiaohong that grew up in that kind of environment could be summarized with three words: tanned, emaciated, and crude.

When Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui got a photo of Chen Xiaohong’s photo, they were astonished. The village girl in the photo is their biological daughter?

Chen Xiaohong in the photo was really down-to-earth. She wore discolored jeans. The original color of her shirt was no longer recognizable from how it was washed off. The soles of her cotton shoes were rugged. She worked on the field all year round and her skin was tanned. She was covered with mud and dirt, appearing quite dirty. She was frozen stiff when she faced the camera…Compared to Ye Ying who was spoiled by them like a little princess……

The disparity was like that of the Sky and Earth. 

Moreover, since Ye Ying knew that she was not her parents’ biological daughter, she shed tears all day long and lost a lot of weight, but she still put a strong upfront. She claimed that even if she returned to her original family, she would think of them and remember them. In the future, if she got admitted to University in City C, she would visit them. Her reaction made people distressed over her. 

Wang Hui felt distressed over her biological daughter that suffered outside for 18 years, but Ye Ying was the daughter she raised by her own hands since she was a child. It was natural that she had a closer and deeper feeling toward Ye Ying. “Lao Cheng[1] ah. I can’t bear to let Yingying leave us. Yingying is also my daughter. Even if we are not related by blood, I have raised her as my own for 18 years. Our feelings are genuine. Besides, the Chen Family’s condition is not appropriate for our daughter. Can Yingying stand it if she returned to that family? No, I don’t agree to replace Yingying with that family.”

Ye Tao also placed his vote, “I don’t want to change my meimei[2] either. I don’t allow both of you to exchange her. I won’t let Yingying leave. If you dare to send my meimei away, I will follow her!”

Ye Shicheng heaved a sigh, “Who taught you to say things like that?”

Ye Tao stubbornly pressed, “Anyway, the only meimei I recognize is Yingying. I am not familiar with Chen Xiaohong. What if she is my meimei related by blood? I have never even seen her once. I don’t hold any affection toward her. Do you still hope I can play an affectionate brother to a sister I have never once met?”

Ye Shicheng rebuked, “She is also your mei. Don’t say things like this again in the future, especially in front of her.”

Ye Tao sneered, “I don’t care. You are not allowed to send Yingying away! What does that Chen Xiaohong even think? Why must there be so many troubles to bring her back? She is no one significant to us except for the same blood running in our veins. Neither of us has affection for the other. She is ready to leave her ‘parents’ who have been with her for so long, doesn’t that show just how callous she is?”

“Ye Tao, stop saying such things about your meimei!” Ye Shicheng reprimanded.

Ye Tao didn’t back down and persisted, “Pa, can you bear to let Yingying leave?” 

Ye Shicheng couldn’t, of course. Ye Ying was the treasure carefully held in their palms. How could he allow her to leave to live deep in the mountain? The living condition of the Chen Family was too poor. He didn’t wish for Ye Ying to suffer.

Years of feeling left a deep impression, and it’s impossible to give up on Yingying. 

Ye Tao: “Since that Chen Xiaohong insists on coming back, then just let her come here, but don’t send Yingying back. It’s not like our family can’t afford to raise one more daughter!”

Wang Hui wondered, “Will the Chen Family agree?”

Ye Tao replied, “If they wish for the best for their daughter, they will agree. Only we can take the best care of Yingying. You guys don’t want Yingying to suffer right?”

The bond between the Ye Family and Ye Ying had been built for years. Their relationship was strong. As it was, they didn’t want to exchange Yingying to live with the Chen Family. The Ye Family originally planned to let everything remain the same as before. Chen Xiaohong would continue to live with the Chen Family, and the Ye Family would help to improve the Chen Family’s situation. For instance, by giving them money. The money would be enough for the Chen Family to buy a house in a city and there would still be a surplus from it. Let them move out of the mountain and live a leisurely life. The Ye Family would send living expenses every month and pick up Chen Xiaohong to visit during summer and winter vacations. Also, they would arrange a job for Chen Xiaohong in the future and a blind date. All in all, Ye Ying didn’t need to leave the Ye Family. 

It just, Chen Xiaohong, who knew the truth, relentlessly said that she wanted to come back, she wouldn’t listen to any advice and even go on a hunger strike to show her determination!

In the end, neither Ye Shicheng nor Wang Hui could really ditch their daughter behind. Therefore, a decision was made. Chen Xiaohong would return to the Ye Family. Following that, Ye Ying’s future had now become the most important concern of the three members of the Ye family.

Ye Shicheng decided that Chen Xiaohong would return to the Ye Family and Ye Ying would stay with the Ye Family, she didn’t have to leave. Both their biological daughter, Chen Xiaohong, and adopted daughter, Ye Ying, would be raised as the daughters of the Ye Family. 

The Chen Family didn’t want to let their two daughters drift apart and agreed to Ye Shicheng’s decision. Ye Shicheng handed Chen Weiguo a lot of money and bought him a house in the town. When all was settled, Ye Shicheng eventually felt relief.

From then on, Chen Xiaohong had become a part of the Ye Family and changed her name to Ye Wei, and Ye Ying continued to stay in the Ye family and remain the eldest daughter.

Chen Weiguo regarded money as his life. His adopted daughter, who was regarded as a deadweight by him, has now earned him a large amount of money. His biological daughter also lived a well-off life in the Ye Family. Didn’t that mean he can have a steady stream of wealth? He came to an easy decision when Ye Shicheng offered his decision. He even ordered Ye Wei to bring the bacon he cherished to show his goodwill. Thus, the scene of Ye Wei returned to Ye Family’s Villa with a bulged bag and many plastic bags. 


It was the first time for the Ye Family members and Ye Wei to truly meet each other. They saw her for the first time ever, not her in the picture, nor her in the words of others, but the real Ye Wei.

The rustic girl stood there with a bulging bag hanging on her shoulder and plastic bags in her hands, she peeked at them nervously, “I brought some specialties of our mountain…”

Albeit related by blood, as this was their first meeting, they were unfamiliar with each other and the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing. 

Ye Shicheng looked at the plenty of things in the bags and was stunned. He didn’t anticipate Ye Wei to bring so many things over. “Why did you bring so many things? I thought it would be better for you to come directly and put those away for later.”

Wang Hui also looked at the pile of things and instructed to Auntie Zhang, “What are you looking at? Hurry up and help her. Bring all these things to the kitchen.”

Auntie Zhang had wanted to help from the start, but Ye Wei wouldn’t allow her. At last, she could take these things from Ye Wei’s hands and bring them to the kitchen. 

The weight in Auntie Zhang’s hands was not as light as she imagined it to be. It was to be expected, a child that grew up in the mountains doing field work must indeed have extraordinary strength. 

Ye Wei’s dark face revealed a shy little smile, “It’s not that much at all. I got up early this morning and went to the mountains to pick them up. They are very fresh.”

Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui glanced at each other and noticed the helplessness in each other’s eyes. Wang Hui spoke first, “You don’t have to do this anymore. You can eat whatever you want at home.”

Ye Wei blinked her eyes innocently, then nodded, “Mn. I understand. I saw it when I came here. There are no mountains here. There are houses and cars everywhere. Although there are flowers, grass, and trees on the road, they are not suitable for the growth of this kind of wild vegetable. I wouldn’t be able to find these again even if I wanted to.”

Wang Hui: “……”

Ye Tao added with a sigh, “My Ma means you don’t have to do this kind of thing again in the future, Whatever you want to eat, just tell it directly to Auntie Wang. She will prepare it for you.”

Ye Wei finally understood the meaning and waved her hand, “Gege, you misunderstood. It’s not what I want to eat, but it’s what I want to find for Papa and Mama to eat.”

Ye Tao: “…” How could a person be this foolish?

Still, it was the first time he heard the title “Gege” from Ye Wei. He tousled his hair in awkwardness, uncomfortable all over. 

Ye Wei: “Besides, it’s not easy to climb mountains. Auntie Wang is old. It is taxing and dangerous to climb mountains. So I won’t bother Auntie Wang.”

Ye Tao was taken aback, “… Dangerous? What is the danger?”

Ye Wei then described, “There are dangers everywhere. The mountain is steep and there are also wild animals in them. An uncle in the village next door accidentally encountered a wild boar when he went to collect wood in the mountain. He almost died and now still lying in the hospital!”

Ye Tao: “… Then you still dare to go?”

Ye Wei: “I don’t dare ah.”

Ye Tao: “???”

Ye Tao: “Forget it. Anyway, you won’t have to eat this kind of wild vegetable again in the future.”

Ye Wei: “Why?”

“Because it’s not for sale here!”

Oh. So it seems that I can only go to the mountain again when I go back.”

“……” Ye Tao ground his teeth. Is this fool really his mei? She is not as cute as Yingying at all!

Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui were in a stupor. Ye Wei called them “Mama” and “Papa,” it should have been a normal thing, but yet there was a strange feeling when they heard it…

They couldn’t help but think, if they hadn’t made a mistake in the first place, there wouldn’t be circumstances like this. 

Wang Hui gave her a smile, “Weiwei. Mn, you will be with us from now on and your name will change to Ye Wei, following after us. You also have been told about this, right? If someone asks your name later, just say your name is Ye Wei. You don’t need to use your previous name anymore.”

Ye Wei nodded obediently, “I understand. By the way, where is Ye Ying? Why didn’t I see her?”

Currently, Ye Ying is in her room. She said that she didn’t want to disturb their family reunion, afraid of adding awkwardness to the scene shall she appear. Hence, she hid in her bedroom. 

Ye Wei picked up a plastic bag and said, “Papa bought her a dress and asked me to bring it to her.”

The transparent plastic bag was brimmed to the fullest, you could see the thing inside the bag was a bright red dress. Without needing to take it out, it was clear that the dress must be dirty and ugly.

Ye Tao showed his disgust right away, “You’d better keep it for yourself.”

Ye Shicheng’s face blanched, “Ye Tao. Is this how I taught you?!”

Ye Tao pursed his lips in anger. That dress is so ugly. Who can wear it willingly?

Ye Wei hurriedly refused, with a bit of envy in her voice, “No! This is what Papa bought for Yingying. I can’t keep it for myself!”

If she were given the chance, she wished to wear it though!

She never had enough food or warm clothing for years! Her clothes were all handed down from her older brother in the Chen Family. This new dress was not something she could ever wear before!

Life has been hard for Ye Wei. She transmigrated too early this time. Two years too early! For these past two years, she had lived a hard life! She had to get up before dawn and cook a pot of porridge for the Chen Family! After Chen Weighou and the others had their breakfast, she would go to school on weekdays. If not, then she would be in the field or the mountains. She really really had a hard time these past two years!

This was the first time Ye Wei succumbed to harsh reality and exchanged for a golden finger, eventually using the “Stronger than Ox” she spat on when she got it. She often had to work in the field, either planting corn or harvesting corn, transplanting seedlings, or beating wheat. Her real self was too frail to do these activities. She couldn’t endure it. If it weren’t for her professionality, she would just pat her butt and quit this task. 

Living up to the golden finger name, “Stronger than Ox”, her whole life was much easier since she used the golden finger. Her work was less strenuous. She felt she was as stronger as an ox and her body was lighter.

As for why she used that golden finger and not the Cook System or the Learning God System, it was because she was still confident in her brain. She could cook just fine, not to mention study. She didn’t need external help for these things.

The pitiful thing was that she did a lot of work, but she didn’t have much money on her hands. She couldn’t afford even one piece of new clothes. Because of the deep fear of collapsing the original plot, she pushed herself to follow the plot with the utmost compliance. Now she got new clothes to wear, of course, she wouldn’t deny herself. 

Everything that was comfortable and beautiful in front of her made her greedy, particularly the big and soft sofa. Please just let her sprawl herself on the sofa right here and right now!

A soft and comfortable sofa ah! These two years, she slept on a plank with a thin quilt! The cold went right to her bone and it was not comfortable to sleep on a hard piece of wood! She had been dreaming of resting on a fluffy bed……

Not only a fluffy bed! She also wanted to eat hot pot! Put beef slices, and bean sprouts, then match them with fragrant dipping sauces! She can eat forever! She also wanted to eat fried pork… pork ribs… steamed fish…. Ah, this is bad. She is drooling just by imagining it!

It’s really great to be back! She finally reached this long-awaited day!

Ye Tao looked at Ye Wei with a weird gaze. Her words from before made him a bit guilty. Was it only his imagination or did Ye Wei really want that ugly dress?

Alas, he could see the greed and delight that he despised in her eyes. Hmph. He knew it. Ye Wei who insisted on returning was certainly not a simple girl. She longed for a good life so bad that she could abandon her parents who had raised her!

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[1] 老成 – Lao Cheng. Old Cheng. The Cheng of Ye Shicheng. It is an affectionate nickname for her husband.

[2] 妹妹 – mèimèi. Little/younger sister.

Ry’s Corner

An interesting take on this Arc title, 恶毒女配真千金 – èdú nǚpèi zhēn qiānjīn.

真千金 can be read as ‘the real daughter’, or ‘truly worthy of a thousand gold.’ Considering the whole theme of this Arc, I choose to use the Real Daughter as the Arc’s title.

千金 is a metaphor for “something very precious/priceless”. 千金 is also used to describe a daughter from a wealthy family bc they are very precious. If you have read many cnovels, there are many instances the rich girls are called “Miss Qianjin”.

So, this Arc title can be read as the Vicious Supporting Female is Very Precious/the Vicious Supporting Female Worth a Thousand Gold.

I agree that Ye Wei in this Arc is very precious, tho. I just want to smosh her with hugs.

Anyway, I can’t handle family angst. I feel so so bad for the og!Ye Wei in this Arc……

Also, Xiaohong is a common name without any significant meaning. Similar to the name Wang Haoran, the equivalent of Bob.


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3291

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6 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 74”

  1. Tbh I really hate this kind of troupe arc.
    Because the writer usually makes both daughter on each other neck and there are lots of mistreatment from the family going on.
    But, let’s see how Ye Wei handle this🙈

  2. What I hate from this “wrong child” trope is that the people around the protagonists. They hate and demean the biological child who they feel very different from their imagination, because how come a child that raised in poverty or in the countryside or in the orphanage doesn’t as graceful and beautiful and kind as the child they raised their own? I mean, what do you expect?!! And then they hate and aggrieved that the wrong child they raise all this time become different person as the child maliciously doing every dirty trick to make the biological child getting kicked out of the house, because how come the child become so despicable after they ignore the child and favoring the biological child because they feel guilty and also feels that the child should be grateful they still accept the wrong child into their house as their neglected child/servant? I mean, what do you expect?!!


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