WFDO Chapter 94

Arc 5
The Vicious Supporting Female Is the Real Daughter (22)

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Ye Shicheng fainted on the spot from the shock, and Wang Hui lost her strength, she fell to her knees and sobbed, feeling blood clogging her throat. Ye Tao seemed to have lost his soul, standing in front of the bed in a daze, unable to wake up even by the shouts around him.

Ye Ying was also dumbstruck. She had thought of everything, but Ye Wei dying was something that never passed her mind.

She thought, after this, Ye Wei would return to the Ye Family. Her parents and her brother would treat her nicely for all the wrongs they had done. 

But, she actually… died?

Without any warning, she just died like this?

How could Ye Wei die? How could she die like this?

But, no matter how unbelievable it was to them, Ye Wei really died.

She lay on the newly bought big bed, covered in a soft cotton quilt. The quilt was red, a fiery red, a bright and festive color with exquisite and colorful flowers embroidered on it.  The quilt should have been Grandma Chen’s favorite.

The mosquito net hanging on the bed must be a newly purchased one, because it was clean and white.

Every item was brand new; bright and full of hope. 

Yet, Ye Wei, who was on the bed, was lifeless. Her face ashen, and her thin body was covered under the bright red quilt. 

Everything appeared to be a bad joke. 

She wished that Ye Wei would lift the quilt and look at her with contempt, scoffing at her, “I’m just playing with you.”


Ye Wei left a note.

It was found under her pillow.

She should have had an inkling she would die soon, so she prepared everything in the morning. She asked them to bury her next to Grandma Chen, and donate her remaining money to Hope Elementary School. There were 3,000 yuans under Grandma Chen’s bed, and she shared half of it with Chen Xiaolong. 

And, the note came to an abrupt end there. 

As if, apart from these, she had nothing else to let go, nothing else to year for, and nothing else to miss. 

Never did she mention the Ye Family in her note. 

It seemed they had been forgotten by her, and they did not exist in her life. 

There was no resentment or hatred; they were nothing to her. 

They didn’t even have time to make up for the previous mistakes they made; They didn’t have time to seek Ye Wei’s forgiveness; They didn’t have time to do anything, because Ye Wei was no more. 

The regret and pain of not being able to do anything, of being too late, had become an eternal thorn in the hearts of Ye Shicheng, Wang Hui, and Ye Tao.

They couldn’t believe Ye Wei was no longer with them. They hoped that everything in front of them was a nightmare, and one day, they would wake up from the nightmare. 

Zhang Yu received the news, and immediately went there overnight, with Jiang Fei as his tail. 

When Zhang Yu arrived, he saw white lanterns hanging in front of the house. Two coffins were placed in the hall where he had previously laid the mat and slept. A newly added refrigerator and washing machine were placed in the simple house.

Is Ye Wei truly dead?

He had a hard time processing the fact.

It was hard to believe Ye Wei left just like this. He had sent her a message not long ago, he advised her to go back to class soon, and she had promised him to return to school when she had enough fun.

He even had prepared her review materials, how could she die out of the blue?

There was no way it could be real, and Zhang Yu refused to believe it.

Even when he saw Ye Wei in the coffin, lifeless and serene, he still felt that it was all just a horribly-set prank. 

Ye Wei can’t die, how can she die?

He noticed Ye Shicheng kneeling silently in front of the coffin, Wang Hui’s swollen eyes. Ye Tao’s dull eyes, and Ye Ying’s dazed expression.

He went forward to light a stick of incense and burned paper money. He wanted to say something, but in the end, nothing could be said.

It wasn’t until Ye Wei and Grandma Chen were buried together and he looked at the two mounds piled up with soil that Zhang Yu finally had a little sense of reality. He had to accept that Ye Wei had died, from kidney failure.

“Did she say anything before she died?” Zhang Yu couldn’t help but inquire.

“She said she wanted to find her Grandma.” Ye Tao covered his eyes, he still couldn’t face Ye Wei’s death.

She wanted to find her Grandma?

“Is that all? Is there nothing else?”

“…” Ye Tao nodded heavily, “That’s all.”

That’s all?

Zhang Yu slowly glanced at the mound that belonged to Ye Wei. With Ye Wei’s resentment and hatred towards the Ye family, shouldn’t she at least say something about them? But, then again, what would she say? He couldn’t imagine it, just like he didn’t expect Ye Wei to leave only such a last word.

However, it actually wasn’t that surprising for him. She should have been sick for a long time, but she kept it silent from everyone. Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui didn’t even know it. 

She didn’t think about returning to the Ye Family even when she was at Death’s door. That was enough proof to show that she had no more hope for the Ye Family. In such a situation, how could she possibly say anything about them?

She surely had nothing to say to them.

Zhang Yu eventually grasped the reason why Ye Wei refused to go back to school.

He sometimes mentioned returning to school to her, but her response would always be, wait. Just wait a litte more.

At that time, she must have been seriously ill. She knew she didn’t have much time, so she spent all her remaining time with Grandma Chen.

Jiang Fei nodded along, “That’s to be expected. In Ye Wei’s view, Grandma Chen is her only family. When everything is said and done, only Grandma Chen treated her best. She must be in great pain before her death, so her first thought was to go find her Grandma.”

Ye Tao: “……”

Zhang Yu: “……”

Jiang Fei gave them a doubtful look and carefully explained, “Is it not clear enough for you guys to understand? Let me explain in a simple word then. It is because her Grandma would be distressed for her. As simple as that. Just like when we were bullied or injured, the first thing we thought of is also to look for our mother.”

Ye Tao: “……”

Zhang Yu: “…”  

Zhang Yu sensed Ye Tao’s increasingly worse face and was tempted to shut his friend’s mouth with tape. 

But, strangely, although he thought so, he didn’t stop Jiang Fei and still let him loose. And he actually felt a bit happy from it?

It was even more strange when he caught sight of Ye Ying with a face full of tears. He felt that he should be distressed and went to comfort her, but he also felt that his heart was calm and without any waves.

He thought of Ye Wei. The last time he saw her, she was lying in the hospital bed, chagrined that she only milked 500,000 yuan, “I’m so stupid. To think that I missed out on 50 million yuan!”

Jiang Fei also fussed and sighed, “That’s alright. It is normal that you can only think of half a million with your short-sightedness. Be smarter in the future. If you have any questions, you can ask me.”

He remembered Ye Wei’s subtle expression when she looked at Jiang Fei.

At that time, he thought these two people must be a pair of blockheads, right? One dared to speak and one dared to listen!

But, now, he was a bit nostalgic. 

How could he guess that would be his last meeting with Ye Wei? But, in a way, his last meeting wasn’t at that time, wasn’t it? It was now, with Ye Wei lying in the coffin, 


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Ye Shicheng’s health was already not good, and being stimulated by Ye Wei’s death, it was even worse. On the second day of Ye Wei’s burial, he was hospitalized, and Wang Hui was not much better. She felt heartbroken and regretful, and could not help but shed tears when she thought of Ye Wei.

She previously thought that she would not take Ye Wei home, but she could bring her back during the summer and winter holidays, and it would not be too late for them to slowly develop their bonds as a family. But, in Ye Wei’s view, her decision was equal to abandonment, so Ye Wei resented her. 

And later, she thought that even if Ye Wei resented them, as long as they sincerely tried to make up for her and treat her well, they could always heal the pain in Ye Wei’s heart and their family would be back as one. But, in the end, her wait resulted in eternal goodbye.

Until Ye Wei died, she couldn’t make up for Ye Wei. She couldn’t heal the pain in her heart, and she couldn’t let Ye Wei come out of the shadow of her abandonment

Until Ye Wei died, she did not get her forgiveness.

What made her heart break even more was that Ye Wei, who was so sick to the point of dying, never said a word to them. 

Was it because of her resentment, or maybe hatred? Or, was it her disappointment?

How much disappointment and pain would it be to make her not even want to look at them again in her life?

If they hadn’t received the news of Grandma Chen’s death… If they hadn’t arrived in time… They might not have even seen Ye Wei for the last time!

No, that’s not right, that wasn’t the source of the problem.

If she had gone to see her earlier, how could she not find out that Ye Wei was sick? If she found out Ye Wei was sick earlier, she could take her home for treatment, and there would have been hope that Ye Wei may not die.

Why didn’t she go to Ye Wei earlier? Why? 

The knowledge left Wang Hui deeply saddened. Ye Wei was her own daughter, but she owed her a lot as a mother.

She gave her a life, but did not let her experience the beauty of life.

“I killed her, I killed my daughter,” Ye Shicheng thought so countless times.

He killed Ye Wei. If he hadn’t asked for Ye Wei’s kidney, Ye Wei wouldn’t have had kidney failure, and she wouldn’t have died.

He would rather it be himself who died, and not Ye Wei. 

How old was Ye Wei? 

Only eighteen. 

In her eighteen years of living, she suffered all the hardships alone. She should have lived with days of peace with her family, but she died…

She hadn’t been to many places, hadn’t seen many things, and hadn’t tasted many delicacies.

She had not yet gone to the university and experienced university life. She had not yet met a boy she likes and had not yet fallen in love.

She had not yet got married and had children, and had not yet enjoyed the beauty of life……

Every time he thought of these, the regret was itched deep into the bone marrow.

Unfortunately, once people die, there is no use for regret.

The entire Ye Family was shrouded in a gloomy cloud. 

Ye Tao was also in no better condition.

The housekeepers who worked in the Ye Family became cautious and dared not even smile, because they all knew that the real eldest lady of the Ye Family was dead.

Ye Ying knew that Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui were in a low mood and wanted to comfort them. She wanted to go home, but when she arrived at the door, the gatekeeper refused to let her in.

The gatekeeper worked at the Ye Family for more than ten years. He could be said to have watched Ye Ying grow up, but now he blocked her at the door.

“Master and Madam relayed their thanks, but they won’t be seeing any guests in the meantime.”

Thanks, but they won’t be seeing any guests”?


Ye Ying was stunned, “It’s me. I… can’t I?”

The gatekeeper shook his head, “Sorry, Miss.”

Ye Ying looked up at the Ye Family Mansion, which she had lived in for eighteen years and called it as her home, but now, she had been turned away from her home. 

She could understand that her parents were in pain because of Ye Wei’s death, and Ye Wei’s resentment and knotted heart towards them were all caused by her.

She could understand that her parents didn’t wish to see her, but the loss in her heart couldn’t be controlled. 

Ye Tao heard the news and walked out. Ye Ying called out to her brother and asked him, “Are Papa and Mama okay?”

Ye Tao shook his head, “Far from okay.”

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Ye Ying: “I’m sorry, Gege. Please take care of Papa and Mama. They are getting older and if they keep feeling sad like this, their bodies will definitely not be able to bear it. The deceased has passed away, and the mourning has to live on[1]. I don’t think Jiejie wished to see Papa and Mama be so sad either…”

Ye Tao hummed, “Mn.”

Ye Ying:“……”

She paused and said, “Then I’ll leave and come back another time.”

Ye Tao hummed again, “Ye Ying, don’t visit for now. Pa and Ma can’t forget Ye Wei. When they see you, they are reminded of what happened before… Your visit will only make them suffer even more.”

Ye Ying held her breath, her eyes tinted red, “I will make Papa and Mama suffer even more? I see, it’s because of me that Papa and Mama didn’t pick up Jiejie in the first place. It’s my fault, all my fault…”

The look in Ye Tao’s eyes at Ye Ying was a bit strange, not the distress he once felt, but another kind of confusion: “Yingying, if you really wanted Pa and Ma to take Ye Wei home, you wouldn’t have pushed the boat and went along with the flow, agreeing not to change anything, to keep everything the same. If you really wanted Ye Wei back, if you really felt sorry for Ye Wei’s experience, even if Pa and Ma made that decision, you could have refused, couldn’t you? As long as you refuse, as long as you firmly refuse…”

Ye Ying didn’t expect Ye Tao to say that. Her face blanched, as if something she had hidden in her heart had been punctured. “Gege, are you blaming me now? Blaming me for not letting Jiejie come home?”

“Yes, I’m blaming you. And I’m not only blaming you, I’m also blaming myself. I’m blaming my parents. We all share the responsibility for Ye Wei’s death. Not only us, but you too.” Ye Tao said,” Yingying, we made the decision, and you accepted it, didn’t you? So it was not without reason that Ye Wei hated you and resented us. We are all at fault.”

Ye Ying stared at Ye Tao before her.

For once, she found that Ye Tao could be so cold and sharp without his gentle mask. 

His look vaguely reminded her of Ye Wei. 

Ye Wei also once looked at her with this kind of look, with a gaze so clear that it seemed could penetrate her thoughts.

She bit her lips, and noticed Ye Shicheng standing by the second-floor window.

It was unknown how long he had stood there, when she noticed him and wanted to call out to him, Ye Shicheng only left her a glance and then walked away.

Ye Ying gazed at the empty window and felt extremely sad.

She knew that if she hadn’t cried so much and made a fuss, if she hadn’t been afraid that Ye Wei would snatch her mother, father, and brother that belonged to her; If she hadn’t acted so sad, if she hadn’t been afraid of returning to that small mountain village that was supposed to be her original home, if she hadn’t been afraid of losing everything that belonged to her…… 

Then, Ye Wei would return to the Ye Family as she should have without any hitch.

Her parents were so considerate, they would treat Ye Wei well and taught her carefully. 

Ye Wei would lead a happy life. Even if she became sick, the Ye family was so rich, she could still receive the best treatment.

Instead, she died alone in despair and helplessness in the Chen Family.

Ye Ying refused to acknowledge that she was that foul. 

Her momentary selfishness caused Ye Wei to lose a home she could return to, and eventually, lose her life. 

With that, she left the mansion in a daze.

She was not in a good spirit and was frequently distracted during class. She had too much bitterness in her heart but nowhere to vent. Even if she didn’t want to face it, she knew clearly in her heart that Ye Wei was dead. Her parents and brother wouldn’t forgive her in the same way that they couldn’t forgive themselves. 

They were all the perpetrators who killed Ye Wei and no one could escape!

She tried hard to endure it, but, in the end, confessed her sadness to Zhang Yu. Perhaps she wished to hear comforting words from Zhang Yu, and wished someone told her that it wasn’t her fault because she would never have thought things would escalate to this point and she just didn’t want to leave the Ye family.

Zhang Yu stared at the dazed and helpless Ye Ying.

He was in a somewhat complicated mood. On one hand, he felt that he should comfort her, but on the other hand, he was still grieving over Ye Wei’s death. He couldn’t formulate any words when he was put in this situation. 

Jiang Fei floated out from behind him and spoke up, “Don’t mention that Ye Shicheng and Wang Hui will think of Ye Wei when they see you, even I will think of her when I see you ah. Say, Zhang Yu, won’t you think of Ye Wei when you look at Ye Ying?”

Zhang Yu: “I will.”

When he saw Ye Ying, he would think of Ye Wei. Even if didn’t see Ye Ying, he would still think of Ye Wei.

It was weird. Obviously, he didn’t have much contact with Ye Wei, and even hated her for indiscriminately targeting Ye Ying, labeling her as a vicious person with deep scheming. 

Jiang Fei shrugged, “See? Go ask around, who wouldn’t think of Ye Wei when they see you?”

Ye Ying: “……”

So all her life, she would have to live under the shadow of Ye Wei?

All her life, she had to live in the guise of Ye Wei’s killer?

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[1] 节哀顺变 – jié āi shùn biàn. My condolences or I’m sorry for your loss, but also has the meaning of ‘restrain one’s grief and accord with inevitable changes’.

Ry’s Lei’s Corner

I am convinced that Jiang Fei’s mouth has no filter. It is so poisonous that his words can choke people to death. Fun fact, every time he appears, the verb used would mostly be related to fly, float, or things like that lmao. Like, in this chapter, it is 飘 – piāo, to float, but piāo also means ghost. And ghosts can relate to many things in cn, like, not being believable, being out of tune from normal society, bad conscience, and others. I think it suits Jiang Fei well lol.

I can’t point fingers clearly in this Arc, but because mostly I read this from Ye Wei’s point of view, I sympathize with her the most. 

Uhh, sorry again, I guess. Last month was hectic for me, my friend got into ER so I didn’t have time to spare to edit Ry’s translation. Funnily enough, it is kidney related. Fortunately, it isn’t kidney failure, it’s not life threatening in the short run but I can’t say it’s better than kidney failure… Anyway, she is mostly okay now, I am still supervising her so she doesn’t do anything funny like drinking energy drinks and coffee simultaneously again or being stressed enough that it causes another relapse. It’s an old problem, but she never wanted to check it because she didn’t want her parents to worry, and now, look, the damage is done. Sigh.

I strongly suggest if any of you feel something is wrong with your body, check it asap before the damage is irreversible. 

Putting that aside, I hope the ads are not intrusive. As I said, I had quite a lot on my hands these past weeks so I can only make some changes now. I limit the ads to a maximum of 5 ads per page, so yeah, it can be less than 5, but no more than 5. And, turned off the vignette ads (the full-page ads that appear when you move from one page to another). I haven’t checked it on incognito mode though. Hopefully, the setting is applied properly.


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind us we still have ongoing translations in hands. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway.


Today, bby Jian Xingzhi is happily being planted into sand. Sand Xingzhi.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4329

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4 thoughts on “WFDO Chapter 94”

  1. I loved this story arc. Really, of all those translated so far it was my absolute favorite … but it left me with a sense of lumps and excruciating pain.
    Perhaps it will be because the other stories were mainly about romantic love, while this one was about family love; and as much as suffering a betrayal from your partner is bad but you survive (sometimes you’re almost even better off after having dumped the traitor), suffering it from your family, from someone who – in theory – should love you simply because you exist is something devastating it destroys you as a person.
    I keep thinking about poor Ye Wei from the original story and I literally feel like crying… I still don’t understand how it is possible that a tragic figure like hers can be seen as “villainess” just because she is not sweet and pretty like her sister hero. As if only people who are sweet, nice and who match other people’s expectations are worthy of being happy.

    p.s. Best wishes to your friend for a good recovery and thanks for posting!

  2. That Jiang guy is weird. He’s giving the energy of someone like Ye Wei travelling around worlds as well


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