WfDO Chapter 80

Arc 5
The Vicious Supporting Female Is the Real Daughter (7)

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Ye Ying could sense the hostility Ye Wei had toward her, she was not as friendly as she seemed. She understood that the chance of Ye Wei disliking her was high, but she couldn’t understand why Ye Wei’s prejudice toward her was so bad. Ye Wei actually considered the reason why she was unwelcome in this family was that she got in the way and intentionally prevented her from returning to the Ye Family. 

It was not like that.

She was just too sad to accept the fact for a while, so she couldn’t help crying. 

She cried because she was sad, not because she wanted to make her parents feel bad or because she wanted them to abandon their thoughts on picking Ye Wei back. She never imagined her parents would be willing to keep everything the same in order to cheer her up. 

The time she learned about her parents’ decision, she was both astounded and surprised. She felt that the decision was not appropriate, but she couldn’t deny that she was happy and moved by their sentiments. The reason she was happy was not that Ye Wei couldn’t come back. What made her happy was her parents loved her so much. She felt guilty for Ye Wei because Ye Wei couldn’t return to her biological family, and she knew it was not fair to Ye Wei. 

However, her brother said that although everything would remain the same, the Ye Family would help the Chen Family so Ye Wei wouldn’t be wronged. On holidays, they could even let Ye Wei visit. 

She thought that the decision was not bad. Her feelings for the Ye Family were deep, and Ye Wei, too, should have deep feelings for the Chen Family. Even if they were not related by blood, there must be some feelings born from living together.

But, later, Ye Wei forced her way back, gambling her life on it. The only thing that remained the same was she stayed with the Ye Family and did not go back to the Chen Family. 

Ye Ying assumed, as long as she got along with Ye Wei, her life would be as good as before. Her parents were not her real parents, but she still regarded them as her real parents. Her feelings wouldn’t change. She would treat Ye Wei well as her older sister. 

She didn’t expect Ye Wei would hold a strong hostility to her, nor did she expect Ye Wei would deem her as an outsider who robbed her of everything……

In a way, Ye Ying could comprehend why Ye Wei thought of her like that. After all, from Ye Wei’s point of view, she was the person who occupied her magpie nest and was not willing to give it back to her. Ye Wei judged her as someone coveting the glory and wealth of the Ye Family and the comfortable life the Ye Family could bring her. 

It was understandable why Ye Wei would think so. However, what frightened her was that, although Ye Wei despised her, she did not show it in front of her parents. She really acted as a good older sister in front of them. 

Ye Wei was so good at acting that her parents believed they get along well.

She couldn’t confess to her parents that Ye Wei didn’t like her and tried to drive her away… If her parents knew, they would be dejected and got put in an awkward position. 

She could only bite down the sadness and keep it in the bottom of her heart, acting as if all is well. 

Wang Hui spent a lot of time taking care of Ye Wei, but she still cared about Ye Ying and asked her about her studies and life in private. She also said, “Recently, Mama has been taking care of Weiwei more. However, you should understand this. Mama does this not because Mama and Papa don’t care about you anymore, but because your Jiejie has a gap in her understanding and she needed more attention from us on that. If you encounter something unhappy, you can come and talk to Mama as before.”

Ye Ying nodded, “Mama, rest assured. I know that.”

Wang Hui was pleased and brushed her daughter’s hair. She watched her grow up and knew Ye Ying is a clever and sensible child. In a special situation like this, she could understand them. 

Ye Ying tried to disguise herself in front of her family, but Ye Tao was keen on her mood, “Is there something that makes you unhappy?”

“There is nothing.” The denial instantly blurted from Ye Ying’s conditional reflex.

Ye Tao rubbed Ye Ying’s hair helplessly, “What’s there to hide from Gege? Tell Gege, what’s wrong? Did someone bully you at school?”

Ye Tao was already in University and couldn’t stay often at home except for the weekends or when it was necessary. So, he didn’t know the situation between Ye Ying and Ye Wei.

Ye Ying smiled and assured him that there is nothing that makes her unhappy. 

“Then, why are you so down?” Ye Tao asked, “Is it because of Ye Wei?”

“No, no. It’s not.” Ye Ying waved her hand continually, “Jiejie is very good to me, don’t talk nonsense like that.”

“Then, why are you so fast to deny it if it’s not because of her? Did she do something?” Ye Tao knew about Ye Ying well. From the way she acted, he could guess that Ye Wei is indeed the reason Ye Ying is in a bad mood. 

“It’s really not,” Ye Ying denied again

“Not lying to me?”

“I am not!” Ye Ying voiced, “Don’t ask anymore. My bad mood has nothing to do with Jiejie. It’s because of myself.”

Ye Tao sighed, “It’s my carelessness to let you think so much and affect your mood. Mama, Papa, and Gege, we all love you so much. No matter what happens, you will always be our family. Am I clear?”

Ye Ying smiled as she felt her heart warm, “Crystal, Gege.”

Ye Tao: “So, in the future, just tell Gege everything. Don’t keep it all to yourself, or you will be sad by yourself.”

Ye Ying nodded softly. She thought for a second and probed, “Gege, do you get along well with Jiejie?”

Ye Tao pondered over her question, “It’s alright, I guess. What’s the matter?” They were separated for 18 years and only got in touch with each other for a few days. They were still strangers and were not that close.

“Nothing. I’m just worried that you and Jiejie will not get along well…”

“That won’t happen, don’t mind it so much. I didn’t like her before because she went on a hunger strike just to come back here. She didn’t take her own life seriously, she was so resolute in doing it. She didn’t take her family who raised her for 18 years into account. How could I have a good impression of her because of that?” Ye Tao heaved a sigh, “I thought she was ungrateful at that time. She was so set on returning here even if it cost her life. I guessed it was because of our family’s good condition, but, during the times of getting along with her, I learned what kind of life she had lived before……”

Ye Tao added, “I can understand why she did that, but I still don’t agree with her extreme action. Yingying, don’t learn from Ye Wei in that regard. Nothing can make us give up our lives, understand?”

Ye Ying immediately promised, “No, Gege, I won’t learn like that. Don’t worry.”

Ye Tao nodded with satisfaction, “Well, if you suffered any grievances, tell Gege about it and I will get justice for you.”

Ye Ying beamed, her eyes curved into a lovely crescent. She nodded her head cutely and said yes. 

Ye Ying told herself not to care much about Ye Wei’s deliberate targeting. It didn’t matter to her. Her parents and brother love her so much. She believed that Ye Wei would come to understand that she didn’t want to compete over anything with Ye Wei. What she really wanted is to get along with her, and one day, Ye Wei would let go of her prejudices against her. 

The next Monday, Zhang Yu went to her right after she arrived, he asked, “Why didn’t you reply to my message?”

Ye Ying avoided his gaze and her gaze was downcast, “I’m sorry.”

That night, she was in a bad mood and didn’t want to talk to anyone. 

Zhang Yu asked her why she didn’t go, but she didn’t know how to explain it to him, so she put it aside.

Zhang Yu had a helpless look on his face, “You don’t have to hide it from me. Ye Wei has gone too far in this matter.”

Ye Ying instantly looked at Zhang Yu and denied, “It has nothing to do with my sister. Don’t say nonsense like that.”

Zhang Yu was firm, “I know everything.”

Ye Ying doubtfully asked, “What do you know?”

Zhang Yu: “I know that you didn’t go that night because Ye Wei didn’t want you to go, and she also used your dress.”

Ye Ying did not expect Zhang Yu to pinpoint the truth. She was nervous, “How do you guess that? Did you say anything to my sister? Did you bother her?”

“How could I not guess it when it is as plain as day?” Zhang Yu felt another wave of helplessness when he thought of Ye Wei, “Don’t worry. I didn’t do anything to Ye Wei. I just reminded Ye Wei that I hope she won’t target you anymore.”

Ye Ying was relieved. She was worried that what Zhang Yu said to Ye Wei would deepen the rift between her and Ye Wei. The reason why Ye Wei was so unhappy these past few days was probably because she thought that she had deliberately asked Zhang Yu to trouble her. She told him, “This is between me and my sister. Don’t mind so much about it.”

“If I don’t mind it, should I only watch you get bullied by her?”

“My sister didn’t bully me. She just didn’t believe me. I understand that.”

“Ye Ying……”

“Zhang Yu, thank you. I know you are worried about me and are afraid that I am wronged. You always want to help me deal with everything. But this is between my sister and me. My sister does not trust me and no one else can help me with that but my sister herself. However, I am grateful for your concern. Believe me, I can handle this. I believe that my sister will understand my sincerity one day.”

Zhang Yu could only relent at Ye Ying’s insistence.

He hoped that things would be like what Ye Ying said and she could handle it by herself. However, until the end of the final exam, he did not see a change in Ye Wei’s attitude toward Ye Ying. Instead, he saw that Ye Wei bullied Ye Ying even more.

And Ye Ying, who ranked in the top ten in the exam, did not receive any praise from her parents. On the contrary, Ye Wei, who ranked in the bottom 100 of the grade, was praised by Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui. 

The reason was, when Ye Wei first transferred to the school, her monthly exam scores were ranked ninth from the bottom. She improved by more than 80 places by the end of the semester. Her progress was great and it could be seen that she worked hard in the past two months.

Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui also planned to hold a coming-of-age banquet for Ye Wei in order to introduce her formally. Her previous birthdays had passed, hence, they wanted to hold another special party to make up for the debt they owed to her in the past eighteen years.

Ye Wei would be introduced formally at the coming-of-age banquet— to let everyone know that Ye Wei is their own daughter and also the Miss of the Ye Family.

On that day, the Ye family invited all the dignitaries and celebrities in City C, not only from the business circles but also from the political circles. Ye Wei was in the spotlight that day. 

Zhang Yu stared at Ye Wei, who was wearing a fishtail white dress, standing on the stage holding Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui. Her hair was decorated with beautiful pearls and a small princess crown. She has a bright and beautiful smile, which almost makes it impossible to connect the dark and murky Ye Wei in his first impression with the girl on the stage. She appeared to be a real princess at this time. 

Zhang Yu shifted his gaze to Ye Ying and noticed the apparent loss in her eyes. 

Ye Wei stood on the stage with shoulders straight, she had learned to act gracefully from Wang Hui for several months. She blew out the candles burning “18” and made a wish to roll out the Chinese Medical System from the lottery as soon as possible. She smiled, “Thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday. This is my happiest and luckiest day. I have my parents and my brother here with me. There is a birthday cake for me and I received so many gifts…”

Mama, Papa, thank you for being so kind to me. It is both of you that let me know that I can be so happy. You let me know that many of my previous ideas were wrong. You let me know that my life is for myself to live and that I can look forward to the future.”

Ye Wei smiled brilliantly. All the cowardice and curiosity on her face had transformed into confidence and pride. After a long period of maintenance, she became a lot better. She used to be black, thin, and dusty. Although she was not as white as the other ladies from the prestigious family, she was a lot whiter and not as bony as before. Her cheeks gained some flesh and she really appeared like a lady in that stunning dress.

“When I first came here, I said that if I am not brave, I won’t know that I can be so happy. My life is very good now, but I haven’t forgotten the family that raised me. I have lived with them for so long. Although I didn’t have enough food and clothing, and I almost dropped out of school, I still lived to this age and have learned to read and write…”

“I know that in the eyes of some people, that kind of life is painful and cruel, but in fact, it is not, because that life is the best life that my Grandma can give me. Just like today, my parents have done their best to teach me, treat me kindly, ensure that I am well-fed and dressed warmly, and also grant me their care and love. So, the days I lived in those years are as happy as they are now. I don’t think those days were painful.”

Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui were emotional by her words. Their daughter grew to be sensible in a place where they couldn’t see. They never thought that Ye Wei considered the hard times in her life as happy times.

Neither did Ye Tao. He thought that Ye Wei would be eager to erase all her past, but she actually thought those days were happy?

Even Zhang Yu didn’t expect that. It made him change his opinion of Ye Wei once again, in the same way, it also deepened his opinion that Ye Wei is a woman with intricate thoughts. She was good at buying people’s hearts. Who could be certain whether her words were true or false? He had seen it himself, the way the inferiority evaporated bit by bit from Ye Wei’s eyes. Soon, her pride would turn into arrogance; her confidence would turn into conceit. 

Ye Ying was dazed at the way her parents looked at Ye Wei with pride. She was upset because her parents had not seen her in that way for a long time. When she showed them her transcript, her parents only skimmed through it in a hurry, for fear of hurting Ye Wei’s fragile emotions. Then, they went to care about Ye Wei and shower her with praise, telling her that grades are not everything……

Obviously, they were not like this in the past. Her parents would praise her and present her with gifts when she showed them her transcript. She would get to hear them praise her as their most precious little princess…….

And now,  all these things have disappeared.


Ye Wei tilted her head at Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui, “Papa, Mama, summer vacation is here. I want to take Meimei back to visit the mountain, can I? I have seen Mama and Papa, and Mama and Papa have seen me. But Papa Chen and Grandma haven’t seen their own daughter and granddaughter yet. I think Meimei will definitely want to see them. Right, Meimei?”

Ye Wei turned to look at Ye Ying, who stood on the side. Ye Ying was suddenly named and all eyes were on her. 

Ye Ying was not born by the Ye Family. Her real family wasn’t in this place. She had discovered the truth for so long and hadn’t even returned once to visit her relatives……

“That right, ah? Has Ye Ying gone back to see her real relatives?”

“I’m not sure…”

“Since Ye Wei said that, then it must be so.”

“Ye Ying stayed in the Ye Family, but she didn’t even visit her relatives even once?”

“That is a bit…”

Ai, nevermind. It’s someone else’s family business.”

Ye Ying’s heart clenched under the attention and Zhang Yu sensed the malice from Ye Wei. She obviously smiled as she asked that question, but Zhang Yu could only see the animosity from the smile. 

She seemed to announce it openly, Take a good look. Ye Ying is an ungrateful person who doesn’t care about her real relatives.

Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui were stunned. Apparently, they didn’t anticipate that Ye Wei would say that.

Ye Tao frowned, he was not pleased with Ye Wei’s approach. The matter was a private matter and should be discussed in private. It was unnecessary to bring it in front of so many people.

Ye Ying had been driven to the corner, where could she refuse?

The stranger’s eyes around her made Ye Ying particularly uncomfortable. She eventually said, “Yes, I’ll go back with Jiejie because I’ve always wanted to go back and have a look.”

Ye Wei’s lips curled up, “I am very grateful that Meimei is willing to wait until my coming-of-age banquet is held before going back there, I can see how Meimei is exceptionally thoughtful of me.”

Ye Ying: “……”

Ye Wei gave her some words: “I believe my parents, my younger brother and my grandmother will like you. After all, you are so beautiful, knowledgeable, and reasonable. Your academic performance is also exemplary. I am not as good as you at all. You are so excellent. No one can dislike you.”

Ye Ying could only force a smile.


Ye Ying was going back to the mountain with Ye Wei, to the family where there was not enough food and clothing. 

The news spread like fire.

Zhang Yu was not at ease to let Ye Ying go back with Ye Wei alone. Ye Wei’s mind was unfathomable. What if she bullied Ye Ying? What’s more, the mountain was far away from the city. Even if she was bullied, she could not resist and had to endure it.

“I’m going with you. I also want to experience life and see more of the outside world.”

Ye Ying didn’t expect that and was startled. She shook her head and refused, “No need. I’m going home, not to the battlefield. What are you going to do following me back there? You don’t have to worry about me. I will be fine.”

Zhang Yu still couldn’t rest easy, “How can I not worry when you go back there alone with Ye Wei?”

Ye Ying: “……”

She rejected again, “I don’t agree with you following me, anyway.”

Zhang Yu also rejected her rejection, “I voluntarily decided to follow you. Your rejection won’t change my mind.”

Ye Ying was both moved and helpless at him. She understood that Zhang Yu was really worried about her.

In fact, it was not only Zhang Yu that was worried, Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui were also worried. Besides going to summer camp, Ye Ying had never left their eyes far away. To suddenly let her go to such a difficult place all alone, how could they rest assured? Although the Chen family was rich now, Chen Weiguo… They were worried that Chen Weiguo would lead Ye Wei astray once again and influence Ye Ying. They had a challenging time teaching Ye Wei back to the right way, after all.

“Let me accompany Meimei,” Ye Tao offered.

Just like Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui, he couldn’t rest assured. 

Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui thought about it and decided that it is adequate. Ye Tao would protect them and wouldn’t let the sisters suffer.

On the other side, when Zhang Yu was packing, Jiang Fei spoke out his desire, “I want to eat the steamed sweet potatoes made by Grandma. I want to take a walk on the road of Immortality, where it is as difficult as ascending to Heaven. I want to see if the things in ‘I am Not Brave’ sound as interesting as they sound.”

Zhang Yu: “… You think I want to go there to play?”

Jiang Fei: “My purpose is different from yours. You are going there to protect your precious flower, I am going there to experience the wonder of life. How can it be the same?”

Zhang Yu rolled his eyes, “… Do as you like.”

In that way, Jiang Fei followed Zhang Yu to partake in the fun. 

Tong Ke was as happy as she could be when she heard Ye Ying was going back to suffer. But, her happiness was destroyed, again

Why did Zhang Yu want to follow Ye Ying there? Did that vixen Ye Ying charm him that bad?!

She dialed Ye Wei’s number right away. 

“Weiwei, I also want to visit the place where you lived. We are best friends. You have no problem with me joining you, right?”

Ye Wei, who had no problem at all: Of course! Please come. Come with her to work for her! The more the merrier!

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Ry’s Corner

Probably, Ye Wei: “I won’t reject someone delivering free labor to my steps. Thanks.”

I think the thing that annoys me so much about Ye Ying is the way she keeps herself clean while subconsciously giving hints to the people around her. So, even if someone gets her hints, whether they get it right or wrong, she can defend herself that she never sau somehing like that or say that she never mean it that way. Her words say A, but her actions say B.

“I don’t kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.”

Then again, it’s probably because I already put a filter on her to make myself think of her that way. After all, if we see it from another point of view, Ye Wei is just so vicious to her, but, if you set yourself on the brink of death just to return to your real family because a certain someone cried her eyes out, such viciousness is to be expected. 

But, if Ye Wei is put outside the equation and everyone remains in the dark about the fact that Ye Wei is the real daughter, the Ye Family is a good family? Ignorance is bliss?

Www, forget it, I’m just poor at dealing with family-related angst.

Our Ye Wei is a happy-go-lucky girl tho, don’t confuse her with the vicious Supporting Female she played.

One more bonus chapter until we catch up with the missed updates, hooray?

The next bonus chapter possibly out next week tho… _(´ཀ`」 ∠)


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3783

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5 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 80”

  1. waaaah!! Thank you so much for updating this novel, it’s my fav novel and reading it makes me happy.
    While I love the novel how it is, I can’t help but wonder is there an actual ML for age Wei? I like how each world has different men though.

  2. The brother is being pretty stupid too. Should Ye Wei have just given up since the family didn’t want to take her back? Her method was the only one that would have worked so I don’t know what his stupid advice would accomplish. -_-

  3. I honestly feel for the OGFL here, i mean it’s been one new thing after another for her and as a pampered princess she just doesn’t know what to do, instead she choses to endure and hope that time makes “MC” realize her true intentions. Ofc she is wrong to be as passive as she is but at the same time no one seems to be offering her really good advice except her brother.

  4. The story hasnt been circling around ye weis perspective for a while so she really seems vicious in this arc, but if we could see her thoughts shes likely diligently doing her job while waiting for her paycheck. Ye ying is a unlikeable but not unbearable, it makes sense that she’d feel wronged and afraid of being replaced, but i dont like characters like her that shed tears at every slight grievance. Reminds me of kokorogi from tomodachi game


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