WFDO Chapter 92

Arc 5
The Vicious Supporting Female Is the Real Daughter (20)

Welcome back, thief

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You really deleted this huh? Seems like I can’t use copy paste. Thief.

Are you worthy?

Are you… worthy?

For the first time, her own daughter who had always been simple and honest, confronted her with that apathetic look, questioning her, are you worthy of being my mother?

All along, Wang Hui thought she was already doing a good job. She took care of both Ye Ying and Ye Wei. At first, she didn’t bring Ye Wei back home, but she gave a sum of money to the Chen Family to improve their quality of life. When the Chen Family’s living situation became better, Ye Wei’s quality of life would naturally be better.

But she didn’t know that Chen Weiguo’s claims of him being good to Ye Wei were all false. 

“But she didn’t know that Chen Weiguo was so nice to Ye Wei that they were all fake. 

Chen Weiguo concealed the truth from her and deceived her![1]

She had never moved on from that, always feeling heartbroken and remorseful. “I wasn’t aware of how bad the Chen Family treated you before, later I found out and I tried my best to atone for it…”

“Atone? What is this ‘atonement’ in your mouth? Give me a stick then give me a sweet date[2]. Abandon me then pick me up. Do you think I will be grateful for that?” Ye Wei didn’t mince her words, “Mama. I lived a bad life. Why didn’t you know that?”

Wang Hui couldn’t answer her right away. 

Yeah, why didn’t she know?

“Because Chen Weiguo lied to me…”

“Because Chen Weiguo lied to you?” the light dawned on Ye Wei and she let out a long oh sound, “So, it’s because Chen Weiguo lied to you?”

“Yes, it’s because Chen Weiguo lied to me. He said that his family’s living situation wasn’t something he could control considering his financial condition…”

“But. Why do I feel like you aren’t telling the truth right now? Why could Chen Weiguo deceive you? He is merely a rural man, how could he successfully deceive you? So, it’s not that you are deceived by him, but you don’t care enough to know the truth. You don’t care about me and you don’t want to know me!”

Wang Hui paled. 

The shame of being bluntly exposed to the truth left her speechless. 

“Mama, if you truly think of me even for a little bit at that time, wouldn’t you spare a little time to check on me?”

“Weiwei, it’s not that we didn’t want to see you, at that time, we planned to see you after we dealt with some business at hand…”

“What business was so important that you couldn’t even spare a day?”


“Enough with the excuses. All that talk just makes me realize how much you don’t care about me. If you cared, how could you not want to know what kind of life I was living! If you cared, how could you choose to abandon me and leave me behind!”


Wang Hui stammered. 

Ye Wei’s agonized and resentful look was enough to break her heart. 

She regretted, and also hated. If she could turn back time; if she were given another chance, she would never abandon her again. Ye Wei was her own flesh and blood, her daughter, the one born from her…

She regretted the choice from a long time ago.

“Weiwei, I admit, we were wrong before. We owe you. We shouldn’t abandon you without understanding everything clearly. This is our fault, but you can’t become so extreme because of this…”

Ye Wei let out a laugh, “I am extreme? Why am I extreme? Which part are you referring to, the part where I get rid of Ye Ying from the house, or the part where I do not want to share my kidney with Papa? Oh, by the way, now that the water is spilled and you know that Meimei didn’t leave the house voluntarily, are you heartbroken? Can’t wait to take her back home?”

Each word sliced deep into Wang Hui’s heart, “Weiwei. Don’t be like this. Mama really knows Mama is wrong…”

“No, you are not wrong. Where are you wrong? I am your daughter, but also an outsider who has been living in exile for eighteen years. It is certain that your affection for the daughter you have never seen for eighteen years won’t be higher than the daughter you have raised with your own hands for eighteen years. You chose her over me, there is nothing wrong with that. Where are you wrong?”

“I am wrong. Weiwei, you are my own daughter, my flesh and blood. I knew that the Chen Family was in a bad situation, but I didn’t know how bad your situation was. I believed that you were doing well just relying on a superficial investigation and Chen Weiguo’s one-sided words. I let you suffer so much and even leave you to continue to suffer. It’s my fault. I gave birth to you, but I did not raise you, it is my sin as a parent; I gave you the basic needs, but I did not give you knowledge, it is my ruin as a parent; You grew up, but I was not there to teach you, it is my fault as a parent. I am your mother, but I did not fulfill my duty as a mother. This is my fault, it is my neglect of you. Weiwei, give Mama another chance, let Mama atone for the harm Mama caused you, okay?” Wang Hui begged painstakingly.

Ye Wei stared at her.

Wang Hui thought Ye Wei would be willing to let go of the past and start over, but then, she heard Ye Wei sneer, “It’s too late. That Chen Xiaohong, who was waiting in great hope to meet you day and night so you can bring her out of the abyss, has long since died.”

Wang Hui felt a phantom hand clenching her heart. 

She stepped forward, wanting to hug Ye Wei, to persuade her, and also to soothe the pain in her heart.

Ye Wei stepped backward, rejecting her approach. “Mama. Be at ease. Although there is no so-called Mother-Daughter bond between us, we can still make a transaction. I won’t refuse to donate my kidney to Papa, after all, a kidney is worth a lot of money, right?'”

Wang Hui looked at Ye Wei in shock. She staggered and almost fell to the ground, Ye Tao was fast to catch her. They were apparently frightened by Ye Wei’s words.

Ye Tao couldn’t piece back the mess in his heart. He helplessly expressed, “Ye Wei, don’t say such kind of thing, do you know what you are saying?”

“Half million[3],” Ye Wei ignored him. 

“The goods are delivered and the bill is cleared. From then on, we don’t owe each other anymore.”

“When the money is ready, we can get to the surgery right away.”

“Come on. Don’t look at me as if I were a callous and unfeeling person. Clearly, it is you guys that abandoned me first, I just followed the example. You guys taught me this, look, aren’t you all good teachers?”

She said nothing more and didn’t give any more attention to Ye Tao and Wang Hui, whose hearts were shattered into shards. 

Ye Tao watched Ye Wei leave in silence, but Wang Hui called out to her a few times, but she did not turn back. The shock Wang Hui received was more than she could endure and she blacked out. 

Ye Tao was instantly alarmed, “Doctor, doctor!”

Wang Hui didn’t suffer any major illness, this time she fainted because her emotion was out of control. Since she woke up, she was not in a good mood. She lay motionlessly in bed for a long time without speaking. 

Ye Tao spoke a few words of comfort beside her, but nothing could make Wang Hui feel any better. 

“I never imagined that Weiwei would hate me deeply in her heart,” She whispered with pain in her voice, “Weiwei is right. I really am not worthy to be her mother. I have let her down so much!”

Ye Tao stopped her, “Ma, don’t think too much about it, overthinking will tire you. The doctor said that you need to take a rest. The past has happened. Nothing can change it. What we can do right now is to hope Ye Wei can put down her resentment toward us so our family can start over.”

“Haven’t you seen Weiwei’s eyes? How could she easily let go? She believed that we didn’t want her, so she hated us. Besides, she doesn’t believe any of my words now, how can I get her to let go of her preconceptions against me and start over?”

Ye Tao actually knew that, and he regretted that, sadly, there was no medicine for regret in the world.

“This matter, should we tell Papa?”

“Your Pa is like this, he can’t bear the impact. I’m afraid he’ll be overwhelmed when he knows…”

“I understand. Let’s hide it for now and wait for the best.”

Ye Tao and Wang Hui tried to stall for time. However, Ye Shicheng’s illness couldn’t wait, his physical condition was deteriorating. The next day, he was rescued once again, and the doctor said that if he did not undergo surgery soon, he might really die. Up to this time, there wasn’t any suitable donor for Ye Shicheng except for Ye Wei.

For the matter of Ye Wei being a donor, Ye Shicheng was greatly resistant. He didn’t wish for Ye Wei to be his donor. Even if it was said that people could function normally with only one kidney, there would be more or less side effects. And, how old Ye Wei was ah, she was only 18. Losing a kidney wouldn’t be a good thing for her.

But in the end, he was simply not given another choice.

Ultimately, he was wheeled into the operating room with Ye Wei next to him. 

Ye Shicheng had a lot of guilt and heartache for Ye Wei. They had wronged her before, and they hadn’t made up for the debt they owed her, but now they still created another debt to save his life!

The mixed feeling in his heart was extremely unpleasant. He couldn’t think of any way to compensate Ye Wei for everything. 

Ye Shicheng’s consciousness was back after the operation was over. The doctor told him that the operation was successful, but he still needed to be under observation for a while to see how well he adapted.

Wang Hui wept with joy beside him. Ye Tao’s eyes were red, and Ye Ying turned away to secretly wipe her tears.

The first question Ye Shicheng asked was, “Where’s Weiwei?”

Wang Hui said, “Don’t worry. Weiwei hasn’t woken up yet. She is resting in the next ward,” 

Ye Shicheng breathed a sigh of relief and soon frowned: “Then, what are you all doing guarding me here? You are her mother, go over to guard Weiwei and look after her carefully.  As soon as there is something wrong, call the doctor, also, let the housekeepers cook Weiwei’s favorite food and bring it here to tonic her body. After all, this operation is…… ai.”

“I have already arranged everything, don’t worry. I will surely take care of Wei Wei.” 

Ye Ying also said, “Yes, Papa. You can recuperate with ease. We will take good care of Jiejie.”

Ye Shicheng was still angry with Ye Ying for moving out. Without replying to her, he closed his eyes and said, ‘Alright, you all go out, I need to sleep for a while.'”

Ye Ying: “……”

“Let’s go,” Ye Tao called to Ye Ying

Ye Ying endured the sadness in her heart and followed Ye Tao out of the ward.

Ye Ying still minded that Ye Tao helped Ye Wei to harm her, and didn’t talk to him. Ye Tao also didn’t talk to her because of Ye Wei. He wanted to see Ye Wei, but thinking of Ye Wei’s rejection of Ye Ying, he said, ‘Don’t visit Ye Wei. You know that she doesn’t like you.'”

Ye Ying held back her heartache and said, “Mn, I know.”

“You’re also tired today, so go back first and come back later when you have time,” Ye Tao continued. 

Ye Ying: “……”

She looked at Ye Tao and realized that she barely knew him anymore. He no longer appeared to be the same brother who would love and care for her.


When Wang Hui went to see Ye Wei, she found that Ye Wei was awake. She was lying in bed playing with her mobile phone. 

Wang Hui expressed, “You’ve just finished the surgery. Don’t play with your mobile phone, rest a little longer.”

Ye Wei: “Oh.”

Wang Hui paused. 

“Wei Wei, thank you. You saved your father’s life. Your father is worried about you. The first thing he asks when he wakes up is you…'”

Ye Wei waved at her and replied unconcernedly, “No need for thanks. This is what I should do, after all, you have paid the money.'”

Wang Hui’s heart was astringent. She smiled bitterly, “Weiwei, you are my daughter. Even if you don’t want to give your father your kidney, I won’t deprive you of money. You don’t need to make a transaction between us and create a clear line of our relationship. Mama knows that Mama made a mistake before. Mama neglected you. But, don’t do this, okay? Forgive Mama. Now that your father’s condition is stable, when your father leaves the hospital, our family will live a good life. We forget our previous unhappiness and start over!”

Ye Wei was unimpressed, “As I said, it’s too late. Your Chen Xiaohong, who needs you, is already dead.'”

Wang Hui couldn’t grasp her mind on why Ye Wei kept emphasizing that it was too late. Why was it late? How could it be late? As long as she was willing to let them, it would never be too late!

Ye Wei put down her phone and closed her eyes, “Okay, I need to rest. You go out.’

Wang Hui helplessly stared at Ye Wei. Her heart was stuffed, and her eyes were teary.

Whether she wanted it or not, she had to leave the ward.

It was night when Ye Shicheng woke up again. He always kept Ye Wei in his mind, but he was not able to move around much after the surgery. So, until he could get up from the bed, he called Ye Wei on the phone. He got into a wheelchair and let Ye Tao push him to see Ye Wei.

Ye Wei wore a hospital gown because she had just undergone surgery, and her complexion was not good. Her face was pale and bloodless. In addition to long-term malnutrition, her already thin body looks even more emaciated. Ye Shicheng’s guilt intensified. He was both touched and heartbroken. He was even more sorry for her when he recalled the decision not to take Ye Wei home.

But, he was an elder who was not apt at pouring out his inner thoughts. He couldn’t show his sentiment well. He studied Ye Wei’s profile and in the end, expressed, ‘Wei Wei, thank you, You saved my life. Take good care of yourself first, and when you get better, we’ll go home.'”

“No need for thanks.” Ye Wei smiled nonchalantly, “I was paid, so it’s not like I gave you my kidney for nothing.”


Ye Shicheng was dumbfounded. He didn’t seem to understand Ye Wei’s words.”What did you say?”

Even Ye Tao held his breath, He never expected Ye Wei to be so blunt and unabashed. She said it without the least hesitation, leaving him with no chance to stop her!

“Papa, don’t listen to her nonsense. She’s joking with you…”

“You shut up!”


“Weiwei. You speak clearly, what do you mean?”

Ye Wei was still smiling, “It seems like Mama and Gege haven’t told you yet. It’s not a big deal, really. It’s nothing more than I gave you my kidney in exchange for money. If there’s no benefit, why should I sacrifice a kidney for someone who abandoned me? Don’t you agree?”

Someone who abandoned her? Ye Shicheng looked at Ye Wei, was she talking about him? 

Turned out, she was not without resentment or hatred in her heart.

Ye Wei, “Anyway, the goods are delivered and the bill is cleared. We don’t owe each other anymore.”

The goods are delivered and the bill is cleared. We don’t owe each other anymore.

In a few simple words, The relationship between them was taken off the table!

She never needed their compensation, nor did she need their sentiment or heartache. She didn’t need any relationship with them!

Terrible pain surged in Ye Tao’s heart. He knew that Ye Wei didn’t want the half million yuan at all. If she really wanted money, she wouldn’t have to go to this point. 

She could act like the good daughter from before, and there would be countless half million yuan for her in the future. However, she went to this point and pierced the paper window. All because she couldn’t put down the resentment and hatred in her heart, and she couldn’t reach a mutual understanding with them. 

And, as she said,

The goods are delivered and the bill is cleared. We don’t owe each other anymore.

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[1] 欺上瞒下 – qī shàng mán xià. Conceal the true state of affairs from above and below oneself; bully those below one and hoodwink those above; deceive one’s superiors and delude one’s subordinates.

[2] Referencing the idiom 打个巴掌再给个甜枣吃 – dǎ gè bāzhǎng zài gěi gè tiánzǎo chī. Beat with a slap before giving jujube (Chinese date) to eat. Has a similar meaning to the idiom carrot and stick. A combination of reward and punishment to induce a desired behavior. Put someone under control.

[3] 500,000 yuan is around 72k USD.

Ry’s Lei’s Corner

I haven’t mentioned this but Ye Wei the formal you (“您”) for her parents in this chapter, while in the previous (before the showdown), she used the normal you. It is more respectful to use 您, but this is also her drawing line with them.


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind us we still have ongoing translations in hands. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway.


Today, bby Jian Xingzhi is happily being planted into sand. Sand Xingzhi.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3054

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3 thoughts on “WFDO Chapter 92”

  1. I don’t remember if in the original story OG YeWei died of some complications from the operation.
    It would surely be the strongest and most destructive way possible to leave… leaving everyone in a guilt-ridden state, with no way to process it and find fault with her.

    This cycle is absolutely the rawest and most difficult to digest, but in my opinion also the most beautiful: the ability with which the protagonist manages to expose the feelings of poor OGFL and her point of view makes you feel guilty and sick me too who’s just reading the story… I wonder how it is possible that in the original story this sad and desperate creature was seen as evil

    • Yeah, I was thinking whether the original died during the surgery… Also, I wonder if Ye Wei is planning to leave now with that money? Or will she be staying there, and piling on the guilt? She could have kept her mouth shut, just not seeing the end game here, unless she’s dying soon, and plans to cut their ties and leave it as a business relationship…?

  2. ٩(๑`^´๑)۶

    Can’t believe they didn’t care about the original just cause she couldn’t put on a show for them.


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