TXW Chapter 29

Chapter 29

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Do not support theft: Please read the original translation at Elysian Pit WordPress (elysianpit.com)

Upon discovering that Jian Xingzhi would be delighted even if she nailed him to the ground, Qin Wanwan lost interest in thrashing him. She collapsed face front on the ground, all the fatigues snaring up to her. Right at this moment, she just wished to be one with the sand and bury herself. 

Jian Xingzhi plowed himself out of the sand and ripped the ropes. He poked her with his wooden sword, “Get up. I smell the moisture in the wind. There should be an oasis nearby. Let’s go there to rest. I will catch fish for you.”

Qin Wanwan sprawled motionless. Jian Xingzhi squatted down and relentlessly poked her, “Don’t stay still. Isn’t it only 200 miles. You are too squeamish.”

Qin Wanwan treated him as air. She had no energy to reply to him. Jian Xingzhi mulled and settled to turn her over. Initially, he planned to lecture her, but he was met with Qin Wanwan’s small, fair face dusted with sand, her eyes empty and lifeless, as if the light truly snuffed out. 

Jian Xingzhi’s heart palpitated. He was anxious he unintentionally killed her. He swiftly checked her pulse. His shoulder sagged when he found her pulse still pulsating and she was just burned out from the weariness. He sighed again,

“Too delicate.”

With that, he picked up Qin Wanwan and laid her on his back. He headed toward the oasis.

Qin Wanwan’s mind was blank all the way to the oasis.

Her mind returned to her body when Jian Xingzhi had arrived at the oasis, made the bed, lit up the fire, cleaned the fish, roasted it, and handed it to her. 

She bowed her head and mechanically nibbled the fish. Jian Xingzhi also ate his portion and asked,  “Can you sense your connection with Nanfeng?'”

Qin Wanwan listened to him in a trance, it took her a second to process his words, and dazedly nodded her head. 

The teleportation array that ‘Bai Suiyou’ set up in the Sword Mound led them to this desert. When she fell off the vortex, Nanfeng did not follow, but there was a connection between them. She could sense that Nanfeng had no major problems, so she wasn’t worried.

“He’s still at Tian Jian Sect,” Qin Wanwan answered and resumed eating her fish. 

Jian Xingzhi was not surprised to hear Nanfeng’s current location. 

“We left without warning, so Xie Gutang must be keeping him under his care.”


Qin Wanwan couldn’t muster any strenght to chatter. Jian Xingzhi also noticed her exhaustion, and he didn’t raise any more topics. He reviewed the points he harvested and Qin Wanwan’s Martial Arts Proficiency. His brow creased when he noticed that the Martial Arts Proficiency only rose by 2,000 points. 

“We still have to practice tonight.”

He arranged. 

Qin Wanwan’s movement froze. Jian Xingzhi’s commentary streamed into her ears, “We have to increase your Martial Arts Proficiency to 100,000 within a month. Your initial proficiency is 30,000. We need 70,000 by the end of the month, so every day there must be at least an increase of 2,334. Still, I hope you can aim for more, reaching 3,000 points a day. In that way, you will grow faster. We only got 2,000 today, so you still have to work hard.”

“Practice…” Qin Wanwan’s eyes glazed, her gaze out of focus, “I can’t practice anymore…”

“Fear not,” Jian Xingzhi hastened to console her when he caught her sanity collapsing, “Soon, I will pass you two sets of Mind Cultivation Method, one is the Body Tempering Mind Method. This method will let you transform your Spiritual Power into physical strength. It will ensure you will only be tired and won’t collapse as long as your mind is firm. In that way, you can always practice.”

Qin Wanwan widened her eyes in horror. 

How could there be such a corrupted mind method?

Only tired but wouldn’t collapse. In that way, how could she find an excuse to justify her fainting and rob some rest!?

“The other is a Mind Method called ‘Chunsheng’.” Jian Xingzhi presented to her, “It is specifically utilized to restore internal organs and broken bones. Unless they are rendered by spells or poisons, ordinary injuries won’t be a hitch with this Mind Method. The broken bones can be mended and damaged organs can be restored.”

“That… I heard there seems to be an upper limit to cell life or division. Regenerating the cell one too many times will make us prone to cancer…[1]” Qin Wanwan clenched the fish’s stick in a trance, attempting to use science to dissuade Jian Xingzhi from his outlandish idea, “It’s not good to accelerate the cells regeneration speed…”

“I don’t understand your words,” Jian Xingzhi’s remarks made Qin Wanwan despaired, “But, I have known this Mind Method since I was a child. Large-scale battle and small-scale battle, I have experienced it all. I have used this Method up until now. And as you can see, I haven’t got any complications at all.”

“You are like this,” Qin Wanwan suppressed her grimace, “And you still claimed you haven’t got any complications at all?”

Isn’t your lack of brain enough proof?

“No complication.”

Jian Xingzhi gestured, “Observe me, isn’t my physical condition particularly good? I will tell you my analysis on you. Your biggest problem is that you are overall too weak. Your character; Your body; Your willpower; Your fighting spirit. You have to pull yourself together, just like me, your Shifu, understand?”

Qin Wanwan stared at him blankly, totally not understanding a single word of his. She chose to end the discussion, “I will sleep first. Tomorrow, I will earn 2,700 Martial Arts Proficiency to pay off for tonight, okay?”

“Are you sleepy?” Jian Xingzhi thoughtfully asked her. 

Qin Wanwan pecked her head, “Super sleepy.”

“Then, let’s practice ‘Chunsheng’ first,” Jian Xingzhi made a decision right away. Qin Wanwan was about to refuse when Jian Xingzhi knocked her chest with his palm. 

Qin Wanwan was stunned. She lowered her head and stared at Jian Xingzhi’s hand that was firmly set on her chest. A second later, she felt piercing pain resonating on her chest, Qin Wanwan immediately lost all her sleepiness and screamed, “AHHH!”

“Just now, I shattered two of your ribs,” Jian Xingzhi quickly grasped her hand and connected their palms, “Hurry, follow my Spiritual Power to cycle your meridians. Listen to my recitation, the faster you learn the faster you can stop the pain.”

Jian Xingzhi recited the incantation of “Chunsheng” without wasting any time. Qin Wanwan was about to go insane from the pain and didn’t dare to be sloopy. She braved a cold sweat and engraved the incantation word by word in her mind, she followed Jian Xingzhi and began to cycle her Spiritual Power. 

No less than a moment later, her pain subsided and the bones in her chest began to heal. 

She recovered from the intense pain and was drenched in a cold sweat. She glared at Jian Xingzhi almost immediately. 

“Why are you torturing me like this?!”

“This is our Sect’s way.”

Jian Xingzhi, the self-confident man, was bold and straightforward, “Since you have entered our Shang Ji Sect, you must not be squeamish. It is necessary to learn to take a beating, otherwise, in the future, you will lose a battle just because you can’t endure the pain.”

“Get lost!” Qin Wanwan was mad from the pain a moment ago and pointed her finger to the distance, “I take it back, I won’t enter your Sect! Don’t teach me anymore. From today on, I have nothing to do with you! You scram!”

“I know that the process of practicing is extremely painful, it’s natural that you can’t adapt at once,” Jian Xingzhi serenely said, “Since you have acknowledged me as your Shifu, you can’t give up halfway. Now, are you still sleepy?”

“How can you lay your hand…” Qin Wanwan almost teared up when she saw his dedicated look. She pointed her finger at her chest and emphasized, “on my chest! My plump chest! Can’t you feel that I am not a piece of wood? Can’t you feel how soft and delicate I am? You put your hand on my chest just to shatter my ribs!?”

“If I cared about your chest,” Jian Xingzhi coldly replied, “I wouldn’t be worthy to be your Shifu. Come on, follow after me,” Jian Xingzhi spoke. He  held his hand just half an inch in front of her chest, “or do you prefer me to shatter your ribs again?”

Qin Wanwan’s lips sealed tight, but her chest was heaving violently.

Jian Xingzhi had a calm and focused gaze, as if the person in front of her was not a human, but a piece of wood.

Staring at this person’s firm gaze, Qin Wanwan abruptly discovered that this person had changed her world view.

His dedication, his perseverance, his unique simplicity.

Leaving her with only one thought left in her heart——

She is going to hammer his dog’s head!!!

What roundabout excuses;  what deliberate reasons. 

Only violence could counter violence; Only spell could counter spell.

She didn’t even want his apology anymore.

Right now, what she wanted hte most was to trample this person under her feet, to crush his bones inch by inch, to pay back what he has done to her by a hundredfold!

“I will learn.” The words hissed between her clenched teeth, “I will learn hard,”

“Good,” Jian Xingzhi beamed, “I will wait for you to finish your apprenticeship. When the time comes and we return to the Immortal Realm, we will unite at Ji Shan!”

“Yes,” Qin Wanwan nodded, “Shifu, I, for sure, will be waiting for at Ji Shan. Shifu, let’s start!”

Qin Wanwan took the initiative to raise her hand and press it against Jian Xingzhi’s palm, following Jian Xingzhi’s Spiritual Power circulation. 

Jian Xingzhi was very pleased with Qin Wanwan’s proactive approach.

Qin Wanwan fixed her mind on learning and she was undoubtedly not without talent. In less than an hour, she had learned the basic of the two Mind Methods. 

The two did not rest and went straight to continue their road. She clashed with Jian Xingzhi as they rushed to Guicheng. 

The two fought day and night.

Qin Wanwan was not yet skilled on the Body Tempering Mind Method, she sometimes pushed herself beyond limit and fainted. Jian Xingzhi would carry her on his back in such cases. 

Later, Qin Wanwan would wake up on Jian Xingzhi’s back and every single time, she would practically sent a sword or strangle Jian Xingzhi’s neck in an attempt to kill him.

Then, Jian Xingzhi would block it and their sparring would resume.

It soon came apparent to Qin Wanwan that Jian Xingzhi always restrained himself when facing her. 

For instance, he wouldn’t use any spell on her.

She speculated that it might be because the System feared that he would accidentaly kill her using spell. Taking of the advantage, she brazenly used spells to chase and trash him. 

They went back and forth and in less than half a month, Qin Wanwan successfully performed her first step to fulfill her dream, she finally got to trample on Jian Xingzhi’s broken ribs.

Although it was because she had the spell advantage, it was still a great booster for Qin Wanwan. 

She was delivering blows and venting her rage on Jian Xingzhi in the desert. Meanwhile, far away in the Tian Jian Sect, Xie Gutang knelt before the Sect Leader, Qing Xuzi. He bowed his head in silence to show his resolution. 

“You want to go in person?” Qing Xuzi frowned, “You are this generation’s sole inheritor of the Wen Xin Sword. If something happens to you, what will happen to the Boundary of Life and Death[2]?”

“The Linglong Jade is of great importance. This Disciple was trusted with it, but it was stolen on This Disciple’s watch, This Disciple has let down our Sect. This Disciple must bring the Linglong Jade back to its original place to atone for it.”

Xie Gutang answered solemnly.

Qing Xuzhi sighed, “There are others that can be tasked with that, so Gutang, why do you insist on going in person?”

Xie Gutang remained silent over a period of time.

Eventually, he answered in a soft voice, “Qin-guniang risked her life for me when I was in danger and I also have promised Long-qianbei to protect her, but instead, I placed Qin-guniang in danger for Linglong Jade. At present, she is bearing the Dragon Neidan and is targeted by this unknown entity.” Xie Gutang raised his head and showed Qing Xuzi a firm look, “This time, I want to protect her.”


The author has something to say:

【Mini Theater】

Qin Wanwan: “I never thought that one day, I would become like this…”

Jian Xingzhi flopped like a fish beside Qin Wanwan, “Let go! Don’t pull my hair!!!”

【Mini Theater】

Xie Gutang: “I’m now on my way to protect Qin-guniang.”

Jian Xingzhi: “I’m now wrestling with her like pheasants pecking at each other.”

Xie Gutang: “I want to protect Qin-guniang well.”

Jian Xingzhi: “I want to teach her to protect me and assist me fight my enemies!”

Xie Gutang: “I won’t let anyone hurt Qin-guniang.”

Jian Xingzhi: “I shattered two of her ribs with one palm and taught her two sets of Mind method in a quarter of an hour. “

Xie Gutang: “I am what a proper Male Lead should look like, but I am not the Male Lead.

Jian Xingzhi: “I… may have done more good deeds than you in my life?”

Do not support theft: Please read the original translation at Elysian Pit WordPress (elysianpit.com)

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Do not support theft: Please read the original translation at Elysian Pit WordPress (elysianpit.com)


[1] Hayflick Limit – Human cells did not divide indefinitely but reached a limit of replication and stopped all further division. Acceleration of cell division may lead to the cell no longer understanding its own structure and start to grow out of control, it will lead to a mutation that may cause cancer.

[2] 死生之界 – sǐshēng zhī jiè. Literally that, the realm between the dead and the living. Similar to Limbo.

Lei’s Corner

If you have done good deeds, you will be rewarded well. (Karma; Causality Cycle)

It’s funny because even JXZ sounds unsure why he is the Male Lead that he resorts to say that it’s likely because he may have accumulated more virtue than XGT in his life.

It is not exactly “Male Lead” in the og text but “Emotional Line”, in which, is similar to saying “I am supposed to be the canon route/the poster boy” when playing otome.

Also, Wen Xin Sword shares the same hanzi with Wen Xin Sect. It is “Wen Xin”, asking or questioning one’s heart (self). Are you worthy of yourself? Have you live up to your own conscience?

Anw, in MSB’s novels, Wen Xin Sword is considered OP and not anyone can wield it, only the chosen one can.

Update: There is a Font Resizer on the footer now. Small A to reduce the px by 1 (min 8px), middle A to back to the default size, and big A to increase the px by 1 (max 24px). Oh, and you can turn off the Dark Mode now, hooray? Just a warning in advance, I will prolly put some ads later to maintain this site? Me sad. Ironically, sometimes ago, I got a 20s unskippable ad for a 5s shytpost video on YT. Is this an advanced karma delivered to my steps.

I’m sorry _:(´ཀ`」∠):

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Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind me that I still have ongoing translations in hands (and someone does read my translations). ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2249

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2 thoughts on “TXW Chapter 29”

  1. I remember when this novel is still ongoing many people protest why Gutang is not the ML…
    Lol cmon people our JianXingzhi is funnier and crazier with a heart of gold. HE IS NOT YIUR USUAL ML.
    I said again, i love his reasoning why he trained our Gubeicheng so hard HAHAHAHAHA,
    Thanks for the new chap!


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