WFDO Chapter 93

Arc 5
The Vicious Supporting Female Is the Real Daughter (21)

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You really deleted this huh? Seems like I can’t use copy paste. Thief.

The ward was hauntingly silent. 

Ye Shicheng eventually got to dig out the truth from Ye Tao. He was shocked, a sliver of disbelief was in his mind. He would never guess that Ye Wei, who always had a glimmer of admiration and respect every time she saw him, would actually harbor deep resentment and hatred towards him. In her eyes, they weren’t her family, but bad people who had abandoned her.

He was devastated.

He originally assumed that during the time after they picked up Ye Wei, they had tried their best to make up for her previous mistakes. They took care of her and also taught her. He believed they gradually healed the grievances and injuries Ye Wei had experienced. Their family of five could continue to live a tranquil life, but in fact, Ye Wei’s wound never healed. She saved his life, but she would rather cut off her relationship with him for 500,000 yuan than continue to be a family with them!

“Why didn’t you guys tell me earlier? How dare you hide such a big thing from me?” Ye Shicheng was furious. If he had been told earlier, he wouldn’t have agreed to use Ye Wei’s kidney!

Wang Hui couldn’t lie anymore and told him, “Your health is not good, we dare not tell you ah…”

Ye Tao also backed, “Pa, don’t get mad. This is also my fault. When Ye Wei just returned, I didn’t show her the care I was supposed to show and didn’t try to understand her better. Not only that, I was cynical of her. Ye Wei went to this point, and not trusting us any longer, is heavily related to me. I’m sorry……”

Ye Tao covered his face with his palm, “I never imagined her life to be so bad. If it weren’t for reaching a dead-end, if it weren’t for being deprived of choice, if it weren’t for running out of options, she wouldn’t have gone on a hunger strike to come back here…”

“Chen Weiguo is simply not a human being! He can ignore even his own mother! We gave so much money, but look at what they did. They bought the newest fridge and TV, bought the latest model of phone. They weren’t stingy for their own food. Yet, they let Grandma Chen live in a dilapidated house, her clothes are patched. She couldn’t even have meat as her meal. Obviously, the clothes all over Chen Xiaolong’s body are worth thousands of yuan, but, for his own mother, he can’t even spare a few of his money!”

Whenever he looked back at his first impression of Ye Wei, he would be so mortified that he wished to find a crack in the ground and bury himself in! 

But, how could it all be blamed only on Ye Tao?

They as a parent were the ones who knocked the hammer on not bringing Ye Wei back home……

“No, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have decided to leave Weiwei there without investigating her thoroughly. I didn’t even look at her in person and did not even listen to her wishes, whether she was willing or not… ” Wang Hui choked on her words, “Weiwei is right. If I really cared, I wouldn’t be so oblivious to her life. I’m not worthy of being her mother!”

Ye Shicheng followed by a sigh, wasn’t he also at fault?

Ye Tao comforted, “Ma, don’t cry. The most important thing for us now is to get Ye Wei’s forgiveness. She is angry now, but I know that, deep down, Ye Wei is not a bad person. She hoped greatly for us, that’s why she was so disappointed. Because, she hoped, for us.”

Wang Hui wiped her tears, “I understand that. But, Weiwei’s heart knot is too tight. I have said everything I can and do everything I can. I frankly don’t know what to do anymore, ” Tears kept falling from Wang Hui’s eyes.

Ye Shicheng spoke, “One thing I know is, if Weiwei truly hates us, she won’t save me. She just can’t let go of the past in her heart. She minds that we don’t want her for Yingying, that’s why… ai, it’s all my fault.”

He thought of something and resumed, “Also, don’t let Yingying come to the hospital for the time being. Weiwei is already angry enough, I’m afraid she won’t forgive us even more if she sees Yingying.”

Initially, Ye Ying cooked a pot of chicken soup for Ye Shicheng. She was preparing to go to the hospital, but she received a phone call from Ye Tao, requesting her not to go to the hospital for the time being. She was dumbstruck. 

“What’s wrong? Is Papa still angry about me moving out? If that’s the case, I’ll bring the chicken soup and leave.”

Ye Tao denied, “No. Pa just went to see Ye Wei, and Ye Wei truthfully said that she demanded half million for her to share her kidney with Pa……”

Ye Ying held her breath and interrupted, “What did you say? Is it true? Then, is Papa furious? He just finished the surgery and can’t bear the stimulation. Is Papa okay now? Why is Ye Wei so unruly……”

Ye Tao replied, “Yeah, Papa is indeed enraged. He has always felt regretful about Ye Wei’s matter, and now he found out that Ye Wei truthfully hates him. He doesn’t feel well now. Anyway, we ought to find a way to get Ye Weii’s forgiveness and gradually eliminate the resentment and pain in her heart.”

Ye Ying: “…?” Pardon?

Ye Tao continued, “You also know that Ye Wei detests you, so Papa told me to tell you not to come to the hospital for now, so as not to deepen the conflict between us.”

Ye Ying: “…” Ye Ying really couldn’t understand. Clearly, Ye Wei openly used such extreme means to deal with her, and even with Ye Shicheng and  Wang Hui. Why could they still treat Ye Wei so well? Why was it still Ye Wei who was cared for and loved in the end?

She hung up the phone and stared at the insulation container placed aside. She pursed her lips and wiped away her tears.

Nowadays, in the hearts of her parents and brother, Ye Wei ruled their hearts, right? As for her, she was left forgotten in the corner. 


While Ye Wei had to rest in the hospital for post-surgery observation, Zhang Yu and Jiang Fei came to visit her.

The moment Zhang Yu entered her vision, Ye Wei fired, “Are you here to raise hell too?”

Zhang Yu: “……”

He sighed helplessly, “Am I so hateful in your eyes?”

Ye Wei, “Well, you are decent. You aren’t a disgusting person who robs my thing, so at most, you are only annoying me with that mouth of yours and won’t cause me any substantial harm.”

She didn’t take him seriously, and her open disdain for him made Zhang Yu not sure whether to laugh or cry.

Meanwhile, Jiang Fei found himself a seat and sat down like he was the owner of the room, “You made a loss-making business.”

To be honest, Ye Wei always viewed Jiang Fei as an oddball. 

During his time following her in Chen Family, she couldn’t grasp his mind at all. He was a different kind from Zhang Yu and Ye Tao. He didn’t complain about suffering, nor did he shout about being tired from the mountain of work. More importantly, unlike Zhang Yu and Ye Tao, he did not look at her with the sympathy or pity that Zhang Yu and Ye Tao always had in their eyes. 

Take this moment for example, he used a serious and direct expression to tell her that she made a loss-making business. 

“Where did I make a loss-making business?”

Jiang Fei did not hesitate, “You did make one, a great loss, in fact. Think about it, you gave Ye Shicheng a kidney, it is a life-saving grace. The guilt and heartache must be overwhelming his heart, to such an extent that he will believe you love him enormously. In this kind of situation, you should lie dormant and take advantage of Ye Shicheng’s guilt and heartache to cheat more money out of the Ye Family’s account. Half million is nothing, you can even get 5 million. And, if you are clever enough, you can seize the whole Ye Family’s assets as yours.”

Ye Wei abruptly discovered, what is she, a Vicious Supporting Female, in the face of him ah? Just look at him, this is a Vicious Supporting Male in the making! An amazing seedling!

Zhang Yu’s eyes were wide open as he stared at Jiang Fei, which part of the brain circuit was wrong with this friend of his, again?

Ye Wei was speechless for a long time. 

Jiang Fei blinked in puzzlement, “Why don’t you speak?”

Ye Wei bemoaned, “I was thinking, you are absolutely more brilliant than I am. I only saw the immediate benefits of half million in front of me and didn’t think about the long run. I didn’t think I could have countless half million more! My vision is too short-sighted!”

Zhang Yu: “……”

Jiang Fei, “Mn. You grew up in the countryside, so it is to be expected. For you, half million is already an astronomical number.”

Zhang Yu: “……”

Ye Wei: “……” For the first time, she must admit that she, who claimed to be eloquent, was cornered into losing her speech. 

Jiang Fei didn’t seem to detect Zhang Yu and Ye Wei’s speechlessness and asked her, “Where are you going after this?”

Ye Wei replied, “Anywhere I can go, I now have money ah.”

Jiang Fei glanced at her with a helpless look again, “A mere half million, it’s not even half of Ye Ying’s annual expenses. But, in spite of that, it is undoubtedly more than enough for that little mountain village of yours.”

Ye Wei: “……”

Zhang Yu changed the topic, “Ye Wei, are you really planning to leave the Ye family and return to the village? You went through a rocky road just to return, why do you want to go back there now? Besides, even if the Ye Family had wronged you first, they are still your family. No matter how much you hate or resent, the bonds will not disappear. Moreover, for your future, you should stay. The Chen Family can’t give you a future.”

Ye Wei parroted her default answer, “Chen Xiaohong, who wants her family, is long dead.”

Zhang Yu: “Ye Wei……”

Ye Wei: “I have a family. My grandma is my family.”

Yes, she had a family, a family who was ready to put themselves on the line for her.

Zhang Yu didn’t know how to respond to that. 

He knew how poor and backward Chen Family’s village was. He also knew how tough Ye Wei’s life was. So, even if he knew Ye Wei’s disproportionate way to compel Ye Tao to drive Ye Ying out of the Ye Family; even if he knew Ye Wei’s resentment and dissatisfaction towards Ye Shicheng, Wang Hui, and Ye Tao; even if he knew that Ye Wei had been acting all the time, he couldn’t bring himself to hate her. 

No, actually, he thought. he should hate Ye Wei.

She used many means to hurt Ye Ying, but strangely, he just couldn’t hate her. 

He felt that, Ye Wei’s duplicitous way should be repulsive, but, every time he thought of Ye Wei, what appeared on his mind was not the way she got rid of Ye Wei, but her hunched frail back carrying a large basket, silently trailing behind Grandma Chen; the two calloused hands holding grain, waving it and smashing it with a heavy sound on the basket; her focused eyes when she was cutting the firewood……

There was a slight astringency in his heart as if he had been pricked by a needle. When he regained his senses, all that strange feeling disappeared.

He looked at Ye Wei, with a bit of bewilderment.

Ye Wei was not planning to stay.

Zhang Yu made a good point, but staying with the Ye Family was not a suitable choice for her. Ye Family had many businesses on their hands, so staying with the Ye family would make her no longer need to endure hardship and torment. Even if she was idle and had poor grades, it wouldn’t hinder her from having a beautiful and bright future. Who made the Ye Family so rich that she be as lawless as she want?

But, woefully, she was a person with no future. Her time was running out. In addition, as a Vicious Supporting Female, she had planted poison in the Female Lead’s family. Her job was done successfully and now was her time to retire to enjoy her hard work. 

Nevertheless, she felt it was quite weird. She had bullied the Female Lead to great extent, but the Male Lead who knew the truth didn’t even feel sorry for the Female Lead. Instead, he came to her to persuade her?! Wasn’t this precisely the proof that her disguise was top-notch!

Ye Wei didn’t bother to think about it and was too lazy to deal with it. She said she would leave, and leave she did. The doctor said she was stable enough to home for rest. Without informing anyone, she packed her backpack and took her bank card. She left without even saying a word. She didn’t even say goodbye, nor did she go through the formal discharge procedures. By the time Wang Hui brought lunch to find Ye Wei, Ye Wei was almost at the Chen Family’s village.

When Wang Hui learned she had left, she was infuriated, anxious, and heartbroken. “Why is she so stubborn? How can she be so stubborn?”

“Does she hate us so much? She left without saying a word! She won’t even give us a chance……”

Ye Tao was quick to react, “Ma, don’t worry, I’ll go and get Ye Wei back now.”

Ye Shicheng shook his head and sighed, “Weiwei is determined to leave, it will be useless for us to do anything for now, let’s wait a little longer. When her anger subsides a bit, let’s go and bring back Weiwei together.”

Ye Ying was truly surprised when she heard Ye Wei had left. 

Ye Wei really left? Just like that? How could she leave like that without saying a word?

She thought that Ye Wei was using all means to drive her out of the Ye Family because she had snatched the love and attention of her parents. But, now, she left. No one would divide her parents from her. But, why did Ye Wei leave? Why didn’t she want her parents? Wasn’t that what she wanted the most?

Ye Ying went home to see Ye Shicheng. After the surgery, Ye Shicheng’s health had been poor and he hadn’t gone back to work. He recuperated at home, and most of the company’s affairs were handled by Wang Hui.

Every time she returned, the atmosphere at home was suffocating. It was sad and gloomy. And, the topic was primarily revolving around Ye wei.

Ye Shicheng still cared about her, “How is it, living outside?”

Ye Ying said it was fine, it was uncomfortable at first, but she gradually got used to it. Besides, she was currently occupied with her studies and didn’t have much time at home.

Ye Shicheng was very concerned about her well-being and Wang Hui would deposit a sum of money into her card every month, however, they never mentioned allowing her to return home. Sometimes, she would stay for a meal and the driver would take her back after the meal.

Ye Ying knew why Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui did this, really. But, knowing was one thing, and understanding was another thing. She couldn’t lie and said she wasn’t disappointed and unhappy in her heart.

She had to acknowledge that there was no place for her to settle in this family anymore.

Ye Ying was engaged in her studies. The university entrance examination was right in front of her face, she did not dare to be sloppy and joke about her future.

Just as she was busy studying for the university entrance examination, she received a phone call from Chen Weiguo. She wavered for a moment before answering it. Chen Weiguo would call her from time to time and say one or two words. She could tell that Chen Weiguo didn’t have much sincerity toward her. The biggest reason for calling her was because she was the adopted daughter of the Ye Family, and for him, she was nothing more than a cash cow.

The only good thing was, she could hear some news about Ye Wei from Chen Weiguo. For example, after Ye Wei returned to the village a few months ago, she had her old house renovated. Grandma Chen, who didn’t like to live with him, moved back into her old house. 

Another example, Ye Wei didn’t continue her study, she became Grandma Chen’s little tail that followed her to the fields all day long. Another time, she bullied Chen Xiaolong. And, several other times, Chen Xiaolong was bullied to the point of tears by her. Unfortunately, they not only needed to condone her but also had to smile and said that Ye Wei was educating him well.

Ye Wei renovated the house without being stingy. She bought a new TV, a big refrigerator, a washing machine, a big wardrobe, and a big mattress. And, the mattress was Simmons! She bought a lot of new clothes, pants, shoes, gold, and silver jewelry. Grandma Chen wore a large gold bracelet and his wife chattered about it every day, evidently envious. Plus, every day, there were couriers sending fresh vegetables and fruits. The villagers knew that Ye Wei had made a fortune and came back to pay respect to Grandma Chen. 

Ye Wei also took Grandma to travel, it was unknown where they went. Anyway, their pair of Grandmother-Granddaughter always vanished for a long time without news. They would come back for a few days and then go on another trip. 

Chen Weiguo asked Grandma Chen, but she was tight-lipped. In any case, he could clearly see that Grandma Chen’s smile had increased. She would also show off the new clothes Ye Wei bought for her to other elders in the village, and when she laughed, she would reveal her missing two front teeth, almost unsightly.

It didn’t stop at that. Ye Wei also bought new desks and benches for the school on the other side of the mountain. She donated many books there. Her reputation was good, but could reputation feed her meal? She spent money so like it was leaves, he was dying from heartache!!

Chen Weiguo was anguished when it came to it. He admonished her not to learn from Ye Wei, to study hard, and show more filial piety to Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui in order to have a great future! The subtext was, ‘Remember to go back and show him filial piety in the future, he is still her own father regardless of anything!

Ye Ying responded perfunctorily every time.

This time, she didn’t know what Chen Weiguo would say, probably nothing more than Ye Wei again. 

However, Chen Weiguo said, 

Grandma Chen passed away.


Today was the first experience for Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui to step into the village in which Chen Family lived. They hiked and rested along the way, climbed mountains and ridges, and at long last, arrived at the village.

The village was very small, built at the foot of a mountain, with earthen-tiled houses all around the village. The road was narrow and bumpy, and only one person could walk on the road. 

The people in the village were also dressed in outdated clothes. Sometimes, they ran past two children playing around, their clothes were dirty, and their snot was still hanging on their faces. Each one peeked at them with puzzled and timid eyes.

Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui had heard that the village was backward, but only when they were truly in the village did they realize how backward and impoverished the village was. It was worse than they had imagined.

From afar, they could see a house adorned with white lanterns[1].

Chen Weiguo, his wife, and Chen Xiaolong were all wrapped in mourning headscarves[2] on their heads. They came out to welcome them and offered them to take a rest first. 

Ye Shicheng was not in good health. All the way, his physique was nearly unable to stand it, but he insisted not to rest, “I have to pay respects to the elder first.”

Another reason was, he didn’t enjoy Chen Weiguo’s presence. This man was not just foolish, but also cruel. How could a person that ditches his own mother and daughter be a good man? He was thoroughly worse than a beast!

Wang Hui didn’t have a good face towards Chen Weiguo either. Hence, the two of them went directly inside. 

Ye Tao and Ye Ying also treated Chen Weiguo as air and quietly tracked behind Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui.

Both of them were glum. 

Ye Tao still memorized that thin and rickety old lady who could bear a large basket that even he struggled with.

He marveled at her good health, but unexpectedly, she died without warning.

He heard that when she had passed away, she had not been in pain.

One night, she was watching TV with Ye Wei. The next morning, when Ye Wei got up to cook, her grandma tugged her and told her that there was a pit at the foot of her bed where she had hidden some money. She passed it to her and told her not to tell anyone. 

When the meal was ready, her grandma was no longer with her.

Ye Tao was behind Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui, offering incense to Grandma Chen and kowtowing three times.

They all had to thank her, if it weren’t for her, they couldn’t picture how Ye Wei’s future will unfold. Ye Wei might have been sold by Chen Weiguo to some old man, married him, and had children. That kind of miserable life……

Ye Ying only spent little time with Grandma Chen, but she respected Granda Chen. If she and Ye Wei were not switched at birth, she would have had a grandma who loves and takes care of her wholeheartedly.

There were hints of tears at the corner of her eyes, and she hung her head to brush her tears. 

Ye Shicheng suddenly questioned, “Where’s Weiwei? Why haven’t I seen her?”

They hadn’t seen Ye Wei since they came in.

Wang Hui and Ye Tao also probed around, but they couldn’t find her.

Chen Weiguo scratched his head, “Xiaohong should be busy. I don’t seem to have seen her today either……”

He quickly called his wife, “Where is Xiaohong? Hurry up and get her here!”

Chen Weiguo’s wife repeatedly replied yes, knowing that they were valued guests who couldn’t be overlooked. They explored around and asked anyone they could, but no one saw Ye Wei.

Ye Wei loved her grandma the most. In her opinion, Grandma Chen was her only family, the only one who truly loved her and cared about her. And now, her dearest grandma passed away. The news must hit her hard, what if she was in despair and couldn’t accept it?

This idea made them extremely anxious and worried. They worried that Ye Wei may have done something irreversible out of impulse. 

Ye Ying tried to be calm, “We shouldn’t panic, let’s search for her again!”

Due to Ye Wei’s sudden disappearance, people were on edge and looked for her everywhere. In the end, they located her on Grandma Chen’s bed. 

She appeared to be asleep, lying there peacefully with her eyes hidden beneath the lids; her breathing faint.

Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui immediately breathed a sigh of relief, “So Weiwei is asleep. It scared me to death.”

They assumed that Ye Wei had worked hard these days and wanted her to rest for a while longer. To their surprise, Chen Weiguo strolled in and shouted loudly, “Xiaohong, Xiaohong, wake up! Your parents are here! Wake up ah!”

Ye Shicheng frowned right away, telling him to stop shouting. Chen Weiguo shouted a few more times, and Ye Wei seemed to hear him and jolted. She opened her eyes and looked at them in a daze, as if she didn’t understand why they were here?

Ye Shicheng walked over, “Weiwei, you must be exhausted. You can sleep a little longer.”

“Yes, you get some more sleep. We are here.”

Ye Wei really closed her eyes again.

As he got closer, Ye Shicheng detected that Ye Wei’s condition seemed to be wrong. He saw that her complexion was poor, not the kind of pale complexion that didn’t rest well, but a kind of grayness that had lost all her energy. She lay down with her eyes closed and abruptly propped up to vomit, accompanied by slight convulsions. Her breathing began to become sparse…..

As if she could die in the next second!

Ye Shicheng was so horrified that he couldn’t utter a word.

Wang Hui was also alarmed and everyone gathered around Ye Wei.

“Weiwei, Weiwei, what’s wrong with you?”

“Weiwei, what’s wrong with you? Tell Papa, Weiwei, what’s wrong with you?”

“Where’s the doctor? Is there a doctor?!”

In a state of fright, they didn’t know what to do.

Only, Ye Shicheng was unexpectedly reminded of something. He took a step back in horror. Her appearance was almost the same as when he was sick!

How could it be? Impossible, impossible……

“Kidney failure? Weiwei, you……”

Amidst a period of chaos and mess, Ye Wei’s convulsions quieted down. She blinked her eyes, as if looking at them, or something past them.

She was in a trance, then breathlessly opened her lips, “I want to find Grandma.”

Her head tilted to the side.

And her breath was gone.

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[1] White is used for mourning here.

[2] 孝帕 – xiàopà. A kerchief wrapped around one’s head during a funeral for family members.

Ry’s Lei’s Corner

Jiang Fei is a little shit and I am living for it. It must be hard for Zhang Yu to be the only sane person among them. 

Next week is the conclusion of this Arc! We will soon go to Arc 6, a double-faced high schooler VIcious Supporting Female, a xue shen Female Lead, and a school bully Male Lead~

I am handed with the task of updating WFDO by Ry. Ry is still the one translating tho. She just has no face to appear here after disappearing for two months lmao.


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind us we still have ongoing translations in hands. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway.


Today, bby Jian Xingzhi is happily being planted into sand. Sand Xingzhi.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4329

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5 thoughts on “WFDO Chapter 93”

  1. Oof. The gut punch of realizing your daughter died because she gave you her one healthy kidney, and because of the genetic disease you gave her.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡