WfDO Chapter 89

Arc 5
The Vicious Supporting Female Is the Real Daughter (17)

Welceome back, thief

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You really deleted this huh? Seems like I can’t use copy paste. Thief. Thief. Thief. Thief.

Ye Tao wasn’t prepared to hear the conversation between Ye Ying and Ye Wei when he just went downstairs for a glass of water. Even more, to see another side of Ye Wei. She was not the reticent, honest, cute, and simple-minded little girl, but rather, the sharp and vicious girl, with a kind of cynical indignation, as if the whole world was her enemies 

Ye Tao just discovered that Ye Wei and Ye Ying had never been on good terms. Her friendliness towards Ye Ying was a disguise. She had never liked Ye Ying nor had she ever accepted Ye Ying’s existence. In her opinion, Ye Ying was a thief. The one who stole everything from her. She wanted Ye Ying out of the Ye family!

Everything that transpired in Chen Family was within her deliberate plan. She let him see it on purpose, she wanted his guilt and heartache.

And Ye Wei gained both. He really felt guilt and heartache for her. 

He even blamed himself as a fool for being ignorant when he made the arbitrary decision to leave Ye Wei in the Chen Family. 

Ye Tao immensely regretted that decision the instant he knew the Chen Family’s situation. All he could think was how to make up for all the grievances Ye Wei had suffered over the past 18 years, and how to make up for what they owed her.

He was also glad that although the unrefined Chen Weiguo raised her, her nature did not develop badly.She endured hardships from a young age but still could grow to be a simple and honest little girl. …

However, the Ye Wei he saw just now was cold and full of thorn. When she was discovered by him, she did not panic. Instead, she fearlessly gave him a disdainful look. 

Is that,,, the real Ye Wei?

For a sliver of a moment, he thought that she was a stranger. No, maybe the real Ye Wei was truly a stranger to him, because he never tried to know the real her. 

Ye Ying walked up to him and called out, “Gege, did you hear everything? I’m sorry, I don’t want to fight with Jiejie either.”

Ye Tao’s mind was in turmoil. He shook his head, “Don’t talk to me yet. Let me process it for a while.”

Ye Ying nodded quietly.

She felt that Ye Tao must not be able to accept that the real Ye Wei was the exact opposite of the one he knew. Then, she listened to Ye Tao add, “This couldn’t be right. I believe she is not the kind of person with a bad heart. She is not like that. It must be because Weiwei feel that you are hogging her things, that’s why she dislikes you and fights with you, right?”

Ye Ying froze, “I have explained to Jiejie that I never want to hog anything from her, but, no matter how much I assured her, she didn’t believe me.”

Ye Tao: “… Is that so?”

Ye Ying nodded helplessly, “Hmm.”

Ye Tao was silent for a while, “Actually, it’s normal for Ye Wei to distrust you. She has only known you for a short time and she hasn’t got time to fully understand you. That’s why she doesn’t trust you. It’s not her fault.”

Ye Ying stared at Ye Tao as he managed an effort to make excuses for Ye Wei. Her lips flattened into a straight line, “Maybe. But, Jiejie claimed that she intentionally used some means to make Gege and Zhang Yu pity her and care for her. Gege, you didn’t do anything wrong to her, why would Jiejie do that?”

Ye Ying earnestly looked at Ye Tao, hoping that he would get the hint that the reason why Ye Wei did all that was to steal them away from her!

Ye Tao had a hard time believing that all he saw and experienced was Ye Wei’s design in order to evoke his guilt! So that he could care about her and be distressed for her…..

But, he heard it with his own ears. Ye Wei said she scorns his concern.

Such Ye Wei was unfathomable to him. He didn’t expect she would be a person with intrigue. He believed that a person who was dedicated to helping her grandmother’s work and was not afraid of any hardship wouldn’t be a person with a bad heart. 

Ye Tao sighed, “I will have a talk with Ye Wei tomorrow. Yingying, you go to bed and have a rest. Also, don’t tell Mama about tonight. I don’t want this to weigh her mind.”

Ye Ying nodded, “Mn. I won’t tell Mama. I also don’t want her to worry about this.”

Ye Tao let out an absent-minded hum. He stayed up all night when he returned to his room. 

The next day, he got up early. When he went downstairs, Ye Wei was already dressed neatly, sitting at the dining table, chatting with Wang Hui as they had their breakfast. 

She smiled when she took notice of him, “Morning, Gege. It’s about time, after breakfast, let’s go to the hospital to accompany Papa.”

Wang Hui also said, “Eat well.”

Ye Ying sat with her head down at her bowl. She peeked at Ye Tao, then at Ye Wei. She didn’t say anything, but her expression was somewhat unnatural. Wang Hui was immersed in her husband’s health and guilt over her biological daughter so she didn’t notice Ye Wei’s abnormal expression.

Ye Tao walked over to the table and sat down. He glanced at Ye Wei, who smiled at him as if nothing had happened. Ye Tao’s brows creased. He had a quick breakfast and together, they drove to the hospital.

The doctor brought the good news that there was hope for Ye Shicheng. Ye Wei’s test result came out and her kidney was a match with Ye Shicheng. 

This news was both gratifying and worrying. 

They were glad that there was hope for Ye Shicheng, but also anxious because the qualified donor was Ye Wei. Although it was said that donating a kidney was not life-threatening, more or less, there would be side aftereffects, not to mention that Ye Wei was only 18.

Wang Hui would rather spend money to search for another donor than risk their daughter’s life. Besides, they already owe a lot to Ye Wei, how could they make her donate a kidney? She told the doctors to continue searching for a suitable donor, and she wouldn’t allow her daughter to be the donor until it was absolutely necessary.

Ye Wei was joyful when she heard the news. She clung to Wang Hui’s arm, “Mama, I can save Papa. Papa can be saved, aren’t you happy?”

Wang Hui forced a smile, “This matter requires careful consideration, don’t be impulsive.”

Ye Wei pouted, “Why should we carefully consider it? Papa can’t wait any longer. Now we can save Papa, we shouldn’t drag it on!”

In the ward, Wang Hui had a sad face. Ye Tao didn’t look very well, and Ye Ying was also at a loss.

The atmosphere was heavy. 

Ye Tao abruptly called out to Ye Wei, “Let’s go out for a moment, I have something to tell you.”

“What’s the matter, Gege?” Ye Wei tilted her head in confusion. 

Ye Tao turned to Wang Hui, “Ma, we will be right back. Yingying, you stay with Ma.”

Ye Ying responded with a hum and Wang Hui asked, “What do you guys have to talk about so secretly? Alright, alright. I understand. I won’t ask any more questions. Hurry up and don’t be too long.”

Wang Hui was an open-minded mother, she wouldn’t force her children to talk about things they don’t want to. 

Ye Tao assented and left the ward with Ye Wei.

Only until they reached the end of the corridor and there were no people around us did Ye Tao start, “Ye Wei, what the hell are you thinking?'”

The smile was already wiped off Ye Wei’s face. She had returned to the sharp self from last night, “What am I thinking? I didn’t think about anything ah? I just want our family of four to live a good life.'”

“How can you call that kind of life a good life?”

“Oh. Then, why did you bring me here? Are you here to accuse me of doing something wrong? Or are you here to accuse me of having a ludicrous idea? If that’s the case, then there’s no need to say more. It goes without saying that I know what kind of person I am in your eyes. It is probably nothing more than a foolish, uneducated, vulgar country-bumpkin right?”

Ye Tao was fast to clarify, ‘I didn’t mean to accuse you of anything and I never thought of you as someone like that”

Ye Wei chuckled, “Never? Gege. Let me help you remember, then.I still remember the first time I met you, I also remember the look Gege gave me. Wasn’t it shock, or perhaps bewilderment? You sized me up and down so intently when you saw me dressed in rags, how come you don’t remember the way you looked at me as if I was a bug after that? Don’t worry, if you forgot, I will help you remember it. Oh, you also despised the things I brought from the mountain. I got up early to find the vegetables, you know. Auntie kindly cooked them and served the dish on the table. Gege, did you remember the taste? No, right? You didn’t even have a bite, how could you remember the taste. You did not touch it at all, wasn’t it because you think it’s dirty, like me?”

How could Ye Tao guess that Ye Wei would think so much about an untouched dish, “No. It’s not like that. I didn’t mean to dislike you. I didn’t touch the dish simply because I don’t like vegetables.”

“Forget it, it’s all in the past. What does it matter if you like it or not?” Ye Wei waved her hands. Even if you really didn’t mean it, she would create reasons out of nothing to make it sound like you mean it. As a Vicious Supporting Female, her talent was to misinterpret the meanings of others, no need to thank her. 

Ye Tao expressed, “Ye Wei, I never meant to look down on you! Don’t misunderstand me!”

“Didn’t mean to look down on me? I misunderstand?” Ye Wei sneered, “I remember when I first arrived at the Ye Family, because I had never eaten something so delicious, I ate a few more bowls. Then, you gave me that look, ah.. .That look, how could I forget that look? Isn’t that the look of looking at a gluttonous mad dog with a bottomless stomach!””


She glared fiercely at Ye Tao. Her eyes, which were the replica of his, burst out with incomparable hatred that Ye Tao’s next words were stuffed back to his throat, “You live a good life. You don’t have to worry about food and clothes. You don’t know how hard my life is. You don’t know how early I have to get up every day for work. You don’t know how cold it is to wash clothes in the cold river in the middle of winter. You don’t know how painful it is to move when your stomach is empty for days! You don’t know anything!”

“What do you know? All you know is that I’m shameless. I’m ungrateful. I’m a lunatic that barged into your house with the threat of suicide! All you know is that I’m dirty and ugly, that I am stupid, crude, and have a thick face! All you know is that I can’t even read the alphabet but have the arrogant delusion of going to the same class as your sister! All you know is that I’m wearing rags and carrying a tattered backpack. All you know is that I am making a fool of myself by presenting an insignificant gift! All you know is that I am uneducated and I am a glutton! All you know is that I am old-fashioned and can’t be taught! 

“That’s right. I am a country bumpkin who will make you lose your face if I come into light. I can’t compare to your pampered little princess. She is lovely and simple, pretty and kind. When she cries and sheds a single tear, you all will feel heartbroken for her. You all can’t bear to see her sad so you choose to abandon me!”

“Do you think that my heart is made of iron and it can’t get hurt!”

“You are no different from those who laugh at my stupidity and ugliness. You are all equally hateful!”

It was as if they were back to their starting point, their first meeting. His face blanched and he took a few steps back in shock at her charges.

He never thought that his unintentional behavior had caused such great harm to Ye Wei, let alone that she would remember it. She remembered it so clearly like it just happened yesterday. She evidently hated him, yet still called him Gege sweetly and beamed at him. Was her affection she had shown him all this time fake?

Ye Wei, as if she could see through Ye Tao’s mind, said frankly, “I have no other choice ah. I have been in this family for a short time, and neither of you likes me. I am an unwanted presence. How can I live in this family if I don’t pretend? I want to live a good life. I never want to go back to that dark Chen Family. So that I won’t be discarded again, aside from playing the fool to please you guys who don’t want me, what other choice do I have?”

Ye Tao’s heart was now in pieces. There was no way for him to turn back the time. He could only convey his sincerity with words, “Yes. I didn’t like you much before, and that’s why I did that. But, that was in the past. The me standing before you will never have such thoughts again. You are my own little sister. I have come to know your suffering, and I really wanted to make up for what I owe you and ease the pain from the suffering you have experienced.  We don’t dislike you, let alone don’t want you…” He lose his confidence the more he open his mouth, and he himself didn’t even have much faith on his last sentence. 

Ye Tao’s voice was muffled, “I’m sorry. We have done a lot of things wrong, but we wholeheartedly want to make up for all these for you.”

Ye Wei: “Make up? How do you want to make up for it? With a few words of concern?”

Ye Tao remained silent for a moment and solemnly stated, “’I will treat you well, protect you, and won’t let anyone bully you again. You will no longer have endless work to do, nor will you go hungry and cold again. From now on, you can be free to do whatever you want. Study, travel, play, anything. You can do anything without worry.”

Ye Wei let out a laugh, “Too late. I have learned how to protect myself. I won’t let anyone bully me anymore on my own!'”

She asked him in return, “Do you really believe one or two simple words of care can move me to tears? Ridiculous!”

Ye Tao shook his head weakly, “I’m sorry. I really didn’t know you had such a bad time before…'”

“Where did I have a bad time? I haven’t starved to death and even get to live until you guys find me, isn’t that great?”

“Ye Wei……”

“That’s enough! Stop it! I don’t want to hear it!”

Ye Wei motioned with her chin, “If you really feel that you owe me and want to make it up to me, then you should drive Ye Ying out! Only when Ye Ying leaves can I believe you really care about me and want the best for me.”

“Ye Wei, why are you so adamant on this matter? I know you hold a grudge against Ye Ying because we didn’t take you back home because we were afraid she would be sad. You think she stole something that belongs to you so you condemn her. But, you shouldn’t be so vigilant. We won’t let the same thing happen again. Ye Ying is Ye Ying, you are you…”

“That’s right. Ye Ying is Ye Ying, and I am me. Didn’t you guys choose Ye Ying over me in the beginning!”


“You said so much, is it because you don’t want to do it? If you can’t even grant this little request of mine, are you really sincere in saying you want to make up everything for me?”

Ye Tao was momentarily dumbfounded. Ye Wei was his little sister, but so was Ye Ying. How could he make a choice between them?

Ye Wei narrowed her eyes, “I want you to drive Ye Ying out of the Ye Family, I am not discussing this with you. If you can’t do it, then don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

“… What are you planning to do?” 

Ye Wei innocently blinked her round eyes. “Don’t forget, I am Papa’s only lifeline. If you guys make me unhappy, ah, no, that’s not right, I will be unhappy just by seeing that thief Ye Ying. If I am unhappy, I will remember how you treated me before.Anyway, my kidney is a part of me and since you all have chosen not to want me before, that also means that you don’t want my kidney, right? So, why should I share one of my kidneys with Papa?”

Ye Tao sucked a breath. The anger couldn’t be suppressed by the guilt. “After you come back, don’t you yourself know how good Papa has been to you? He has been caring for you and taking care of you. How can you joke with Papa’s life like that?”

“Papa is good to me? Mn. Yeah. He is so so good to me that he made the decision to abandon me. Is that what you call ‘good to me’?”

In the end, the fact that they had chosen to abandon her and didn’t want her was a thorn that couldn’t be removed from Ye Wei’s heart. 

“One last warning. Papa or Ye Ying. Choose one.”

Ye Wei didn’t bother to say a word more. No matter how unsightly Ye Tao’s expression was, no matter how complicated his mind was, Ye Wei could care less. She returned to the ward as the good daughter who was worried about her father’s health.

When Ye Tao arrived at the ward and saw Ye Wei who acted as if nothing had happened, he couldn’t bring himself to be fine.

He had a downcast face and didn’t say much all day. Ye Ying noticed that he was not in the right mood. She knew that he had a conversation with Ye Wei and looking at Ye Tao’s appearance, she assumed that their conversation wasn’t a happy one. 

She went to ask Ye Tao what had happened, but unfortunately Ye Tao refused to mention anything to her. 

Ye Ying could only worry without being able to do anything. 

It was Ye Wei who shredded a piece of light on her. She whispered in her ear, “I told Gege that if he really wants to make up for what he owes me, it is as simple as driving you out of our Ye Family. You make me unhappy, and of course, one should get rid of the thing that made them unhappy. I will forgive him and truly treat him as my brother after he did it.”

Ye Ying glared sharply at Ye Wei, “Why are you doing this?”

“Of course it’s because you make me sick.” Ye Wei voiced, “You say, I, Gege’s own litte sister, Papa and Mama’s own daughter, can’t hold weight to a few tears of yours. How funny is that? Meimei, if Gege really made the decision to let you leave the Ye Family, you can understand his choice, right? After all, at first, Gege didn’t want me for you, and now Gege doesn’t want you for me, isn’t this just fair?”

Ye Ying took a good look at Ye Wei’s unsmiling face. She was worried about her father all day long, and now she was threatened by Ye Wei, her face as white as paper. Her body wobbled as if she would fall to the ground in the next moment. 

“You don’t have to do this, Ye Wei. I know that the Ye family isn’t where I should be. I will leave here. As soon as Papa’s condition is stable, I will leave immediately! You don’t have to go all the way to deal with me like this and break Gege’s heart. I will leave on my own.”

Ye Wei supported Ye Ying’s shaky figure by her arm, “Meimei, I know people have praised you as an angel, so you must not want to make things difficult for Gege and want to quit on your own, right? But I have to tell you the rules of the game: it won’t count if Gege isn’t the one that makes the decision.”

Ye Wei’s hand landed on Ye Ying’s shoulder and she squeezed her shoulder hard, “Do you wish to display your selflessness and gain people’s sympathy by doing this? If only you were really that kind and selfless, you wouldn’t let my parents leave me behind in the first place! So, shh. Be the ‘good girl’ you always have been and just watch the show obediently.”

Ye Ying staggered back, tottering and almost falling to the ground.

Without caring at Ye Ying’s painful expression, Ye Wei walked away.

Ye Ying stood in silence for a long time. She gradually squatted down on the ground. Her head was buried in her arms. She was overwhelmed with sadness. She really didn’t expect that the hatred in Ye Wei’s heart would be so deep and heavy that Ye Wei wished to make her experience the pain she had experienced.

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Ry’s Lei’s Corner

Sheesh. Ye Wei, so vicious.

Ry told me not to make myself unhappy by paying attention to the thief, but… wuwu baobao feels wronged QAQ

Forget it, just steal this if you want to steal. I won’t bother anymore.

At least Ry changed the theme to be a Dark Theme now, so it’s still a win for me. It’s very dark gray (#121212) and not true black (#000000), the text is off-white and not true white so the contrast won’t be glaring.

Do you guys prefer this theme or the old theme?


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind us we still have ongoing translations in hands. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway.


Watch this stupid dork Jian Xingzhi dig pit for himself. No, I am not lying. He literally dig pit for himself. (and figuratively as well, but hey)

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4135

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6 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 89”

  1. Gosh I love how vicious Ye Wei is, and why she says it. For Ye Ying, it was some tears, but those tears condemned Ye Wei’s life, and so did the whole family when they turned away from her. To them, they can try to make up as much as they want, but if the person who doesn’t want it doesn’t want it, all their right to do so

  2. Wonder where the inspiration for all the stories in favor of the fake come from. Most real stories seem to hate that.

  3. Eating melon seeds (o^▽^o), go Ye Wei!!

    I’ve been reading silently all along but I just want to say I really appreciate your translation!! It’s so readable and clean. That thief can steal but I will always read your translation. Your hard work is admirable!! ٩(◕‿◕)۶

  4. Ye Wei is so incredibly vicious in this chapter! Love it LOL
    And I think the dark background is nice 👍

    Thanks for the, as always, great translation!


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡