WfDO Chapter 83

Arc 5
The Vicious Supporting Female Is the Real Daughter (10)

Thank you, Estelulu, for the support~ <3

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On the other side, Ye Ying eventually woke up. Her whole body was sore, and it ached. She wasn’t accustomed to the new environment, particularly because the bed was hard. She slept sideways which resulted in her hip bone hurt. All night, she was concerned whether spiders would drop off the net or rats would lurk in the corner. She couldn’t sleep for most of the night. 

Tong Ke was no better. If it wasn’t because of Ye Ying sharing the same bed as her, she would have cried out her grievance.

“Ye Ying, isn’t your family too poor? The net is dusty, and there are spider webs all over the wall. Will there be spiders crawling up the bed tonight??”

“If it weren’t for Zhang Yu being here, I wouldn’t want to stay in this broken place for even a day! How did Ye Wei even survive these eighteen years.”

“So this is what your home looks like ah, Ye Ying.”


Ye Ying’s ears were full of Tong Ke’s words. She tossed and turned all night, and ultimately fell asleep in a daze when she heard the chickens chirping.

Her sleep lasted until ten o’clock. 

She initially wanted to lie down again, after all, she was aching all over. But, the bed was not comfortable to lie down on either. So, she reluctantly got up. Tong Ke was still sleeping, and she didn’t intend to wake her up. She left the bed and went to wash. 

After a night’s rest, Ye Ying’s physical and mental condition was much better than the time she arrived. At last, she remembered Ye Wei. 

She hadn’t seen her since they arrived. She thought that either way, this was Ye Wei’s home, perhaps Ye Wei was too tired and rested in her friend’s house. She didn’t think much about it until she still didn’t see any trace of Ye Wei in the morning. In the end, she asked Chen Weiguo’s wife, “Auntie, where is Ye Wei? Why haven’t I seen her?”

And, she also hadn’t seen the “Grandma” mentioned by Ye Wei in her “I am Not Brave”.

Chen Weiguo’s wife was taken aback before she realized that the ‘Ye Wei’ mentioned by her was ‘Chen Xiaohong’. “Xiaohong is at her grandma’s house. Why are you asking about her?”

Ye Ying wondered, “Nainai didn’t live with you?”

“No, we have lived separately from long ago. Ma took Ye Wei to live with her in the old house in the back.”

“Live separately?”

Ye Ying was startled. Isn’t Grandma Chen already in her sixties? At that age, why is she living separately from them?

“Why did you live separately?”

Chen Weiguo’s wife shook her head with an apologetic look, “It’s not something suitable to talk about. Yingying, don’t ask about it. If you want to see your grandma, I will call her to come over.”

Ye Ying wasn’t one to pry into other people’s private affairs and stopped asking.

After that, Chen Weiguo’s wife went to the back of the house. She walked to the ridge outside the yard and yelled “Ma” a few times. Unfortunately, no one answered. She then yelled Chen Xiaohong’s name a few more times. Nevertheless, no one replied. 

Chen Weiguo’s wife ended up muttering some complaints. saying, the old woman is too grumpy. Her mother never answered her call. Several times, they met on the road, and she acted as if she hadn’t seen her. Every time, it succeeded in angering her. 

Ye Ying titled her head, “Is Nainai not at home?”

“Where else can she be if she is not at home? Your grandma has a weird temper. Even when she hears our call, she likes to feign she didn’t hear it. If you see her and she makes you angry, please don’t take it to heart.”

Ye Ying had only a hazy notion and asked, “Where is the old house? I will just go there by myself if Auntie tell me the direction.”

Chen Weiguo’s wife pondered and said,, “This is your first time here. You are not familiar with the road, let me take you there.”

Ye Ying expressed her thanks.

Chen Weiguo’s wife led the way and Ye Ying trailed behind. Her feet were still aching. She had inspected her feet before and there were at least five blisters on them, and it hurt when she touched them. 

After a ten-minute walk, they arrived at a gloomy house in the bamboo grove.

Because they had the high ground, she could see two people sitting in front of the yard, one of whom was Ye Wei, and the other was an old woman with a hunched back, gray hair, and long trousers. When she approached them, she noticed that the old woman was not only short but also exceptionally thin. The old woman wore black cloth shoes on her feet, and Ye Ying could see her wrinkled skin and age spots.

Chen Weiguo’s wife grumbled, “Ma, why did you ignore my shout if you are at home? I have been calling you for a while. And, Xiaohong, shouldn’t you have heard my call?”

Ye Wei took a sip of her congee. She directed her round eyes at Chen Weiguo’s wife when she heard her question and muttered in bewilderment, “Ah?”

Chen Weiguo’s wife: “…” Good, just continue pretending. 

Grandma Chen replied, “What do you want me to do?”

“Isn’t your granddaughter back? I called you to come out and have a look!”

Ye Ying was pulled out from behind. She smiled and called her ‘Nainai’, “I am Ye Ying. I came back to see you this holiday.”

Ye Ying was eager to please, with her soft and lovely smile. Her mouth was also sweet. No doubt she was the type that elders like very much. 

Grandma Chen nodded at her, “Have you had lunch?”

Ye Ying saw three bowls on the table, two of which were congee, and the small bowl in the  middle was some pickles, and answered, “I have.”

“I see. Now you have seen me, you can leave now.”

“…Ah?” Ye Ying had never encountered someone that rushed people so fast that Ye Ying was left at a loss. 

Chen Weiguo’s wife stood up, “Ma, really. How can you talk like that? Yingying went through hardships to come back just to see you. How can you expel her just like that? Xiaohong, talk some sense to your grandma.”

Ye Wei replied, “How could you talk like that? You are preaching Nainai about how she should speak? Be careful, if you are unfilial, you will be struck by lightning and reincarnated into an animal in your next life!”

“…” Chen Weiguo’s wife raised her head to the sky and inhaled. If it were in the past, she would have scolded Chen Xiaohong. But, the status of the present Chen Xiaohong was no longer the same as the past Chen Xiaohong. So she could only smile, “How come it became like that in your words? I am not asking you to do something unfilial, to say I will be struck by lightning…”

Ye Wei stared at her with a pair of black eyes, “It is as it is. Anyway, the Lord of the Underworld knows the best.”

“What are you talking about…” The words were ominous, combined with the overcast sky and the cold air blowing, Chen Weiguo’s wife shuddered.

Ye Ying sensed that a quarrel would break. Chen Weiguo’s wife was kind to her, so her impression of her was not bad. She stepped forward and mediated, “Nainai, I have brought you some gifts. But, I came here in a hurry just now, wait for a while, I will bring them to you.”

“No need. I will have to go up the mountain to work soon. Just come back later at night.”

“… Ah? Go up the mountain to work?”

Their vacation was held in July, a good time for farming. 

During the farming season, Grandma Chen rose before dawn. She didn’t eat any breakfast and went to the field to break off the corn as soon as she woke. At this time, she saw the sun breaking out from the cloud. The sun would start to scorch soon, and she wouldn’t be able to work in the field. She must carry back all the corn in the field before the weather got hotter. 

Ye Wei packed up the dishes and chopsticks and went to the kitchen. After a simple cleaning, she brought a basket on her back and went up the mountain with Grandma Chen. She tracked behind Grandma Chen, without sparing any glance at Ye Ying, which was the opposite of her arrogant and proud appearance at the Ye’s House. 

Ye Ying stared at the old woman in her sixties who carried a hoe on her shoulder as she climbed up the mountain. Such a sight hit her heart. “Is Nainai working alone?” Why don’t Chen Weiguo and his wife help? At the end of the day, they are still relatives, aren’t they. 

Facing Ye Ying’s question, Chen Weiguo’s wife affirmed, “Indeed, she is.”

Ye Ying: “……”

Chen Weiguo’s wife took Ye Ying’s hand, “Didn’t you say you bring gifts? Let’s go back and get them first.”

In fact, what was in Chen Weiguo’s wife was Ye Ying brought gifts to her grandma, so, she must have brought gifts for them too, right? Rich people’s upbringing was undoubtedly different from them. Ye Ying was simply a fairy, unlike that sullen Ye Wei who never even called her “Ma” since she stepped here, let alone brought her gifts. It would already be considered a great thing if she gave her a sip of water. 

Ye Ying watched Grandma Chen and Ye Wei ascend the mountain as she was pushed back home by Chen Weiguo’s wife.

Ye Wei brought a lot of things with her. She prepared a watch for Chen Weiguo, a set of skin care products, a scarf, and a silk cloth for Chen Weiguo’s wife, a scarf. She also prepared some clothes and toys for her half-brother who she had never met. While for Grandma Chen, she bought a gold bracelet, in addition, she also bought nutrients such as bird’s nests.

Chen Weiguo’s wife saw so many precious things and her expression was joyful. She examined, “How much does it cost?”

Ye Ying smiled, “It doesn’t cost much. It’s all small things. It’s good if Auntie likes it.”

“Of course I like it, how can I not? Your father has never worn a watch yet. If you wear it for him, he will be so happy!”

“… Mn, that’s good as long as Auntie likes it.” She was still unable to call Chen Weiguo “Papa”, but she was happy that her gifts were appreciated. 

She tidied up the gifts for Grandma Chen and prepared to bring them to her house.

Chen Weiguo’s wife was apprehensive when she saw so many nutrients being given to the old woman. “Don’t take so many. She is unacquainted with such things and doesn’t know how to process them. You can just put it here and I will call her to come and eat it later.”

Ye Ying considered her words and put down a few boxes before she was ready.

At this time, Tong Ke just woke up. She rubbed her shoulders and legs, crying out of pain and hunger. Seeing that the breakfast was cold, she became more aggrieved. Chen Weiguo’s wife appeased quickly, “I’ll heat it up for you.”

Tong Ke was appeased and searched for Zhang Yu, “Why are you the only one here?”

Ye Ying answered truthfully, “I don’t know. I didn’t see them when I got up.”

Chen Weiguo’s wife said, “They should have gone out to play. The air is fresh in the mountains.”

Tong Ke’s spirit deflated when she heard the answer. 

At last, Ye Ying went to bring the gifts to Grandma Chen’s house. When she left, Chen Weiguo’s wife glanced at her several times. She was obviously reluctant, but Ye Ying didn’t notice her gaze.

She happened to meet Ye Tao and Zhang Yu on the way. Her eyes sparkled, “Why are you guys here? I’ve been looking for you guys for a long time.”

In fact, Ye Tao and Zhang Yu had already seen Ye Ying since she arrived at Grandma Chen’s house. But, they couldn’t call out to her. Otherwise, what if Ye Wei was suspicious and asked if they were following her? Thus, they walked away and took a detour. Coincidentally, they encountered Ye Ying on the way back. 

Ye Tao asked, “We are strolling around. Are you going to see Grandma Chen?”

Ye Ying nodded, “Auntie said that Nainai and they have lived separately for years and now Nainai lives in the old house alone. I went to see Chen Nainai just now. She is alone… It’s pitiful. So, I want to send these things to Nainai.

Ye Tao rubbed Ye Ying’s hair, and Zhang Yu offered, “We will go with you.”

Ye Ying gave a happy hum. 

The three of them walked together. When they arrived this time, they waited for a long time before seeing Grandma Chen and Ye Wei walk down the mountain with their baskets full of corn. The old lady’s thin body was bent down by the huge basket, and her hunched back was even more hunched, as if she could fall to the ground at any moment. 

The basked on Ye Wei’s back was twice as big as that of Grandma Chen and almost wider than Ye Wei’s body. 

She quietly trekked behind Grandma Chen.

Ye Tao, Zhang Yu, and Ye Ying did not expect to see such a scene for a moment, and they were a little stunned. Zhang Yu hurriedly took the lead and went to help Grandma Chen unload the basket. He lifted it with both hands, but he was still a few heads taller than Grandma Chen. “Nainai, let me help you.”

Grandma Chen had seen them from afar. She looked up at Zhang Yu and put down her basket. The basket was made of bamboo, and his fingers were stuck in the bamboo crevices. The heavy force almost cut his fingers in half.

He frowned, how could it be so heavy? His heart was weighed down when he looked at the old woman’s frail body, to think that not long ago he felt that she was a little… fussy.

Ye Tai naturally went to help Ye Wei. Ye Wei’s lips curled up, “Thank you, Gege“. She helped him put the basket on his back. With the help of Ye Wei, Ye Tao didn’t fully feel the weight, but when Ye Wei released her hands, his body sank and he almost fell back!

Ye Tao: “……” Are they carrying corn or stone?!

Thankfully, the distance was not long, only a dozen steps left. Still, for them, who were tired for a whole day yesterday, the task was a bit exhausting.

Ye Ying tried to help. She helped Zhang Yu lift the basket, but she didn’t have much strength, she only felt that it was heavy, especially heavy. If it was on the ground, she could say for certain that she couldn’t lift it. 

It wasn’t an easy feast for them to carry the corn back. In the house, they pour it all out. After a short water break, Ye Wei and Grandma Chen prepared to go up the mountain again.

Ye Tao blurted, “Are you still planning to go to the mountain?”

Zhang Yu also said, “It’s so heavy, Nainai. You… pay attention to your body. Don’t go.”

Grandma Chen hated people that said she was in poor health and couldn’t do any work. Her already thin and wrinkled face showed a solemn expression, “Why shouldn’t I? Is it because you, a healthy young man who has the strength to do work, look down on me, an old woman? If I don’t go, will you go?”

Zhang Yu didn’t mean that and quickly rectified, “I don’t mean that, but Nainai, you are already old and not suitable to do heavy work!”

“What nonsense are you talking about? I’m old? I’m only 60 this year! I can still work for 20 years!”

Zhang Yu: “……???” Still can do such a heavy job at the age of 60? 60 is the age when people should retire with peace of mind! And… to say she can still work such heavy work for 20 more years…?

Ye Tao was no less surprised. He gaped at Grandma Chen. He thought that she was in her seventies, turned out she was in her sixties?

Ye Ying felt stuffy in her heart, “Nainai, don’t go, let someone… let Papa helps you.” She never imagined the first time she called Chen Weiguo by the title ‘Papa’ would be under such circumstances.

Grandma Chen’s expression immediately crumpled. “Scram! Scram! Scram! All of you, scram! I don’t need any help from you, scram!”

Zhang Yu: “……???”

Ye Tao: “…………”

Ye Ying: “…………”

Isn’t Nainai a bit too stubborn and can’t tell good from the bad?

The group was basically shooed away by her. At this time, Ye Wei came out and said, “Nai, you just peel the corn at home. I’ll carry the rest back.”

She was prepared to set off with the basket on her back and had no intention of helping the group out of the predicament.

Grandma Chen glanced at Ye Ying, “That’s all, go back.” 

Ye Ying bit her lip and felt sad. She didn’t mean anything else. She just didn’t want her grandma to be so tired. Wouldn’t it be good if someone help?

Grandma Chen soon followed Ye Wei with a basket on her back. 

How could Ye Ying rest easy when she saw it? Could she just watch her 60-year-old grandma do such heavy farm work? Ye Tao and Zhang Yu were also uneasy, but they couldn’t persuade Grandma Chen. Ye Wei also didn’t plan to help them persuade Grandma Chen. They couldn’t help but think about what was in her mind. 

Ye Ying said, “Nainai, let me help you.”

Ye Ying had said so. Could Ye Tao and Zhang Yu watch Ye Ying suffer? What’s more, although Ye Tao had some opinions about Ye Wei, he couldn’t bear to see Ye Wei carrying such a heavy basket. After all, she is still his younger sister. 

So, the two men took all the heavy work on their own initiative. They walked for about ten minutes to reach the top of the mountain behind Grandma Chen’s house. The mountain was not high, but the road was not easy to climb. It was laborious to climb all the way up.

When they got to the field, they found that more than half of the corn had been harvested.

“It has been harvested so much,” said Ye Tao. “How long did it take to harvest it?”

Grandma Chen was chopping at the corn stalk and replied, “Honghong came here at five o’clock. I just came here after cooking.”

At five o’clock, it was still dark. They were so tired yesterday, and at five o’clock, they were still sleeping soundly in their dreams.

Both Ye Tao and Zhang Yu were stupefied. Their gaze landed on Ye Wei who swiftly chopped a corn stalk at the side. Her cheeks were dusted pink from the heat. She wore a simple shirt and trousers, doing work in silence. 

Zhang Yu discovered that, since Ye Wei came back, she hadn’t talked much. Her energy was spent on working hard.

They also realized that Grandma Chen and Ye Wei, a 60-year-old woman and an 18-year-old girl, carried such heavy baskets on their back while they went down the mountain…

Ye Ying was holding corn at the moment, and she couldn’t restrain her shock, “Isn’t it unnecessary to get up so early to work?”

Grandma Chen responded off-handedly with a flat voice as she kept her head down, “The weather is getting worse and worse. Today is a good day. If the weather is bad, you can faint from the heat. If you don’t get up so early, you will arrive here at 8 or 9. You can only work for an hour before you must go back, otherwise, the sun will burn you. The sun is even more unforgiving in the afternoon. If she didn’t come here early, the land won’t ever be finished.”

Ye Ying was silenced, “…I’m sorry, I don’t know.”

Grandma Chen: “A city girl like you, what do you know?”

Ye Ying’ blushed with shame. She glanced at Ye Wei nearby. She was picking the cut-down stalks to the roadside. 

Ye Tao and Zhang Yu’s gaze also trailed her. 

They couldn’t define what their feelings were right now. 

At any rate, they were somehow able to carry most of the corn back home. However, it was no lie it was a heavy task. They walked on a bumpy mountain road where there was nothing that could help them carry it, like a cart. 

The two men, who were over 180cm, now understood why Ye Wei and Grandma Chen Nainai would bend their waists under the pressure. The only thing left in their vision was the road under their feet.

Ye Ying followed them once, and Grandma Chen told her not to follow them and just stay at home to peel the corn. It was because while Ye Ying wore trousers, her shirt was a short-sleeved one. She had only grabbed some corn before her whole face was flushed crimson from the sun. And, the corn whiskers were easy to make people itch. So, she couldn’t help but scratch her skin. It was not only her, the same was also true for Ye Tao and Zhang Yu.

Ye Ying had to stay and peel corn at home. Although it was a simple job and she had only done it for a while, blisters already appeared on her palms. Even a simple movement made her finger hurt. 

She stared at the blisters on her hands and looked at her sorry state. For a moment, she did not know whether she should be wronged or sad, or something else. She felt so agonized that she wanted to cry.

She thought to herself again. Chen Weiguo was young and strong, and he was her son. Wouldn’t it be good for him to help Grandma Chen? Why didn’t she let him help? Wasn’t Grandma Chen just putting up a front [1].

Ye Ying decided, when she went back, she would talk to Chen Weiguo, so as not to make Grandma Chen too tired.

She relayed her idea to Ye Tao and Zhang Yu. Ye Tao and Zhang Yu had experienced first-hand the pain of work and deemed that Ye Ying’s idea was feasible. Grandma Chen was already old, no one could guarantee she wouldn’t slip on her feet one day

To Ye Ying’s delight, when she told Chen Weiguo about the matter, Chen Weiguo immediately agreed without scruples, “This matter, ah, I will help on this matter!”

Ye Ying nodded happily, “That’s good.”

She believed that there might be some contradiction between Grandma Chen and Chen Weiguo, but what could be the long-lasting feud between mother and son? Maybe the relationship could be repaired this time.

To her surprise, when she, her brother, and Zhang Yu took Chen Weiguo to Grandma Chen’s house and proposed to help her, Grandma Chen became agitated and swept them with a broom, “Get out! I am not dead yet! I don’t need your help!”

Ye Ying was dumbfounded. She was about to speak, but Grandma Chen had flung the broom over. Chen Weiguo hurriedly blocked it, “Ma, what are you doing? All the past grievances have passed. Why are you still mulling over it…”

Grandma Chen was even more furious, “Scram! Get out of my sight!”

Not to mention Ye Ying, even Zhang Yu, and Ye Tao were at a loss. What’s wrong with Grandma Chen and Chen Weiguo?

“In the morning, I heard Grandma Chen secretly took Chen Weiguo’s money? Is it because of that?”

“Why did Chen Nainai steal Chen Weiguo’s money?”

They themselves didn’t know the answer to that question. 

When they returned, Ye Ying couldn’t help but ask Chen Weiguo why Chen Nainai was so repulsive toward him that she didn’t even let him help her?

Chen Weiguo let out a long sigh, “My mother is very stubborn. Back then, she secretly took 2000 yuan from me. She didn’t admit it at first, but as time passed, she had to admit it. I asked her to return the money to me, but she didn’t want to. She said that the money was hers… Then we quarreled and separated. She took Xiaohong to the old house, and now, as you can see, she pretends as if I don’t exist.”

Ye Ying was astonished.

Zhang Yu was not convinced by the story, “But, I don’t think Chen-nainai is such a person?”

Ye Tao frowned, he also wasn’t convinced.

Chen Weiguo replied, “Anyway, this is the way things are. I can’t say anything more about it. It’s all family matters. I’ll make you laugh if I say more.”

Just in time, Chen Weiguo’s wife called them over for dinner, Chen Weiguo trotted back home, leaving Ye Ying, Ye Tao, and Zhang Yu a lot of confusion.

They weren’t inclined to believe Chen Weiguo, but Chen Weiguo’s story didn’t seem to be fabricated. 

Is Chen-nainai really such a person?

Ye Ying thought, Ye Wei is so good at disguising herself in front of other people, where did she learn it from?

“I believe I know the matter you guys are talking about.” Jiang Fei, whose existence was nearly zero all morning, eventually emerged. He wore a simple t-shirt and jeans, with a foxtail grass in his mouth. His steps were light and casual.

Zhang Yu voiced, “What do you know? How do you know?”

“Do you think I sleep like a dead pig like you guys?” Jiang Fei got up early in the morning and wandered around the village and inquired about many things. “I know for a fact that Chen-nainai really stole Chen Weiguo’s money.”

Ye Ying gasped, “Is Chen-nainai such a person?”

Ye Tao was dubious, “Chen Weiguo is her son. What could she do with Chen Weiguo’s money?”

Zhang Yu was also stumped.

Jiang Fei shrugged, “What else? Paid Ye Wei’s tuition ah.”

The group: “???”

Before Ye Wei could graduate from Junior High School, to stop her from studying and make her work to earn money, Chen Weiguo ceased paying her tuition. At that time, Ye Wei cried and begged to let her go to school, but was beaten by Chen Weiguo. Grandma Chen couldn’t stand it, but Chen Weiguo didn’t listen to her. As last resort, Grandma Chen took Chen Weiguo’s money and gave it to Ye Wei. She told Ye Wei to use it to pay for her tuition to continue her study. 

When Chen Weiguo learned about it, he became furious and went to the school to demand the money back. Grandma Chen retorted, “I have planted so much on the land all year round by myself and there is no son to help me. Most of what you eat comes from the money you get from my land! What’s wrong with me taking 2000 yuan? It’s all my money! I didn’t steal from you!”

Chen Weiguo was a sloth, and so was his wife. Most of their family fields were taken care of by Grandma Chen. After his father died, Chen Weiguo’s mother was in charge of working on the land, so in a sense, Grandma Chen’s words were the truth. 

Chen Weiguo was mad. He told her to take that two thousand yuan as payment for her work and to leave their house. And from then on, they severed their relationship.

Grandma Chen was a firm person throughout her life. She had no qualms about taking the two thousand yuan and leaving that house for her old house. 

Moreover, the two sides quarreled badly because of the land division. Chen Weiguo said that Grandma Chen was too old to do too much work, and it was a waste to give her too much land. But Grandma Chen refused to relent, saying that she could still work! 

The matter made such a big noise that the whole village knew it. 

Zhang Yu finally realized why Grandma Chen was enraged when Chen Weiguo said that he would help with the work.

It was a pity that two thousand yuan was far from enough, and Grandma Chen could only bring Ye Wei to work hard to accumulate money for Ye Wei’s tuition. With the money saved over several years, she could finally pay Ye Wei’s tuition and living expenses. She could finally let Ye Wei finish High School. However, not long ago, Grandma Chen was ill and a lot of money was spent. In a way or another, Ye Wei had to drop out of school. 

And, during that time, the people from the Ye Family found her.

Ye Ying was flabbergasted, her gaze blank. She couldn’t connect the violent, ignorant, and unfilial person in Jiang Fei’s mouth with Chen Weiguo who was kind to her. 

Even Zhang Yu and Ye Tao were struck silent.

Such a family… How could there be a family like that?

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[1] 逞强 – chěngqiáng. Showing off; trying to be brave; bravado; flaunting one’s superiority; displaying sham courage.

Ry’s Corner

Bamboo-cut wounds are more sinister than paper-cut wounds because sometimes the bamboo fiber just clings to your wounds and that is a nightmare. 

Every time Ye Yin thinks “She did not know whether she should be wronged or sad, or something else.” I just want to put Ye Wei’s “Sad? You shouldn’t be sad. Instead, you should be glad.”.

Yes, Chen Weiguo’s wife (陈卫国的老婆 – Chén Wèiguó de Lǎopó) doesn’t have a name and will be referred to as such until the end of the Arc…

Sorry, December is a hectic month so I can only spare some time on weekends. This chapter is to make up for last week. Dw, I have marked down the missed updates. So, next weekend will have 2 scheduled updates and one bonus chapter if my weekends don’t fail me. Sigh, Q4 is always the worst. When I just finished catching up with the previous missed updates only to pile up another missed update, lmao…


I heard all Tong Hua’s novels, including “The Memory Lost in Space” will be serialized… but, to be frank, I am apprehensive about a sci-fi work being adapted into drama or movie, not to mention adaptation couldn’t catch all the subtle references or emotions, coupled with sci-fi that defo needs CGI and such… Ai. I don’t want to imagine it. I just hope the drama won’t do injustice to the novel but then again, many adaptations have let me down… I can only wish the adaptation won’t be too harsh on my bae Nanzhao or I will really riot.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4964

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5 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 83”

  1. Ah, all caught up. But yeah, surprisingly this arc feels the best in terms of moral ambiguity. Ofc Wei would hate Yin, but Yin is also right in having a hard time understanding why, nor should she be begrudged for not wanting to go back to this kind of family.

  2. This arc is really interesting, like, on one hand I understand Ye Wei’s action. But on the other hand, I also can’t dislike Ye Ying.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡