TXW Chapter 20

Chapter 20

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“Is it time to talk about this?!” Jian Xingzhi could discern that his divine sense was sucked by Qin Wanwan’s array and it cycled back into Qi, surging into his Spiritual Root. He became anxious: “Stop your array!”

The secret technique of Ji Shan could broaden the Spiritual Root according to the strength of the divine sense, hence, allowing people to absorb a lot of Spiritual Powers in a short time and quickly advance 

However, this method is only suitable for cultivators below the Golden Core Stage, because this method only had a beginning and no end.

When the Spiritual Root expanded to the corresponding strength of the divine sense, the technique would stop automatically. Therefore, only those who had mediocre divine sense and were in the stage below Golden Core Stage were suitable for this method. 

Qin Wanwan assumed Jian Xingzhi has some chances in cultivating, and no matter how strong his divine sense is, he is inherently a mortal, how strong can a mortal’s divine sense be?

She never imagined that an old yao resided in his body!

Qin Wanwan was also as anxious as Jian Xingshi, “This array won’t stop until your Spiritual Root matches your divine sense‘s strength! I can’t stop it! You think of a way!”

“Qin Wan!” Jian Xingzhi really wanted to choke her to death, “Do you want me to die!”

“If you really don’t want to die, think of something! Our time is running out!”

Qin Wanwan was telling the truth.

With the strength of Jian Xingzhi’s divine sense, the Spiritual Root that could match his divine sense was not something that an ordinary mortal could afford. 

The Qi from the area surged, and the whole mountain range was disturbed. Birds flocked off flying, and the ground trembled like an earthquake. The phenomenon startled the people and they started panicking and screaming. 

The Qi dove into Jian Xinghi’s body and broadened his Spiritual Root. Jian Xingzhi endured severe pain and realized the situation was not something his mortal body could bear. 

Jian Xingzhi took hold of Qin Wanwan’s hands, and before she could react, he forcibly clasped their ten fingers together. In an instant, the pure and boundless Qi flowed from Jian Xingzhi to Qin Wanwan. Qin Wanwan exhaled in pain and cried out, “Fuck!”

She tried to shake off Jian Xingzhi’s hands, but Jian Xingzhi’s hold on her was firm, “Give me some time, I will break this array.”

“Then do it fast ah!”  Qin Wanwan could feel the Qi rushing in her Spiritual Root and exclaimed in pain again. 

The surrounding people were alarmed by their actions, but those mortals were unaware of the cause of the earthquake, they just ran out screaming the moment the earthquake started.

The steward sensed the Qi and rushed inside the room with guards. Noticing the mess in the room, he yelled, “Stay still! Whoever runs around, kill them!”

The steward unsheathed his sword and was about to cut one of the people, but before that could happen, Jian Xingzhi freed one hand and swung his sword at the steward, instantly slaying him. Jian Xingzhi faced the other side and created a gust of sword wind, cutting the rope that bound the people above.

The people hanging from above rained down. Those people were cultivators caught by Qianliu. After a moment of delay, they were awakened and realized the situation. They were quick to mingle with the people at the cave door.

After rescuing the people, Jian Xingzhi quickly retracted his hand and locked it back with Qin Wanwan’s hand. The Qi was ragging in their Spiritual Root, and the sweat poured like a shower. 

This secret technique was created by Qin Wanwan’s mother, Shangsui, a legendary figure in the Immortal Realm. 

Jian Xingzhi thoroughly examined the array and eventually perceived a solution. 

At this time, Qin Wanwan was about to faint from the excruciating pain. She cried out, “Jian Zhiyan, I can’t do it anymore!”

“Calm down.” Jian Xingzhi closed his eyes, “Follow my lead, let the Qi flow.”

He led Qin Wanwan to flow the Qi in their body to gather it in their Spiritual Core[1]. He recited the array-breaking spell he learned in the Immortal Realm. 

A seal formed mid-air below their feet. 

As soon as Qin Wanwan heard the spell, she knew what he wanted to do and tacitly cooperated with him.

“Clear and Bright Spiritual Core, I am the only one who is supreme. Good punishes evil, as per order. Heaven and Earth behind me, watching the universe. Find the source and draw the line. Ten thousand arrays, unified.” As they chanted, they placed their two fingers on each other’s forehead and shouted in unison, “Break!”

In a flash, the Qi burst between them, and a huge wave flung Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan to the opposite side. Jian Xingzhi grabbed Qin Wanwan. And, again, before she could respond, he hurled her straight toward Qianliu!

Qianliu was wearing armor, and Qin Wanwan’s face directly slammed at him with a “bang”, pushing him onto the bed. Qin Wanwan vomited blood and was fast to create distance from Qianliu. She drew her sword and pierced Qianliu several times without hesitation!

On the other side, Jian Xingzhi, in the moment of landing, raised his hand and hauled a sword in the air from the corpse. He twisted his body and whirled the sword around, cutting a man’s throat in his landing. He turned around and spun his sword, standing in front of Qin Wanwan and protecting her from the trespassers.

The scene became chaotic. Noticing their movement, the guards swarmed in, and the leader saw Qianliu lying on the bed limply. “Qianliu-daren!”

The guards directly encircled Qin Wanwan and Jian Xingzhi, disregarding the others slaves. 

Jian Xingzhi could sense the shaking of his hand holding the sword as the blood from some injuries flowed down. 

He attempted his best to suppress the fluctuation of the Qi in his body, but regardless, he could sense he would soon break through the Golden Core. But, if he advanced at this moment and the Tribulation fell here, the mortals wouldn’t survive. 

And Qin Wanwan was no better than him at the moment. She discerned the boundless Qi gathering in her body. She glanced up at Jian Xingzhi who stood in front of her with his sword. She called in a raspy voice, “Jian Zhiyan…”

Jian Xingzhi shut his eyes. He inhaled deeply. He bolted to snatch the treasure Qianmian Mirror from Qianliu’s arm and took a hold of Qin Wanwan. He shouted, “Run!”

Jian Xingzhi clenched his sword hilt and swept past, Qin Wanwan searched for an opening and jumped out!

Jian Xingzhi followed her and spurred all the way out of the cave with Qin Wanwan in hand.

It was also at this moment that a man in purple dashed in with his sword, with his long hair tied high and robust facial features.

Qin Wanwan looked up at the man, and the man looked down at the two fleeing in the crowd.

Two fleeting gazes crossed each other. 

The earth shook, and thunder roared. From the moment the Cultivator in Purple entered the cave, the chasers around them lessened. Only the guards blocking them in the front could be seen. Qin Wanwan dashed to the exit, and Jian Xingzhi’s sword danced in a beautiful arch as it created a bloody path behind.

The guards didn’t hinder their movement in the slightest, Qin Wanwan slowed down half a step when she could feel the fresh air. 

‌She squinted at the young man in red with long hair in front of her. His face was stained with blood, but his eyes were bright and clear. He didn’t look back at her, but his grasp on her was firm and reassuring. 

The two rushed out of the cave, and the cave was already a part lower. They jumped to the platform below, 

Qin Wanwan was no longer able to support herself. The Qi in her body condensed and the first thunder tribulation crashed down!

Qin Wanwan screamed, “Ah!”

Someone pulled her up and let her sit properly. The person lifted his palm and attached it to hers.

The moment their palms connected, the pain caused by the thunder became a bit lighter. 

She could hear Jian Xingzhi’s voice, with a trace of comfort in his calm voice, “Now we are both in the stage of creating our Golden Core and the thunder won’t give us a break, I will help you. Close your eyes and concentrate. Flow your Qi through your meridians, and draw the thunder to your body to strengthen your bones and exercise your muscles. If you feel it is too painful, follow me to chant the ‘Qingjing Sutra’.”

Qin Wanwan listened to Jian Xingzhi’s words. She trembled slightly as she felt the pain.

The man who was close to her was calm and steady as if the Tribulation had no effect on him. 

His voice was the clear and bright voice of youth, but it was mixed with the tranquility and serenity that accumulated from experiences over the years, “… Dao. The Dao can be pure or turbid; moving or tranquil. Heaven is pure, Earth is turbid; Heaven is moving, Earth is tranquil… Descending from the origin, Flowing toward the end, The myriad beings are being born. Purity– the source of turbidity, Movement– the root of tranquility. Always be pure and tranquil; Heaven and Earth return to the primordial….” (Note 1)[2]

As he recited the scriptures, her pain was inexplicably relieved. Qin Wanwan supported herself to concentrate and breathe, followed Jian Xingzhi’s Qi, and cycled the thunder around her meridians to form the Golden Core.

In the process, the Dragon Neidan in her body became smaller and the thunder took most of the space. 

However, Qin Wawnan was unaware of the change in her body. Her only focus was Jian Xingzhi’s voice in her ears, as if he was a guide, guiding her through this Tribulation. 

The two sat face to face on the flat ground and borne the thunder together. By this time, the people from the Tian Jian Sect had evacuated the people from Qianliu’s Cave. 

The Tribulation of the two was too great, and the Cultivator from the Tian Jian Sect could only create an array in the cave while the disciples went further to the back of the cave and left with the others. After everyone left, Nanfeng turned back to the cave and saluted the Cultivator in Purple who was blocking the thunder for the mortal, “Xie-jun, Zhu-xiaojun has evacuated with all mortals, you can rest now.”

The Cultivator in Purple retracted from his spot and the array slowly vanished. The breath of the thunder swept through them and Nanfeng knelt down in fright, shivering. 

The Cultivator in Purple looked up at the Thunder Tribulation, “81 Thunder Tribulation, if they can pass this, their Golden Core will be on the Ninth Grade of the Upper Level.”

He glanced at Nanfeng, “Your Master, which Sect is she from? Which Faction?”

Nanfeng trembled, “I… I don’t know.”

The Cultivator in Purple was quiet. He didn’t plan to corner Nanfeng.  He dusted off his robe and sat on the ground. Under the pressure of the Thunder Tribulation, he closed his eyes and entered meditation. 

The thunder blasted down one by one. Qin Wanwan already lost track of time and only felt the time had passed for so long.  Her body was numb, until the spirit rain rained down on her body. 

She slowly opened her eyes and saw that the person opposite her had been scorched black by the thunder. 

Jian Xingzhi also opened his eyes. The rain washed away the impurities of their bodies, and Qin Wanwan’s facial features on the opposite side showed apparent outlines.

The two were engulfed in a golden light. It brightened up and then dimmed, then a second later, it shone again. Repeating it in a cycle, over and over again, like a bear child[3] turning off the switch back and forth. 

Brightened, dimmed. 

Brightened, dimmed. 

Over, and over.

As the light lit up and dimmed, it was like a race, unfolding layer by layer, letting everyone sense their changes. 

Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3… Grade 9!

First Stage, Second Stage, Third Stage of the Foundation Establishment…. Ninth Stage of Foundation Establishment!

In the end, the Qi in their body condensed into Cores, and a dragon chant surrounded Qin Wanwan. 

The two golden pillars shoot up into the sky. 

Grade 9 of the Upper-level Golden Core, formed!

“It’s a Grade 9 Golden Core!”

The spiritual rain stretched for a hundred miles, and the Dao of Heaven contained in it was perceived by everyone. The people who walked on the road of Cultivation looked up at the spiritual rain with envy. 

“This is the Grade 9 Golden Core. In the past five hundred years, there have been only four persons in the Three Great Sects and Four Great Cities that achieved this, the leader of Wen Xin Sect Shen Zhiming, the Young Master of Lecheng, Jun Shu, and the leader of Wu Xiang Sect…”

The speaker hushed his voice when he mentioned the person of the Wu Xiang Sect. He then focused back on the spiritual rain and marveled,  “I don’t know which Sect is so lucky to have such a genius today!”

Everyone was chattering while the said geniuses sat on the ground, staring at each other with wide eyes and without words. 

The moment they were sober enough, they changed their clothes with their power. Their previous clothes were split into rags by the thunder. Qin Wanwan was dressed in a pink brocade dress and Jian Xingzhi was in blue.  The two glanced at each other and Jian Xingzhi ultimately broke the silence, “Let’s find a place to stay first, we can talk slowly about this later.”

Qin Wanwan nodded, she also thought so.

They got to their feet and brushed the dirt on their clothes. As soon as they got up, they saw a man in a purple robe in front of them. 

Qin Wanwan subconsciously retreated behind Jian Xingzhi and Jian Xingzhi habitually moved to her front. Then, the two remembered their identities and quickly switched positions. Qin Wanwan stood forward and Jian Xingzhi tacitly retreated.

The Cultivator in Purple saw them going back and forth and said after a while, “Are both of you already alright to stand?”

“We are alright.” Qin Wanwan was a bit nervous, “Is there something wrong?”

The aura from the man in front of her was too powerful. For some reason, she felt that she was facing a low-profile version of Jian Xingzhi.

Nevertheless, even if he was a low-profile version of Jian Xingzhi, it still meant he was a big boss who she couldn’t afford to offend. People similar to Jian Xingzhi would make people instinctively fear them when faced with them. 

“Someone called Nanfeng came to the Tian Jian Sect for help, he said that you found Qianliu’s lair and requested help.”

The Cultivator in Purple’s voice was steady as he recounted the story, “So, I’m here.”

“So you are a person of the Tian Jian Sect,” Qin Wanwan exhaled as she remembered her previous instructions to Nanfeng. She quickly saluted, “It’s nice to meet you, I am Li Si, and this is my…”

“Brother[4],” Jian Xinzghi cut her, “Zhang San.”

The Cultivator in Purple frowned, “You are brother and sister, but why do you have a different surname?”

“I follow my father.” Jian Xingzhi operated fast, and Qin Wanwan could only follow him with reluctance. “I follow my mother.”

The Cultivator in Purple wasn’t planning to dig into the matter. He made a brief introduction, “Tian Jian Sect, Xie Gutang.”

His name was a bit familiar. Qin Wanwan took a look at Jian Xingzhi, and Jian Xingzhi looked in the direction of Xunxian Town. Then, they remembered. 

The signboard Jian Xingzhi smashed previously… someone did mention this Xie Gutang. The hailed winner of the previous Sword Test Conference.

“You are participating in the Sword Test Conference, right?” Xie Gutang went to the point and took out a book from his sleeve, “Which Sect? Which Faction?”

“We are loose cultivators.” Qin Wanwan persisted in the lie. 

Xie Gutang’s movement paused. And within a flash, his sword was already out of its sheath. 

Aimed at her.

He was fast, but so was Jian Xingzhi. Within a second, the two have gone through more than ten moves.

Xie Gutang quietly observed Jian Xingzhi, who reliably parried his sword. His voice was serene, “I have been cultivating the Way of Sword for 120 years and I have learned the teaching of the Sword in all sects in this world, but I have never seen any of you.”

“Does the Tian Jian Sect require the participant of the Sword Test Conference to be a part of a Sect?”

Qin Wanwan questioned. 

Xie Gutang halted and slowly echoed, “No.”

“Qianliu was killed by me and Qianliu was on the Tian Jian Sect’s Wanted List. And according to the rules, I can participate in the sword test conference, right?”

“Yes.” Xie Gutang couldn’t deny it. Before Qin Wanwan, he slowed his sword and gently moved it away. 

“Then, which sect and which faction do I belong to, and whether Xie-jun recognized it, does it matter to my participation in the Sword Test Conference?”

Xie Gutang had no reply. 

A moment later, he sheathed his sword and closed his book. He turned around and moved forward, “Follow me.”

The Tian Jian Sect arranged accommodation for all the people who passed the Sword Test Conference’s trial. Qin Wanwan killed Qianliu. She not only completed the task, but she completed it extremely well. Therefore, instead of staying in the inn with other people who came to the conference at the foot of the mountain, she was arranged in the guest room of the Tian Jian Sect mountain range.

The guest room was in a courtyard. Xie Gutang brought them into the courtyard and pointed to the two rooms, “You can divide the rooms as you see fit. I will inform you when the Sword Test Conference begins.”

“Xie-jun.” Qin Wanwan‌ saluted Xie Gutang. 

Xie Gutang said nothing and soon left them alone. 

After Xie Gutang was out of their sight, Qin Wanwan tilted her head at Jian Xingzhi, “Let’s have a talk in the room?”

Jian Xingzhi did not know why, but he panicked. 

They got into the room together and sat face-to-face across the table. In their mind, they conversed with their own System. 

“How should I start?” Qin Wanwan asked 38, “I can’t let him know my identity, can I?”

“Yes,” 38 affirmed, “You have to try to avoid him discovering your identity.”

“What if I get discovered?”

“That’s……” 38’s head hurt, “There is no other way, but you must not admit it.”

“What if I admit it?”

On the other hand, Jian Xingzhi frowned as he said to 666, “I got discovered, she knows that I am not Jian Zhiyan.”

“It doesn’t matter if she discovers it. In fact, it is more beneficial to you if she discovers it.”

“Why did you say so?”

“According to the rules, the main judgment of your OOC is to conform to logic and be in line with the expectation of the people in this world. If ‘Qin Wan’ can find a reasonable login for your strength and behavior, it also increases the expectation of the people in this world and you won’t be easily judged as OOC.”

Jian Xingzhi understood a bit of 666’s meaning, “That is to say, for example, if I am in the Foundation Establishment, the expectation of my strength is that of the Foundation Establishment Cultivators, then can I use the Immortal Realm technique comparable to that? What is the scope of my ability? If I am expected to be the strongest person in this Realm, can I muster my strength without worry?”

“That’s right. However, expectations are just a judging condition. The most important thing is not to interfere with the plot that needs to be played, and the second is to meet the expectations of the people. If you want to truly exert your strength, you need to practice, so that this body has a reasonable basis for your strength, also, you must not let people find out that you transmigrated.”

“What if I get discovered?”

“Don’t admit it.”

“What if I implicitly admit it?”

666 was speechless. After some time, 666 reminded Jian Xingzhi, “That depends on the other’s perception.”

Qin Wanwan and Jian Xingzhi discussed it with their System for some time and formed a plan in their minds. 

Jian Xingzhi stared at Qin Wanwan and Qin Wanwan at Jian Xingzhi. After a moment of staring contest, Jian Xingzhi offered, “Do you want to drink water?”

Qin Wawnan swiftly poured tea for Jian Xingzhi and pushed the cup to him, “Drink.”

Jian Xingzhi was silent. Qin Wanwan said ‘drink’ but then let him drink it. 

He took the tea and pondered, “To be frank, I understand your situation.”

“Your situation……” Qin Wanwan mulled, “I think, I also understand it.”

“I hope you do,” Jian Xingzhi hinted. “It will be more convenient for me.”

“Then, can I ask you questions?”

Qin Wanwan tentatively opened and Jian Xingzhi nodded.

“Can you tell me the truth? If you can, speak. If not, stay silent.”

Jian Xingzhi stayed silent.

Qin Wanwan: “Then, do you want to tell me the truth? If you want, stay silent.”

Jian Xingzhi stayed silent again.

Qin Wanwan realized that Jian Xingzhi, like her, had some limitations.

Qin Wanwan pondered, “Let me tell you a story.”

Jian Xingzhi glanced up at her.

Qin Wanwan considered the story, “Once upon a time, there was a kitten. One day, it found itself in a book. The kitten had a fairy with it, who took care of it here and there. Later, the kitten met a puppy. The puppy always followed the kitten’s tail. Why do you think the puppy did that?”

“Because the puppy also had a fairy.”

Jian Xingzhi identified the implication of Qin Wanwan’s story and was fast to understand her situation. 

Qin Wanwan nodded, her guess was confirmed.

“Then, is that puppy the puppy from the book?”

“It is not.”

Qin Wanwan comprehended that the person in front of her was not Jian Zhiyan at all, but a person who carried out tasks and was accompanied by a System, just like her.

“The fairy tasked the kitty to become an Immortal,” Qin Wanwan continued, “What task did the fairy give the puppy?”

“The fairy tasked the puppy to help the kitty to become an Immortal.”

Qin Wanwan acknowledged that he was a friend and not an enemy. 

“Then…” Qin Wanwan made a little gesture with her hand, “What level is the puppy? Transformation Period? Tribulation Crossing?”

Jian Xingzhi lifted his chin slightly in disdain, “The puppy already ascended. No one in the Upper realm can defeat it.”

Qin Wanwan, “……” Boast, keep boasting.

The situation in the Upper Realm, couldn’t she know better?

Qin Wanwan kept her expression straight, “And, the puppy’s real name is?”

For a moment, Jian Xingzhi fell silent.

666 reminded him, “Master, in fact… our system is very user-friendly and understanding, but don’t go too far…”

Jian Xingzhi didn’t respond to it, he was in a low mood.

He realized that this Qin Wan was going to ascend one day. If Qin Wan knew his real identity, she could publicize his affairs in the Cultivation Realm widely in the Immortal Realm. He couldn’t accept such embarrassing experiences being spread around. 

He wanted this embarrassing experience to be buried in the dirt and never see the light again. 

He didn’t want anyone in the Immortal Realm to know that he also had time to be a Male Pet, wear pink robes, and chase others for help

“Jian Zhiyan?” Qin Wanwan called him, “What do you think the puppy should be called?””

“Call it……” Jian Xingzhi angled his head as he stared out of the window. He remembered the time when he was ‘Suiheng-zhenjun’, when he was free and unbridled. 

He grieved slightly when he recalled the past. With a quiet tone, he uttered, “Long Aotian[5].”

The author has something to say:

38: “The kitten wants to ascend, and is actively helped by the puppy named Long Aotian. Hee, your story is brimming with positive energy.”

Note 1: Excerpted from the Qingjing Sutra

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[1] 灵台 – língtái refers to the heart (core). “The heart has the spirit and intelligence to hold on to it”, so the heart is called the Lingtai.

[2] Still the same 清静经 – qīngjìng jīng from Chapter 16, but the translation is taken from 
Kohn, Livia (2007). “Qingjing jing 清靜經 Scripture of Clarity and Quiescence”. In Pregadio, Fabrizio (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Taoism. Routledge. pp. 800–801.

[3] 熊孩子  – xióng háizi. Lit. Bear Child, refers to a naughty child, who is young, ignorant, and lawless.

[4] 兄长 – xiōng zhǎng. A respectful form of address for an elder brother or a man of about the same age; elder brother.

[5] 龙傲天 – lóng àotiān. An internet term mostly used for the Male Protagonist who has a miserable life but is particularly powerful from the very beginning. An example is Kirito from Sword Art Online. While the term for Female Protagonist is 鳳傲天 – fèng àotiān. Qin Wanwan gave Jian Xingzhi the nickname of Long Aotian in the Immortal Realm.

Lei’s Corner

Aiya, my bae Xie Gutang is finally here, written as 谢孤棠  – Xiè Gūtáng. His name means Lone Begonia… My bae, give him a hug. 

Following MSB’s other Cultivation Novels, the Realm should be: Qi Condensation — Foundation Establishment — Golden Core — Nascent Soul — Enlightenment — Transformation Period (Lit. Becoming a God) — Mahayana — Tribulation Crossing.


Other Romance Novels available in Elysian Pit
The Memory Lost in Space by Tong Hua [Interstellar]
A man with no future and a woman with no past, what will their end be?
The Villains I Raised All Died by Mo Shu Bai [QT]
Dying for others sucks.
Low IQ Supporting Female, Waiting for Death Online by Wei Ke [QT]
Dying for others sucks (2)
The Husband was the Long Aotian by Mo Shu Bai [Transmigration]
I just want to be a Salted Fish… – the FL, most likely.
The Sword Immortal was My Ex-Boyfriend by Mo Shu Bai [Transmigration]
Ai? Why is this Sword Immortal similar to my Ex from the 21st Century? – the FL, most likely.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4288

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