TXW Chapter 25

Chapter 25

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Jian Xingzhi was having a crisis in his mind. He pinged the System, “666, do the additional routes you mentioned before include the Lily[1] route?”

666 shared the same dilemma as him, “It’s… not impossible……”

Upon hearing this, Jian Xingzhi’s gaze at Su Zhenxue became weird. Qin Wanwan glanced at Jian Xingzhi and caught he was staring at Su Zhenxue. She coughed lightly and squinted her eyes at him, signaling him not to stare so openly at the beauty and do it moderately. 

“Then, it’s settled,” Qin Wanwan took a deep breath, revealing her conviction of sending herself to Death’s doorstep with grace, “Everyone, I’m going. Aotian,” Qin Wanwan inclined her head at Jian Xingzhi, “If… If something happens, I will call your name. You have to come, okay.”

“I will, absolutely,” Jian Xingzhi trailed off, teasing her, “run away as fast as I can.”

Qin Wanwan was in disbelief at his words. Jian Xingzhi continued to tease her with a stern face, “This chicken can send me soaring with one kick. Fellow Daoist, your matter is yours to deal with, and my matter is mine to deal with[2]. I don’t have the hobby of courting death ah.”

“Then… then… If I encounter danger…”

“Fellow Daoist Qin, don’t worry, “Su Zhenxue declared, “In this secret realm, I will protect your safety.”

“Fellow Daoist Su,” Qin Wanwan teared up, “You are a good person.”

“That’s it,” Jian Xingzhi raised his hand and smacked Qin Wanwan on the back, “Get to work.”

Qin Wanwan glared at him. She clenched her fist and headed down the hill. 

As soon as she arrived at the lake, she heard Jian Xingzhi’s voice in her ear, “If that perverted chicken[3] dares to do something, just call out my name.”

Qin Wanwan was startled. She then perceived a distinct spiritual power gliding on her back.  On her back, Jian Xingzhi actually placed a body-swapping spell on her, when activated they would switch position at once

The uneasiness in her heart evaporated. She discovered that Jian Xingzhi was a reliable person, even if most of the time he appeared to be not. With Jian Xingzhi as her backer, her guts were a lot bigger. 

She lifted her hand and patted her hair to ensure that her hair was in perfect condition. She stood at the entrance as she pondered what to say to the chicken. She hadn’t got to think of it when she saw the chicken jerked to its feet. The entrance gate was slammed open by the chicken at lightning speed. It stood in front of Qin Wanwan with sparkling eyes. 


The chicken gave a loud shout and Qin Wanwan froze on the spot. It took a long time before she managed to offer a fearful smile, “Hi?”

“Beauty, are you passing by? Would you like to come in and have a cup of tea?”

The chicken was so excited that its feet kept bouncing. 

Qin Wanwan discerned that getting along with the chicken was presumably a lot easier than what she expected. Qin Wanwan bowed her head shyly and her smile turned soft, “I was passing by. I saw that the scenery was nice and planned to take a walk. So, I don’t think that would be convenient, Sir, I’m sorry [4].

“A walk?”

The turkey was taken aback and it subconsciously glanced at the yard behind it. Qin Wanwan looked sheepishly at it, “Ji… Ji-gege[5]. Are you familiar with this place?”

The “Ji-gege” shot straight to its heart and it pecked fast.  “I know this place like the back of my hand ah!”

“Then….” Qin Wanwan’s eyes shifted to the side, “Is it convenient for you to show me around?”

“That…” The chicken hesitated. Qin Wanwan blinked her eyes, full of expectation. The chicken thought of how long it had been since it found someone to talk with and hardened its resolve, “Give me a second.”

With that, it spun around and locked the door to the courtyard. It jogged back with gusto, “Beauty, let’s go, I’ll show you around.”

Qin Wanwan smiled and tilted her face to the direction of the hillside and winked, giving them a green signal.

Three out of four people’s minds lying on the hillside crashed from her wink and they froze. 

Bai Suiyou was the first to recover and sighed, “Fellow Daoist Qin is truly a goddess descending to the world, her beauty will be the downfall of cities and countries[6].”

Nanfeng stared blankly at Qin Wanwan. “I didn’t expect my Master to be the calamitous beauty in the legend.”

Su Zhenxue’s eyes never strayed from the direction where Qin Wanwan was leaving. She  responded with a hum, “Mn.”

Jian Xingzhi leapt up to his feet from the ground. He was baffled with their reactions, “What are you guys dozing off for? Let’s go with our plan!”

The four of them hustled towards the manor, but a barrier was set up at the entrace. Bai Suiyou immediately reacted, “I will set up an array first so the chicken won’t be alarmed if we broke the barrier.”

Bai Suiyou painted an array with a bunch of strokes. He sent a nod to Su Zhenxue after he was done. Su Zhenxue accumulated enough power in her palm and fired it at the barrier, but the barrier was left unscratched. 

The four people looked at each other. Nanfeng gingerly asked from the side, “What is… this?”

From Nanfeng’s question, Jian Xingzhi spotted a square with nine boxes on it, with numbers from one to nine written on them. Su Zhenxue grimaced, “This… Could it be that we can only open the door using this?”

“Lao Qin.”

Jian Xingzhi addressed Qin Wan, “Ask that chicken how to open the gate, the barrier can’t be broken with force.”

“Ji-gege,” Qin Wanwan acted normal, as if Jian Xingzhi never contacted her, and peered at the chicken next to her, “You accompanied me here and left your house unguarded, are you not afraid that a thief will break into your house?”

“Why should I be afraid?” The chicken puffed up, “My barrier is unique. You must enter the correct number to open it. Even if Immortals descended from the sky, as long as they don’t know the password, they will never be able to crack my barrier open.”

“So amazing?” Qin Wanwan’s eyes were full of adoration. Jian Xingzhi and the three other people who were watching trembled from her gaze.

Qin Wanwan fished for more information, “Then, what if you forget the password?”

“How could that happen?” The chicken was proud, “My password is super easy to remember.”

“Is it your birthday?”

“No!” The chicken laughed, “It’s my name in pinyin.”

Qin Wanwan was surprised, Pinyin[7] exists in this world?

“You don’t know it, do you?” the chicken bragged, “This is the encryption method I learned from an ancient secret book. The book has a 9-key input method[8] written down in it. I set up an encryption box based on it using my name as the password so I will never forget the password.”

Upon hearing that, Qin Wanwan beamed, “Speaking of which, after all this time, I still don’t know Gege‘s name, right?”

“I am the Master of this secret realm, the King of the Chicken Kings,” the chicken stepped forward. It bowed to Qin Wanwan with one wing in front of him and the other behind. “Ji Wuyou.”

Ah,” Qin Wanwan faced the sky, “It’s getting late. Ji-gege, I’m a bit tired. I’ll leave first. Goodbye.”

Qin Wanwan did an U-turn and sprinted. She whispered, “54989868[9]

Ji Wuyou reacted a beat later, “Wait! Why are you running?”

Qin Wanwan had obtained the password and she had no intention to lower her speed. She speculated that if Ji Wuyou could set up a meticulous barrier with a password, it was not outlandish for it to place an alarm on the barrier. Once Jian Xingzhi and the others broke the barrier, the chicken would certainly be notified. Qin Wanwan dreaded she wouldn’t be spared if she stayed there for a moment longer. 

She dashed in the opposite direction of the lake. If the chicken wanted to save the spiritual cubs and seedlings, it couldn’t chase her; if the chicken ignored the spiritual cubs and seedlings, she would shout Long Aotian’s name. 

The abacus in Qin Wanwan’s mind clacked and she was proud of her good calculation. She urged Jian Xingzhi, “Quick, open the barrier!”

Jian Xingzhi was not slacking around either. The moment he heard the password, he turned back and stared seriously at the nine boxes. He reached out with his finger and,,, pressed each number with speed comparable to a sloth. 

This Qin Wanwan has no experience in actual combat, just count this as a chance for her to apply her training in action. 

Qin Wanwan was pursued by the chicken and scrambled with all her might, leaving behind her calamitous beauty image. She kept pressing Jian Xingzhi, “Hurry up ah!!!”

“Almost there,” Jian Xingzhi tent an ear to Qin Wanwan’s undulating gasp as she madly galloped away from the chicken. He curbed the amusement in his heart and was not in a haste to enter the password. The people next to him gaped at him in disbelief. They wished to say something, but didn’t dare to disturb him.  The silence lasted for a while before Bai Suiyou couldn’t remain quiet, “Fellow Daoist Long, how about you tell me the password and let me input it?”

“No need,” Jian Xingzhi turned down Bai Suiyou’s offer. “This needs to be done with utmost caution, we must be extra careful.”

With that, Jian XIngzhi pushed the last number and the whole barrier blasted into rays of light.

Ji Wuyou, who was chasing Qin Wanwan, was astounded. He realized at once, “You tricked me!”

“Now you found out, go back and save your cubs!!!” Qin Wanwan hollered, “They are going to take all your cubs away!!!”

“Then so be it! Anyway, those cubs are not mine,” Ji Wuyou’s words made Qin Wanwan stagger.

The chicken unfurled its wing and a long silk bolted toward Qin Wanwan. “If they took my cubs, they you must stay here to birth me my own cubs!”

Qin Wanwan rolled on the spot to evade the long silk. The image of a family photo of her with a group chick and Ji Wuyou emerged in her mind. She shuddered and yelped agitatedly for help, “Long Aotian, are you not done yet?! Be quicker and save me!”

“Almost, almost.”

Jian Xingzhi took his sweet time to open the manor’s barrier and began to scout for spiritual cubs with the group. He kept his ear to the chaos[10] on Qin Wanwan’s side as he meticulously selected a cute baby panda to put into his basket. He sighed with sentiment, “Our side does not have it easy ah. There are plenty of traps and tricks. It’s really scary. Try to buy us more time.”

Listening to JIan Xingzhi’s nonsense, the three people surveying around for spiritual beasts casted a blank look at him. Jian Xingzhi delivered a disingenuous “ah” cry and held up a baby panda, “This panda actually fired a freezing arrow at me!”

“I am at my limit!!!”

Qin Wanwan screamed. She frenziedly persisted in dodging the long silk.

“Then, do your best to break past your limit.”

There was no murderous intent on Ji Wuyou’s attack, but its power was much higher than Qin Wanwan. She could only run away from him, completely leaving her body to her instinct as she stumbled to escape the long silk.

Jian Xingzhi flippantly checked the projection. He picked up a panda: “Qin Wan, do you prefer a fatter panda or a thinner one?”

“Long Aotian!!”

Qin Wanwan eventually realized Jian Xingzhi was playing a trick on her the instant she heard his question. 

With her mind distracted, Qin Wanwan blocked the long silk with her sword with a “ding” rather than evading it. Ji Wuyou’s eyes narrowed, and the silk immediately wrapped around Qin Wanwan’s wrist.

Qin Wanwan struggled as Ji Wuyou approached her, “Woman. I am not a chicken you can play with. You have to pay the price for deceiving me.”

“Ji-ge……” Qin Wanwan was about to cry, “I was wrong, Sir please have mercy…”

“Why are you crying?” Ji Wuyou was stumped, “Don’t you think I’m handsome? Don’t cry. Come on, give Gege a kiss.”

Ji Wuyou closed his eyes. Qin Wanwan desperately retreated to the corner. 

At this moment, Qin Wanwan heard Jian Xingzhi, his mischievous tone was no more. He seriously told her,  “Qin Wan, call my name.”

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“Long Aotian!!”

Qin Wanwan shouted his name. And at once, she felt a moment of lightweights and Jian Xingzhi switched positions with her.

Jian Xingzhi cut the long silk on his wrist with his sword and fished a panda from the basket behind his back,, He used it as a projectile, sending it to fly it to the chicken’s head. 

Ji Wuyou was afraid of hurting the cub and caught the baby panda. Using that chance, Jian Xingzhi struck Ji Wuyou square on the chest and instructed Qin Wanwan, “Take the group to leave!”

Jian Xingzhi: “You guys go ahead!” 

Qin Wanwan picked two spiritual beasts and hugged them in her arms. She relayed his order to the group.

She hung her head and asked Jian Xingzhi, “Then what about you?”

“I have received the pass,” Jian Xingzhi ran with pandas on his back while sidestepping the chicken’s attack. He triggered the pass in his hand, “To the Sword Mound!”

The points had been collected as instructed and once prompted, the nameplate issued by Tian Jian Sect would bring him to the Sword Mound. 

Qin Wanwan could put her heart at rest when she heard it. She hugged the two spiritual beasts and closed her eyes to activate her pass. She watched the nameplate light up and felt a slight tremor on the ground. 

A female voice came from the sky, “Congratulations to Tian Jian Sect Su Zhenxue, Guicheng Bai Suiyou, No Sect No Faction Nanfeng, Qin Wanwan, Long Aotian……”

The announcement was interrupted by a loud boom.

Everyone paused in their movement. They were all aware the loud noise was abnormal. Ji Wuyou stopped fighting Jian Xingzhi and fixed its gaze to the sky. At that instant, it hurried back to his manor. 

Jian Xingzhi weighed it and settled on tailing it.

One person and one chicken flashed toward the manor. 

Most of the people and beasts in the entire secret realm stared at the sky, feeling the eerie silence was haunting.

In the dreadful silence, a crack formed on the sky, like a piece of porcelain, Nanfeng’s eyes dilated, “The sky… the sky cracked!”

Qin Wanwan looked at the sky and sensed something stirring in her body, as if responding to something.

Su Zhenxue turned her head to Nanfeng, “Try crushing your nameplate.”

Nanfeng hesitated, “Won’t I be transported out of the secret realm if I crushed it? I……”

“Nanfeng,” Qin Wanwan’s eyes did not move away from the sky. She stared at the sky as it slowly cracked. She was solemn, “Crush it.”

By her order, Nanfeng took out his name plate and crushed it, causing it to shatter, but nothing happened. He stayed in place.

“What’s going on here?” Nanfeng was bewildered.

“The passage to this secret realm is blocked.”

Su Zhenxue stated the reason as she frowned tightly. 

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It was at this moment that Ji Wuyou arrived at the manor. It slammed the gate open and the entire manor lit up. The light spread all the way towards the periphery. Ji Wuyou stood on the roof and clucked, “Cuckoo!”

As if it was a summon. the ground on the perimeter quaked. All the spiritual beasts began to gallop towards the manor.

Jian Xingzhi reached the manor not long after. After Ji Wuyou alarmed the surrounding beasts, it turned to look at Jian Xingzhi and his party. Ji Wuyou was uncharacteristically grave, “Something happened outside the realm. The Spiritual Aura sustaining this secret realm is drained and this realm will collapse at any moment. My array is only enough to protect the spiritual beasts. If you want to live, leave this secret realm at once.”

Ji Wuyou sat cross-legged on the roof. it closed his eyes and initiated the array.

The surrounding area began to change from transparent to half-glazed and the sky was slowly sinking.

Su Zhenxue turned her head and swept a cirlce at them. She unexpectedly said, “You guys go leave this place,”

“Leave? How?” Qin Wanwan was momentarily dazed. 

Su Zhenxue revealed a bead on her hand, “I will open the passage. Go quickly.”

“What about you…”

Qin Wanwan sensed the Spiritual Aura of someone in the Apotheosis Realm[11] suffused the air. Su Zhenxue injected her Spiritual Aura to the bead and tossed it to the sky. The bead moprhed into a swirling gate in the sky right away. Xie Gutang’s voice emanated from Su Zhenxue’s mouth and it echoed throughout the secret realm, “To all the participants of the Sword Test Conference, the secret realm is about to collapse. Please evacuate throught the gate immediately.”

As she spoke, ‘Su Zhenxue’ transformed into a tall and slender cultivator in a purple brocade,  

Jian Xingzhi stilled, and a moment later, he murmured, “This explains all the weirdness from before!”

He was right to doubt ‘her’!

Xie Gutang ignored his comment and looked at Qin Wanwan, “Go.”

Xie Gutang drew his sword and sliced his palm. He created an array using his blood and pierced his sword into the ground. He sat cross-legged and gathered Qi for the array. 

A pillar of light shot straight into the sky, but halfway, it seemed as if it had exhausted itself and stopped in place.

Jian Xingzhi saw through his intention and smirked at him, “Does Xie-daojun need a hand?”

“No,” Xie Gutang closed his eyes to focus, “This is a matter of the Tian Jian Sect. there is no need for any of you to get involved. Leave here as soon as you can.”

Qin Wanwan did not make any sound.

She saw the sky sink bit by bit and countless cultivators flew from the forest to the swirling gate. Only after all the cultivators evacuated would Xie Gutang leave, but by that time, with the height of the pillar to support the falling sky, Xie Gutang might not be able to leave smoothly. 

The gear in Qin Wanwan’s was rotating fast.

She grabbed her sword from her waist and pointed it to the sky, drawing an array in the air. 

Jian Xingzhi glanced at what she was doing and he was startled. By inspecting the array she drew mid-air, even if the array was not yet done and the line was a bit out of shape, he could vaguely discern that it was an array of the Immortal Realm.  

Before, he discovered that Qin Wan could use the heavenly spells, but he regarded it as fortuitous coincidence. It was not that surprising to see a few low-level heavenly spells in the Cultivation Realm, after all.

Once was an accident, but twice? Not to mention that this array was considered to be one of the high-level arrays in the Immortal Realm 

And the most important thing… it was apparent that this was Qin Wanwan’s first time to draw this array. The array was drawn so crookedly that Jian Xingzhi couldn’t bear to look at it. He lifted his hands and covered her hands from behind. 

Spiritual Power poured into Qin Wanwn’s hands as he guided her, “Draw it like this.”

Qin Wanwan felt pain in her hand, so painful that she overlooked her hands being held by Jian Xingzhi. She had no time to think about anything else. With her willpower, she drew the array stroke by stroke with Jian Xingzhi as her guide and laid down the array on the ground. The pillar of light that Xie Gutang made immediately beamed up to the sky, holding up the crumbling sky. 

Xie Gutang opened his eyes and his gaze crossed with Qin Wanwan across the light pillar.

Looking past the rays of light, the girl’s eyes were radiant and clear.

“Xie-daojun,” said Qin Wanwan, “This array can amplify your Spiritual Aura. I am aware that I am no use if I stay here, even, maybe I will become a burden. So, I can only help you this much. Please take care.”

“Fellow Daoist Qin…” Bai Suiyou watched as Qin Wanwan ceaselessly poured her Spirituak Power to the array. He couldn’t help but to remind her, “You still have to enter the Sword Mound later…”

Choosing a sword in the Sword Mound was more atrocious than passing the Sword Test Conference. If they lacked Spiritual Power during the process, they may be counterattacked by the Sword Spirit. 

Qin Wanwan couldn’t care less about it. She bowed her head and used her remaining Spiritual Power on the array. When she was done, she wobbled to the side, but she stabilized herself before she could fall. She turned away and called Jian Xingzhi, “Let’s go.”

Jian Xingzhi did not say much. With a wave of his hand, the sword on Qin Wanwan’s waist whirred out to him and he brought Qin Wanwan to fly using her sword. 

Other cultivators were also flying to the gate. 

Jian Xingzhi stood with Qin Wanwan on her sword while Nanfeng returned into his ant form and hung on Qin Wanwan’s shoulder. Bai Suiyou soared on his mourning stick, showing his concern. “Fellow Daoist Qin, after you enter the Sword Mound, don’t be in a hurry to find your sword, you should rest first and recover your Spiritual Power. Use that time to make a plan on how to avoid the backlash from the Sword Spirit.”

“She does not have to worry about it,” Jian Xingzhi lightly said as he stood in front of Qin Wanwan, “There is me to back her up.”

He would like to see, which Sword Spirit had the guts to make troubles in front of him.

Bai Suiyou was taken aback by his claim. Jian Xingzhi rode the wind with the sword and led Qin Wanwan to the entrance of the gate. Bai Suiyou entered the gate, but Jian Xingzhi hovered near the gate. 

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“Long Aotian?”

Qin Wanwan didn’t understand why Jian Xingzhi suddenly stopped. Jian Xingzhi took a look at the dim light pillar next to him. He side-eyed Qin Wanwan,’”Qin Wan, to help Xie Gutang, you have drained your Spiritual Power to the last drop. When you enter the Sword Mound later, how will you choose your sword?”

“Even if I can’t choose a sword for myself,” Qin Wanwan smiled, “It’s worth it. Can a sword be more important than human life?”

“You make a good point.”

Jian Xingzhi approved her words. He thought for a moment before looking at her again, “Qin Wan, I have taught you so much. Have you ever thought about how you are going to repay me?'”

Qin Wanwan’s mind blanked. Countless conjectures floated through her mind.

What does it usually mean for a man to asks a woman to repay his favor?

In stories, a woman’s repayment of favor to a man was nothing else but, to knot the grass and carry a ring; to devote her herself to him. [12]

Why did he bring up this matter out of nowhere?

Could it be….

The prettiest woman in his mind was her, Qin Wanwan, and he may be in love with her in the Immortal Realm. He asked her to repay the favor,  could it be that he knew that she was Qin Wanwan of the Immortal Realm?

Nononono. It made no sense. She never said that she was Qin Wanwan, and he shouldn’t know that. Or maybe… because she was wearing her original face from the Immortal Realm, Jian Xingzhi was trying to make her a substitute?!

No. That also made no sense. This Long Aotian didn’t seem to be that kind of scumbag! Or… did he have a crush on the current her?

Numerous guesses reverberated in Qin Wanwan’s mind. Jian Xingzhi waited for a while and  glimpsed at the precarious light pillar next to him. 

“I will give you two choices.”

“What… what choice…” Qin Wanwan gulped, her heart was pounding fast.

She was clear on one thing. If he wanted to use her as a substitute, she would refuse firmly!

If he wanted the current her… then… then…she… may also have to politely refuse. After all, his brain was not very bright. If she must choose a type of person she would give her heart to, her type would be…

Jian Xingzhi[13].

To be precise, her type was a ‘Jian Xingzhi’ that wouldn’t beat people at every single turn.

Attractive. Powerful. Reserved.

A First Class Male God.

And, last but not least, a person who wouldn’t pick a fight at every given chance.

That was her type. If the one that made such a request was the optimized version of Jian Xingzhi, she would be glad to fulfill the request. 

If she had to take a step back, then at least that person should be like Xie Gutang. Compared to them, this Long Aotian… was like someone who couldn’t finish even basic elementary school. A big no-no for her.

Qin Wanwan made up her mind. She was ready to refuse when at the same time, Jian Xingzhi gave her the option, “To acknowledge me as your Father or your Shifu.[14]

Qin Wanwan widened her eyes in shock at him. Jian Xingzhi clasped her wrists and launched her violently toward the gate, “Think carefully about it in the Sword Mound and give me an answer when I come back! “


The wind whizzed. Nanfeng grasped Qin Wanwan by the shoulders, circling like a boomerang as they were thrown to the gate.

Qin Wanwan was thrown out for the third time by Jian Xingzhi, and by the time she realized the situation, she couldn’t hold back the scolding in her mouth and shouted. 

“I would rather die!”[15]

The author has something to say: 

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【Mini Theater】

Jian Xingzhi: “I have got my eye on you.”[16]

Qin Wanwan: “That… that doesn’t sound like a good thing? I一”

Jian Xingzhi: “Call me Father or call me Shifu. Choose.”

Qin Wanwan: “……”


Supporting Male A: “Qianbei, I am sincere to Wanwan… may you give us your blessing?”

Supporting Male B: “Qianbei, Wanwan and I are a match made in Heaven. Could you please  preside over the wedding for us?”

Supporting Male C: “Qianbei, Wanwan said, ‘Call me Father or call me Shifu’ and told me to choose. Qianbei, which one do you think is the right choice?

Jian Xingzhi: “Call me Qianbei one more time and I’ll knock your heads off.”

Supporting Males: “Then what should we call you?”

Jian Xingzhi, “Call me Qin Wanwan’s Daoist Companion. Five words. Be careful with what you call me from now on.”

666 : “Mathematics is taught in vain…” *sigh* [17]

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[1] 百合 – bǎi hé. Lily. The GL genre in Chinese Forum is labelled as Lily.

[2] 死道友不死贫道 – sǐ dào yǒu bù sǐ pín dào. Lit. The death of Fellow Daoist is not this Poor Daoist’s death. is (Fellow Daoist its the other person and Poor Daosit is themselves). It’s none of my business; It is to harm the interests of others for their own interests.

[3] 老色鸡 – lǎo sè jī. Old chicken (who likes) color. Perverted Chicken

[4] 您 – nín. (respectful) You.

[5] 鸡 – . Chicken.

[6] Calamitous beauty. 天仙下凡 – tiān xiān xià fán. 倾国倾城 – qīng guó qīng chéng. One’s beauty was enough to overthrow cities and ruin the state.

[7] 拼音 – pīn yīn. Phonetic alphabet. In Chinese, there is 汉语拼音 – hàn yǔ pīn yīn. 汉语 is the chinese characters and pinyin is the romanization. 汉语 (This is the Hanyu) – hàn yǔ (This is the Pinyin). The Latin alphabet (abc-xyz) may not be something that exists in this world setting, so Qin Wanwan was surprised that pinyin, which used alphabet, exist.

[8] Also known as PhonePad. Good ol’ keyboard layout that was used in mobile phones (but everything changed when the fire nation QWERTY layout attacked). 

[9] 2-abc, 3-def, 4- ghi, 5-jkl, 6-mno, 7-pqrs, 8-tuv, 9-wxyz. 



Another joke is, 54989868 (wǔ sì jiǔ bā jiǔ bā liù bā) sounds like a version of “I am the most awesome”. 54 is wǒ shì, I am; 8 sounds the same as ba (Father), while 9 and 6 is basically “awesome”. To call oneself ‘Father’ in Chinese is akin to asserting dominance. Father is a figure that must be respected, after all. That’s why it’s common to see “Call me Father” or “I am your Father” in Cnovel.

[10] 鸡飞狗跳 – jī fēi gǒu tiào. Chicken flying, Dog jumping. A chaos; A mess.

[11] 化神 – huà shén. Lit. Transforming into Divine Being/God. Supposedly above the Nascent Soul Realm and below the Mahayana Realm.

[12] 结草衔环 – jié cǎo xián huán. lit. Knot the grass and carry a ring. It is an idiom to repay one’s favor. Grass knot and ring are tokens of repaying kindness in the story of “The Commentary of Zou” and “Yang Bao”. Later, these two tokens, the grass knot and the ring were combined to form a phrase that one should repay the favor they received/your kindness will be repaid with kindness.

以身相许 – yǐ shēn xiāng xǔ. To pledge oneself to another. To devote yourself to other. To be meant for each other.

[13] As in, Jian Xingzhi in the Immortal Realm, not Jian Xingzhi’s in Jian Zhiyan’s body because Qin Wanwan is not aware that Long Aotian (Jian Xingzhi in Jian Zhiyan’s body) is Jian Xingzhi.

[14] 认爹还是认师父 – rèn diē háishì rèn shīfu. 爹 – diē‘ Father. It’s not literally asking her to acknowledge him as her father. No no. In a sense, it is more like “Acknowledge me as your Boss/Superior” because a father is a person that can control your life and have all honor above you, so to admit others as your father is like admitting they are the boss and you are their subordinate.

[15] 我认你爹的头 !- wǒ rèn nǐ diē de tóu!. Lit. “I admit your father’s head!” Your head is actually considered an insult in Chinese because it’s not polite… So…  ‘I admit your father’s head’ is the same as “Call you Father my ass!”

[16] 我看上你了 – wǒ kàn shàng nǐ le. I have a crush on you/I fancy you. It literally means “I have got my eye on you” but it is generally used with the connotation that you fancy them or you have a crush on them, not like what Jian Xingzhi did lol

[17] Og text is 秦婉婉的道侣. 6 words. But, Jian Xingzhi said it is five words. Implicating his failure in mathematics and cementing Qin Wanwan’s opinion that ‘This‘Long Aotian… was like someone who couldn’t finish even basic elementary school’.

Lei’s Corner

Long Corner, click here to skip.

‘Your head’ is not really ‘your head’ as an insult, it’s like saying ‘there is something wrong with your brain!’, ‘you can’t even think of the answer? so stupid?’, ‘you have a screw loose in your brain!’ and the kind.

Some weird spaces in the content is because I put small (5px) white text of “Do not support theft: Please read the original translation at Elysian Pit WordPress (elysianpit.com)“. My translation of THLA isn’t stolen (yet) but I put it here just in case because Ry’s WFDO translation got stolen. Funnily, even her Corner got stolen lmao. Sorry for those who read this in WordPress Reader App, I know the formatting doesn’t work in the app.

I was wondering where I had heard the name Ji Wuyou because it sounds familiar, then I remembered… Ji Wuyou (姬无忧) is Ji Tianbai’s name… wuwuwuwuwuuwuwuwuw 姬天白-gege. 

Anyway, no panda was harmed in the making of this episode.

Honestly, when typing on phone, for Chinese I prefer a QWERTY keyboard, but for Japanese I prefer a 9Key hiragana keyboard.  


A fun fact, in the RAW, never have ever Su Zhenxue is referred as “她”/she in the narrative. It’s always “Su Zhenxue this” or “Su Zhenxue that”. It can work in the Chinese RAW because “她” can be deducted from the paragraph as long as there is already a subject beforehand, in this case, Su Zhenxue. 

Qin Wanwan issued a “Good Person” Card, it’s very effective!

Probably, when the crisis passed, Qin Wanwan fell into a though, “So the dignified Shixiong of Tian Jian Sect has a special hobby of crossdressing… I see, I see. I understand. Who am I to judge, right?”


Long Story Short

“The Commentary of Zuo,” is about a bureaucrat who married his dead father’s concubine to another person instead of having her buried along with his father as was the custom at that time. In order to repay that person for sparing his daughter, the father of concubine tangled that person enemy with rope knotted from grass, saving that person’s life.

As for the story of Yang Bao, it is about a famous scholar in the Han Dynasty, who saved a yellow finch that had been injured by an eagle when he was nine years old . A hundred days later the finch recovered and flew away. The finch returned at night and said, “I am the messenger sent by Queen Mother of the West. I am very grateful to you for saving me.” Then, the finch took out four crystal clear rings that offered protection to his family.


As I translated this chapter, I was wondering. Have we seen a list of the Realm ranking for this novel??? Have I ever put a list of the Realm ranking???

Anyway, in my general knowledge of MSB’s novel, the Realm ranking is:

  1. Qi Condensation (凝气 – níngqì);
  2. Foundation Establishment (筑基 – zhùjī);
  3. Core Formation (结丹 – jiēdān);
  4. Golden Core (金丹 – jīndān);
  5. Nascent Soul (元婴 – yuányīng);
  6. Apotheosis (化神 – huà shén/分神 – fēn shén);
  7. Syncretic (合体 – hé tǐ);
  8. Tribulation Crossing/Catastrophe Period (渡劫 – dù jié); and
  9. Mahayana (大乘 – dà chéng)/Immortal Ascension (成仙 – chéngxiān).

I’m not sure what are used in this novel though. In TVIRAD, the existing realm and its ranking is realm no 2,4,5,6,8 and 9. In TSIME, it is no 1, 2, 4, 5, Enlightenment, 7, 9, 8. I’m not sure about Jian Xun Qian Shan because none of us translated it, but it should be roughly the same. And, as you can see, there is an inconsistency in every Xianxia novel.

Previously I followed Ry and translated 化神 and 合体 as Transformation Period and Combination Period respectively because high chance Ry’s brain already short-circuited from all the Xianxia’s terms and just went ‘whatever, it is as it is’. Later Ry mentioned in passing that Apotheosis and Syncretic sound a lot better and I thought so too. And when I was translating this chapter, I checked on her TVIRAD translation to cheat and found that she had edited it to Apotheosis and Syncretic lmao. Sneaky ain’tcha.


As a member of Jian Xingzhi’s Protection Squad, lemme say this ya. 

Jian Xingzhi as a Senior let Qin Wanwan get experience on actual combat. Also, in the previous chapter, we know that:

Jian Xingzhi’s view on the world is: “the strong make the rules and the weak can only be bullied.” So, Jian Xingzhi lets Qin Wanwan face danger in hope she can be strong enough not to be bullied while keeping her safety in check.

Qin Wanwan’s view on the world is: “the genuinely strong make the rules to protect the weak, only the phony will bully the weak.” So, Qin Wanwan will help those who she can help, because her concept is the strong protect the weak

This will be one of the growth experiences for JXZ and QWW. Both of them are not perfect from the beginning. 

It is also interesting that because of the system, Jian Xingzhi, a man of action, is required to be a salted fish; Qin Wanwan, a salted fish, is required to be a man of action. As a result, Jian Xingzhi will push Qin Wanwan to action and Qin Wanwan will drag Jian Xingzhi to be a salted fish. It is their main contradiction and an important driving force for the development of the plot.

Both of them are miserable. Standing from the perspective of Qin Wanwan, she is being pulled by Jian Xingzhi to practice sword and pushed to confront the chicken by herself. While from Jian Xingzhi’s perspective, whether it is encountering Illusion Ant or Cactus, Qin Wanwan is constantly running away and he isn’t allowed to do the task by himself, frustrating him to no end. 

Although wimpy, Qin Wanwan doesn’t become a bird whose wings are clipped. She can be brave and resourceful when facing creepy Chicken-gege; Although short-tempered, Jian Xingzhi doesn’t become a reckless person. He is measured, when he pushed Qin Wanwan to face the chicken, he also prepared a body-switching spell so nothing will go wrong with Qin Wanwan.

So at present, the two are in a state of mutual pitfalls.

Personally, I like this kind of bickering couple. *looking at MLiS Volume 2* Yes. I love bickering couple.


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind me that I still have ongoing translations in hands (and someone does read my translations). ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Up up.

Other Romance Novels available in Elysian Pit
The Memory Lost in Space by Tong Hua [Interstellar]
A man with no future and a woman with no past, what will their end be?
The Villains I Raised All Died by Mo Shu Bai [QT]
Dying for others sucks.
Low IQ Supporting Female, Waiting for Death Online by Wei Ke [QT]
Dying for others sucks (2)
The Husband was the Long Aotian by Mo Shu Bai [Transmigration]
I just want to be a Salted Fish… – the FL, most likely.
The Sword Immortal was My Ex-Boyfriend by Mo Shu Bai [Transmigration]
Ai? Why is this Sword Immortal similar to my Ex from the 21st Century? – the FL, most likely.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4507

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