WFDO Chapter 99

Arc 6
The Female Lead and the Male Lead Swapped Bodies (4)

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To tell the truth, Ye Wei and Chen Hao were really close— once, before junior high school.

The Ye and Chen families were close friends, and the relationship between the two families was good, especially Mother Ye and Mother Chen. When Ye Wei and Chen Hao were still in infancy, they were side-by-side in strollers watching their mothers shopping together. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that they were close friends who grew up sharing diapers. They attended pre-school, kindergartens, elementary school, and junior high school together.

Their bond was strained starting from their junior high school time. Later, when choosing a high school, Chen Hao left the Yingcai Foundation and went to another private school. Their contact became less and less frequent, apart from family gatherings, they had little contact. Ye Wei’s mind was focused on Shen Ran, and there was no time to deal with Chen Hao in his rebellious period. In that way, their once close friendship was diluted by time.

Until, Chen Hao and Shen Rat got into their first conflict. The two had a big fight and caused a great uproar. Not only did it disturb the school, but even the parents of both sides were informed. Ye Wei heard about it too, and when she saw Shen Ran with a bruised face, she was especially distressed. She ran to Chen Hao and questioned him as to why he picked a fight with Shen Ran.

Chen Hao’s answer was, “Why? He isn’t pleasant to my eyes.”

Ye Wei was furious, “Not pleasant? With which eyes did you see that? How can you bully people indiscriminately like this? No, I don’t allow you to bully Shen Ran!”

It went to Chen Hao’s right ear and left from his left ear. He was nonchalant, “You don’t allow it? So what? Who do you think you are? Mind my own business.”

Ye Wei: “……??”

Ye Wei was dumbfounded by Chen Hao’s retort. The reason she came to question Chen Hao was because she thought she and Chen Hao were in a good relationship. There had to be a reason. Chen Hao was her good friend, why would he fight with her favorite Shen Ran?

Yet, Chen Hao casually said that it was because Shen Ran was not pleasant to his eyes? How could such a reason be used to pick a fight?!

Moreover, although she knew that Chen Hao was unruly and sometimes rebellious, and even caused Auntie Chen to have headaches frequently, she always put him in her inner circle. How could Chen Hao talk to her like that?

She was blinded by anger and risked, “Fine. Do as you please, see if I ever care about your matter again. From now on, we are not friends!”

She thought Chen Hao would certainly be touched by her words, just like previous times, whenever they quarreled, even over a small matter, no matter how fierce their argument was, Chen Hao would be the one that went soft first and offered her a small present as a reconciliation gift.

If it were in the past, Chen Hao might really buy some cute hairpins to coax Ye Wei as Ye Wei guessed, but, this time, Chen Hao didn’t plan to give her small gifts, let alone go soft on her. In fact, he threw down an even more vicious sentence, “Heh. Who wants to be friends with you to begin with.”

‘Who wants to be friends with you to begin with’?

Good. Very good.

“Fine. Do as you please! Who cares!”

Since then, the relationship between Ye Wei and Chen Hao dropped to a freezing point, with no room for improvement. Later, when he entered high school, Chen Hao directly left the Yingcai Foundation.

Following that, Ye Wei heard several times about the fights between Chen Hao and Shen Ran, sometimes it was Shen Ran who suffered, and sometimes it was Chen Hao. She couldn’t figure out what was wrong with Chen Hao and how he could get on Shen Ran’s bad side.

The original owner couldn’t figure it out, let alone Ye Wei. Perhaps, it was because young people were proud and always wanted to trample on those who were better than themselves. Shen Ran’s family background and appearance were all excellent, jealousy was to be expected. No wonder Chen Hao treated Shen Ran as an imaginary enemy.


Ye Wei helped her favorite Shen Ran!

Shen Ran spoke to her!

Shen Ran smiled at her!

Shen Ran said thanks to her!

Shen Ran and she went back to school side by side!

Ye Wei was shining with happiness, walking with bouncing movements, like a free bird whose whole heart flew along the sky.

Both Shen Ran and Ye Wei were public figures in their school. Almost everyone recognized them. They all knew that Ye Wei was interested in Shen Ran, but Ye Wei was not in Shen Ran’s eyes.

This afternoon, these two people entered the school together. It immediately attracted a lot of heated discussions!

“What the hell. Shen Rn and Ye Wei are actually walking together? Did the sun rise from the west today?”

“When did their relationship get so good?”

“Hasn’t Shen Ran always ignored Ye Wei?”

“Maybe Ye Wei’s beauty has finally pierced through Shen Ran’s iron walls?”

“Could it be?!”

“Are Shen Ran and Ye Wei an item now?”


Shen Ran, who was compelled to be attentive to the class, naturally heard about it. He stood up with a dark face and asked the gossiping classmates, “What are you talking about? Shen Ran and Ye Wei are together? How come I only heard about it now?”

A few people immediately glanced at Liu Zhenzhen and remembered that Shen Ran and Liu Zhenzhen had a profound relationship to the point they could exchange phones.

“It’s not from us, we heard it from someone else.”

“Yes, yes. Shen Ran and Ye Wei smiled and walked shoulder to shoulder at the school gate, and many people witnessed it!”

“If you don’t believe me, how about you ask it yourself?”

“Right, you have a good relationship with Shen-dashao, right? How about you confirm it with him?”

Shen Ran, in Liu Zhenzhen’s body, gnashed his teeth. He reluctantly acted as a good student for her, but she directly brought him a new ‘girlfriend’!

He grunted and pulled out his phone, heavily smashing the button.

【What’s going on?】

【What’s the matter with you and Ye Wei?】

【If you dare to use my body to pick up girls, you’ll be as good as dead】

For every sentence Shen Ran typed, Liu Zhenzhen replied with a string of ellipses. Before Shen Ran exploded in anger, she timely explained the embarrassing encounter with Chen Hao outside of school.

Shen Ran’s violent temper was quick to reply, “Then fight. Do you think Laozi is afraid of him? You are simply damaging Laozi’s reputation!”

Liu Zhenzhen: 【You’re not afraid of him, but I am. I can bet that I can’t beat him in a fight. Instead, I’ll be beaten up. Which one is more damaging to your reputation? Shen-dashao should know it best, right? That’s why, you should thank Ye Wei.】

Shen Ran remained silent for a while, discerning that Liu Zhenzhen’s words were also quite reasonable? If it weren’t for Ye Wei, with Chen Hao’s bully temper, he wouldn’t stop until he had a fight, in the end, he would get beaten up and lose face while Liu Zhenzhen would be perfectly fine.

Of course, he wouldn’t agree with her words. Instead, he said, “You are weak, and you blame others for your incompetence?”’

Liu Zhenzhen: 【Aren’t you also incompetent enough to fail the exam? Don’t you understand the principle of ‘to each their own’?”】

Shen Ran: “……”

He madly locked the phone screen.

What kind of person is she? When did anyone dare to openly dislike him like this?

At that exact moment, the smug Ye Wei returned to the class. She even raised her head at Liu Zhenzhen and coldly harrumphed.

Shen Ran in Liu Zhenzhen’s body: “……” He is really unable to say thank you to such Ye Wei.

Ye Wei walked over haughtily, “Do you know who I was with just now?”

Could Shen Ran not know?

He disliked Ye Wei’s bossy demeanor, instead of following her lead, he said, “Should I care?”

Ye Wei pursed her lips, angry with his remark. She eventually sneered, “Keep telling yourself that. Anyway, you must have heard it. I was with Shen Ran and we went back to school together. For your information, he even took my cookies before.”

Shen Ran remained unmoved and felt a bit chagrined when he remembered the cookies he had accepted with his ghostly hands. He must have had a brain error at that time that led him to accept her cookies, “Oh.”

She lowered her voice, “Stop pretending, I know you like Shen Ran, but Shen Ran is mine. So you better have some self-awareness and stay away from him, do you hear me?”

Shen Ran enjoyed contradicting others, so he fought back, “What if I say no?”

“Then don’t blame me for being impolite! Don’t you still want to study at our school?”

“Are you saying you will drive me out of this school?”

“That’s right, so you’d better learn to be smarter, otherwise… hmph!”

Shen Ran stared at Ye Wei’s beautiful face. Her expression was fierce, especially her beautiful eyes, burning so brightly. If he dared to disobey, if he really dared to compete with her for Shen Ran, she could really pounce on him, tear him apart, and swallow him alive!

Shen Ran was convinced that this girl was a two-faced person in and out. If he hadn’t seen the other side of Ye Wei from Liu Zhenzhen’s perspective, he might have thought Ye Wei was only a lively, lovely, gentle, and kind girl until he died. After all, when did Ye Wei talk like this in front of him? With such arrogance, threatening people?

He chuckled. Ye Wei was too silly to threaten anyone and couldn’t even think of a good way. He didn’t bother to entertain Ye Wei anymore, “Am I that foolish? Since I know Shen Ran and you want to drive me out of here, will Shen Ran not protect me? As far as I know, Shen Ran’s mother is the one who has the biggest voice in the school council compared to your family?”

Ye Wei also smiled, “You don’t even know your status. Do you think Shen Ran will alarm Auntie for you? If Auntie knew you were pestering Shen Ran, Auntie would be the first person to lend me a hand.”

Shen Ran in Liu Zhenzhen’s body: “……” True, his mother wouldn’t let him have puppy love. If his mother found out, there was a high chance she would beat him up so badly that he couldn’t get out of bed.

Thinking of that, Shen Ran averted his gaze to the side.

Ye Wei was satisfied when she saw Liu Zhenzhen couldn’t come up with any comeback.

The bell for the evening self-study class rang.

Ye Wei gave Liu Zhenzhen a last threatening glare and skipped back to her seat, humming a song.

Shen Ran muttered, “Childish.”

As expected, the most poisonous thing is the woman’s heart.


The first thing Shen Ran did when he returned to his body was to arrange a fight with Chen Hao. He was never afraid of anything. If he hid, Chen Hao would believe that he was afraid of him.

Chen Hao was pissed when Shen Ran called him for a fight. He rejected straightforwardly, “Laozi is not in the mood right now. Another day.”

Shen Ran aggressively replied: “You were the one who came to fight with me, and now you backed down. What do you mean by this?”

“You are allowed to reschedule our fight for study but I don’t? I’m in a bad mood. So, another day.”

Shen Ran: “……” Seems reasonable?

Over there, Chen Hao was glaring at his phone, cursing under his breath. The latest message on his phone was from Ye Wei, saying that if she heard him get into a fight with Shen Ran again, she would report him to his parents!

So childish! How old was she, still threatening others with reporting to parents? Did she think he would be afraid?

On the other side, Ye Wei arrived at her home and returned to her diary-writing routine, beautifully commemorating her closer relationship with Shen Ran. She felt that the day Shen Ran would come to like her was not far in the future.

【Today, I am sooo happy. Shen Ran smiled at me! He also said thank you to me!】

【How nice^▽^】

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Ry’s Corner

Gib Chen Hao moar screentime.


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Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

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Today, bby Jian Xingzhi is happily being planted into sand. Sand Xingzhi.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2599

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3 thoughts on “WFDO Chapter 99”

  1. This novel is really my fav! Like idk how many yimes I’ve re-read your translations now. Thank you so much for your hardwork!! <333

  2. The fact that Ye Wei writes all this in the diary is funny to me. A great actress even to the tiniest detail, it seems!


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡