WfDO Chapter 88

Arc 5
The Vicious Supporting Female Is the Real Daughter (16)

Welcome back, thief

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How do you do? Still having fun stealing this?

From Chen Xiaolong’s mouth, Ye Tao heard a lot of things about Ye Wei. He learned the reason why Ye Wei could endure hardships, not because she had a high threshold of endurance, but because since she was sensible enough to work, there would be an endless stream of workload for her from time to time. Ye Wei was always at the beck and call of the Chen Family. In the Chen Family, Chen Weiguo and his wife were used to bossing Ye Wei around. Washing clothes was a trivial order from them. As long as there was work to do, then Ye Wei would be the one to be called on. 

It didn’t stop at that. Chen Weiguo and his wife were sloth. Most of the time, when Ye Wei returned from the field, she had to cook meals for the family of three. Any delicious food wouldn’t be given to her. If there was meat to eat, Chen Weiguo’s wife would be the one preparing the meal, but it would only be for the three of them and Ye Wei could only eat the leftovers. 

How could there be such despicable people in this world?

He couldn’t imagine her grievance and pain. Just a few days of busy work had knocked him ill,  His body seemed not to be his own from the weariness. Sometimes, when he thought of the upcoming works, he felt that doing those jobs were worse than death. 

It was only a few days. He only worked for a few days. It was nowhere comparable to what Ye Wei had experienced. 

Ye Tao all the more intended to take Ye Wei and Grandma Chen out of the Chen Family. To continue staying in this shitty place was to prolong their suffering. 

He sent Chen Xiaolong away and threatened to break his leg if he dared to order Ye Wei again! 

Chen Xiaolong, who always bullied the weak and feared the strong, pecked his head fast. He ran away crying from the grievance, only to turn around and shout, “I will tell my Papa to beat you!!!”

Ye Tao sneered, “Just tell him. I would like to see how he will dare to beat me. If he dares to, then I won’t be polite.”

Chen Xiaolong bounced in fright and ran away without looking back. 

After Ye Tao returned, he directly went to find Ye Wei to discuss bringing Grandma Chen away from here. “Grandma is old, her body can’t stand to continue working like this. She could have not been burdened with these works, but Chen Weiguo is an unfilial son and can’t be reiled on. She has worked hard all her life, it’s time for her to rest and enjoy a leisurely life.”

And Ye Wei, too, didn’t wish for Grandma Chen to work so hard anymore. “I have mentioned it to Grandma before and asked her to come with me, but Grandma refused.”

Ye Tao was taken aback, “Why? Life in this village is so hard, why does she want to stay here?'”

“Grandma said she has lived here for decades and has become accustomed to the life here. If she were to change her lifestyle, she would not know how to live anymore.”

“…” Ye Tao couldn’t comprehend the elderly’s mind and pondered, “I will go persuade her.”

Ye Tao really went to persuade Grandma Chen, he played the emotional card, but Grandma Chen did not bulge. Instead, she shoo’ed him away. 

Ye Tao was left with no choice and hardened his resolve. He swayed that she could live a relaxed life. A relaxed life lead to a healthier body. If Grandma Chen had a healthy body, Ye Wei could let Grandma Chen hug her great grandson in the future!

Grandma Chen: “,,,,,,”

Ye Tao saw Grandma Chen wavering and marched on, “Grandma, you see, you live alone here. There is no one to take care of you, and Ye Wei will never rest easy. She will always worry about you because she has you in her heart and I believe you also have her in your heart. Grandma, if you leave with us, you can always see Ye Wei in the future, isn’t it the best?”

Grandma Chen looked at Ye Tao with a clouded gaze. Her hair had long since turned gray, and her small body had bent under the weight of life. “Your family doesn’t even care for their own daughter’s life, how will they care for me, an elderly woman who shares no blood with them?”

Her words struck Ye Tao’s straight on the face. He was remorseful, “We didn’t know at that time that Ye Wei had such a hard time, but now that we know, we will make it up to her ……”

Grandma Chen smiled fleetingly. She rarely smiled and didn’t talk much. Everday she was stifling with work. Now she smiled, it was surprising. Eerie, even. “You all didn’t even bother to come here and take a look at her, of course you wouldn’t be aware of that.”

Actually, I’m too lazy to do this to prevent you from stealing this

Ye Tao: “……”

He stammered, his face burned from shame. His tongue was tied and he could only utter a ‘Sorry’. 

Grandma Chen waved her hand, “Go, leave me be. I am already old and I don’t have long to live.I will just stay here and not cause troubles for others.”

Ye Tao had no face to persuade her again, because he knew that his words were not credible in Grandma Chen’s eyes and she wouldn’t believe any of his words. 

In the eyes of Grandma Chen, their Ye Family was a cold-blooded family that could give up their own daughter. 

He, Ye Tao, was a part of that family. 

And he couldn’t even deny that claim. At that time, when Ye Shicheng made the decision to leave everything as it was and not take Ye Wei home, he acquiesced and did not make any objection. 

It was no wonder Grandma Chen didn’t believe him. 

Jiang Fei mentioned in passing, “I’m curious. What was in your family’s mind when you guys made that decision? The Ye Family is prosperous. One more person wouldn’t cause a shortage of rice. In any case, you could leave her at the side house if you all didn’t want to bring her to the main house. Obviously, you were already informed that the Chen Family is poor. So, I couldn’t grasp why you still decided to leave your own blood here?”

Ye Tao pointed, “…… Although we decided we won’t take her back, it didn’t mean we don’t care about her and will just leave Ye Wei alone. We originally planned to take Ye Wei back, but the Chen Family only has Ye Wei as their daughter, so, how could we have the heart to take her back and separate them? And at that time, how could we know that Chen Weiguo values sons over daughters?”

Jiang Fei: “Make sense. The Chen Family indeed only has one daughter to be sold. How could you have the heart to take their only daughter away. After all, if you did so, who would they sell for dowry, right?”

Ye Tao: “……”

Ye Tao was choked by his words, “Stop that. We have regretted it long ago, okay?”

“So.. what now? Grandma Chen won’t come with us,” Zhang Yu interjected.

“Let me try to persuade Grandma Chen again. I will let Grandma Chen know that we are wrong and we regret it. We sincerely want to help her now.”

Zhang Yu hummed.

However, Ye Tao did not get the time to persuade Grandma Chen because a few days later, he received a phone call from Wang Hui, saying that Ye Shicheng was hospitalized.

His condition was stable before, but recently, with all the ups and downs of his emotions, he fell ill. The doctor advised that it was best to have the operation as soon as possible, but the matching kidney for Ye Shicheng was not yet found. 

“You guys come back first, if we can’t find it……” Wang Hui sobbed, holding back tears.

In other words, if they couldn’t find a matching kidney, then Ye Shicheng would pass away and they should at least accompany him on his final journey.

When Ye Ying heard the news, she immediately burst into tears and tearfully insisted that she wanted to go home! 

She was afraid that she would never get the chance to see her father again and the person her father loved the most was her, so…

Ye Tao looked at Ye Wei,”Ye Wei, do you want to stay here first and catch up with us later or go back with us?”

Ye Wei of course would choose to go back with them. Ye Shicheng was ill, how could she not go back?

But, before going back, she had to make some arrangements. She couldn’t rest easy leaving Grandma Chen living in a dilapidated house by herself. Her neighbors’ homes were far from her house. If something happened, the others wouldn’t be able to notice right away, and calling for help would be hard.

The good thing was she came prepared. Wang Hui provided her with some pocket money and Ye Wei used that to buy a smartphone that could facilitate video calls for her Grandma. The rest of the money would be left with Grandma Chen in case of emergency. And she also had prepared a sim card for Grandma Chen so she could call her at any time and vice versa. 

“Granny, go back home to live with the Chen Family. You moved out for me, and now you can go back.” Ye Wei knew that her Grandma wouldn’t be willing to leave this mountain, at the end of the day, her son and grandson were here. No matter how unfilial Chen Weiguo was, he was still Grandma Chen’s own son. She carried him in her belly for nine months and wiped his ass for him when he was a baby. No matter how naughty Chen Xiaolong was, he was her own grandson. Her family was here. She couldn’t let go of them and it’s impossible for her to let go. Taking Ye Wei out of the Chen Family’s house to live outside was the most boldest thing she had ever done. 

“Granny, this time, you don’t have to work anymore at home. If you want something, just order your son and your daughter-in-law, it’s time for you, her mother-in-law, to establish your authority.”

Grandma Chen glanced at Ye Wei, “I’m used to it. Don’t worry so much about me. I can do everything by myself.”

Ye Wei blinked her puppy eyes, “Granny, how could it be okay? Granny, this time I’m not worrying about you. You see, I’ve been bullied a lot in the past few years, and now I finally have a chance to bully them back. Granny, I also want to see my stepmother washing clothes in the river in the middle of the winter, her hands full of frostbite must look even better than mine! When the time comes, you can record a video for me to see!'”

Grandma Chen: “… oh.”

As for Chen Weiguo, he was easy to handle. He was stupid, ignorant, conceited, and greedy for money. As long as you could grab his weakness, he would be easy to deal with. As for Chen Weiguo’s wife, she bullied the weak and feared the strong, a vain woman who liked to fan the flames, in term of intelligence, she was no better than Chen Weiguo. 

She went straight to Chen Weiguo, “Grandma wants to come back here.”

Come back here? They would live well if she came back here!

Chen Weiguo nodded at once: “I understand. I will go pick up Ma right away.”

Ye Wei said, “I think you should know that Grandma is the only reason I will come back here. From childhood to adulthood, only Grandma loves me and treats me well. I can’t rest assured to leave her alone. My only nostalgia for this place is Grandma, aside from her, nothing else in this place deserves my nostalgia.”

Chen Weiguo’s eyes rolled. What did Chen Xiaohong imply? That if her Grandma wasn’t here, she wouldn’t come back? 

He patted his chest and promised, “I know you and your Grandma have a good relationship. Don’t worry, I will take good care of my mother.'”

Like, why should I do this to prevent others from stealing when they should have not steal this from the first place?

“As long as Grandma is in good condition, everything will be fine. Every winter and summer, I will come back to visit Grandma. Also, Grandma is too old to work.”

“Yes, yes. She is too old to work. She will rest well here!”

“Smoke is bad for her health, so she must not be allowed into the kitchen so as not to breath on the fumes nor smoking is allowed in the house. She is old, I’m afraid she might get sick.”

“No smoking, no smoking. As long as my Ma is willing to come back, I promise she won’t have to do anything. Just enjoy her life and wait for a meal.”

“Won’t your wife be upset?”

Ma is in charge of this family, my wife is her daughter-in-law, it’s only natural for her to take care of Ma. How could she be upset over that.”

“That would certainly be the best,” said Ye Wei

Ye Wei also left WeChat contact information of a good samaritan that owned a food business. He would ship some fruits and meats to Grandma every now and then. And, of course, to check on her Grandma’s wellbeing. 

When everything was arranged, Ye Wei packed up her things and prepared to go back with Ye Ying, Ye Tao, Zhang Yu, Jiang Fei and Tong Ke.

Tong Ke had been making a fuss about going home for a long time, and when she heard that they would leave, she almost hopped from happiness. Anyway, she would never ever come back to this shitty place again!

Jiang Fei sighed with some regret, “I haven’t walked on the road mentioned in ‘If I Am not Brave’ yet, the road as difficult as Immortal ascending to Heaven … Ai, nevermind, I will come back next time.”

Zhang Yu: “……”

He really couldn’t understand the brain circuits of this friend of his.


Ye Shichen was in the hospital. 

Ye Wei had only heard about Ye Shicheng’s illness recently. She couldn’t sit still on the flight home. She complained to Ye Tao, “Why didn’t I hear about this before? Papa‘s illness is this  serious, and none of you tell me about it!”

Ye Tao was helpless and apologized, they didn’t mean to hide it from her.

Ye Wei: “If we can’t find a matching donor, will there be no hope for Papa?”

Ye Tao nodded with a heavy heart and comforted Ye Wei: “Don’t worry, we are already looking for it. I believe Heaven never seals off all the exits[1]. Papa will definitely be fine!”

Ye Wei was silent. Her head hung low, “Papa is the one that taught me there is still a good father in this world. He taught me how to love myself and live for myself. I don’t want to lose him.'”

Ye Tao didn’t want to lose his father either. He deeply understood Ye Wei’s mood. If it were before, he would have felt that Ye Wei was ungrateful to the father who had raised her for 18 years. The current him would never think so. He knew that Ye Wei’s words were sincere.  Only during the days in the Ye Family did she receive true fatherly love.

He rubbed Ye Wei’s head, “Everything will be fine. It’s okay.”

Ye Wei hummed quietly, but her face was still thick with worry. 

Even Zhang Yu, who was sitting on the sidelines, couldn’t help but give a few soothing words to her. He could understand Ye Wei’s feelings at the moment. She finally had a family that truly loved her. She absolutely wouldn’t want to lose any of them.

Tong Ke activated her wushu skill in words and gave her words of comfort to boost her benevolent image, “Weiwei, don’t be sad. Uncle is a good person and God will protect him[2]. Maybe a matching donor will be found when we get off the plane?”

Ye Ying glanced at Ye Wei who was showered with care and worry from the people around her. She pursed her lips and leaned her head on the window, dazedly staring at the sky. 


They headed straight for the hopsital after they landed. 

Ye Shicheng was asleep. They watched him for a while and left the ward carefully, Wang Hui’s eyes were red with tears, seeing Ye Tao and Ye Wei, who had tanned by a degree, and recalling the miserable days Ye Wei had spent in the Chen family, she was even more depressed and heartbroken. She teared up again, “You’re all back, it’s fine as long as you are all back! It’s good, it’s good to be back.”

Ye Ying rushed over to hug Wang Hui, “Mama, don’t cry…”

Wang Hui patted her back, “Mn, Mama won’t cry.” 

Wang Hui then pulled Ye Wei over, appearing very distressed, “Weiwei, don’t go back to that family in the future. Chen Weiguo is too much! How could he treat you like that?”

Ye Wei smiled comfortingly, but shook her head, “I have to go back. Grandma is still there. I can’t leave my Grandma behind.”

Wang Hui eyed Ye Tao, “Why didn’t you bring Ye Wei’s Grandma back with you?”

Ye Tao looked away guiltily, “Grandma didn’t want to. I have tried persuading her, but she just didn’t want to.”

“Why?” Wang Hui was startled. Her own son left her on her own. Why did she still want to stay in that place? There was no one around to take care of her, how could she live along like that?

Ye Tao brought Wang Hui to talk over privately and told her the answer, that Grandma Chen did not believe them. Grandma Chen saw that their family did not even care for their own blood, so, how could they sincerely care for her, an elderly without relation to them?

Grandma Chen’s words were blunt and harsh to the ear but it was the truth and irrefutable.

Wang Hui’s face reddened from the shame and guilt. She regretted her past decision even more. 

That’s her own daughter, the little girl who shared the same blood as her. How could she give up on her at the beginning?

Wang Hui covered her face with her palms, “We’re sorry for Weiwei ah. I have wronged her so much……”

Ye Tao sighed, “Ma, it’s alright, it’s all in the past. Let’s be nice to Meimei in the future to make up for everything we owe her. I won’t let anyone bully Ye Wei anymore.”

Wang Hui nodded, “I know, I know! We really can’t let Weiwei be wronged anymroe.”

This is too troublesome just to prevent you from doing this

The mother and son discussed and planned that when Ye Shicheng recovered, they would go out together as a family to make up for what they owed to Ye Wei over the past 18 years. They returned to the ward after the talk. Ye Wei took the initiative to tell them that wanted to go for a checkup to see if her kidney was a match for Ye Shicheng.

“The doctor said that family members have the highest match rate. You all did it, and I am the only one who hasn’t. I want to try.”

“I will do anything to save Papa!”


Ye Ying lost sleep.

All over her mind was the scene of Wang Hui hugging Ye Wei while crying. Ye Tao stood by their side and looked at them with relief and joy.

At that time, Ye Ying felt like an outsider while they were one real family.

She didn’t want to leave the Ye Family. She didn’t want to leave her parents and brother. They gave her so much affection. She was reluctant to part with them and she couldn’t part with them. But now… What about now? Was now the time for her to leave …

She was unable to sleep and felt thirsty, so she went to the kitchen to fetch some water. Unexpectedly, she encountered Ye Wei. 

She wore a black pajama with cartoon design.  She held a glass of water in her hand.Her long hair cascaded on her back and her lips were curved up. That look was totally foreign from her nervous look during the day. Ye Wei glanced at her condescendingly. “How long are you going to stay at my house? Could it be, you don’t want to leave because you think you can get something from Papa?”

Ye Ying frowned, “I don’t want anything. I’m genuinely worried about Papa.”

Ye Wei, “Genuine? Do you think I will believe it? You don’t even worry about your own father, but you have the time to worry about my father?”

“I may not be Papa’s biological daughter, but my relationship with Papa for eighteen years is not fake. I’m genuinely worried. Ye Wei, don’t impose your thoughts on me, I’m not the kind of person you thought of.”

“Then, what kind of person are you? Is it not enough for you to occupy my life for 18 years? Do you want to keep on occupying my place?  In my opinion, you are no better than a thief!”

Ye Ying’s face blanched because she could not refute this statement at all.

“If you are aware of the atrocity you are doing, get the hell out of the Ye Family and go back to the place where you belong to! What? You don’t want to leave? You hate the poverty of your father’s family and don’t want to go back there? You are so resistant to poverty that now you want to get a share of an inheritance from my father?”

“Papa is still here with us, what inheritance are you mentioning?” Ye Ying glared. Her delicate, fair face was solemn, “Are you worried that I will grab a share of Papa’s inheritance or are you worried that you will get less because of me?”

Ye Wei did the math with her toes: “Whether it’s the first option or the second, wouldn’t I still get less in the end?”

Ye Ying: “…… Believe it or not, I never thought about it that way, I am really worried about Papa. On the contrary, with the way you acted right now, Jiejie, are you really worried about Papa?”

“Of course I’m worried,” Ye Wei put on a pitiful expression, “Even you, an outsider, worry about my father. I’m my father’s own daughter, how can I not be worried about him? Meimei, you hurt my heart.”

Ye Ying bit her lips. She became increasingly aware of Ye Wei’s hypocrisy and wickedness. Her sadness, which she had repressed for a long time, erupted, ‘Ye Wei, you are obviously a liar! Gege and Zhang Yu have both been deceived by you!'”

Ye Wei shrugged, “Where did I deceive them?”

So, can you please stop stealing?

“……” Ye Ying couldn’t say it, and Ye Wei took it in her hands to say it for her, “I just used a little trick to show them the life that I had lived for the previous ten years. If they feel sorry, pity, and start to care for me because of that, what can I do? How can Meimei say that I deceived them? Ridiculous!”

Ye Ying was stolen out of breath by her words. She wanted to refute her again but she heard a slight noise coming from behind. She suddenly peeked back and saw Ye Tao standing in the shadow. She could only see his tall figure and blurred outline, his expression was hidden by the shadow.

She could only assume that it ought not to be good. 

Ye Ying was a bit flustered, but somewhat delighted in her heart. 

Look, this is the real Ye Wei.

She looked back at Ye Wei, but Ye Wei surprisingly remained calm. Her smile became a little wider, even. She put down the glass in her hand and walked out of the kitchen, “What is there to be cherished from a belated concern?”

“You think one or two words of concern can suddenly erase the past and retrieve the spilled water?”

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[1] 天无绝人之路 – tiān wú jué rén zhī lù. Every cloud has a silver lining; Heaven will always leave a door open; There is always a way out

[2] 吉人自有天相 – jí rén zì yǒu tiān xiàng. A good person has God’s blessing. God blesses [helps] the good man. Heaven rewards the good. A life full of lucky escapes.

Ry’s Lei’s Corner

I am quite curious if the thief will continue to steal the translation after that long-ass complaint I made and I should have learned by now not to put hope in a thief without integrity. But eh, at least I found that it’s not a bot that stole this translation. Man, the thief even took their sweet time to remove my “Do not support theft” all over the chapter and this time they removed the last part of TL’s Corner in which I complained about them lmao. Wow. Splendid. The effort. I am left with no word. It must have been a hard work for you. Omg. I am so touched. Thank you for listening to my suggestion and deleting the Translator Corner from your stolen content. Is there anything else I can help you with? Should I give you access to our Translation GDrive so you can have fast pass? Don’t be shy, don’t be shy. Just tell me. I will do my best to help, after all, never have ever I met someone with the audacity like you. Ai,now I feel bad for those reading this in WordPress Reader. Why did the text format not work in WordPress Reader anyway?

In the end, I still don’t understand. You can do your own translation with how you have the time to delete those reminders. Why must you steal Ry’s?

It would be great if I could remain ignorant of the thief. What a way to ruin my day.


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind us we still have ongoing translations in hands. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway.


Watch this stupid dork Jian Xingzhi dig pit for himself. No, I am not lying. He literally dig pit for himself. (and figuratively as well, but hey)

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4135

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