WfDO Chapter 90

Arc 5
The Vicious Supporting Female Is the Real Daughter (18)

Welcome back, thief

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You really deleted this huh? Seems like I can’t use copy paste. Thief.

Ye Tao’s heart ached. 

He never expected that deep in Ye Wei’s heart, she resented and disdained him so much. 

And now, he was compelled to make a choice between her and Ye Ying. In fact, to say that he needed to ‘make a choice’ was not correct. Ye Wei didn’t give any leeway for him to make a choice. If he chose Ye Ying,  then Ye Wei would refuse to be a donor. Without a donor, his father could only wait for death. 

He couldn’t believe that Ye Wei would really be so heartless and watch Ye Shicheng die, but he couldn’t bet on it. 

He tried to talk to Ye Wei several times, but she was unmoved. Even, became more impatient. She sneered, “Isn’t it just making a choice between Papa and Ye Ying? It’s so difficult for you? So reluctant to part with your dearest Ye Ying? You love her so much that you can ignore Papa’s life for Ye Ying?”

Ye Tao hastily shook his head to deny. He bitterly replied, “We are wrong for abandoning you before, but we truly didn’t mean to and we are trying to make up for it…'”

Ye Wei waved her hand, gesturing to him to shut up with his ‘We Are Trying’ talk, “I have given you a chance, since you can’t make a decision, I will go and find Mama to let her make the decision for you.”

Upon hearing that, Ye Tao sucked a breath, “No! Mama is already sad enough about Papa’s matter, if she knew about this matter…”

“If she knew about this matter, about me being a cruel and heartless person, she would be devastated and unable to accept it, right?”


“So, have you come to adecision?”

Ye Tao was quiet for a long period. “I understand. You can set your mind at ease. I know what to do.”

Ye Wei curled her lips up, “Good. I am looking forward to your good news.”

Ye Wei was sure Ye Tao wouldn’t choose Ye Ying. His only choice was Ye Shicheng. If he wished to save Ye Shicheng, did he have any other choice but obediently listen to her?

Enjoy the stolen translation!


Ye Ying, after Ye Wei’s wake-up call, could see Ye Tao’s plight and indecisiveness early on. He seemed to have no idea how to choose. One was his own biological sister, and the other was his sister who had been together for eighteen years. 

For him, they were both his family, how could he choose?

She wanted to tell Ye Tao not to make it hard for himself, let alone for her sake. If she needed to leave, then she would. She didn’t mind leaving the house, the only things she couldn’t let go of were her parents and brother. The love they gave her was not something she could let go. 

But, Ye Wei’s threat made her hold these words in her heart. She could only wait for Ye Tao to make a decision. In her heart, she understood that she would be the one leaving, but, in a way, also hoped that Ye Tao could fight against Ye Wei’s waywardness. 

She waited, and waited, and finally, at dinner one night, Ye Tao called her to go to the study.

She had a bad premonition in her heart, and sure enough, when she went into the study, she saw Ye Tao hesitating to start the topic. 


Ye Ying pretented to be oblivious, “Gege, what’s wrong?”

Her question was left unanswered for quite some time, Ye Tao eventually opened his mouth, “Yingying, what do you think about living outside? I have found a house for you, it’s near your school, less than ten minutes’ walk. It’s convenient for you to go back and forth from school. I know that you have never lived alone since you were young and you must not be used to living alone out of the blue. I have hired a housekeeper for you. She will help you cook and take care of your daily life. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean we don’t care about you. If you encounter any problems, you can still come to me, I will always be your Gege…”

Despite her psychological preparation, Ye Ying was still shaken. She was unable to deny that her heart was stifled. Sour and astringent, it was incredibly excruciating..

She only had one thought in mind: Her brother didn’t want her anymore. He chose Ye Wei over her. 

She had prepared to leave. She didn’t want to make things difficult for her brother, but hearing it with her own ears hit different. Ye Tao requested her to leave the Ye Family with his own mouth. The feeling of being given up made her heart shatter. 

He even found her a house and hired someone to take care of her daily life, indicating that he had arranged everything before he told her this.

So, he had committed to give her up a long time ago. His dilemma was not because he couldn’t make a choice, but because he didn’t know how to deliver the news to her?

Her head hung low, she couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “Mn. I understand. I will move out tomorrow.”

Ye Tao was evidently distressed for her. He wanted to rub her head like he used to, but Ye Ying had taken a step back and avoided it.

Ye Tao’s hand froze mid-air, and he slowly withdrew it.

All of sudden, Ye Ying expressed, “Gege, are you blaming me too? Blaming me because I am the reason that Jiejie was left behind…”

Ye Tao didn’t answer right away, he sighed helplessly, “Yes. If you hadn’t behaved like your world was ending and cried all day long, we wouldn’t hesitate to bring Ye Wei back. We were worried you would be upset about Ye Wei and distract you from the university entrance examination. We were worried that you would think we alienated you and it would break our family apart, but… this situation can’t be blamed all on you. I have my own share in this. If I had insisted on bringing Ye Wei back, perhaps we wouldn’t be in this mess today.”

Ye Ying wiped her tears. “I’m sorry. I’m just sad that I am not Papa and Mama’s child. I’m just sad at the thought of leaving you guys, I didn’t mean to make Jiejie unable to go home. I never thought of it that way…”

Ye Tao froze for a second, apparently not expecting Ye Ying to say that. What did she mean by saying that? He didn’t dare to think deeply about her words and said, “I know, the decision was made by us. It has nothing to do with you.”

Ye Ying gave Ye Taoo a flustered look, “No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that…”

“Well, I know.”

Ye Tao was emotionally and physically exhausted. He was inexplicably disappointed with Ye Ying’s reaction. 

Yes, Ye Ying never intended to let Ye Wei get left behind, but when they made the decision to abandon Ye Wei, although Ye Ying felt a bit guilty, she only attempted to convince them with one or two words, and that’s all. 

And, after that, everything was the same as before.

She stopped crying, maybe because of guilt. She even became more like a perfect daughter, considerate and caring, as warm as a cotton-padded jacket. 

It didn’t take long for the news of Chen Xiaohong’s attempt at ending her life with a hunger strike to arrive in their ears. 

At that time, when he heard the news, he only felt thet Chen Xiaohong had some screw loose in her brain. Suicide? Why went so far to end her life? Wasn’t it good just to be able to live? Did she go mad from hearing about her long-lost rich family but being unable to be a part of said rich family? Was it because she was educated poorly by her impoverished family…

He speculated about his own sister in the worst light possible. He never considered whether it was because she had been pushed to the corner and left with no way out!

Ye Tao covered his face with his palms. He only discovered how cold-blooded he was.  He, Ye Tao, was awfully cold-blooded. 

How could he speculate about his own sister in such a worst light? He didn’t bother to get to know her, nor care about the kind of life she was leading. He unilaterally judged that she was taught badly, a hopeless case. He even looked down on her after she returned to her rightful home. 

If he were in her position, how could he not hate?

It was impossible for him not to hate.

They used to be Ye Wei’s sole salvation, and she might have been eagerly expecting them to pick her up from the abyss. 


She waited… and waited. 

And, in the end, what was she waiting for?

Their abandonment!

All the time she was waiting in hope, she was waiting for the news of their abandonment of her!

“Gege. Don’t misunderstand me. I really didn’t mean that. I was aware you guys did that for me, I didn’t mean to shirk responsibility, so I never blamed Jiejie for targeting and hating me…”

“I, too, can understand why Ye Wei is llke this. Yingying, if it were me, I am afraid that I couldn’t help but hate you too.”

Ye Ying felt a pang in her heart, she widened her eyes at Ye Tao.

She also had her guilt towards Ye Wei. Even if she didn’t want to face it, since she saw with her own eyes the kind of life Ye Wei was living for the past 18 years, she understood how much she had wronged Ye Wei.  Especially because she knew the exact reason Ye Wei couldn’t go back to her home was her. 

However, she didn’t mean to do that. She didn’t mean to prevent Ye Wei from going back home, and she didn’t use any means to prevent Ye Wei from going back home either…

Ye Tao grimaced, “Let’s stop here. Don’t talk about it anymore. It’s getting late, you go back and rest.”

Ye Ying was heartbroken. She tried to explain, but the more she explained, the worse it sounded. She could only eat back her grievances, “I’ll go back first.”

Ye tao replied with a hum and watched Ye Ying leave the study.

Until there was only him in the study, Ye Tao deflated and sank down on the chair. He couldn’t put his finger on what kind of mood he was in right now. Was it sadness that dominated his heart? Disappointment? Or was it regret?

There was only silence left to answer him.

Ye Tao suddenly spoke, “I have done what you said, are you satisfied now?”

Ye Wei walked out from behind the screen. Her arms crossed in front of her chest. The smile on her face couldn’t be hidden. She slightly raised chin, looking a bit arrogant. “With what? Meimei is still living and breathing in this house. Only when she truly leaves this house will I be satisfied.”

Ye Tao muttered, “Ye Wei, how on earth can I make you forgive me? I am sorry for you before, and I admit that I went too far, but it was unintentional on my part.I sincerely hope to make up for my previous mistakes…'”

Ye Wei motioned to Ye Tao to stop talking. She smiled, “Yes, yes. I heard it loud and clear the first time, you don’t need to keep parroting it. I know, I know you want to make up for me. Aren’t you doing precisely that now? You did an exceptionally good job, I am very happy. Gege, thank you.”

Ye Tao: “…………”

Ye Wei blinked and added, “Gege, you should know what to say to Mama tomorrow, right? Or, do you need me to repeat it to you again?”

Ye Tao went silent. His brows creased and he shook his head, “No need.”

Ye Wei: “Then tha’s good. Gege, I will trust you one last time. You better not let me down, otherwise, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

Without further ado, she left the study. 


From scale 0-10, how much do you enjoy this stolen translation? :)

Early the next day, Wang Hui, Ye Tao, Ye Wei and Ye Ying all sat at the table for breakfast.

Ye Wei ate her congee leisurely, while Ye Ying had no appetite and Ye Tao did not touch his portion even for a little.

Wang Hui was occupied, she instructed the maid to stew a lot of supplements to take them to the hospital for Ye Shicheng.

Ma. Yingying talked to me about leaving the house, she wants to move out.”

Ye Tao broke the silence all of sudden. 

Wang Hui was not the only one shocked by his words, Ye Ying too. She, who had no appetite, snapped her eyes at Ye Tao. Her eyes wide with disbelief, as if she couldn’t believe her own ears. 

She glanced at Ye Wei, and found that Ye Wei was no less shocked than her. Even at this time, her act was worthy of applause. 

Ye Tao didn’t look at Ye Ying. 

“What’s the matter? Yingying, be good and tell Ma, why do you suddenly want to leave the house? Why do you want to live outside?”

Ye Wei chirped along, with confusion in her voice, “Yeah, that’s right. Meimei, Papa is in hospital right now, don’t make trouble. Why do you suddenly want to move out? Is there something at home that makes you upset so you decide to move out?”

Ye Ying: “……?!”

The moment Ye Wei opened her mouth, she knew it wouldn’t be good for her. As expected, Ye Wei didn’t have any good intentions for her!

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Hui heard Ye Wei’s words, the worry on her face turned into disapproval, with some discreet anger. Ye Shicheng was still in the hospital. His life and death uncertain. It’s okay to make trouble, but why did she make a fuss about moving out at this juncture?

Ye Ying opened and closed her lips like fish, she peeked at Ye Tao, then at Ye Wei’s pretentious face. She endured the heartache and reluctantly said, “Ma, I didn’t decide to leave the Ye Family out of nowhere. There was no one who made me upset in this house. It’s just… I shouldn’t have been here in the first place. I have had this idea for a long time, only I never said it outloud…”

Wang Hui was bewildered. It was all too sudden. Not to mention, Ye Shicheng was ill and was being hospitalized, “Yingying, before, didn’t you clearly say that you want to stay with us all your life and you don’t want to be separated from us even for a moment?”

Ye Ying was teary when she recalled the old days, “Mama, I’m not leaving. I don’t want to leave you guys either. I’m just going to live outside. We can still meet in the future, as long as I have time, I will come back and visit, okay?”

“Yes, Ma. Don’t worry,” Ye Tao backed up, “I have arranged everything and found a house for Ye Ying. I also hired a housekeeper for her. She won’t have any problem living by herself.”

Wang Hui turned to lookat at Ye Tao. Her face wrinkled, “What is going on with both of you? Are both of you hiding something from me?”

Ye Ying denied, “No, no. Mama. It’s because since I discovered that Jiejie has suffered so much in my place, I went into introspection. I don’t want to leave, but I can’t bear it whenever I recall that I hogged everything that should have belonged to Jiejie. I only want to return to Jiejie everything that is rightfully hers…”

Ye Wei immediately interjected, “Meimei, how could you say that? Return everything that is rightfully mine? Mama and Papa have loved you so much all these years, they even left me behind so as not to make you sad. You should be fully aware of their love for you. Now you said that you want to return everything that is rightfully mine, where do you put Papa and Mama in mind? How could you slap their faces like that?”

Wang Hui also admonished, “Don’t be ridiculous! Are you blaming me for caring more about Weiwei and neglecting you lately? Yingying, you yourself have seen firsthand how worse Weiwei’s life was in the Chen Family, haven’t you? We cared more about her and were more considerate towards her, can’t you understand why?”

Ye Ying was at a loss for words, “No. Mama. I don’t blame you…”

She looked at Ye Tao and hoped that he could help her, but, unfortunately, Ye Tao sat in silence. He didn’t intend to speak up for her. He didn’t even look at her, as if she were some dreadful monster[1].

Did her Gege hate her so much now?

Ye Wei sofly sobbed, “Meimei, before this, I always thought our family of five could live a good life together. A loving parents. A caring Gege. And a Meimei who is smarter than me, prettier than me… in short, better than me in every aspect. I, as your Jiejie, can’t compare to you. But now, you said you wanted to return everything to me, without any warning. Are you secretly blaming me for returning to this family? I see. It’s my fault, isn’t it. I shouldn’t have come back. If I don’t come back, I won’t make Meimei upset.,,”

Ye Wei put down her utensils. Her eyes tinted red, with a glint of self-condemnation. 

Ye Ying sucked a cold breath. She tried to speak up for herself, but stopped when she caught sight of Wang Hui’s livid face. Wang Hui hugged Ye Wei and patted her head, “Weiwei, don’t think like that. You are our own daughter, isn’t it only natural for you to return to your home? No one blames you, let Mama see, who dares to blame you?”

Ye Ying:“…………”

Ye Ying bit her lips. She stared at Ye Wei. Ye Wei was comforting Wang Hui back, “Mama, don’t be angry. Meimei said that out of impulse. Just let her think it over for herself. Let’s just finish our breakfast so we can go to hospital soon.'”

The event ended with Wang Hui sending a reproachful look at Ye Ying. 

After breakfast, Wang Hui went upstairs and packed up some clothes before going to the hospital, without caring whether Ye Ying would really leave the house or not.

Ye Ying observed the empty house and let out a bitter laugh.

Her heart was in pieces. 

Her brother didn’t lend her a helping hand, instead, he sided with Ye Wei.

Her mother dismissed her, all because of Ye Wei’s words.

In this empty house, she felt that she was abandoned by the whole world.

She could picture Ye Wei standing in front of her with her cocky smile and condescending look, bloated with pride, “Get lost.”

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[1] 洪水猛兽 – hóng shuǐ měng shòu. lit. fierce floods and savage beasts — great scourges. A great disaster.

Ry’s Lei’s Corner

This is a moral-dilemma problem. Personally, I’m inclined to side with the person I’m closer with. There is no truly ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in this kind of situation.

There is so much “我不是有心的”/I don’t mean to (I don’t have the intention to/I’m unintentional) in this chapter that I went dizzy from it.

University entrance examination isn’t one to joke around. I remember that during my last year of High School, the things I and my friends did all week long was studying, studying, and studying. Normally, our schedule was Monday-Friday, 7 to 5, but when we were in our last year, we got additional lessons on Saturday, from 7 to 12 which was basically us solving the same type of problem over and over again for each subject. Our homework and individual exams and presentations did not lessen tho, haha, funny. Lucky me I didn’t get bald… much.

Anw, because the ads are becoming more intrusive, I am considering migrating to… hopefully in the near future?  I am okay with ads, I support ads, I love ads, but not when it is shoved to my face for every single scroll I make… Idk how bad the ads you guys got, but I scrolled for one tiny paragraph sandwiched between 3 huge ads when I was checking for typos and errors. Yikes. Plus, it seems like this issue not only happen in my free wp? Need Lyre’s permission first tho considering she is the Site Owner. Also, @Ry, fund my broke-ass uni student wallet pls.

Update: Anw, there is a Font Resizer on the footer now. Small A to reduce the px by 1 (min 8px), middle A to back to the default size, and big A to increase the px by 1 (max 24px). Oh, and you can turn off the Dark Mode now, hooray? Just a warning in advance, I will prolly put some ads later to maintain this to. Sad.

If the Follow button below does not work, you can manually follow the site from WP Reader. _:(´ཀ`」∠):


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind us we still have ongoing translations in hands. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway.


Watch this stupid dork Jian Xingzhi dig pit for himself. No, I am not lying. He literally dig pit for himself. (and figuratively as well, but hey)

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3277

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10 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 90”

  1. I didn’t have any ads? 🤔 Oh wait I’m on opera w ad blocker jfkgkgk nvm don’t listen to me

    Man Ye Wei is upping the brutality so much, it’s wild

    • Actually when today’s chapter got uploaded and I went to check the post, I didn’t find any ads. But, that may be because I have asked the WP Mod about the recent increasing ads, the Mod told me to screenshot the ads but abracadabra the ads are no more for me to screenshot??? I’m in deep confusion ∠(:3」∠)_

      I wish I can install AdsBlocker on Chrome Mobile ∠(:3」∠)_

      Ye Wei is brutal to others, and even more brutal to herself in this Arc.

      • The shade you are throwing 🤣😭

        I did get some ads some days ago, and indeed it’s make the post… quite unreadable 😭

      • I usually use chrome on mobile but I installed opera literally just for manga sites and the like to avoid ads LOL

          • ( `ゝ∀σ)=b makes it easier to keep track of what I’m reading since those are my only bookmarks on this browser
            (It also runs BuzzFeed pages faster so the quizzes don’t lag and take forever to load and freeze)

  2. I don’t see any ads either and I’m using my mobile phone. Hmm, I can understand the bitterness in all parts, but I truly don’t blame Ye Wei in this instance I think. Ye Ying was horribly naive, and although it’s fine for her to be scared, it would be undeniable in Ye Wei’s eyes that she was involved in her harm. Truly Ye Wei suffered so much, and even now, she’s fighting to have a place here. To be comfortable with someone who was partly involved in her not coming back to the family and her continued suffering, that’s definitely unbearable

    • Yeah, the ads vanished after I bring the problem to the WP Mod hehe, hopefully it will stay that way and the ads won’t reappear after the problems died down (bc I’m not the only one bringing it up rn) :>

      Not to mention that OG!SFL Ye Wei never received this treatment. Until her death, she was no more than a ‘stranger’ in the Ye Family. Ye Wei may be acting in this Arc, but she doesn’t act without any basis. All the words conveyed are from the OG!SFL’s experience…


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡