TVIRAD – Chapter 75

Arc 6
The Queen’s Male Pet (8)

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Ye Chen’s mind was in a diarray and she couldn’t think of a reply. She bowed her head, “You wait for me to pick you up.”

Ye Chen hung up the call in a hurry. Her heartbeat was erratic and her mind was chaotic. She was afraid that Lu Liang would notice it, so she hung up.

She discovered that, when facing Lu Liang, she couldn’t control her emotions.

She wished to escape, but Lu Liang was always able to come to her step by step, leaving her nowhere to escape. 

Lu Liang was quite different from the past VIllains. The past Villains would make her feel that their world was so small, so simple, with only Ye Chen in their world. Even Jun Yan, who spent a long time in Tian Jian Sect and had many martial brothers and sisters, had thin emotional strings towards them, appearing that his life was all about Ye Chen.

Ye Chen could accurately grasp what they were thinking, but when it came to Lu Liang, she couldn’t.

Even to the present, Ye Chen was not sure what was on his mind. 

She seemed to have returned to the time when she first got along with Gu Jianan. She couldn’t tell whether Gu Jianan really likes her or just covet the cozy life she could provide him. The same was true for Lu Liang.

She was convinced that the Villains always loved her, but when it came to Lu Liang, this self-confidence evaporated. He seemed to play hide and seek with her, sometimes he was so close, sometimes so far away. She couldn’t figure him out.

He also had rich emotions. He had dreams, brothers, friends, and many other emotions for the world. Ye Chen was not the only one in his world. Maybe, he loved her, but this liking was far from the paranoid love of the past Villains. 

However, this kind of Lu Liang made her even more concerned, she also couldn’t help but get attracted to him, like a moth to fire. He shone so brightly, it made people want to cheer and rejoice for him. 

At this moment, when there was no one else watching her, Ye Chen’s finger curled on her palms.

Has he become her hero?

Yes, he has.

He was so gorgeous, so impressive that the whole universe recognized him. She was no exception.

“Host ah…”

38 smoked a lot. When Ye Chen’s mind was filled with thick smoke, she came back to her senses. 

Her brain hurt from the overwhelming smoke. She broke down and shouted, “Stop smoking!”

“I’m just reminding you,” 38 reminded in a worried tone, “Your emotional value has exceeded the limit.”

Ye Chen, “……”

“But, whatever.” 38 waved it off, “You are not a newbie anymore. Do whatever you like, just don’t entertain the idea of staying here.”

“My emotional value exceeded the limit, why don’t you cleanse my emotions?”

Ye Chen raised her eyebrow. 38 sighed helplessly, “The thing is, the emotional value is only an auxiliary system. It is because the System is afraid the tasker will insist on staying in one world and even commit suicide because of the deep emotions. You are not a newcomer who just came out of the newbie village. Even if your emotional value go past the standard a little bit, you won’t do anything irrational like what I have just listed, will you?””

Ye Chen seldom heard 38 so frank and earnest. She was caught off guard and was a little remorseful, “Sorry to worry you…”

“It’s nothing,” 38 extinguished the cigarette and expressed sadly, “Anyway, you have fallen into such a situation. What else can I do? Of course, it’s to let you off and forgive you.”

38 took out a green hat with the word “forgive” from behind it and put it on its head.

Ye Chen, “……”

The two murmured things about each other in a low voice.

The spaceship flew in the direction of Lu Liang. Less than half a day later, Ye Chen felt the spaceship shaking. Ye Chen was instantly alert and Ye Xiaoxiao rushed in with the guards.

Bixia, there is a surprise attack,” Ye Xiaoxiao said anxiously, “please come with us.”

Ye Chen didn’t doubt her and trailed behind her. Not a second later, a task reminder pinged in her mind. 

“Final Task: Heroic Sacrifice.”

“Task Description: rouse the people’s spirit to uproot justice with a brave and glorious heroic sacrifice. Let the Villain firmly protect the people.”

Ye Chen rarely received a direct command task. After all, she was now an experienced tasker. 

Her brows scrunched up as she watched Ye Xiaoxiao urgently lead her out. Her intuition sensed something was wrong. The spaceship was constantly shaking. She inquired to Ye Xiaoxiao, “Have you asked for help?”

“Yes, Bixia, I have,” Ye Xiaoxiao brought her to the lifeboat. The inside of the spaceship kept blasting behind them. The lifeboat flew out of the spaceship one by one. The guards escorted Ye Chen and Ye Xiaoxiao to their lifeboat, which could only accommodate two people. Ye Xiaoxiao anxiously urged, “Bixia, go up.”

“Hold on.” Ye Chen swept her hand to the front and opened the screen on her wrist, trying to connect to Ming Hao. Ye Xiaoxiao’s expression twisted. She reminded again, “Bixia, quick, get on the lifeboat.”

Ye Chen treated her words as air. The entire spaceship was still shaking. Ye Xiaoxiao instructed to the guards escorting them, “You go first. I will protect Bixia!”

The guards believed her words. They got on their lifeboats and rushed out. On the other side, Ming Hao received Ye Chen’s message, “Something happened to me. You go and pick Lu Liang up.”

Ye Chen attached Lu Liang’s coordinates to Ming Hao and closed the interface. She inhaled deeply and sat on the lifeboat.

If by this time she still hadn’t noticed something was wrong with Ye Xiaoxiao, then she was an idiot. 

But, Ye Xiaoxiao was the Female Lead in the original world. Why did she become like this?

Ye Chen couldn’t completely comprehend the news. 

Ye Xiaoxiao calmly launched the lifeboat.

Soon after they departed, they were surrounded by Musen Galaxy’s spaceships. Ye Chen nonchalantly asked, “Why do they know my travel route?”

Ye Xiaoxiao didn’t reply. Ye Chen glanced at the communicator on her wrist and typed a message to Lu Liang.

She acted surprised when the message was not delivered. 

Ye Chen pretended to be oblivious and asked again to Ye Xiaoxiao, “Xiaoxiao, why did my message fail to be delivered?”

Ye Xiaoxiao still didn’t reply. Ye Chen skimmed the map. The direction Ye Xiaoxiao controlled was towards Musen Galaxy.

Ye Chen curled up the corner of her lips, and her tone was unamused, “Xiaoxiao, aren’t you going in the wrong direction?”

After Ye Chen said that, more than a dozen straps on the seat activated, tying Ye Chen tightly to the seat. Ye Xiaoxiao’s gun was against Ye Chen’s head, while her other hand controlled the spaceship. She was calm, “Be quiet.”

“Ye Xiaoxiao,” Ye Chen didn’t panic at all, “Are you aware that what you are doing right now is considered a crime of rebellion?”


“So why did you do this?” Ye Chen was curious. Ye Xiaoxiao’s expression didn’t change, “For a better world.”

Ye Chen didn’t say any more words. Ye Xiaoxio seemed startled by Ye Chen’s silence. She glanced sideways at Ye Chen and patiently explained, “Don’t you think the world is developing too fast now?”

“We are constantly developing technology as we keep plundering each other while advocating freedom, creating a bunch of arrogant yet weak people.”

“The world should not be like this. It should return to the time of thousands of years ago—”

There was a fanatical glint in Ye Xiaoxiao’s eyes, “The Prophet is leading us. He has already made a prophecy that in a thousand years, there will be a holy war, but evil will persevere and rule the world! It causes weakness and laziness in people, driving us into the darkness. The Devil disguises itself as technology and will lead us to extinction!”

“We are the pioneers of holy war. We will save the world and prevent mankind from extinction. We will build a beautiful country. For this reason,” Ye Xiaoxiao turned her head and faced Ye Chen with a solemn expression: “I will do whatever it takes.”

Ye Chen’s expression was tranquil. But, in her heart, her and 38’s jaws already dropped to the floor.

Ye Chen had heard of this propaganda countless times. The reason why Musen Galaxy’s conservatives were militants was that they all believed in this propaganda.

They insist on returning mankind to the society of thousands of years ago and living with the social system of that time. Their prophet predicted that there would be a holy war, and all the fighters who participated in the holy war and died for it would be able to reach the Holy Land bestowed by God.

There were constantly many eccentric ideas in a country where politics and religion were unified. To Ye Chen, it was unthinkable why people believe such blatant propaganda, but she couldn’t deny the fact that there were a large number of people who believed it in the Musen Galaxy.

Ye Chen was baffled when Ye Xiaoxiao, the original Female Lead, the perfect woman with great kindness and wisdom, actually believed it?!!

Ye Chen was simply dumbstruck. She had created many possibilities that pushed Ye Xiaoxiao to kidnap her, maybe because of power or maybe because of emotional entanglements… She never thought that she, Ye Chen, would die because of this kind of thing……

“Xiaoxiao…” Ye Chen put on a sober and heartfelt expression. She had received the task of heroic sacrifice, but that didn’t mean Ye Chen wouldn’t try to persuade her favorite cousin: “We should be realistic, don’t be too superstitious…”

Ye Xiaoxiao: “….”

Ye Xiaoxiao was lost when Ye Chen classified her belief as feudal superstition. She could only say with a straight face, “You don’t have to say much, nothing can shake my faith.”

“Xiaoxiao ah…” Ye Chen let out a sigh, “What have you experienced over the years to make you like this? ”

From the Female Lead to the Musen Galaxy’s spy, what kind of major turning point in life had she experienced to make her fall like this?

Ye Xiaoxiao said nothing else. Ye Chen also understood that she could not get anything out of her mouth, so she changed the topic, “What are you going to do with me?”

Bixia,” Ye Xiaoxiao’s words were weighty, “You still have a chance to survive.”

“Oh?” Ye Chen raised her brow, “What are the conditions?”

“You are willing to be baptized.”

Accepting the baptism of Musen Galaxy meant joining the cult. As the Yadong Galaxy’s Queen, if she were to do that, Yadong Galaxy would also turn into a galaxy in which politics and religion unified.

Ye Chen twitched an angry smile, “This isn’t something I can decide by myself, don’t you know that?”

“As long as you promise, the matter can be settled.”

Ye Xiaoxiao answered quickly, and Ye Chen was taken aback. She reflected on her words.

“Wait, don’t tell me that Ye Wen is also one of you!”

Previously, she wondered why Ye Wen defected. So, it was because Ye We was also a member of Musen Galaxy?

They were the three main powers in the Yadong Galaxy. The Queen, Ye Chen, the Minister of Finance, Ye Xiaoxiao, and the Prime Minister, Ye Wen. Now that Ye Wen and Ye Xiaoxiao had taken refuge in the Musen Galaxy, Ye Chen was the only one left resisting the religionization of the Yadong Galaxy. 

Ye Chen’ was having a headache. She really didn’t know when did the Yadong Galaxy, which was famous for its advanced scientific research and technology, produced two pillars that were so feudal and superstitious?

She wished to shake Ye Wen’s shoulder and wail at this face, “Prime Minister, you wake up! Wake up ah!”

You conspired to usurp the throne. You launched a coup d’etat to murder the Queen. I can understand that! But why did you join the cult?! What were you thinking when you did that?!!

Ye Chen didn’t show any of her chaotic thoughts in her expression, but she knew that her mind was blown up.

She especially wanted to catch Ye Wen and let him copy the core socialist values[1] a hundred times.

But that was merely a passing thought. 

She now began to conjure a plan to create a heroic sacrifice.

The task of sacrifice was quite simple. Just choose to die and reject their idea rather than to live and join them. 

But, how to make it heroic?

Ye Chen mulled over it. She scrolled through the System Mall, and found a suitable one for her task.

A universe live broadcast device,

Such an awesome thing, Ye Chen bought it right away.

By the time she finished her purchase, Ye Xiaoxiao had already landed on Musen Galaxy’s main star with Ye Chen. Ye Chen couldn’t help gulping her saliva when she exited the lifeboat. She poked 38, “I remember their side… usually beheaded those who defy them, right? ”

“Worry not,” 38 waved, “I will turn on the pain shielding for you, just focus on doing your best for the task. The task will be completed when you die!”

“The task will be completed?” Ye Chen blinked twice. 38 nodded and explained, “Yes, if you die, it will cut off the biggest road for Lu Liang to become a Villain. In the future, he will certainly fight the Musen Galaxy to death for you!”

“Why aren’t you worrying about him blowing up the whole Musen Galaxy instead?”

Ye Chen voiced out, “He will be a warmonger…”

“It all depends on your performance.” 38 sighed and patted Ye Chen on the shoulder, “So, be good. Don’t die too tragically. Convey more positive energy.”

Ye Chen stopped talking and followed Ye Xiaoxiao into the arch-shaped hall.

Once inside, Ye Chen saw a man with a golden crown sitting in the opulent hall, wearing layers of magnificent robes. It was evident that he was the actual ruler of the Musen Galaxy, Prophet Arhan.

Arhan was the leader who seek to unite politic and religion. The last time a leader like him emerged, the Musen Galaxy invaded the other galaxies for a whole two hundred years. 

Ye Chen scrutinized Arhan. After a moment of exchanging glances, Arhan smiled first, “Ye Chen-bixia.”

“Prophet Arhan.”

Ye Chen acknowledged him, and Arhan stood up. “Welcome to the place where your soul belongs.”

Ye Chen felt her scalp numb when she heard this.

Sure enough, Arhan began to promote his pyramid schemes on her… Oh no, she meant, preaching the national religion of the Mushen Galaxy. 

Ye Chen’s expression was unchanging. Arhan was unrelenting on brainwashing her. Ye Chen just listened and nodded once or twice. Arhan was satisfied with her reaction, then, he heard Ye Chen say, “However, I have a problem.”

“You say.”

“Have you seen God?”

“Of… course I have seen it.” Arhan got serious. “I can perceive him. I am his messenger.”

Ye Chen nodded as she listened to his nonsense. Then, with full solemnity, she asked,  “Is He handsome?”

Arhan: “…”

“Ye Chen-bixia,” Arhan’s expression sunk, “You are making fun of me.”

“No ah,” Ye Chen replied with a smile, “I am seriously trying to learn your culture.”

“So, after knowing so much, has Bixia made a decision?” Arhan no longer wanted to beat around the bush with Ye Chen and said directly, “Do you accept it?”

Ye Chen didn’t answer. Her gaze was not on him. Arhan saw her reaction and hinted, “You have to think clearly, life is extremely precious.”

“Let me think about it.” Ye Chen procrastinated: “I want to be alone and think about it in peace.”

Arhan hesitated. Ye Chen sincerely convinced him, “Believe me. Tomorrow, I will give you a satisfactory answer.”

“Well,” Arhan raised his hand, “Please remember that after joining us, you will still be the ruler of Yadong Galaxy, and we will give you enough respect.”

Ye Chen nodded. Within a moment, someone walked in and led her to a bedroom.

The bedroom was definitely built to royal standards, and Ye Chen let the maids out before closing the door and searching for a place to sit in the room.

She quickly purchased a batch of protective devices and arranged them in the room, allowing the protective film to encircle her. 

Then she tidied up her clothes and washed her face. She practiced proper smiling before she took out the universe live broadcast device she had bought from the mall.

The universe live broadcast device was a device that can broadcast her live to the entire universe,

After she had set up everything, she turned on the live broadcast. 

At this time, Lu Liang was humming with his eyes closed. He was waiting for Ye Chen to come to pick him up. He had figured out ways to compel Ye Chen to marry him when he returned. 

He could bet with confidence that Ye Chen wouldn’t be pleased. After all, that position should be the Male Lead’s, but so what, he, Lu Liang, just wanted to steal that position. 

He thought about how to hold the wedding and the dress that Ye Chen would wear on that day. Thought of Ye Chen’s tangled expression with worry and joy.

He couldn’t help but laugh when he imagined Ye Wei’s reaction when she walked down the aisle, outwardly reluctant but inwardly elated. 

However, at this moment, Ye Chen’s voice broke his imagination. 

“To all my subjects… “

Ye Chen’s voice had never been so grave. 

Lu Liang jerked his eyes open and saw that there seemed to be a huge projection in the sky, and Ye Chen’s image projected on it.

She had no makeup and her hair was not meticulously combed. Her neck still bore red marks left by a rope. 

She was evidently in danger, but she remained so calm.

Lu Liang bolted to his feet and frantically tried to contact Ye Chen, only to find out that she was unreachable. 

Ye Chen on the screen continued to speak.

“I’m the Queen of the Yadong Galaxy, Ye Chen.”

“At this moment, because of the betrayal of Prime Minister Ye Wen and the Minister of Finance Ye Xiaoxiao, I am trapped in the main star of the Musen Galaxy. I refused their offer to be baptized and I am aware of the consequences and willing to take it.”

“Since succeeding the throne, I have not been a good ruler. I have not brought prosperity to Yadong, or expanded our territory. In my belief, my greatest responsibility is to ensure the safety of the people of Yadong and the stability of our galaxy, to ensure that our civilization will be passed down and our freedom will not be infringed.”

“I grew up in a prosperous, free, respectful, and civilized country. I hope my people can continue to live in such a country as well.”

“For this reason, I refused to let my people be oppressed by the Musen Galaxy. Perhaps, soon, you will not see me again-“

As Ye Chen made her speech, the Musen Galaxy received inquiries from other places. Arhan quickly led people to surround Ye Chen’s room.

So, everyone got to see that behind Ye Chen, Arhan rushed in with his people and began to break the protective film.

Yet, Ye Chen didn’t show the slightest of fear. She poisedly resumed to look at the screen, with serenity and gentleness; with a ray of hope in her eyes. 

“I hope you will not fail my sacrifice.”

“I hope my people will stand up and take up arms. The enemy has rolled up the table. We have no way out and nowhere to hide!”

“We shall face the fire, we shall face the war, but there is nothing to fear -“

“We will build walls with our lives and rivers with our blood. To fight against confinement, against atrocities, against injustice, and against war.”

“Fight for civilization, fight for peace, fight for freedom. Fight for our lives, our country, our loved ones!”

Amidst Ye Chen’s voice, Lu Liang heard the roaring of the engine. He looked up and saw the Yadong’s warship. He ran towards it with his heart in a quagmire. 



Ye Chen, you bastard!

Lu Liang pursed his lips. The winds blew by his ear. He could not describe the emotion in his heart. 

He knew that Ye Chen was performing a task. He didn’t know how far she had gotten with her task, but watching her suicidal act, he could assume that her task was almost over. 

When her task was over, she would leave the world.

But. He was still waiting for her to hold a wedding, waiting for her to marry him, waiting for the wedding of the century. 

It’s not the first time she’s stood him up. Would she stand him up again this time?


As Lu Liang ran, his gaze never moved from the screen. He could see the menacing people behind her. 

Was she not afraid?

There were so many people surrounding her. 

Human beings had unimaginable cruelty. 

He couldn’t, and didn’t dare, to imagine what those furious people would do to Ye Chen, a defenseless woman. 

“Lu Liang!”

Ming Hao descended the stair in the spaceship without slowing down the ship. He shouted, “Come up!”

Lu Liang swiftly climbed the stairs.

As he climbed, the protective film behind Ye Chen formed a crack, but the woman on the screen did not panic..

“We have no fear, nor need we fear.”

“For our companions will be with us, and there will be countless others, like me, who will fight this battle.”

“We will never surrender nor will we admit defeat.” 

“We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in the galaxy, we shall fight in the sky, we shall fight on the ground, wherever war exists!” 

Lu Liang’s eyes dilated as the protective barrier was violently shattered. 

On the screen, Ye Chen gradually closed her eyes and softly uttered,

“Lu Liang.”

She called out to him, in a voice that resounded through the universe, “Did my wish reach you?”

“Ye Chen!!”

Lu Liang roared.

The broadcast was cut off at that moment. 

Lu Liang jumped into the cockpit, snatched the control from Ming Hao and ordered him, “You go to the lifeboat.”

“Where are you going?”

Ming Hao was stunned. Lu Liang ground his teeth, “Save her!”

“Have you lost your mind?!” Ming Hao pointed out, “She is in the main star of Musen. What can you do alone? Courting death?!”

“Yes! I am courting death!” Lu Liang shouted loudly, “She is also courting death! What’s wrong with me going there to accompany her to face it!”

Ming Hao was frozen. Lu Liang also noticed his gaffe. He stared hard at the dashboard and changed the ship’s direction without making another sound.

He shut his eyelids and his eyelashes quivered. Ming Hao didn’t hear Lu Liang make any sound, rather, he saw it. 


That arrogant peacock-like Lu Liang, that Lu Liang who always put himself first and calculate others without mercy, when witnessing that woman running to death without reluctance…

He would also cry.

The author has something to say: 

Ye Chen’s speech was adapted from Churchill’s speech during World War II. I am grateful to those who strive for peace.

【Mini Theater · Interview】

Reader: “Who is the most crybaby Female Lead you have ever written?”

Mo Shu Bai: “Ye Chen,”

Reader: “Then, who is the most crybaby Male Lead you have ever written?”

Mo Shu Bai: “Xie Zichen.[2]

Reader: “Did Xie Zichen cry more, or did Ye Chen cry more?”

Mo Shu Bai: “I don’t think it’s a matter of quantity.”

Reader: “Hmm?”

Mo Shu Bai: “Ye Chen doesn’t cry as much as the Villain, and the Villain is a top contender for Xie Zichen’s position. So, it is useless to compare.”

Reader: “…”

I’m probably an author who likes to make the Male Lead cry the most…

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[1] 社会主义核心价值观 – shèhuìzhǔyì héxīn jiàzhíguān. Consist of 24 hanzi, that are 富强、民主、文明、和谐;自由、平等、公正、法治;爱国、敬业、诚信、友善 (National Values: prosperity, democracy, civility.and harmony Social Values: freedom, equality, justice, rule of law. Individual Values: patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendship)

[2] 谢子臣 – Xiè Zichén. From MSB’s other novel “The Trick to Tease a Noble Family’s Son”.  

Ry’s Lei’s Corner

Until Arc 6, Ye Chen and the Villain haven’t got their dream wedding. 

Putting a disclaimer that this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Don’t fork me ya.

(above was the note left by Ry)

Ye Chen nodded as she listened to his nonsense. Then, with full solemnity, she asked,  “Is He handsome?”

i see, you have your priority straight, Ye Chen.

When I picked the draft, it was already ¾ finished lmao, around the live broadcast part. I can see why she left it there QAQ

Anyway, long story short, Ry bribed me to continue her translations while she is having an existential crisis.

I hope there is no typo, orz. I only have one brain cell working.

Next Arc is my personal favorite aside from Arc 3 and 4.

Shameless plug, but check on my other translation to see a stupid dork in their natural habitat a.ka Jian Xingzhi being a stupid dork that he is. It’s only 20 chapters in tho.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4090

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6 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 75”

  1. Aaaahhh welcome!! An update! After this arc is the crown prince(?) Story right? That’s my fave together with the wuxia and republic of China arc. XD though Lu Liang also my fave, siigh need to stop.
    Thanks for the translation!

  2. Thank you thank you thank youuu!!!! This was a great way to turn a bad day to a good one! Welcome back, and I hope everything has been going or getting better in your life 🫶🏾


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