WfDO Chapter 77

Arc 5
The Vicious Supporting Female Is the Real Daughter (4)

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Tong Ke has always hated Ye Ying.

She hated Ye Ying, not because Ye Ying was prettier than her, not because Ye Ying’s grades were better than hers, nor because her family was richer than hers. She could care less about these. She hated Ye Ying, purely because Zhang Yu, whom she liked, liked Ye Ying. 

She couldn’t understand what is so good about Ye Ying, but that girl must be a great actress. How else could she get Zhang Yu’s favor?

So, you could imagine her happiness when she heard Ye Ying is not the true daughter of the Ye Family but a wild daughter from the mountain. Didn’t Ye Ying like to dress gracefully and elegantly? Didn’t she like to act as the eldest daughter of the Ye family? Ha! She was just a pheasant!  A dove occupying a magpie’s nest! Dare she act aloof now! 

Tong Ke was in a good mood these days, the more unhappy Ye Ying was, the happier she was. Still, she was not that happy because she saw Zhang Yu comforting Ye Ying!

Did Zhang Yu like Ye Ying that much? 

People had intentionally alienated Ye Ying when they heard she was not born by the Ye Family. Why did Zhang Yu still favor Ye Ying? 

Tong Ke was mad. The moment she learned the real daughter of the Ye Family had been found and would come to their school to study, she formulated a plan in her mind.

She would win over Ye Wei, and use her to deal with Ye Ying!

She purposefully bribed several girls to lock Ye Wei in the toilet to make her suffer a little, and then she would be the hero that saves the beauty. In that way, Ye Wei would be grateful to her. They would become “friends”, and then she would blow a little fire in Ye Wei’s heart. How could Ye Wei tolerate a woman who had occupied her magpie nest for 18 years of life, stole her parents, her brother, and the privilege to stay in the Ye Family?

She didn’t believe Ye Wei had such a big heart!

As long as Ye Wei hated Ye Ying, she would attempt to drive Ye Ying away. As long as Ye Ying left the Ye Family for her real family, she would go far away! See how she could seduce Zhang Yu from that distance!

Tong Ke’s plan was a foolproof plan, or so she thought. How could she account that Ye Wei is actually as powerful as an ox! The door was locked with a broom from the outside, but she opened it like it was nothing!

More importantly, she hadn’t “driven away” the villain who locked up Ye Wei! She was still watching the play and hadn’t started her plan of saving the beauty!

Ye Wei stood in front of them with a confused face. The girls were alerted. Can simple farmworks result in such great strength?

Tong Ke couldn’t spare any time to think about that stuff. She hurriedly fended herself, “It’s them! They are the ones that locked you up! It’s too much! I can’t endure it and plan to help you……”

She winked at the other girls and the other girls had to eat this kind of dumb set. They glanced at each other and harrumphed with arrogance, “The eldest lady in the Ye Family will only be Ye Ying. Just look at you, an ugly and filthy girl. You still dare to come here? Ha, seems like you are not afraid of being laughed at. You, are not as good as Ye Ying at all.”

“What she said. You are ugly, dirty, and not graceful at all. How come you can compare to the elegant and beautiful Ye Ying?”

“It’s all your fault that Ye Ying is sad. You are just a country bumpkin! Go back to where you come from!”

“Look at you, there is no slightest resemblance to the eldest lady of the Ye Family!”

“Anyway, there is only one eldest lady in the Ye Family, and there will be only one. Who is Ye Wei? Ha, no one.”

“Don’t come here and make a fool of yourself!”

“What a clown!”

For Ye Wei, these words couldn’t even be considered malicious. But for ‘Ye Wei’, who just returned to Ye Family and had low self-esteem and inferiority, it burned the fire of jealousy. She was careful in everything she did. The treatment of the little princess that Ye Ying received made the scale in her heart unbalanced. These girls’ words deepened her inferiority and jealousy, making her hate Ye Ying even more.

Tong Ke stood up for her, “How can you say that! Ye Wei is the genuine eldest lady of the Ye Family! Ye Ying is the fake one!”

Someone directly retorted, “But if you ask Ye Wei and Ye Ying to stand together and then compare them, who will recognize Ye Wei as the eldest lady of the Ye Family? A discerning person can tell it is Ye Ying at a glance!”

Tong Ke saw Ye Wei’s expression turn bad and consoled her, “Don’t listen to their nonsense. If you and Ye Ying were not wrongly held, you could be as elegant and beautiful as Ye Ying. You could play the piano at the school opening ceremony like her and host various parties… Although there is a big gap between you now, I believe you can be as good as her if you work hard!”

Everyone stared at Ye Wei. Tong Ke looked forward to Ye Wei’s humiliated expression and wanted her to resent Ye Ying more. If Ye Wei hated Ye Ying, she could keep her hands clean and still could achieve her goal to make Ye Ying’s life worse!

Who would guess that Ye Wei would react by reaching out to hold Tong Ke’s shoulder? Her tanned face and bloodshot eyes looked expectant at her, “Do you mean it? I can be as good as Ye Ying? Really?”

Tong Ke was not pleased with her hold, but she endured it, “Yes, if you were not wrongly held, how could Ye Ying have her current life? She is the one who should be black and rough, unable to eat enough, and can’t wear warm clothes! If you hadn’t suffered so much in her place, could she have lived like a little princess? Surely not!”

Ye Wei who was in trance seemed to be persuaded by her words. Tong Ke was unrelenting and keep pouring oil, “I say this for your own good. I think it’s very unfair to you. Very very unfair. I heard that the Ye Family didn’t plan to pick you back at first because Ye Ying cried at home every day and pretended to be pitiful and compassionate. Ai.”

Ye Wei said, “Are you really saying this for my own good?”

Tong Ke replied, “Of course, if it’s not for your own good, then for who else? I told you this so you won’t be in the dark about the matter.”

Ye Wei nodded, as if she acknowledged her words, “Thank you for thinking of my well-being, then, you should be on my side, right?”

Tong Ke jumped on the chance. She wanted to be the advisor behind Ye Wei, and use Ye Wei’s hand to drive Ye Ying away!

“How kind of you!” Ye Wei was moved, “Let’s talk about it later. Now, help me educate these people who want to bully me!”

Tong Ke: “??”

The girls who cooperated with the play: “??!”

After so many twists and turns, Ye Wei’s thoughts were firm on taking out revenge on them? Great! Really great! It can be seen that she is a petty girl who has revenge as her middle name! Ye Ying’s life is over!

The girls that Tong Ke had bribed laughed proudly, “What can you do? Are you looking for death?”

Tong Ke pulled Ye Wei over, trying to persuade her, “There are so many of them, let’s just forget about it. A wise man does not fight when the odds are against him…”

Ye Wei smiled innocently and revealed her white teeth, “It’s okay. I do a lot of farm work and have great strength. They are not my opponents with their thin arms and legs.”

The girls: “…”

Recalling the way Ye Wei cracked the toilet door open, they were a bit scared. Their feet instantly moved to escape. 

Ye Wei wordlessly rushed up and grabbed the first girl with long hair who tried to leave. She pulled her hair regardless of the girl’s loud screams. The girl staggered to the ground then Ye Wei stepped on her!

Ah一!” She lay on the ground screaming with pain, and tears came down!

Everyone present was alarmed!!

Ye Wei turned to Tong Ke and offered with an eerie expression, “Come here, step on her. Don’t worry, you don’t need to do anything. Just give me a hand.”

Tong Ke: “……”

The three girls who were frozen in place were so scared that they gulped down their saliva and also turned around to run. The plastic sister’s feelings were fully manifested at the moment!

Ye Wei wouldn’t give them a chance to run away. As soon as their feet moved, Ye Wei captured them effortlessly. She was so powerful, no matter how they resisted, they could not escape from her!

Tong Ke watched as Ye Wei, who was grinning, grabbed her little sisters’ backs like a chicken, and then kicked them into the toilet one by one. The broom that fell on the ground was useful once again!

She unexpectedly felt that the current Ye Wei was a bit weird and scary, giving her goosebumps……

Someone in the toilet’s compartment cried in a tearful voice, “Let us out quickly or we will tell the teachers! We will report that you are bullying us!”

“That’s right. You should let us out quickly! Be careful that the teacher will call your parents! You don’t want your parents to be called to the school just because you bullied your classmates, right! Your parents will be disappointed with you!”

“Ye Wei, you are so daring. Just see if you can mix up with us in the future!”


Seeing her girls’ misery, Tong Ke pitied them. “Ye Wei, it won’t be good to let this escalate. We will be punished. Why don’t we just let them go?”

Ye Wei patted Tong Ke on the shoulder, “Don’t be afraid. They bullied me first. I’m just afraid that they will unite to bully me again. So I lock them up before they can do that.”

Tong Ke: “…???”

The girls who were locked in the toilet: “……??!”

Ye Wei seemed to be unaware of Tong Ke’s dumbfounded appearance. The suffocating silence in the silence was broken by her question, “By the way, what’s your name?”

Tong Ke answered sluggishly, “My name is Tong Ke…”

Ye Wei chirped, “Oh, Tong Ke. Hello, you are the first person who treat me nicely since I arrived at this school. From now on, we will be friends.”

Tong Ke gave a reluctant smile, “Yes, we are friends now.”

Her goal was achieved, why was she not happy?

Ye Wei then continued, “Well, my friend, now go and call the teacher here for me. These people bullied me and tried to lock me in the toilet. This is school violence and should be dealt with by the teacher! They bullied people! The teachers should record their names and deduct their points! They also need to invite their parents! Only by educating them can we avoid creating another victim!”

Tong Ke: “… What did you say?!!”

The few of the people in the toilet were even more frightened and began to slap the toilet door crazily, “Ye Wei, Ye Wei, what are you going to do?!”

“You mustn’t tell the teacher!”

“Ye Wei, don’t go too far. It’s you who bullied us!”

“Yes, do you have any evidence when you said we bullied you?!”

“Take a good look! We are the ones that get beaten and locked in the toilet! Who will believe you when you say we bully you!”

Tong Ke also didn’t want to make this matter big. She aimed to gain Ye Wei’s trust and became good friends with her, but she didn’t want to push her girls into the fire. Aside from that, she was also worried her true purpose would get exposed if things get big.

“They are right. We have no evidence. This is a toilet and there is no surveillance. So let’s forget it. It’s better for us to keep this small. You just arrived here. Uncle Ye and Auntie will be unhappy if they know that you have caused trouble at school.”

Ye Wei looked at Tong Ke who wanted to keep the matter secret. She sighed helplessly as if thinking her idea was foolish, “Aren’t you my witness? Didn’t you say you saved me because you saw them lock me in the toilet with your own eyes? My friend, if it isn’t for you, I can’t be sure that they intentionally bullied me.”

Tong Ke: “….???” No, I’m not, I never am, and I won’t be!

Several girls in the toilet: “……??!!”

Ye Wei: “Tong Ke, thank you. You will be my friend from now on!”

Tong Ke: “……!!!”


During the lunch break, many people saw Tong Ke searching for a teacher in a panic. Soon, the teacher rushed to the toilet and then saw a virtuous Ye Wei walking out of the toilet. Behind Ye Wei, there were several girls in a mess, either with unkempt hair or wrinkled clothes, appearing like they had been in a fight.

The teacher bore a grave expression.

The incident in the toilet soon circulated in several versions.

“Did Ye Wei get into a fight?”

“Are they beaten by Ye Wei?”

Ai, those girls seem to be from upstart families. They just come here to hang out. I never see them study. They often skip classes and go out to play. They always fight… Can Ye Wei, a local bumpkin from the countryside, beat them?”

Hehe, sure enough, a country bumpkin can only stay as a country bumpkin. She behaves vulgarly and creates trouble everywhere. No wonder the Ye family is unwilling to send Ye Ying away. How can such a person be the eldest daughter of the Ye family?”


On the other side, Ye Ying also quickly heard about Ye Wei’s fight. She panicked inside, she had never encountered such a thing before. She didn’t know what to do. After thinking about it, she called her mother, “Mama, it’s not good. Jiejie seems to have been called to the office for a fight. What should I do? Mama, come and help Jiejie!”

Wang Hui was astonished. It was only the first day of school. How did she get into a fight with others??

“I see. Go check the situation there first. Mama will come right away.”

Mm-hmm. Don’t worry, Mama. Be careful on the way.”

After hanging up the phone, Ye Ying went to the office. The door of the office was closed. She couldn’t see what was going on inside and she couldn’t ask even if she wanted to.

After a while, Wang Hui appeared wearing a white suit and carrying Chanel’s classic handbag.

Ye Ying trotted to Wang Hui and called out to her worried mother.

Wang Hui asked, “What’s going on inside?”

Ye Ying shook her head, “I don’t know. The door is closed and nobody comes out…”

Wang Hui hummed. She went over and knocked on the door of the office.

The Ye Family was famous in City C. They had donated a lot of things to the school, so Wang Hui immediately attracted the attention of the head teacher when she arrived. The head teacher was quite surprised.

“Madam Wang, why are you here?”

“I heard that something happened to my daughter. I came to have a look.” At a glance, Wang Hui saw Ye Wei standing there looking at her in surprise. After all, she was her own daughter. Even if she did fight and cause trouble, she should keep it low. They owe her a lot, but… she sighed.

She glanced at several embarrassed girls standing beside Ye Wei, “My daughter hits you?”

The girls were frightened. How could they imagine that a little thing like this could alarm Wang Hui? They nodded like crazy, “Ye Wei beats us, and she locked us in the toilet…”

While talking, they peeked at Ye Wei cautiously, as if they were scared.

Ye Ying also followed Wang Hui inside. Her gaze moved from Ye Wei and the girls. She frowned and worriedly said, “Mama, don’t be angry. I don’t think Jiejie did it on purpose. There should be a reason…”

Wang Hui’s expression was bad. She knew that Ye Wei’s education was limited, so her way of thinking was a little narrow. She would think that she should take the money from the dowry to buy a house for her younger brother. She would also think the most important thing was to eat enough and wear warm clothes. But now that she beat people, wasn’t it a bit… too much? 

Wang Hui sighed in her heart, guilt and anger surged at the same time. Perhaps she should have a talk with Ye Wei and correct her wrong ideas, or take Ye Wei with her to educate her. 

The ideas deeply ingrained in her mind for 18 years must be hard to change in a short time.

“Weiwei, why do you beat them? I don’t know why you have the habit of fighting with others, but you should understand that fighting is wrong. You beat them and locked them in the toilet. Have you ever thought about what harm that they would suffer because of it?”

Hearing that Wang Hui supported them, several girls immediately clamored, “That’s right. She pulled my hair and stepped on me! My stomach still hurts!”

“We begged Ye Wei to let us go, but she didn’t listen…”

“Ye Wei really goes too far…”

Wang Hui’s face was stern, “I’m talking to my daughter.”

The girls were startled and shut their mouths. 

The head teacher noticed the situation and stood up, “Madam Wang, it’s not what you think. Ye Wei didn’t mean to lock them in the toilet…”

Wang Hui took a deep breath, “I’m sorry, Teacher. I want to hear the explanation from Ye Wei herself.”

The head teacher choked on her words. Ye Wei was stared at by Wang Hui and answered honestly, “I locked them in the toilet and I really didn’t think of the harm they would endure.”

Wang Hui’s heart was blocked. She was even more upset by Ye Wei’s frank attitude. How could she be so righteous when bullying people? Who taught this to her?

Ye Ying was also surprised and exclaimed, “Jiejie, how could you say that? It’s wrong to beat people…”

Ye Wei tilted her head in confusion, “I really didn’t think about the harm it would cause to them when I locked them in the toilet, just like they didn’t think about the harm they would cause to me when they locked me in the toilet. They didn’t care about my well-being, naturally, I don’t want to care about theirs either. Is there anything strange about it?”

Ye Ying was stunned: “…Ah?” Pardon? She can’t seem to understand what Ye Wei is talking about?

Wang Hui was also stunned. She couldn’t comprehend her words. “What are you talking about? When they locked you inside the toilet? Do you mean they locked you in the toilet first?”

Ye Wei blinked and explained, “Yeah, I was going to the toilet, and they suddenly shut my door! Fortunately, I did a lot of farm work, and I went to the field with Papa Chen whenever I had time. I dug beans and canola and wielded my hoe so I have the strength to push the door open and they failed in locking me there!”

“But since they bully me, they will certainly bully others. I’m afraid they will run away, so I put them in the toilet, waiting for the teacher to teach them a lesson.“

Wang Hui: “… What?!”

She was shocked, “What you said is true? Did they bully you first? How could such a thing happen!”

Ye Ying: “……??”

Wang Hui’s eyes turned sharp. The head teacher nodded with a bitter face and affirmed, “This is indeed the case. They just admitted that they bullied Ye Wei. They tried to lock her in the toilet to see her make a fool of herself. And this classmate, Tong Ke, is a witness.”

Tong Ke instantly became the focus of the audience. She really wanted to cry right now. She swallowed her bitterness, “Yes, I saw Ye Wei being bullied…”

Ye Wei looked at Wang Hui with caution, “Did I do something wrong?”

The anger had long vanished from Wang Hui’s heart, only guilt remained, stronger than before. How could she guess that there was such an inside story?

“No. You did a good job.”

Only then did Ye Wei breathe a sigh of relief and cheered up. She grabbed Tong Ke’s hand and introduced, “Mama, let me introduce you. This is Tong Ke. She saved me. She is my good friend!”

Tong Ke: “… Hehe.

Wang Hui sighed in a trance. She was ashamed, really ashamed and guilty. She jumped to a conclusion and assumed it was Ye Wei who was at fault for beating people. So, she blamed her. Yet, she never think that Ye Wei was the one being bullied and she only resisted!

Ye Ying also did not expect that this was the case. She was at a loss for words. 

Ye Wei tugged her arm, “Mama, Meimei is right. I didn’t do it on purpose. There is a reason why I acted like this. It is Meimei who understood me the most.”

Wang Hui looked at Ye Ying, “Yingying, you should pay more attention next time. Don’t listen to the one-sided story of others. You must know the whole story before relaying it to others.”

Ye Ying was upset, “I’m sorry, I’m just worried about Jiejie…”

“Thanks for your consideration, meimei,” Ye Wei thanked.

Ye Ying: “……”

Wang Hui said, “Mama is also at fault for being arbitrary and rushed to a conclusion. Now, it’s okay. If something happens again in the future, notify us as soon as possible, okay?”

Ye Wei nodded. She walked to Wang Hui and hugged her arm, “Mama, I’m sorry to worry you so much.”

Wang Hui was remorseful, “It’s Mama who is sorry for you. You are my daughter, it’s normal for Mama to worry about you.”

Ye Wei smiled and praised that her mother was kind. Then, she sent a sneak glance at Ye Ying and sneered.

Ye Ying: ……???

She rubbed her eyes. Is it truly just her imagination?

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Ry’s Corner

Green tea everywhere.

Ye Wei must be having fun rn.

Dw tho, our Ye Wei is a good girl doing her best to complete her task.

Just to be clear, because of my bias toward Ye Wei, I dislike Ye Ying quite a lot. 👉👈

Tong Ke is Zhang Kexin V2, living by the motto of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend.’


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3851

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2 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 77”

  1. No, Ye Wei, Ye Ying doesn’t deserve this. I hope Ye Ying will always be kind and become an understanding sister, and not change into a malicious person like in the other “wrong child trope” novels. I mean, if Ye Wei keep instigating Ye Ying and then Ye Ying become malicious, I think I will support Ye Ying and not hate her like the FL in the previous arcs.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡