WFDO Chapter 98

Arc 6
The Female Lead and the Male Lead Swapped Bodies (3)

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During the weekend, to cultivate an outstanding heir, Mother Ye enrolled Ye Wei in many courses. In addition to the compulsory language courses, there were also chess, flower arrangement, tea ceremony, and so on. This week, Ye Wei’s course was craftsmanship, and her objective today was to make cakes and cookies. 

Ye Wei knew that Shen Ran liked sweets, so she put in extra effort in this regard and made plenty of delicate cookies, hoping to give them to Shen Ran.

Most of the time, Ye Wei was occupied during her previous tasks, either she was busy dying or on the way to dying. It was a rare chance to have leisure time to bake cookies. 

She shaped the mini cookies in the shape of stars, moon, and sun. She wrapped them in pink paper bag, and finished the decor with a bow to add a touch of cuteness. Still, she could picture the conclusive outcome of these cookies, the first outcome being thrown into the trash can and the second into the mouths of Shen Ran’s buddies. Anyway, Shen Ran wouldn’t be the one eating these cookies. 

On Monday, she excitedly rushed to find Shen Ran and eagerly presented her cookies, as if she had forgotten about Shen Ran’s merciless refusal the week before.

“For you!” The girl in her school uniform and high ponytail beamed brightly, yet her nervousness and caution could still be seen. 

The tall boy frowned and glanced at the pink paper bag in her hand, “What’s this?”

“My handmade cookies, they are delicious. I put a lot of sugar in them! Try it?”

“No.” His frown did not lessen. He was somewhat surprised that Ye Wei knew he liked sweets. However, publicly admitting he liked sweets could damage his prestige, so only a few people knew this secret. When Ye Wei pointed out this well-kept secret, he was rather unhappy.

He lifted his foot and left.

“…” Ye Wei froze on her spot. She quickly recovered and followed his steps. “Just try it, it’s delicious,”

“No.” He repeated, highly resistant to her request. 

“Why? Don’t you like it?” Ye Wei was persistent and didn’t give up easily.

“What ‘why’? Why are you so annoying? I said, I don’t want it.” Shen Ran was irritated by her. He was a hot-tempered person to begin with, and his impatient glare was kind of intimidating. Some onlookers peeked at the commotion with curious faces, eager to swallow the tea about between Shen Ran and Ye Wei. 

Ye Wei was shaken by his outburst, She stood still and blinked quietly, displaying a bewildered and hurt expression. Shen Ran’s annoyance grew because of her expression. He snatched the paper bag from Ye Wei’s hand, “Here. I will take this. Happy?”

Ye Wei revealed a brilliant smile, “Mn!”

Shen Ran felt that he was blinded by her bright smile and shifted his gaze. This time, Ye Wei didn’t chase after him. 

Shen Ran’s group was waiting for him not far away, when they saw that Shen Ran had a pink paper bag in his hand, they crowded over him, “Our Ran-shaoye’s charm is truly unstoppable.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Our school belles are all head over heels for you.”

“Quick, check it out, what’s inside?”

“Yo, the wrapping is all pink,…”

Shen Ran drove them off impatiently, “Roll over.”

He was a bit ashamed of their remark, but if he didn’t accept it, he dreaded that Ye Wei would cry right away. “If you guys like it so much, then just take this.” He tossed the pink paper bag at Wang Zihao, who was the closest to him. Wang Zihao reflexively caught the item in his hand, and a few people around him were pumped. “Open it quickly, what’s in it?”

Wang Zihao pinched the bag, “Some trinkets maybe?”

He opened it and fished out a small star-shaped cookie,

“Oh shit, it’s cookies. A sickly sweet one, at that.”

“That sweet?” The other few didn’t believe him, and one by one, they squeezed their big palms into the pink paper bags, snatching many stars, moons, and suns. They put them in their mouths, and their faces instantly scrunched, “Is this the newest way to kill people with sweets?”

Shen Ran can only keep an eye on them from the sideline. He already gave it out, and retrieving it back was a no-go.

The group quickly lost interest in the cookies and started talking about basketball, cars, and games. They slowly wandered back to the classroom, and in the end, the bag of cookies was randomly stuffed under someone’s desk. In this way, a few days later, when the bag was found, its end destination would undoubtedly be the trash can.

And, Ye Wei was clueless to it. She was immersed in the joy of Shen Ran accepting her gift. Anyhow, she still didn’t like Liu Zhenzhen and always had a bad face when she saw Liu Zhenzhen. The bitter reality was, she and Liu Zhenzhen were in the same class, so even if she tried her best, she would inevitably notice her.

If she wanted to, she could actually switch to a different class, but then Liu Zhenzhen wouldn’t be under her radar. She couldn’t feel at ease. Thus, even if Liu Zhenzhen was sore to the eye, she had to endure it.

Liu Zhenzhen naturally sensed Ye Wei’s gaze, but she treated it as if she hadn’t noticed it. As long as it didn’t affect her study, it wouldn’t hurt her to let Ye Wei stare at her as if she was a piece of meat.

She remained calm and relaxed and soon became engrossed in the sea of questions.

However, she couldn’t ignore Ye Wei when she kept dangling in front of her desk with her close sisters, purposely speaking in a loud voice that Shen Ran welcomed her gift.

“I made the cookies myself. I know that Shen Ran has a sweet tooth, so I put a lot of sugar in it!”

“Shen Ran will definitely like it!”

“I will ask him later if he likes the cookies, if he does, I will bake it for him again!”

She deliberately said it in Liu Zhenzhen’s direction.

Liu Zhenzhen: “…”

Gifts? Cookies? 

Liu Zhenzhen was confused without the context, but she threw the confusion to the back of her mind and continued to engage herself in the sea of questions as if she hadn’t heard Ye Wei’s provocation.

Until… a blinding light materialized in front of her eyes, and the textbook turned into a monitor, Her ears caught the hustle and bustle of teenagers fighting and shouting, accompanied by the sound of desperate clicking on the keyboard.

“Ran-ge, Ran-ge, why are you standing still? You are dying ah!!”

“Hurry, hurry, group up!”

“Shit, the top lane is breached!“

“Back to the base, back to the base!”

“What’s wrong with you, Ran-ge? Return to the base ah, why are you still staying there!”

Liu Zhenzhen: “…???” This was the first time she had ever come to an internet cafe, plus she had never played online games before. Naturally, she didn’t know the basics. She couldn’t even move her character and they expected her to fight? All in all, she could read the glaring “Failure” words on the screen, accompanied by the wails of her teammates. 

She kept a cold expression. She didn’t expect to get caught in the middle of Shen Ran playing online games again. She couldn’t figure out what the fun of this game was? Why did they find it fun to spend all day indulging in games and wasting time?

Facing this kind of situation, she really couldn’t bring herself to like Shen Ran. 

She disliked his type of people, no, it should be said that she didn’t like people who wasted their precious time. She didn’t like his attitude towards life.

Too casual.

Liu Zhenzhen, who switched bodies with Shen Ran, glanced at the time on her phone. The class was almost over. Soon it would be lunch and there would be physics class after lunch. It was a class she couldn’t be absent from. She stood up calmly and declared, “Let’s go, we’re going back to school.”

Shen Ran’s buddies: “…….???!!!”

“We just came out, don’t rush back, it’s still early before school ends“

“Ran-ge, it’s only one game, don’t be so angry that you go back to school just after one loss, okay?”

“That’s right, Ge. Winning and losing is a common thing in the game, let’s go on and play again!”

“Ran-ge, I will definitely cover you well this time!”


Liu Zhenzhen really couldn’t stay. Even if she stayed, she couldn’t give a helping hand for their game. “If you want to play, just stay. I’m going back to school.”

Regardless of the crying and howling of her friends, she got up and exited the internet cafe. She didn’t forget to take the jacket draped on the chair. She scanned outside and found that she was very close to the school, just a few blocks away. So, she decided to walk straight back.

She had only taken a few steps when her previously wailing companions caught up, “Ran-ge, didn’t we agree to play until evening, why did you suddenly want to go back to school.”

“Yes, Ran-ge, you have become so strange lately. Sometimes you say you want to play and sometimes you say you want to learn. Have you been possessed?”

Confronted with the puzzled eyes of her friends, Liu Zhenzhen panicked. After all, exchanging bodies with Shen Ran was not something that could be openly explained. She was also worried that if someone else found out, she and Shen Ran would be sent to the laboratory for research. There were many people in the Shen Ran family who would protect him, but it was a different matter for her. If something really happened, she didn’t know who to turn to for help.

She disguised herself and said, “What possession? I’m reforming myself[1], got it?”

Wang Zihao: “Reforming yourself…?”

“Yeah. What’s the use of skipping classes and surfing the internet all day? Might as well study hard.”


“Alright, I’m leaving.” Liu Zhenzhen was rather scared that she might make too many mistakes, so she casually threw a few perfunctory words and determined to leave. The friends could only obey her back to school, but they didn’t appear to be in good spirits.

Nevertheless, the way back wasn’t a peaceful walk. They took a shortcut and happened to pass by a small alley. They were blocked by several school bullies from the next school.

“Shen Ran, Laozi is here to challenge you!”

Liu Zhenzhen recognized the newcomer, he was the school bully of the private school next door. She occasionally saw him riding a motorcycle and showing off his prowess. He wasn’t someone to mess with, Chen Hao.

Chen Hao and Shen Ran had always been at odds with each other. There were also several reports of Chen Hao and Shen Ran fighting in the school before.

Chen Hao came to challenge Shen Ran. If the one in this position were the real Shen Ran, he would definitely face up to the challenge, but the inside of Shen Ran’s body was Liu Zhenzhen. She couldn’t fight, nor could she face up to the challenge from the next-door troublemaker.

She could foresee her loss even before the fight started. 

Yet, Liu Zhenzhen’s current sidekicks were unaware of her turmoil. They were all agitated and couldn’t wait to pounce on Chen Hao’s group.

“Come on, who is afraid of you!”

Liu Zhenzhen was afraid of him, thank you for asking.

She cleverly tried to avoid the situation. “I don’t want to fight today, let’s make an appointment another day.”

Chen Hao was no lesser than Shen Ran in terms of appearance, if it weren’t for his dyed hair and piercings on his ear, he would be popular with the school girls, “ You don’t want to fight? What, scared?”

“What am I afraid of? I told you to make an appointment for later.”

“So, aren’t I making an appointment now.”


Liu Zhenzhen: “No, I would rather go back to school now.”

Chen Hao: “……???”


Who hadn’t heard that Shen Ras loathes school? The prick Shen Ran abhorred classes the most, for him to use it as an excuse to turn him down, it clearly meant that he looked down on him!

Chen Hao’s eyes flashed, and he rushed up to fight with Shen Ran. Liu Zhenzhen was caught off guard by Chen Hao’s unreasonable behavior. She instinctively wanted to hide, but she saw the friends around her were excited and cheered on her, “Ran-ge, beat him down, don’t go easy on him!”

Liu Zhenzhen: “…” Her face stiffened. Did she look like she was going easy on him?

Seeing that the fight was inevitable, Liu Zhenzhen prepared her heart, but suddenly a girl figure popped out from behind, “Chen Hao! What are you doing? Fighting again? Be careful, I will snitch on your Mom about this!”

Chen Hao’s movements lurched. His head twisted over with an even hideous glow, glaring at Ye Wei who appeared without invitation, “It’s none of your business if I fight, mind your own business.”

Ye Wei’s appearance wasn’t something Liu Zhenzhen expect. But, in a way, it made sense for Ye Wei to appear here when she recalled that Ye Wei liked Shen Ran. She must be here to help Shen Ran. It’s a pity, the current Shen Ran was not Shen Ran.

Ye Wei looked like a well-behaved schoolgirl in her uniform, with a white shirt underneath a black coat and a bow tied at the neckline. She wore short skirts, stockings, and leather shoes. Her high ponytail was also tied with a bow tie, rounding her as a cute schoolgirl.

She sent a frown at Chen Hao, “How is it none of my business? You’re causing trouble for students at my school, it is my business.”

Heh.’ Chen Hao sneered disdainfully, “I haven’t seen you so enthusiastic about helping others before.” He glanced at Shen Ran with a particularly gloomy expression in his eyes,” Get lost, don’t involve yourself in my affair.”

Ye Wei directly fumbled for her phone, “You get lost. Dare you try to see whether I will call Auntie right now?”

Chen Hao stared straight at Ye Wei, his gaze was so terrifying that even Liu Zhenzhen was a bit spooked. It seemed like Chen Hao could rush up and tear Ye Wei to pieces. Yet, Ye Wei was unfazed by Chen Hao’s glare. She even tilted her head and met his glare straight on. 

“Ye Wei, don’t put your nose in my affairs, “Liu Zhenzhen said

Ye Wei, however, ignored him. She just stared at Chen Hao, until Chen Hao relented and left with his gang. He didn’t forget to leave a scathing remark before he left. 

“Don’t let me catch you again!”

Ye Wei breathed a sigh of relief and trotted up to Shen Ran. “Are you okay? That’s just the way Chen Hao is. Don’t mind him.”

Liu Zhenzhen was not an ungrateful person. She said, “Thank you.”

Ye Wei cheerily giggled, “It’s nothing. Isn’t it just Chen Hao looking for trouble.”

Liu Zhenzhen seemed to have heard that Ye Wei and Chen Hao grew up together. Ye Wei once said that their relationship was quite good, but it was unknown when Chen Hao stopped playing with her and their relationship became sour. 

Every time they met, they would quarrel.

Just like now.

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[1] 改邪归正 – gǎi xié guī zhèng. Abandon the depraved way of life and return to the path of virtue; forsake evil ways and return to the right path.

Ry’s Corner

Did I use Shaoye or did I use Young Master…? Ah, nevermind, nevermind.


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind us we still have ongoing translations in hands. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

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Today, bby Jian Xingzhi is happily being planted into sand. Sand Xingzhi.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2599

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1 thought on “WFDO Chapter 98”

  1. I’m thinking maybe Chen Hao likes Ye Wei??? That’s why he stopped playing with her and wanted to fight Shen Ran (since she’s clearly in love with him). Annnd, that diary of her, I can see how the ML will eventually find out about this after she dies 🥹🥹.

    Thank you for your translation!


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