TXW Chapter 33

Chapter 33

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Jian Xingzhi wasted no time delivering a series of punches to Xie Gutang. His pace was brisk and Xie Gutang had no room to retaliate. He could only block his face with his arm and retreated back and forth.

Qin Wanwan hurriedly strode forward and seized Jian Xingzhi, shouting, “Shifu! It’s Xie Daojun! He helped me!”

“Jian Daojun, don’t fight!” Nanfeng also poked his head out of Xie Gutang’s sleeve and cried anxiously,” This is Xie Daojun”

“Xie Gutang?” Jian Xingzhi was pulled hard by Qin Wanwan, and before he reacted, Cuilu’s cold cry echoed from the tall building, “Seize that man!”

As soon as the command was issued, Spiritual Aura shot straight towards them. Jian Xingzhi dragged Qin Wanwan and jumped to the side. 

The next second, their original position was blasted by the Spiritual Aura, leaving a deep pit on the ground.

More than a dozen Spiritual Auras shot in succession, tracking after Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan like bombs and kept exploding. The two of them sprinted towards the window, and Jian Xingzhi yelled, “Jump!”

They jumped out of the window together and landed on the nearby eaves, they run towards the outskirts of the city in a tacit agreement.

Xie Gutang and Nanfeng closely tailed after them, and a dragon transformed from Spiritual Aura followed closely behind them. Three people and one pet were hunted all over the city.

Qin Wanwan and Jian Xingzhi kept flinging curses at each other as they ran.

“What are you beating up Xie Daojun left and right for!? You didn’t save me, and you still didn’t let others save me?!”

“Didn’t I save you by throwing you up?! It’s not like you are incapable of jumping to the side by yourself after that throw! He molested you and you are still speaking up for him?!” Jian Xingzhi was utterly furious, “Do you still think of me as your Shifu?!”

“Don’t argue, both of you… “Xie Gutang was caught in the middle and got embarrassed, “It’s all a misunderstanding…”

“You shut up! What ‘misunderstanding’!” Jian Xingzhi snared a tile on his way and hurled it towards Xie Gutang. Xie Gutang timely dodged and hopped to the nearby eaves. The tile hit the dragon squarely on the head. The dragon froze for a split second and got enraged, “How dare you!”

The giant dragon was completely mad. It disregarded the buildings in the city and hustled to Jian Xingzhi. Xie Gutang made a hand seal and pointed it at the dragon, creating dozens of sword lights that fired straight at the dragon.

The dragon broke through the sword formation and kept charging at Jian Xingzhi. 

Jian Xingzhi leaped high and swiped his hand, casting spells to throw off the giant dragon. He didn’t forget to turn around and scold Xie Gutang: “Did no one teach you that unmarried men and women are not allowed to be close to each other? You don’t know how to save people properly and instead, you hold her waist. You didn’t let go after that and kept holding on to her waist! You still have the face to say that you are not a molester?!”

During the banter, the dragon’s horn was grazed by Xie Gutang’s sword, and Jian Xingzhi took the opportunity to slap its head in the direction of Qin Wanwan.

“I don’t even mind it, why do you mind it so much?!” Qin Wanwan saw that the dragon’s head smashed in her direction. She clenched Yuan Ning and slapped a sword qi over the dragon, knocking it askew and smashing it back into Jian Xingzhi, “The emperor is not in a hurry, yet the eunuch is![1]

“Whose side are you on?!” stormed Jian Xingzhi as he kicked the dragon’s chin, “I’m your Shifu!”

“Even a Shifu has to bring out facts and reasons!” Qin Wanwan dropped down from her high perch and buried her sword on the dragon’s head, she glared up in fury, “Just ask around and count, how many people think you did the right thing?!”

Jian Xingzhi handled the dragon’s head and vigorously twisted it with a ‘crack’ sound. The dragon slammed to the ground in a flash.

Jian Xingzhi gasped and stared scandalously at Qin Wanwan, who was pinching her sword’s hilt and gasping for breath. She did forget to send a glare at Jian Xingzhi. In the heated atmosphere of Master and Disciple fighting each other with glares, a ‘ding’ sounded in Jian Xingzhi’s mind, and the familiar sound of points being credited rang out again:

【Surprise Task: Assist men with a beauty value of 90 or above in the “Hero Save the Beauty” scenario starring the Female Lead, Points +50. Total points: 1380】

“I’m sorry…” 666 coughed in embarrassment, “The connection was bad just now and the system was delayed for a bit.”

“Shut up!”

Jian Xingzhi punched the dragon’s head fiercely, causing the dragon to tremble all over, crooking its neck and shedding tears. The dragon’s claws twitched, “I… I didn’t say anything….”

“Excuse me… ” Xie Gutang put away his sword qi, “Since we’re currently running for our lives, how about we continue running?”

“You run the slowest.”

Jian Xingzhi glared at him and dashed away without hesitation.

Qin Wanwan sent an apologetic look at Xie Gutang and quickly caught up with Jian Xingzhi.

On the other side, there was a sharp bird call in the Fengya Pavilion. A white silk suddenly flew from the building, wrapping itself around Xie Gutang with lightning speed. Xie Gutang backhandedly struck it with his sword, but a powerful Spiritual Aura struck him in the chest. He coughed up blood and lost his resistance.

The white silk dragged him back toward the direction of Fengya Pavilion. 

Qin Wanwan sensed something wrong behind her, and she steadfastly reached out for Xie Gutang and held him, “Xie Daojun!”


Jian Xingzhi instinctively turned around and grabbed Qin Wanwan. At this moment, a Spiritual Aura was directed at Qin Wanwan. Jian Xingzhi dispatched sword waves at it and the sword waves collided fiercely with the oncoming Spiritual Aura. At the moment of collision, Jian Xingzhi felt a piercing pain in his shihai and coughed blood. 

The Spiritual Aura and Jian Xingzhi’s sword waves exploded in the sky.

The three of them were seized back to the Fengya Pavilion and plunged to the ground. 


Qin Wanwan held Jian Xingzhi. She detected that Jian Xingzhi’s body was cold and his Spiritual Power was running amok.

She arranged Jian Xingzhi to lean in her arms and channeled her Spiritual Power to calm Jian Xingzhi’s wild Spiritual Power. 

Qin Wanwan raised her head and scanned her surroundings.

Xie Gutang had fainted, and Nanfeng was inside his sleeve, clutching at the edge, his antenna was revealed, and it was trembling. visibly showing his fear. 

The Fengya Pavilion also experienced a drastic transformation. 

The originally bustling lobby had been cleaned up of people. Paper money was scattered on the ground, while white cloth and white flowers were dangling all over the originally festive lobby. 

Dozens of coffins were displayed in the center of the lobby, as if it were a funeral home, chilling people’s hearts at the sight. 

Cuilu and the others respectfully stood in front of the main room, which was separated by a curtain. Qin Wanwan only had the vague impression that someone seemed to be seated inside. 

She dared not rashly check the other party’s cultivation, but judging from Cuilu and others’ stances, the one sitting inside should be the Guicheng Lord, Hua Rong.

“You,” the person behind the curtain spoke out, in a voice that couldn’t be distinguished from men or women. The voice was slow and on the softer side, with a hint of serpentine coldness. “Why did you come to my Guicheng?”

Xie Gutang had fainted and Jian Xingzhi was unable to speak. Only Qin Wanwan could be the spokesperson.

Qin Wanwan knelt on the ground, desperately racking her brain, “Because… because…”

“Because of what?” Cuilu frowned impatiently. Qin Wanwan tensed, and nervously blurted, “Because of love!”

Her statement baffled everyone. Qin Wanwan gulped and boldly began to weave the lie, “My Shifu… My Shifu has admired the City Lord for a long time. When the news of the City Lord recruiting Male Pet reached our ears, my Shifu brought me over and wanted to become the City Lord’s Male Pet!”

Upon hearing her lie, Jian Xingzhi secretly rolled his eyes.

The person behind the curtain laughed, “Becoming This Lord’s Male Pet? Does he even know This Lord?”

Even if they knew, they mustn’t admit it.

One should keep their lie within reason, if they lie too much, they will give themselves away. Qin Wanwan clenched Jian Xingzhi’s sleeve and breathed in, resuming her story, “No, but my Shifu has long heard of the City Lord’s name, about how the City Lord has profound power; how generous, righteous, and Immortal-like the City Lord is. Shifu is deeply moved. He believes in his fair appearance and is willing to enter the City Lord’s mansion to provide his humble strength to make the City Lord happy. He has no other thought other than that. May the City Lord please consider him!”

Jian Xingzhi leaned against Qin Wanwan’s arms to sort out his Spiritual Aura.

He noticed that Qin Wanwan was clenching his sleeve. He felt pity in his heart, she must be so scared now. He decided to adjust his aura first then fight their way out of here, lest she die of fright. 

But, as he listened to Qin Wanwan’s ass-kissing lie, he found the real meaning of her actions and glanced sideways at her with astonished eyes.

What does she mean? Has she lost any sense of shame and decided to sell him out?

Qin Wanwan pretended not to see Jian Xingzhi’s astonished eyes and continued to flatter Huarong, “Lord, we, Master and Disciple, really just want to improve our living conditions. We have no other ideas about Guicheng and have no malice.”

“Improving life… ” Hua Rong chuckled softly at Qin Wanwan’s words, “Alright.”

Both Qin Wanwan and Jian Xingzhi froze. Jian Xingzhi immediately counter-clenched Qin Wanwan’s sleeve.

He must not be sent away now, with his condition, he couldn’t guard his chastity!

Qin Wanwan sensed Jian Xingzhi’s fear, but her fear was greater than his.

She tugged her own sleeve to prevent Jian Xingzhi from imprisoning her. Hua Rong was in the Tribulation Crossing Realm. Even if she tried to look after Jian Xingzhi, she didn’t have the capability to protect him. 

Jian Xingzhi was well aware that Qin Wanwan was going to sell himself again, but he refused to give up and maintained his grasp on her sleeve. 

While the Master and Disciple silently played tug of war, they heard Hua Rong behind the curtain take a sip of tea. He instructed Cuilu, “Take that purple-clothed one down and take good care of him. After recuperation, send him to my room.”

Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan stopped their war and met each other’s gazes. Then they heard Hua Rong add another command, “As for the other two, lock them up first and deal with them on another day.”

“Hold up!” Qin Wanan rose to her feet. 

Cuilu looked over coldly, “What?”

Qin Wanwan held the words in her mouth for a while, and at last, tremblingly pointed at Jian Xingzhi, “My Shifu… is this one.”

Jian Xingzhi sat cross-legged with his arm around his chest. He glanced at Qin Wanwan and sneered, twisting his face over and ignoring her. 

Cuilu glanced at Jian Xingzhi and frowned, “The City Lord doesn’t have eyes for your Shifu.”

Upon hearing the words, Jian Xingzhi mocked, “Heh.” These blind women. 

Qin Wanwan kept her lips sealed. She watched as Xie Gutang next to carried to a stretcher. He was carefully covered with a white cloth, as if the next moment he would be carried to the cremation room.

Nanfeng looked at Qin Wanwan with round eyes. Qin Wanwan blinked back in sorrow and instructed him to stay by Xie Gutang’s side. Nanfeng froze and crawled back into Xie Gutang’s sleeve.

Xie Gutang was carried away, and the guards next to them came forward to shackle them. Cuilu put two spells and sealed their spiritual power. The guards pulled the iron chain and yelled, “Walk!”

Both Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan were pulled up. When Jian Xingzhi saw Qin Wanwan stumbling because of the force, he blocked the guard’s hand and glared, “Don’t seek death.”

“What my Shifu means is,” Qin Wanwan briskly intervened before the guards attacked them. The guard stared at them with seriousness. “He is very weak, please Sir be light with your hands, otherwise he’ll die.”

Faced with Qin Wanwan’s watery eyes full of sincerity, the guard hesitated. He looked away and no longer put much force, “Walk.”

Two people were pushed into the prison wagon. 

Jian Xingzhi sat on one side meditating. The prison wagon was built with a wooden fence, so their behavior was in full view of the guards.

Qin Wanwan didn’t dare to disturb him, but she was also afraid of other people’s eyes watching her. So, she curled up beside him. The longer Jian Xingzhi meditated, the uglier his face became. When he got out of the wagon, Qin Wanwan kept her silence and they were escorted to the prison. After bringing them into the prison, the guards rushed up and handcuffed both of them with iron chains, locking them to the wall.

Qin Wanwan watched as the guards left and shouted, “Da-ge, take your time and come visit us often when you have time!”

The guards left faster with her words.

Confirming that the guards had left, Qin Wanwan checked on Jian Xingzhi, “How are you doing now?”

Jian Xingzhi furrowed his brows and remained silent. Qin Wanwan used her divine sense to probe him, and Jian Xingzhi was not on guard against her. With a simple attempt, Qin Wanwan could detect that his spiritual power had been sorted out in an orderly manner, but his shihai was still in disorder.

Qin Wanwan fell into a contemplation. She knew that since coming to this mortal realm, Jian Xigzhi often transformed his divine sense into spiritual power. During the trial in the secret realm, his shihai was badly damaged. And just now, he received a blow from Hua Rong for her. His shihai must certainly have fallen into chaos at that time.

“The strength of divine sense was harder to cultivate than spiritual power. With your consumption, it will be a matter of time before your shihai collapses.” Qin Wanwan saw his pale face. She wrapped her divine sense around Jian Xingzhi’s spiritual body and used the Ji Shan Technique to repair his shihai.

She had been cultivating for two hundred years, but her physical qualifications were not good enough. She could only cultivate the strength of her spiritual consciousness. Her parents had prepared many secret techniques for her, and now they came in handy and she could use them to help Jian Xingzhi,

Jian Xingzhi felt as if a clear spring was pouring into his mind, watering the fiery shihai. He took a little breath and utilized his mind method to stabilize his mind. After repairing his shihai with Qin Wanwan’s help, he exhaustedly cracked his eyes open.

“How is it?”

Qin Wanwan worriedly asked. Jian Xingzhi’s movement stiffened and he answered awkwardly, “It’s okay now.”

Qin Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw he had the strength to sit by himself, “That’s good.”

Jian Xingzhi didn’t reply. He sat cross-legged on the ground and his hands were shackled on both sides of his shoulders. After a while, he felt an eerie sensation rising up in his body, and his expression twisted.

When his spiritual power was sealed by Cuilu, the Gu that he had forcefully suppressed earlier found an opportunity to become active.

This Gu crawled around his body, and wherever it crawled, it sparked a certain desire.

He had practiced purity of mind since he was young. This kind of distraction had never occurred before. But, due to the Gu, some [articular thoughts emerged. He did not feel ashamed of it, rather, it made him restless with anxiety. 

Jian Xingzhi closed his eyes and tried to break Cuilu’s seal, and tried to catch the Gu along the way.

However, the Gu was exceptionally cunning. It fed on his blood and scurried around his body, creating faint but powerful momentum that made him unable to calm down and break through Cuilu’s seal.

QIn Wanwan was oblivious to Jian Xingzhi’s abnormality. She sat on the ground and attempted to locate Nanfeng’. When she found him, she contacted Nanfeng using the connection between the master and servant, “Nanfeng.”


“How is Xie Daojun?”

“He is fine, “Nanfeng whispered, “They healed his wounds and left after that. Xie Daojun’s condition is stable now, but he hasn’t woken up.”

Qin Wanwan’s hanging heart was put down when she heard Xie Gutang was alright. If Hua Rong really wished to treat Xie Gutang as a Male Pet, he wouldn’t be so inhumane to force himself on a wounded person.

“That’s great, take good care of Xie Daojun,” Qin Wanwan instructed. “I’ll find a way to save him.”

“Wuwu, Master, you must come and save us.”

When Nanfeng wept, Qin Wanwan unilaterally cut off their communication.

With Xie Gutang’s safety confirmed, Qin Wanwan relaxed a lot. After all, this task was between her and Jian Xingzhi, Xie Gutang was caught in the middle and it wouldn’t be fair if he got the end of the stick. 

Qin Wanwan pondered for some time then she faced Jian Xingzhi, “Shifu, how long will it take you to break through Cuilu’s seal?”

“Not sure.”

Jian Xingzhi was already agitated, and the sound of Qin Wanwan’s voice was like a fox tail grass ruffling his heart. He could sense that the Gu went excited at her voice, and he lightly rebuked Qin Wanwan, “Speak less.”

“Shifu, stop making trouble.” Qin Wanwan’s brows creased,” Xie Daojun is in danger now. We need to find a way to save him as soon as possible.”

“Why do you care so much about him?”

When Jian Xingzhi heard Qin Wanwan speaking up for Xie Gutang again, he opened his eyes and glanced sideways at Qin Wanwan. New and old grudges surged into his heart, “I’m you Shifu. Why don’t you care about me? All day long you only know how to beat me and sell me off, You’re so handy that you even wanted to sell me away just now. I am your Shifu, yet, the person you care about is him.”

“Xie Daojun treats me well,” Qin Wanwan rightfully answered, “and this matter has nothing to do with him. Isn’t it normal for us to be responsible?”

“He treats you well,” Jian Xingzhi’s heart was parched. He bent his knee close to the direction of Qin Wanwan, blocking Qin Wanwan’s line of sight, before he focused back on arguing with Qin Wanwan. “Did I not treat you well?”

“Shifu, let’s not argue, “Qin Wanwan earnestly advised Jian Xingzhi.” The top priority now is to save him.”

“He is in the Apotheosis realm. why would he need you to save him?” Jian Xingzhi sneered, “If he needs your help, he is no better than trash.”

“But he’s injured and unconscious now,” Qin Wanwan furrowed her brow, feeling that Jian Xingzhi was simply unreasonable, “I can’t help but worry.”

“I’m also injured!” Jian Xingzhi glared at Qin Wanwan, “Why aren’t you worried about me?”

Qin Wanwan was stupefied by Jian Xingzhi’s outburst. She caught sight of Jian Xingzhi’s accusing eyes and she actually discovered some guilt conscience. She stuttered, “Your injury… haven’t I helped you recover?”

Jian Xingzhi realized his momentary slip of tongue and threw his gaze away. He closed his eyes and returned to meditate. 

The Gu’s matter was too shameful. He didn’t want Qin Wanwan to know it. He silently searched for a way to break through Cuilu’s seal, while the Gu kept swimming around his body. 

Upon seeing Jian Xingzhi’s reaction, Qin Wanwan smelled the sweet and velvety aroma in the air. She then recognized that it was the Charm Gu.

She wasn’t quite sure if the Gu was in Jian Xingzhi’s body or if the Gu was still alive, but, based on Jian Xingzhi’s reaction, there must be something wrong going on. 

Qin Wanwan pursed her lips and apologized quietly, “That… I was wrong. I shouldn’t just focus on Xie Daojun. Do you… do you need my help?”

She spoke so softly that the Gu became restless.

Jian Xingzhi felt even more fidgety and muttered, “Don’t talk!”

When he spoke this time, the hoarse tone in his voice became even more pronounced. Qin Wanwan blushed and explained, “Um, that, I heard that Qingzhu owned a Gu. It was intended for the winner of the contest, but I don’t know more about it, was it used on you…?”

Qin Wanwan’s words drilled into his ears, and Jian Xingzhi curled his fists. 

Qin Wanwan understood that this matter was embarrassing, so she added in a soothing voice, “As we live, setbacks are inevitable. Don’t take it to heart. It’s not a big deal, how do you feel now? We can discuss it and see if I can help you?”

“How can you help?”

Jian Xingzhi opened his eyes again and coldly swept his gaze on Qin Wanwan’s face.

Qin Wanwan was born beautiful, and at this moment, looking at her face could move people’s hearts and minds. Even his swordsmanship and Taoism had become somewhat difficult to remember faced with her face.

He stared at Qin Wanwan’s lips. He saw her lips opening and closing, faintly revealing the tip of the small lotus, her lips plump and lustrous, as if dewdrops were falling.

“I heard that this Gu, if fed blood by a specific person, can be calmed. Feeding it once a month can ensure the sanity of the bearer, but once fed, it can’t stop. The person who is poisoned by this Gu will have a certain dependence on the person who is feeding the blood. Have you ever been fed blood? How do you feel now?”

Jian Xingzhi closed his eyes and dared not look at her.

Qin Wanwan persuaded him with concern, “Shifu, actually this is not a big deal…”

“I want to kiss you.”

Jian Xingzhi spoke suddenly and Qin Wanwan froze in place. Jian Xingzhi once again looked at her with a calm and open gaze, “This is my problem, I apologize for my words just now. But this is an emergency for me, so try not to speak. Your voice will disturb me.”

Qin Wanwan’s heart was pounding, and she pecked her head like a chicken.

As she had said, the person who was bewitched by the Gu would be dependent on the person who fed them blood. Jian Xingzhi’s choice was his own, and Qin Wanwan wouldn’t interfere. 

Qin Wanwan stopped talking and closed her eyes. She also tried to break Cuilu’s seal.

Jian Xingzhi, on the other hand, bit his lips hard, causing blood to flow into his mouth, and after a while…

Useless, it’s all useless.

Jian Xingzhi cursed under his breath and concentrated on opposing the Gu. 

As midnight passed, the scent in the cell became more fragrant. Jian Xingzhi sweated profusely as if he had been fished out of the water. He glanced at Qin Wanwan, who was sleeping soundly. He gritted his teeth, and eventually called out, “Beicheng.”

Qin Wanwan dazedly woke up, and was met with Jian Xingzhi’s bloodshot eyes. Her heart thumped almost instantly. Then she heard Jian Xingzhi say, “After feeding the blood, apart from the monthly feeding, is there anything else related to the person who feeds blood?”

“That’s…” Qin Wanwan tried to find her voice, “There may be some particular thoughts about the one who feeds the blood…”

There was silence in the cell.

Jian Xingzhi spoke out again after a few moments, his voice was very soft, “After breaking through the seal, if I can’t kill the Gu, I will give you a heart-binding talisman. If I lose control and hurt you in the future, you can use this talisman to kill me.”

Qin Wanwan was stunned. She then realized that Jian Xingzhi’s greatest fear was not that he would be controlled by her, but rather that he was afraid that he would lose control and hurt her. 

She hung her head and responded, “Mn. I… I don’t have any particular demands, I can feed you blood on time every month. When we return to the Immortal Realm in the future, we should be fine after we return to our original bodies.”

“Then,” Jian Xingzhi glanced at the distance between the two, “How can the feeding be done?”

Qin Wanwan raised her head and noticed that both of their hands and feet were tied to the chains on the wall. The chains were short enough that they couldn’t touch each other. 

Jian Xingzhi thought for a moment and stared at her head, “Do you mind if I bite your scalp?”

“I haven’t washed my hair!”

Qin Wanwan subconsciously retorted and felt a phantom pain on her scalp. 

It must hurt so much to gnaw blood from the scalp. 

Jian Xingzhi frowned. He was not allowed to chew on her scalp, their hands and feet were restricted, and below the neck was out of question for him.

He met her gaze, “How about nose?”

“No!” Qin Wanwan refused right away, “Don’t hurt my face!”

“So where can I bite?” Jian Xingzhi who had little patience by now, applied all his remaining patience to discuss it with Qin Wanwan, “You choose.”

Qin Wanwan was quiet. She considered possible places and pursed her lips. “Then, you… just bite the lips.”

Jian Xingzhi was as still as a statue.

Qin Wanwan took a deep breath, “My lips are thin. It’s easy to bite and fast to heal.”


Jian Xingzhi avoided her eyes. His heart was racing with nervousness, “Then… then you come over here.”

Qin Wanwan hummed in response.

The two endeavored to move closer to each other. Qin Wanwan shut her eyes tight, and reminded him one after another, “You …… you bite lightly…… a drop of blood will suffice, so don’t bite too hard ……”

Before her words were finished, she was met with a bite on her lips.

She cried out, and as soon as a drop of blood flowed out, the other person’s tongue licked the blood and rolled it into his mouth, and almost immediately, the bite was released.

The momentary numbness caused their mind to blank. Jian Xingzhi quickly backed down and shut his eyes as if nothing had happened, concentrating on meditating.

“The Gu has calmed down, give me a sec and I will soon break through the seal.”

While he pretended had nothing happened, Jian Xingzhi’s ears which were so red as if they were about to drip blood told his inner turmoil. 

He seemed to be afraid of Qin Wanwan speaking up, so he hastily changed the subject, “Let’s go save Xie Gutang now.”


【Mini Theater】

At the beginning

Jian Xingzhi: “Why do you care so much about Xie Gutang? Why are you treating him better than me? As your Shifu. I treat you so well that you dare to trap me, sell me, and beat me. That Xie Gutang, he is already in the Apotheosis Realm, what is he doing by wanting you to save him? Bah, he is just a waste.”

Qin Wanwan: “Are you jealous of him?”

Jian Xingzhi: “I’m jealous? Ha, are you joking? What’s there to be jealous of his crappy swordsmanship?”

After a kiss

Jian Xingzhi: “Brb omw to save him.”

PS: If you can’t figure out exactly what their position look like, I drew a picture on my Weibo. You can go check and see why they can’t bite other places…..

I worked hard to cut off all possibilities of them biting other places!

Yes, that’s right, this is how it is- you and I never have choices, it’s all up to the author!

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Do not support theft: Please read the original translation at Elysian Pit WordPress (elysianpit.com)


[1] 皇上不急太监急 – huáng dì bù jí tài jiàn jí. Fig. the observers are more anxious than the person involved.

Lei’s Corner

I just lose motivation whenever I see more than 10 pages of RAW, yikes, sorry.

Also, the bite isn’t considered as a kiss.

As for the Author’s Note, I can’t find the post anymore, after all, MSB’s Weibo is usually only filled with her ongoing projects (rn it’s Chang Feng Du, Canglan Dao, and Grand Princess). 

Anw, these past months:

Canglan Road is being serialized in JJWXC. I haven’t read it, my heart is too fragile to read angst without knowing for sure that the end is HE. I think the past me who loves BE was a sadist.  (The ML’s name is 谢恒 so I think it’s safe to assume that I will like the ML) . Update: nvm, curiosity kill the cat and I died on the second arc. Wuwuwu, my porcelain heart… And it’s not even because the Main CP.

Grand Princess (Serialized as Du Hua Nian) has posted their cast and poster. Zhao Jinmai (Li Shiqing from Reset) as Li Rong and Zhang Linghe (Chang Heng from Cang Lan Jue) as Pei Wenxuan. Est to be around 40 eps. Youko Production. 

Chang Feng Du (Serialized as Destined) has aired on iQiyi. Bai Jingting (Xiao Heyun from Reset) as Gu Jiusi and Song Yi (Liu Ran from Luo Yang) as Liu Yuru. 40 eps too, the final episode was aired last July. Haven’t watched it, but I heard the review said it’s good. The visual doesn’t disappoint me, so I think the story won’t disappoint me too… Hopefully.

Bai Jingting as Gu Jiusi


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind me that I still have ongoing translations in hands (and someone does read my translations). ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4730

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