WFDO Chapter 97

Arc 6
The Female Lead and the Male Lead Swapped Bodies (2)

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Previously, Shen Ran was forced to be a model student and was poisoned by textbooks for two hours. So, to relieve the painful experience, Shen Ran spent the rest of the day in the internet cafe, even ordering takeout for his meals. 

Only after the evening self-study ended did he laze back to the school with his friends. 

There were already cars parked at the entrance of the school, almost occupying the entire road. Countless vehicles could only drive at turtle speed, and because most of the student families at Yingcai Private School were loaded, the waiting line was more like a luxury car exhibition.

The scene was no longer a novelty for Shen Ran, after separating from his friends, he went to his own car. The driver had been waiting and could finally breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Shen Ran. He was truly afraid that this little demon would go wild again and simply made innocent bystanders get into trouble. If he failed to pick him up, it would be considered a dereliction of duty on his part.

Shen Ran pulled the car door, threw off his jacket, and sat in. He glanced at the window, and coincidentally saw Liu Zhenzhen pushing her bicycle out of the school. The girl’s petite figure was somewhat out of place at the moment.

Tailing behind Liu Zhenzhen was Ye Wei. She pouted at Liu Zhenzhen, attempting to talk some sense to her. However, Liu Zhenzhen treated her as air, and Ye Wei became infuriated. “I am not happy!” was written all over her face. 

“Shen Ran won’t like you and you won’t have a place in his heart. Stay away from Shen Ran!” 


“Tell me, why did Shen Ran exchange phones with you? What means did you use? Your phone isn’t even the latest limited edition. It is also an old model released years ago. What’s so good about your worn-out phone? Why does Shen Ran like it?”

“What does this have to do with you?”

“Of course if it has something to do with me! If I know the reason Shen Ran likes your phone, then I can go and get the exact same one so I can switch with Shen Ran!”

“……” That idea doesn’t sound bad?

“Hey, quick, tell me!”

“……” How should she tell her? It’s not that Shen liked her phone in the slightest, he hated it to the core, in fact. He already couldn’t stand using her phone the first hour after they exchanged bodies so he had to seize his phone back. After all, Liu Zhenzhen was using her mother’s old phone. When her mom got a new smartphone, she handed the previous one to her. The phone had been used for around 3 years, so it was no wonder the phone was laggy and couldn’t handle games. 

So Liu Zhenzhen said, “I don’t know, I’m going home.”

She pushed the bike and walked away, not caring about Ye Wei’s flailing appearance. 

Ye Wei: “No. You are not allowed to leave unless you make it clear to me today!”

Liu Zhenzhen: “I have nothing to say. Besides, this is my private matter, I don’t have the obligation to explain it to you, do I? If you want to know the answer that much, just go ask Shen Ran yourself.”

Ye Wei puffed up. She discerned that Liu Zhenzhen was making a joke of her. Liu Zhenzhen obviously knew that Shen Ran didn’t like her. What could she get from asking Shen Ran about it? It was the same as making fun of herself. 

“Liu Zhenzhen, don’t go too far. Don’t think that you are special just because Shen Ran treats you a bit differently!”

“What are you babbling about? I don’t think I am special.”

“You know best what you think in your heart.”

“Believe it or not, I truly don’t think I am special.”

As a malicious and unreasonable Support Female, Ye Wei couldn’t be the brightest bulb in the class. If she was, she wouldn’t be troubling Liu Zhenzhen at the school’s gate. Wasn’t this just asking for Shen Ran to come over and save the beauty?

“What are you arguing about?”

Liu Zhenzhen was a bit surprised when she saw Shen Ran appear. She shook her head and said, “It’s nothing.”

Shen Ran: “Oh. Then why are you standing here if there’s nothing instead of not going home?”

Liu Zhenzhen let out a sigh, “I am planning to.” She glanced at Shen Ran and then at Ye Wei. She witnessed Ye Wei, who was still haughty and unreasonable a moment ago, become shy and nervous in a mere second, with her eyes full of Shen Ran.

Liu Zhenzhen gave Ye Wei applause in her heart, her change of face was quite fast.

“Shen Ran, why are you here? So you haven’t left yet, how about we go home together!” Ye Wei’s eyes light up with expectation, and a bit of pleading, “Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not bullying Liu Zhenzhen, I’m just asking her for advice, um, yes, advice! Right, Liu Zhenzhen?”

Ye Wei threatened her with her eyes. 

Liu ZhenzhenL “…?!!” You’ve got some nerve to open your mouth there.

Shen Ran: ‘…”

The Ye Family, similar to the Shen Family, was wealthy. Although they were not as big as the Shen Family, compared to other families in this city, they could be considered better. They both resided in the most expensive area in Haicheng. It wasn’t a site that could be bought only with money, you also need to have status to buy villas in that area.

“No. You go back by yourself.” Shen Ran rejected Ye Wei’s offer without a second thought. 

Ye Wei’s expression dimmed as expected, and her smile was a bit strained. She was at a loss for words, but she still had to act as if nothing happened, “Ahh, is that so. It must be inconvenient for you today, then… let’s go home together another day.”

“Well, yes. It’s inconvenient. Today, and another day too.”‘

“…… another day too?”

“You heard it right. It’s inconvenient, whether it’s today or another day.” He didn’t mince his words and delivered the blows with a cold expression.

Ye Wei was dazed.

Ye Wei genuinely liked Shen Ran. From a long, long, time ago, she had been in love with Shen Ran. 

Long ago, when she had just entered junior high school. Due to her proud nature, she offended a senior with a good family background and the senior was not afraid of Ye Wei’s family. One day, the senior blocked her on the way home and dragged her into the alley by the hair. Shen Ran happened to pass by the alley and saved her. It wasn’t even much effort for him, just a casual word and a glance, the few people were scared and tremblingly begged for mercy. Later, her bullies ran away with their tails tuckered. 

Shen Ran,who appeared with dyed blond hair,  was clearly not in line with the mainstream hero, but, at that moment, in Ye Wei’s eyes, he was an angel! The Prince Charming who steps on the colorful auspicious clouds to save her!

He took off his jacket and tossed it to her, “Wear it.”

She grasped the jacket in a trance. She once thought Shen Ran was a domineering and arrogant person who could scare a person just by existing, and now, she felt that she was a fool. Obviously. Shen Ran was very gentle…..

Ye Wei fell in love with him since then.

Unfortunately for her, Shen Ran didn’t remember ever saving a girl named Ye Wei. That episode didn’t leave any imprint in his heart, it was not as memorable as the game he lost that afternoon, which he then forgot the very next day.

When Ye Wei returned the jacket to him, he showed her a puzzled look. Only after he thought for a while did he realize that the jacket was the one he couldn’t find. Ah, no wonder he couldn’t find it, it turned out he gave the jacket to her. 

Ye Wei: “……”

In the years that Ye Wei had been secretly in love with Shen Ran, she quietly memorized his every preference. She noted that he likes meat and seldom touches vegetables and fruits; He likes to play and never likes classes; He likes to eat desserts, such as cakes and candies, and doesn’t eat anything sour; He doesn’t like any girls and fools around with his friends every day.

She had a small notebook about Shen Ran, she recorded everything she knew about Shen Ran, every detail about her little girl’s thoughts, such as when he skipped class, when he was late in the morning, when she saw him drinking milk tea or cola.

She kept trying to lessen her distance from Shen Ran, but Shen Ran didn’t like her, let alone her approach. 

Shen Ran never liked her getting close, but he took the initiative to approach Liu Zhenzhen, how could it be possible? Ye Wei could only suspect that she hallucinated. 

Ye Wei was confused and heartbroken. She couldn’t figure it out. Liu Zhenzhen was too skinny, she wasn’t a stunning beauty. She didn’t have many expressions on her face all day long. All she knew was study, study, and more study. There wasn’t anything impressive about her background either. So, why was she so special to Shen Ran?

She really wished for Liu Zhenzhen just to disappear from her sight!

Not to mention, when did Shen Ran and Liu Zhenzhen meet? When did their relationship become so good? 

Their current relationship didn’t seem to be possible at all. 

Shen Ran was the man of the hour at the school, even the slightest change about him could be discussed for days. If he met with Liu Zhenzhen, there was no way anyone wouldn’t talk about it. Moreover, they had developed to the point of exchanging phones!

She couldn’t figure it out.

Ye Wei, who loved Shen Ran so much, was rejected by said Shen Ran.

She was openly rejected, in front of Liu Zhenzhen. 

Her heart was in shambles. Being so embarrassed in public, she could even feel the hotness on her cheeks. 

Meanwhile, Shen Ran urged Liu Zhenzhen impatiently, “What are you still doing here? Watching a play?”

Liu Zhenzhen: “…” 

Liu Zhenzhen shook her head and resumed pushing her bike.

Ye Wei could see that while Shen Ran looked fierce and was driving people away, he was actually helping Liu Zhenzhen. He was worried that she would bully Liu Zhenzhen. 

As soon as Liu Zhenzhen left, there was naturally no reason for Shen Ran to stay. He was ready to leave. He happened to catch a glimpse of Ye Wei staring at him. Her beautiful eyes were tearful, as if the starlight was hidden by the clouds. 

Shen Ran was stunned. Did Ye Wei just cry? Why did she cry? Did he say something hurtful? Was it necessary for her to cry just because of some words? 

He annoyedly tousled his hair. For a moment, he felt a bit guilty. He was about to ask her, but noticed that the tears in Ye Wei’s eyes had faded, as if everything just now was his illusion. She pursed her lips and looked at him, pretending to be aggrieved.

“Shen Ran……”

Shen Ran: “……”

He was nearly fooled by her. Luckily he was in time to remember that Ye Wei was a two-faced person. 

“That’s all, you should hurry home too.” He lowered his hand and stopped caring about Ye Wei.

He walked into his car and signaled the driver to head home.

When he passed by, he could see Ye Wei standing in the same spot through the window. She locked her gaze in the direction he was leaving with pursed lips, clearly, she was a proud and willful girl, but this time, she surprisingly looked a bit lonely and stubborn.


The instant she stepped into her room, Ye Wei started enriching her diary.

Today, Shen Ran talked to me. I asked him if we could go home together. He said, it’s inconvenient, whether it’s today or another day.

After writing for a while, sleepiness started to devour her. She set her pen aside and welcomed the dreamland on the bed. 

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Ry’s Corner

I will try to make up for the missing updates these past months? Fingers crossed tho.


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind us we still have ongoing translations in hands. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway.


Today, bby Jian Xingzhi is happily being planted into sand. Sand Xingzhi.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2379

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