WfDO Chapter 75

Arc 5
The Vicious Supporting Female Is the Real Daughter (2)

Thank you, Emrys, for the support~ <3

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“These are new clothes for you, these are bought according to your size. You can take a shower first, then choose the set that you like to wear. If you don’t like any of them, then let’s go to the mall later.”

“After you are done, go downstairs and have dinner with us.”

Ah, right. Are you familiar with how to use a shower and hairdryer?”

“Nevermind, I will teach you…”

The Ye Family arranged Ye Wei in a guest room that had been renovated. It was not as big as the master bedroom, obviously, but it had everything that one expected to find. A desk, wardrobe, AC, heater, and a bathroom.

Ye Wei, at this time, was enjoying her hot bath. The warm sensation surrounding her was pleasing. 

During her days in the mountain, a hot bath was a luxury. She must first go to the well to fetch water before boiling it in a large pot. Then, she carried the pot to the bathroom and poured it into the bath bucket. In Summer, it was doable. However, in Winter, when the cold air leaked everywhere, she didn’t dare to remove any piece of clothing on her body, not to mention take a bath. It was already decent to wipe her body once in a while.

Now she got her chance to enjoy her rare hot bath, she was reluctant to conclude it quickly. Only when her fingers started to wrinkle did she stand up and went to get dressed. 

The clothes Ye Wei brought with her were already thrown aside by Wang Hui. Wang Hui reasoned, she had bought new clothes for her, so there was no need to wear her old clothes. 

The light in Ye Wei’s eyes brightened. Those old clothes were already worn by her for a few years. Even during New Year, she did not get any new clothes. Now she got new clothes to wear, how could she not be delighted?

She found a dress with a layered skirt and put it on. She jumped on the soft big bed and rolled around the bed. 

Ah, this is heaven.”


On the other side, Ye Tao gave Ye Ying the gift that Ye Wei brought, “That Chen… Ye Wei said that this is a gift from your biological father. Here, take it.”

Ye Ying hesitated to take it, “What is this?”

“It should be clothes,” Ye Tao replied, “You can open it to take a look.”

Ye Wei obediently followed his words and took the clothes from the plastic bag. She unfolded the bright red clothes and noticed it was a jacket. Let’s not talk about its quality. Its color was a tacky red, and it was not even fashionable. There were several big red flowers embroidered on the chest. Ye Ying’s feelings when she saw the jacket couldn’t be expressed in a few words. 

Ye Ying was dumbfounded. Ye Tao took it over and scanned it up and down several times. With a disgruntled look, he expressed, “Who can wear this jacket? Papa gave that man tons of money and this is the only thing that man bought for you?”

“Gege, don’t say it like that,” Ye Ying grabbed back the jacket, “The important thing is his intention.”

Ye Tao cocked his lips, “That Chen man is too stingy. Can’t he spend a few more to buy a better gift? He received so much money but is very reluctant to spend it for you.”

“Don’t talk like that, ge. It is probably because of his frugal habit. Besides, expensive or not, it still can be worn. “

“I understand that, otherwise, why would I give this to you?” Ye Tao shrugged.

Ye Ying hung the jacket in her wardrobe with a smile and asked Ye Tao, “Um… how is she? Ye Wei, I mean.”

Ye Tao: “How else? Just as expected.”

He didn’t have a good impression of Ye Wei. At first, he was distressed that his own blood sister had suffered so much outside. But, when he saw Ye Wei so headstrong on returning to this family and could even use her life as a bet, his distress was gone. It turned into displeasure, even. It’s not wrong for his sister to want to reunite with her biological parents, of course, but her way to achieve that was a bit extreme. They had never met, how much affection could she have for them to go to that extreme?

And thus, that made Ye Tao judge Ye Wei as a problematic person. 

Ye Ying heaved a sigh, “Mama and Papa must have loved Ye Wei so much…”

Ye Tao was sad for her. He brushed Ye Ying’s hair and comforted, “No matter what, you are also Mama and Papa’s daughter, the little princess of our Ye family. No one can replace you.”

Ye Ying’s eyes tinted red, “Thank you, Gege.”

The brother and sister had a good talk. Sometime later, Auntie Zhang knocked at the door and informed them that it was time for dinner. But, Ye Ying was still reluctant to go downstairs, “”I don’t want to disturb your reunion…”

“You are also a member of our family,” Ye Tao chided. “Do you want to hide all the time? Let’s go.”

He took Ye Ying downstairs.

By now, Ye Wei had already sat down at the table. At last, she could meet Ye Ying and observe carefully. 

Ye Ying wore a goose-yellow knee-length dress. Her skin was white and tender, with a small cute face. Her wide eyes flickered, like a simple little princess who is unaware of the bad side of the world. No wonder Ye Shicheng, Wang Hui, and Ye Tao were so reluctant to send Ye Ying away.

Still, her features were somewhat similar to that of Chen Weiguo’s, especially her wide eyes. It was like they were made in the same mold.

Chen Weigou may be poor, but he was far from ugly, at least, his face was decent. He met Ye Ying’s mother when he worked outside, and two years later, the two had a child. They planned to return to the mountain before the due date, unfortunately, Mother Chen had an accident and her child was born prematurely. It was a rainy night when she went to the bathroom and slipped. This fall led to the loss of her life.

On that night, several people entered the delivery room. Wang Hui was one of them.

And on that night, Ye Wei and Ye Ying’s fates were mistakenly switched.

“Come here,” Wang Hui was sad for her daughter who she had raised for more than ten years. Ye Ying’s temper was delicate. When had she ever been so cautious? She probably was afraid they wouldn’t want her anymore. Wang Hui sighed in her head and beckoned her, “Yingying, come here and sit with Mama.”

A happy smile eventually broke from Ye Ying’s worried face. She sat down beside Wang Hui and studied Ye Wei, “Jiejie, hello. I’m Ye Ying.”

In terms of time, Ye Wei was indeed several minutes older than Ye Ying.

Ye Wei’s face showed some surprise, then she blurted out, “I know it’s you. I haven’t seen you before, but you and your Pa… are quite alike. Both of you have double eyelids, so I recognize you at the first glance. No wonder people from the village often said that I am like a child picked up from nowhere by him because I shared no similarities with him. but I understand it now. The people from the village certainly will also understand it shall they get to see you.”

Ye Ying: “……”

Ye Ying was in an awkward situation and felt cramped. She directed her gaze at Ye Wei, “I am sorry, I don’t know that…”

Ye Wei: “You will know when you go back and have a look.”

“Don’t say something like that. Yingying won’t go back there,” Ye Tao scowled, he glared at Ye Wei to emphasize his words.

Ye Shicheng mediated, “Weiwei, now you and Yingying are the daughters of our Ye family. You are her Jiejie and she is your Meimei. You both have to get along well, okay?”

“I understand that.” Ye Wei tilted her head in confusion, “It’s just… Does Yingying have no plan to go back to see her real relatives during the holiday? I want to see my relatives so badly, so shouldn’t Yingying want it too? That home should have been her home, after all.”

Ye Tao: “……”

Ye Shicheng: “……”

Ye Ying peeked at Father Ye and Ye Tao and cleared, “I know. Family is the flesh and blood of one ‘s own body. I never say I won’t go back, it’s just, I can’t bear to leave my parents… just like you, you also can’t bear to leave them, can you?”

Ye Wei nodded, indicating her understanding, “I see, so that is the reason you didn’t go back? I was thinking why you didn’t want to go back when you had time for the holidays these two days. Turns out, it’s because you are reluctant to leave here.”

Ye Ying paled. Frankly, the reason why she didn’t want to go back was that she couldn’t accept the truth. The truth that she was not her parents’ biological child.

She couldn’t accept that she must leave her parents and her brother who had been with her for more than ten years. She couldn’t accept it. Leaving to a strange home, leaving her parents and brother who had been with her for more than ten years… She couldn’t.

Wang Hui also interjected, “Wait for the summer vacation. Go back and have a look then. The summer vacation is long, so you don’t need to rush.”  

Ye Ying nodded, “I understand, Ma.”

Wang Hui smiled, “All right, let’s stop talking and have our dinner.”

Ye Wei didn’t plan to prolong it either. She had long been seduced by the delicious food on the table and could nearly drool. Braised pork, sweet and sour ribs, steamed beef, shrimp, boiled fish, mitten crab… They were all so fragrant that she gulped. 

Ye Wei put down her chopsticks only after satisfying herself with countless dishes and three bowls of rice. 

Ye Tao had never seen an unscrupulous girl who ate like there was no tomorrow like her. The girls around him were mostly gentle and delicate, some were domineering and arrogant, but they never showed such an unscrupulous side at the dining table.

Thus he spoke his mind, “Are you a pig, to eat so much?”

Ye Wei wanted to defend herself that it was because she has abstained from such delicious food for two years. Fortunately, she reigned herself from blurting that. The most she could eat were rabbits and birds she caught in the mountain with effort. How could these compare to the food in front of her? She smiled widely, “I’ve never eaten anything so delicious…”

Ye Tao was puzzled, “Did your family have no meat? Didn’t you bring bacon over?”

Ye Wei: “Our family doesn’t eat much meat. We only have meat on holidays. At most, I can eat two or three slices.”

Ye Tao: “…?” 

He knew that the Chen Family was poor, but it was only now he pondered, is the Chen Family so poor that they couldn’t even afford meat?

Ye Ying had seen photos of the Chen Family and knew that the Chen Family was impoverished, however, she also never thought that the Chen Family was that impoverished. It was no wonder the Chen Family agreed without a blink of an eye when her father offered them money to let her and Ye Wei stay with the Ye Family. 

Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui’s hearts ached for her. Even if their blooming feelings were not deep yet, they were still related by blood at the end of the day. Their bond was not fake just because of the separation. “If you still want to eat, just let Auntie Zhang make it again. However, you shouldn’t eat too much, it can hurt your stomach…”

Ye Wei waved her hand, “No, I’m full. It just slipped from my mind that I don’t need to work in the field, so I ate a bit too much.”

Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui exchanged glances. To tell the truth, they had never been to the Chen family. All the news and information were obtained from the mouths of others. They only knew that the Chen family was an ordinary family and was a little poor. All the children who grew up in the village had to work in the field. It was not a strange thing. But, when they heard it from Ye Wei, they felt uncomfortable. 

Ye Ying noticed that her parents’ and brother’s attention were all on Ye Wei. She couldn’t help worrying that Ye Wei would steal their love from her. She poked at her rice without appetite. She put down her chopsticks, “Mama, Papa. Gege, Jiejie. I’m full. I will leave first.”

Ye Tao turned his attention back to her, “What ‘full’? You haven’t eaten much. At least, finish your rice.”

Ye Ying really had no appetite and couldn’t bring herself to eat. She pursed her lips and said that she didn’t want to eat anymore. 

Wang Hui softened, “It’s okay, if you don’t want to eat, then don’t force yourself. If you get hungry later, just tell Auntie Zhang to make some snacks for you.”

Ye Ying was elated and nodded her head.

Ye Wei’s swarthy complexion showed some surprise and envy, “How nice,”

Ye Tao glanced at Ye Wei, wondering if Ye Wei was envious of the love between Ye Ying and his mother, or envious of Ye Ying that is showered with their care and love.

“What ‘how nice’?”

“I mean, It’s nice to have leftovers, to eat only a little and have no fear of starving later.”

Ye Tao was confused, “…?” What do you mean?

It was not only Ye Tao, even Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui also did not understand Ye Wei’s meaning. Ye Ying looked at Ye Wei with confusion, “Jiejie?”

Ye Wei blinked innocently as their attention focused on her. She explained truthfully, “It’s really nothing. I just think it’s nice to have the privilege of not worrying about starving, to eat anything and anytime you want. Such a thing is really nice. In the past, when I worked in the field, I was always hungry halfway through, but I had nothing to eat and could only wait until dinner to fill my stomach… That’s why I said ‘how nice’, Meimei is not afraid of starving, and I also don’t have to be afraid of starving anymore.”

Ye Ying, who was named, “……”

The three of them had no words to express. They were informed that Ye Wei had had a hard time previously. However, it was truly different now that Ye Wei said it herself. Ye Ying’s face paled even more. She quietly picked up her chopsticks again and ate the rest of her rice. She ate the dinner, but it was tasteless in her mouth. 

For some reason, she vaguely sensed that Ye Wei was targeting her. She moved her gaze to Ye Wei, scrutinizing her. Ye Wei’s features were a bit similar to Wang Hui, from the contour between her eyebrows and eyes, particularly her lips.

When she was young, she often received words that she didn’t look like her mother, and neither did she look like her father. That time, she didn’t think much about it. Regardless of her similarity, she was their daughter, after all. But now, she saw Ye Wei and realized she was so similar to her parents. 

She was at a loss. Why is she not her mother’s real daughter?

She suddenly sensed a piercing gaze. She inadvertently peeked up and discovered that Ye Wei was looking at her. Ye Wei hooked the corner of her lips and gave her a sneer. 

Ye Ying was startled, but when she looked again, she found that Ye Wei’s smile was simple and good-natured, as if the sneer from before was merely her illusion. 

Ye Wei beamed, “Meimei, here, have some sweet and sour ribs.”

Ye Ying: “… Thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure,” Ye Wei’s eyes crinkled from her smile.

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Ry’s Corner

I can smell the fragrance of green tea from here. It is so strong. <( ̄︶ ̄)>

Anw, I can understand Ye Wei’s feelings. I also nearly cried a tear of happiness when I returned home and tasted a hot bath after a long time.

Two down, four to go.

Also, I’m here with a jjwxc’s novel recommendation plus a short comment:

恶毒女配自救手册(快穿)by 三日成晶 (Also the writter of “She, the Stepmother, overturned” with Shi Jiaojiao and Xiao Yuanjia as the FL and ML respectively)

1V1. Rather than QT, it’s more like a compilation of stories that share the same themes, that is, trying to make the Vicious Supporting Female be a (questionably) better person by compesating the person they wronged the most (a.ka, the ML) with the System overworking itself to rehabilitate the Vicious Supporting Female. The Live Comment can be a bit annoying, tho. Each Arc is independent on its own. I personally like Arc 1 and Arc 5. Mostly because I’m weak for character that can eat hard but not soft. Also, I believe that the FL of the Arc 5 is a bit foolish, but far from vicious, unlike the other FLs from other Arcs, especially Arc 3 and Last Arc. I feel sorry for the MLs lmao.

The Last Arc wraps up everything smoothly.

The novel is quite long, 190 chapters, if I remember correctly.

It’s quite nice to read to pass time. Bc the writer is the same as “She, the Stepmother, overturned“, expect a lot of angst.


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2710

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4 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 75”

  1. Ye Wei’s words sound so sarcastic. Honestly, if she gets lionised by accident again this time, we can only blame her for having too many points in her Green Tea skill and appearing too sincere and simple.

    • At first, I assumed YW was truly trying to fulfill her mission and didn’t know that she was “unintentionally” torturing the ML and ruining relationships. After getting to this chapter, I think that YW is truly a green tea and is fooling her supervisor and everyone in the Time Bureau that she doesn’t mean to “accidentally” destroy the plot.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡