TXW Chapter 22

Chapter 22

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After filling out the application form, Qin Wanwan’s group made some preparations. The next day, the Tian Jian Sect sent a disciple to inform them to gather at the back mountain. 

Qin Wanwan woke up early to put on her makeup to ensure she didn’t look too much like Qin Wan. She put on her veil and tilted her head to Jian Xingzhi who was leaning against the door, “How is it? Can you tell that I am Qin Wan?”ej

“With that prominent mole on your forehead,” Jian Xingzhi was genuine in his answer, “I really can’t tell.”

Qin Wanwan was satisfied with the answer. She moved away from the mirror, “Then, are you ready?”


Nanfeng arrived with a big bag on his back, “Ready at any time!”

Qin Wanwan was pleased. Together with Jian Xingzhi and Nanfeng, they tailed behind the Tian Jian Sect’s disciple to the open area on the back mountain. 

Halfway down the hill, a sea of people greeted her sight. The disciple led them to the open area and after that, the disciple went to join the other disciples in another place. 

Qin Wanwan scurried around and caught sight of Bai Suiyou. He was talking to someone  beside him, and Qin Wanwan waved her hand and greeted, “Fellow Daoist Bai!”

Bai Suiyou turned around when he heard Qin Wanwan’s voice. When his sight fell on Qin Wanwan, he froze momentarily. After making sure he didn’t recognize the wrong person, he offered up a smile, “Fellow Daoist Qin.”

“When did Fellow Daoist Bai arrive here? Does Fellow Daoist have any idea when we can enter the secret realm?”

“I arrived here not long ago,” Bai Suiyou glanced at the back of the mountain not far away and pointed there, “The entrance of the secret realm will be opened there. I heard that in a few minutes, Xie-daojun will open the secret realm.”

“Xie-daojun will be the one opening the secret realm?” Qin Wanwan was curious, “Will he also enter with us?”

“That’s how it should be,” Bai Suiyou smiled, “Tian Jian Sect is not like Guicheng. Guicheng will not care about our lives once inside. In contrast, Tian Jian Sect is an influential sect with a long outstanding history, even outsiders that come to look for swords from their Sword Mound will be well-protected.”

“That’s pretty admirable of them…”

Qin Wanwan and Bai Suiyou talked a lot before a loud “dong” from a gong resounded in the open area. Their gazes simultaneously landed on the sound source. Not far away, Xie Gutang hovered mid-air with his sword beneath his feet. 

Behind him were the young disciples. One was a woman, with a delicate appearance. She was carved in the same mold as Xie Gutang, and her white dress was that of snow. She looked like an ice sculpture. Another disciple was wearing a moon-white brocade robe with red edges, the disciple held a gong in his hand, with a wide smile on the disciple’s chubby face. 

“Master,” Nanfeng, knowing Qin Wanwan was clueless, whispered to introduce them to Qin Wanwan, “That woman is the daughter of Tian Jian Sect’s Sect Leader, she also holds the title of the World First Beauty, Su Zhenxue. The one holding the gong is Xie-daojun’s shidi, Zhu Chi.”

Qin Wanwan nodded and glimpsed around, many men were openly and secterly admiring Su Zhenxue. It seemed that her title was deserving. 

“Welcome to the Tian Jian Sect to participate in the Sword Test Conference,” The crowd hushed down the moment Zhu Chi rang the gong. Zhu Chi saw most of the people had gathered their attention on him and announced with a smile on his face, “This year Sword Test Conference is hosted by my shixiong, Xie Gutang. During the process, Tian Jian Sect will provide basic protection. Shall any of you encounter danger, crush the nameplate given to you and you will be transported outside the secret realm. However, keep in mind that it means you will fail the test. So, please be careful inside the secret realm. Listen to our advice and don’t swing your sword around unreservedly.”

Zhu Chi put the gong back to his Qiankun pouch. He took a scroll out and unfurled it with his other hand. 

While Zhu Chi hauled the scroll, Xie Gutang drew out a bronze mirror and threw it mid-air. It took no time for the mirror to expand into a door. 

“Soon, I will call your name. The one who gets their name called, please come forward to enter the secret realm. The test will begin once you enter the secret realm. You are free to roam around, and the task to win the chance to enter the Sword Mound will be given after you enter the secret realm,” Zhu Chi called their names one by one as listed on the list, “Wen Xin Sect. Twelve People. Please line up.”

Upon hearing the name, Qin Wanwan and Jian Xingzhi straightened their shoulders and swept a glance at them. There were twelve young cultivators below the Golden Core Realm. Qin Wanwan didn’t recognize most of them and was slightly glad. She lifted her hand to hook off her veil. 

Zhu Chi counted the people and started to move on to the next sect. 

After some time, Qin Wanwan noticed that the Tian Jian Sect prioritized those with a Sect first. Loose cultivators and those who signed up without bringing their Sect’s name, were put at the back of the list. 

During the roll call, few and fewer people remained in the open space. When there were not many people left, Qin Wanwan eventually heard, “‘No Door No Sect[1] ’ Sect. Qin Wanwan, Long Aotian, Nanfeng.”

The remaining few people’s eyes were plastered on them when they heard it. 

Qin Wanwan was a bit embarrassed about being the center of attention. She wanted to clarify that she filled the form with “Without Sect, Without Faction,” and not a Sect called “No Door No Sect” but she chose to give up on it so as not to delay time. 

She quickly led Jian Xingzhi and Nanfeng into the secret realm. They entered the secret realm and were transported somewhere that appeared to be a forest. ‘Appeared to be a forest’ because, unlike ordinary forest, in the place where they were, the trees, grass, and vines were several times larger than that of an ordinary forest. 

‌They just surveyed the area when scrolls descended upon them. 

Qin Wanwan grabbed the scroll. 

On the scroll was written, “Task Details”.

She spread the scroll and skimmed it first, verifying that the task was not some murderous task of killing each other. After she got the assurance, she could discern the knife hanging on her heart vanished. She relaxed and trekked to the side to carefully read the details. 

The task did not look difficult; either catching spiritual beasts or picking spiritual grass. The points differ for each beast and grass. 100 points or more were required to be deemed as completing the task, The first ten to reach 100 would get the pass to the Sword Mound. 

Tian Jian Sect made the detail to the dot. They indicated the characteristics and points for each beast and grass on the scroll and put a variety of peace clauses, such as “No Killing”, “No Inflicting Life-threatening Injury,” and so on. In a way, the task was not complicated. 

But Qin Wanwan sensed something off. How could the Sword Test Conference which gathered many talents only engage in such a basic task?

Qin Wanwan had her doubts about the task, but she still searched for the best solution under their current situation.

Low-grade spiritual grass was 1 point, low-grade spiritual beast was 5 points; Middle-grade spiritual grass was 5 points, middle-grade spiritual beast was 10 points; High-grade spiritual grass was 10 points, high-grade spiritual beast was 20 points. For the highest-grade spiritual beast and grass, each was 50 points. 

To get the pass to Sword Mound, the key was not only to score enough, but also fast enough. 

If the power was enough, the most effective way was to directly catch the highest-grade spiritual beast and spiritual grass.

“How is the puppy?” Qin Wanwan asked Jian Xingzhi. She must verify whether he had received some odd tasks from his System.

Jian Xingzhi understood what Qin Wanwan was asking him when she mentioned the word “puppy”, “There is nothing to worry for the time being.”

Qin Wanwan was relieved. Jian Xingzhi finished reading the scroll and clapped, “Then let’s split up. I will go catch the spiritual beast, you go pick the spiritual grass. Let’s assemble here in half an hour.”

Qin Wanwan: “Eh?”

Jian Xingzhi’s words had just fallen and he only took a big stride. Only a stride, but a red warning box with neon-red fonts blinked blindingly in his mind. 

[Warning: Do not snatch the Female Lead’s Plot! Do not steal the Female Lead’s Task! Lie flat well![2]]

Jian Xingzhi: “……”

666 haggardly sighed, “Master. Don’t be presumptuous. Remember the persona set on your character.”

Jian Xingzhi held his breath and retraced his steps to Qin Wanwan, “Go, you go catch the spiritual beast, and I the spiritual grass.”

“Aotian-xiong really has the courage,” Bai Suiyou, who entered the secret realm not long ago, remarked on Jian Xingzhi’s words. He gave a smile as he shut his scroll, “But, courage alone is not enough. The highest-grade spiritual beast in this secret realm is not easy to capture, even for someone at the peak of the Golden Core Realm. Let alone you two have suppressed your cultivation to that of Foundation Establishment, haven’t you? Why don’t we work together to capture the spiritual beast?”

“Fellow Daoist Bai is wise.”

Another cold voice intercepted. Qin Wanwan rotated her head to find the owner of the voice.

Su Zhenxue stood on a side, closing her scroll.

Nanfeng’s antennae straightened up as soon as Su Zhenxue’s voice sounded, and he reacted within a beat, “Su-xiannu[3] is wise!”

Su Zhenxue paid no attention to Nanfeng. She placed the scroll in her sleeve and strolled to Qin Wanwan, “There are ten places reserved for entering the Sword Mound. Forming a team will increase our efficiency. As we work faster, our probability of entering the Sword Mound will also be higher. How does that sound?:

“No…” The word “Need” was not yet out of Jian Xingzhi’s lips when Qin Wanwan cut him off, “Problem! No Problem! We can work together!”

The matter was settled just like that. Su Zhenxu and Qin Wanwan began to formulate a plan. 

“It’s too risky at our level to take on the highest-grade spiritual beast,” Su Zhenxue pointed at the scroll directory and discussed with Qin Wanwan, “There are five of us, so how about we encircle some high-grade spiritual beast together? Anyway, it’s common for spiritual grass at their grade grow near their dens. Because we are a team of five, we need a total of 500 points. So, at least we need to defeat 25 high-grade spiritual beasts.”

“I agree,” Qin Wanwan was not stingy in her praise, “Fellow Daoist Su is extremely intelligent and impressive.”

“Then, let’s start with the spiritual beasts near us to the farthest.”

While Su Zhenxue went to discuss it with the others, Qin Wanwan made a suggestion, “Why don’t we pick the spiritual grass first?”

“Pick the spiritual grass first?” Su Zhenxue was puzzled by her suggestion and Qin Wanwan forced out an awkward smile, “This is our first time in this secret realm and we haven’t figured out the overall situation. Unripe persimmon is hard to pinch, we should pinch the soft ones instead[4]. Therefore, we should start with the spiritual grass, after all the spiritual grass can’t run away.”

Her suggestion was approved by everyone but Jian Xingzhi. However, with four against one, he could only tolerate the outcome with great reluctance. he fished out the map and located the nearby spiritual grass.

Qin Wanwan peeked at the map and cross-checked the location and species of the spiritual grass with the one in the directory. They moved on after they confirmed their target.


Reading the familiar name, Qin Wanwan was a little moved. Different places; Different degrees of preciousness. The cactus she once knew was only an ordinary plant, but in this Cultivation World, cactus was considered as high-grade spiritual grass. 

Bai Suiyou expressed his concern when he saw it was a cactus, “Is there something special about this ‘cactus’? How should we deal with it?”

“As a matter of fact,” Qin Wanwan displayed an absolute assurance, “I have seen it and I am familiar with it.”

As they moved towards their target, the group felt a fluctuation in the surrounding aura, and Jian Xingzhi frowned, “There is an array here.”

“It seems like the cactus has a spiritual consciousness and will do what it can to protect itself.” Bai Suiyou also observed the surrounding area. 

“It’s a high-grade spiritual cactus, after all.” Su Zhenxue was not shaken because of the change. 

Qin Wanwan was also not disturbed in the slightest, “Fear not,” she reassured, “Isn’t it nothing more than just a cactus.”

With that, the group entered the inner location marked on the map.

The place was a huge mountain, with a comparably huge cave on it. The cave vaguely produced some strange but familiar noises. 

The crowd eyed the area, but there were only ordinary plants around. Su Zhenxue muttered to herself, “Seems like the only way is to look inside.”

“We can’t go together at once. If there is an ambush inside, we will be at a disadvantage,” Bai Suiyou pondered, “I will go first.”

“No!” Qin Wanwan volunteered bravely,“Let me!”

“Since when have you been so brave?” Jian Xingzhi could hardly believe his ears. Qin Wanwan was brimmed with conviction, “Just a cactus, what is there to be afraid of.”

“Then Fellow Daoist Qin may go in first,” Bai Suiyou was not without worry to let her volunteer alone, “Please be careful.”

Qin Wanwan accepted his worry with a nod but Jian Xingzhi was still uneasy, “I will go with you.”

Thus, Qin Wanwan and Jian Xinghi entered the cave together.

There was only a glimmer of light inside the cave. The dim environment made Qin Wanwan timid, so Qin Wanwan fumbled for a night pearl to illuminate the path.

Jian Xingzhi crossed his hands in front of his chest and gave her a sidelong glance, “What got into you that make you actively risk yourself this time?”

“You agreed on forming a team, even if reluctantly. So, it implies there must be many dangers here.” Qin Wanwan heard strange noises from the depth of the cave. She instinctively leaned over to Jian Xingzhi and grasped a corner of his sleeve. Jian Xingzhi just looked at her small movement without commenting on it. 

Qin Wanwan gulped before continuing her explanation, “In due course, we will take turns in volunteering. Cactus has no lethality, the only threat is its thorns. Rather than exploring things I am not familiar with, why don’t I show my exemplary conduct and nobility of character by volunteering to take the lead with something I am familiar with. In this way, I won’t need to volunteer again for the next turn.”

“Now that sounds more like what you would do.” Jian Xingzhi was correct to suspect her when she volunteered.

As they went deeper, the noises became louder. Jian Xingzhi knit his brows, “What’s that noise?”

Qin Wanwan listened vigilantly and tentatively answered, “It sounds like… Mahjong?”


Jian Xingzhi was skeptical. Before their eyes, torches appeared on the side of the caves, followed by a door taller than a meter. Qin Wanwan’s heart beat a little quicker. She moved closer to Jian Xingzhi, whispering to herself and Jian XIngzhi to muster up her dying courage. “There must be people living here. We must keep a good attitude. Don’t be intimidating. Let’s ask the way to where the cactus is planted.”

Qin Wanwan’s voice was like an ant, but the clatters of mahjong inside the room stopped when she started speaking. Qin Wanwan was too nervous to notice it and resumed, “When the time comes, let’s find a hoe or a shovel, you are good at digging things, aren’t you? In the case of cactus, start digging to the bottom before uprooting it. Cactus grow in pieces and we can share the points.”

They reached the door after she concluded speaking. 

Jian Xingzhi seemed to anticipate something. He hooked the corner of his lips as he glanced at Qin Wanwan who was quivering like a quail and clenching his sleeve in a death grip, practically hanging onto him, “Knock it.”

Qin Wanwan inhaled deeply. She gathered enough courage before knocking on the door, speaking politely, “Um… Hello… Sorry for disturbing you, we are on our way to…”

The door directly opened, shoving her words back to her throat.

When the gust of cold wind swept past her, the first thing Qin Wanwan saw was a pair of green legs full of thorns, which worryingly looked similar to a cactus. 

Her whole body froze. She mechanically looked up, her gaze moved slowly from bottom to top. In front of her, a huge, muscular cactus stood with a spiked mace in its hands.

The cactus in front of her was not alone. Inside the room, she could faintly see humanoid cacti sitting on several mahjong tables. The cacti carried weapons in their hands, with fierce eyes glaring at them threateningly.

“Just before,” The cactus at the doorway played with the mace on its shoulder. The magnificent muscles bulged up as the mace moved, appearing aggressive. He stared down at Qin Wanwan menacingly, “It was you who said you want to uproot us?”

Qin Wanwan swallowed her saliva. She stepped back calmly and earnestly bowed to show her apology, “Please pardon me.”

After that, she flung away Jian Xingzhi’s sleeve and ran like there was no tomorrow. 

She didn’t forget to inform the people outside, who were enjoying a snack as they waited for them, and shouted,

“The cactus is humongous!!!! Retreat!!! Run for your life!!! AHHH!!!”

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[1] Remember in Ch21, Qin Wanwan put their affiliation as “无门无派” – wú mén wú pài, with the meaning of “We are not affiliated with any sect or faction,” but Zhu Chi took “无门无派” literally and thought it was their sect’s name. 门 – Mén can also mean a Door/Gate. So 无门无派 as a name can mean No Door No School (Sect/Faction) or Sect With a Door.

[2] 躺平‌ – tǎng píng. Giving up hard work to live a comfortable life; do nothing; be a salted fish; enjoy the fruit of other people’s efforts.

[3] 仙女 – xiānnǚ. Female Immortal; Fairy; Celestial Being.

[4]柿子先捡软的捏 – shìzi xiān jiǎn ruǎn de niē. Pick up a soft persimmon (to pinch). Choosing things that are not difficult and easier to accomplish.

Lei’s Corner

This Chapter’s new arrivals are 朱赤 – Zhū Chì (basically mean Vermillion) and 苏枕雪 – Sū Zhěnxuě.

I haven’t checked the manhua until recently, so now I have images to dump below. Mostly JXZ and QWW’s visuals. The manhua plot is a bit rushed and have some minor changes in S2 compared to S1, but anyway, I’m in for the visual only lmao, so idc much about the manhua plot.

I really have to apologize for the image dump haha.

Oh yeah, Suzume is airing in my country and I got to watch it some time ago. Previously, when watching the trailer, I rolled on the ground bc what the heck, the ML turned into a chair-kun? Where did Makoto Shinkai-sensei even got the inspiration to turn the ML into a chair. I’m crying. Hilarious chair-kun aside, I can see why Suzume is popular in Japan, and even gets called as a love letter from Makoto Shinkai to Japan. Unlike Kimi no Na Wa and Tenki No Ko, Suzume focuses more on the adventure part with a tidbit of romance. The story dealt with natural disasters. The places where the worms appeared were where real-life earthquakes took place in Japan. From Kyushu/Kumamoto (2016), Kobe (1995), Tokyo (1923), and Sendai (2011). Each earthquake was worse than the last. As an overseas fan, I didn’t really catch the deep emotions because I only know it from a text, but I get the gits why it is impactful for the native.

The animation for Suzume is breathtaking. The combination of color and contrast play, fluidity, and unique style of Makoto Shinkai. The OSTs are bangers. RADWIMPS never disappoints. My only letdown was the OST “Suzume” only fully played once in the credit.

I love Daijin and I have a feeling from the start that

there is a misunderstanding. Daijin is not the one opening the door, instead, Daijin is leading them to the opened Doors. When Daijin shriveled the moment Suzume said ‘I hate you’ I went AHHH!! NOOO!!! My baby QAQ.

As a certified shit-shoveling officer for a cat, I will never doubt a cat.

Anyway, currently I am back to playing 花亦山心之月, or Hua Yi Shan in short. It’s a joseimuke with great plot and illustrations. There is a TW Server (under the publisher nuverse) that you can download from Play Store or the CN Server that you can download from their website (Login via Douyin, TapTapCN, and one more, which I forgot) or from bilibili (as usual, bilibili have their own Login). No SEA or Global server tho. Hua Yi Shan recently gave their players glass dregs to eat since New Year thus I am now (still not) proficient in eating glass dregs. Soon they will offer us another serving of glass dregs which I (don’t) welcome with open arms. The best character is the MC’s Gege (and Bu Ye, and Xiao Ji, and Xuan Maomao, and-).

Image Dumpster

Click here to avoid the dumpster.

Buff Cactus-kun
CH22 Buff Cactus-kun
Buff Cacti
CH22 Buff Cacti-kun
Qin Wanwan
CH22 Pwetty Qin Wanwan
Jian Xingzhi
CH21 Nanfeng
Su Zhenxue
CH22 Su Zhenxue
Xie Gutang
CH22 ZC (Left); XGT (Mid); SZX (Right)
CH22 *glance*
CH23/24 QWW
The Chibis are just precious
And moar Chibi

In short, I love the close-up shots and the chibis.

Gray eyes = Jian Zhiyan’s appearance. Red eyes= Jian Xingzhi.

Without headdress = Qin Wan’s appearance. With headdress = Qin Wanwan’s.

Other Romance Novels available in Elysian Pit
The Memory Lost in Space by Tong Hua [Interstellar]
A man with no future and a woman with no past, what will their end be?
The Villains I Raised All Died by Mo Shu Bai [QT]
Dying for others sucks.
Low IQ Supporting Female, Waiting for Death Online by Wei Ke [QT]
Dying for others sucks (2)
The Husband was the Long Aotian by Mo Shu Bai [Transmigration]
I just want to be a Salted Fish… – the FL, most likely.
The Sword Immortal was My Ex-Boyfriend by Mo Shu Bai [Transmigration]
Ai? Why is this Sword Immortal similar to my Ex from the 21st Century? – the FL, most likely.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2971

Click here to go back to footnotes

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1 thought on “TXW Chapter 22”

  1. All of them are so pretty?! The chibis are so cute?! Jian Pup is so cute?! His pouting is just clutch heart

    And Jian Xingzhi glancing at Qin Wanwan!!! Wwww I ship.

    Buff Cactus is something I never knew I needed in my life.

    I haven’t watched Suzume yet but I have listened to the ost like crazy. 🥲

    Ohh, I have heard of Hua Yi Shan, but sadfully there is no EN server so I can’t understand anything 🥲🥲🥲


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