WFDO Chapter 100

Arc 6
The Female Lead and the Male Lead Swapped Bodies (5)

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Ye Wei still went to report Chen Hao. She visited Chen Hao’s mother and gave a detailed report, claiming that she saw Chen Hao with his bike that afternoon.

Chen Hao was a rebellious child since young. Being invited to a parent meeting because Chen Hao picked a fight had happened one too many times. Mother Chen was numb to it. So, compared to reporting about Chen Hao fighting, it’s better to report the freshly baked news about Chen Hao going around the school perimeter with his motorcycle. This matter was something that Mother Chen couldn’t tolerate. Nevertheless, Mother Chen couldn’t make Chen Hao change his hobby even with coercion and enticement. In the end, Mother Chen could only use a tough approach, which was to confiscate his motorcycles.

She had confiscated several bikes, and the bike Chen Hao used that afternoon must be ‘something that he bought privately using his pocket money without Mother Chen’s knowledge’. Chen Hao didn’t ride his bike home and left it outside. So Mother Chen never knew. At home, he pretended to be a little brat who had never had enough to eat. Mother Chen then assumed she had successfully erased Chen Hao’s motorcycle addiction.

When Ye Wei came to snitch on Chen Hao this time, Mother Chen swelled with anger. Her chest rose and fell, she wished she could immediately catch Chen Hao back and beat him up. “I confiscated all his motorcycles, and I didn’t give him any extra pocket money. Where did he get the money to buy a new one?”

This, Ye Wei didn’t know. What she knew was that Chen Hao needed to be beaten up. 

“What a good child. He has deceived  me for so long?”

Uh-huh, he has.

Her relationship with Chen Hao may have reached a freezing point, but all in all, they grew up together and knew each other well. Could she not know where to poke him where it hurt the best?

She joyfully returned home. Not even an hour later, Chen Hao’s furious phone call arrived, “It’s you, isn’t it?! You are the one who told my Ma, aren’t you?!”

Ye Wei innocently taunted, “So, what if it’s me?”

Chen Hao didn’t believe his ears, his two furrowed eyebrows were almost wrinkled into one, “You admit it just like that? Don’t give me ‘it’s for your own good’ speech. I tell you, Ye Wei. Don’t play with fire. Don’t think I don’t dare to beat you up!”

Ye Wei hummed, “Of course I’m not doing it for your own good. I’m doing this for Auntie’s. If you have an accident and lose an arm or leg, Auntie will be sad, won’t she? Come beat me up if you have the ability!”

Chen Hao was suffocated by her. He really itched to beat Ye Wei to relieve his anger. However, he couldn’t do it in the end and could only stifle his fury with a “You wait for me!” and hung up the call.

Ye Wei was not scared at all. She even parroted “Yes, yes, I will wait” which directly smoked Chen Hao’s fury again. 

Chen Hao’s bike was confiscated again by his mother, and he could not collect enough money to buy another one in a short time. So, in one way or another, he turned to fight with Shen Ran.

He also knew how to poke against Ye Wei’s sore spots. Every time he fought with Shen Ran, he aimed for his face. Ye Wei would always rush to question him in a fit of anger, why did he always cross paths with Shen Ran?

Then, he would confidently[1] repeat his default answer, “He is not pleasing to the eye.”

In this way, Ye Wei was also suffocated by him in the same style she suffocated him. 

She held the grudge for several days. Looking at Liu Zhenzhen made her even angrier. During class, she peeked at Liu Zhenzhen a few times and saw that she was holding Shen Ran’s phone. She immediately realized that it was Shen Ran in Liu Zhenzhen’s body.

In fact, it was too easy to distinguish between Shen Ran and Liu Zhenzhen, unless it was under an unexpected situation. Most of the time, after they switched bodies, as long as they were at school, Shen Ran would retrieve his own phone. The reason why he made a big fuss about it every time they switched bodies was because Liu Zhenzhen’s old phone was so laggy that playing Snake could get him stuck half-dead.

Ye Wei saw that it was Shen Ran, so she relaxed. She had shown her malice openly many times, it should be enough for Shen Ran to realize her ‘true’ face. She didn’t have much motivation to repeat the same play repeatedly. Ye Wei would go to Liu Zhenzhen and make trouble again when Shen Ran and Liu Zhenzhen switched back,

She wasn’t aware that Shen Ran in Liu Zhenzhen’s body glanced strangely at Ye Wei who was staring at him. She didn’t come to trouble him today? The sun rose from the west today? And, what’s her bored expression mean? Did she think it was pointless to trouble her?

If Liu Zhenzhen were to describe her feelings for Ye Wei, it would be quite complex. Previously, they had no intersection in class. Ye Wei was a famous young lady, while she was just an ordinary high school student, they were not related to each other. Only when she came into contact with Shen Ran did Ye Wei start to trouble her. 

She had seen Ye Wei’s rampant and domineering side, as well as her cautious and shy side towards Shen Ran.

As far as these two faces were concerned, Ye Wei could be said to be a superb actor, if it wasn’t for the fact that she got to see her through Shen Ran’s eyes, she wouldn’t have known that Ye Wei could be so affectionate and gentle.

So, facing Ye Wei’s petty tricks, she kept remembering that Ye Wei once helped her, even if it was when she was Shen Ran. She decided just to treat her petty tricks as nothing.

Then again, perhaps she could treat her more gently, after all, liking someone who didn’t like her back was quite pitiful.

Liu Zhenzhen’s sudden loving attitude made Ye Wei even more angry and she let out a bunch of harsh words. It wasn’t until the class bell rang would she let out a cold snort and reluctantly returned to her seat.

Due to Liu Zhenzhen’s increased sympathy for Ye Wei, when she switched with Shen Ran and was greeted with a small biscuit handed over by Ye Wei, she took it, “Thank you.”

Ye Wei’s eyes turned into crescents with her smile, “You’re welcome. If you like, I can make more!” She made a gesture of opening her arms, and Liu Zhenzhen felt a bit helpless. She refused lightly, “No need.”

Ye Wei was unable to lock down her enthusiasm, “I am willing to make more! I have courses for craftsmanship, so it’s like hitting two birds with one stone!”

Liu Zhenzhen: “…” Why couldn’t this person understand human language? She tasted the cookie once, and her taste buds nearly turned dull from the sweetness!

Wasn’t it too sweet?

Did Shen Ran really enjoy such numbing sweetness?


Being a high school student for the nth time, Ye Wei had plenty of experience. Apart from being a licking dog in front of the male lead and a green tea in front of the female lead, she only needed to hide her smart brain in the boring and tedious class, barely making it to the bottom 99 in the exam.

The moment she longed for the most every day was when the bell rang and she could go to the cafeteria for lunch—— It was only during this time that she could be her true self.

Good food would always be delicious no matter where.

On this day, after having meals in the cafeteria, Ye Wei received a call from her little sisters, saying, “Weiwei-jiejie, I am here to tell you that Shen Ran and Chen Hao are going to compete in the gym!”

Ye Wei instantly came to life, “What did you say? Shen Ran and Chen Ha? For real? How come I don’t know!” Has the storyline reached this point?

“Reallyyyy! They are going to have a basketball match and everyone has arrived!”

“Come here quickly!”

Ye Wei dashed over without saying a word.

Due to the emergence of Shen Ran and Chen Hao, many people, mostly girls, gathered on the basketball court to cheer.

Ye Wei squeezed straight to the front row and saw Shen Ran’s team and Chen Hao’s team wearing black and white sportswear respectively.

The two teams stood on the court, facing each other.

And, there’s Liu Zhenzhen standing outside the court. 

Ye Wei estimated about where the plot has developed. It was probably the plot checkpoint where Chen Hao discovered that Shen Ran was actually getting close to a girl. There were also rumors of a romantic relationship between them. Chen Hao regarded Shen Ran as his imaginary enemy and he got curious about the girl that caught Shen Ran’s eyes, so he went to find Liu Zhenzhen.

When he saw Liu Zhenzhen for the first time, Chen Hao tsk-ed twice, “So Shen Ran likes this type? Skinny and unattractive, is this how you attract that dog’s favor?”

Liu Zhenzhen: “……”

She gave him a blank stare and avoided him. 

Chen Hao blocked her, “Did I let you go?”

Liu Zhenzhen: “Do I need you to tell me about what I can do with my legs? I can leave if I want to.”

Chen Hao: “……”

He was caught off guard, “You are not afraid of me?”

“I will be afraid of you if you come to eat me.” Liu Zhenzhen’s body may be thin, but her courage was not. Most importantly, the reason why she dared to have such confidence in Chen Hao was because she heard that Chen Hao never bullied women, unlike a certain girl named Ye Wei who found joy in bullying her.

Anyway, Chen Hao and Liu Zhenzhen got to know each other in such way. In order to oppose Shen Ran, he deliberately approached Liu Zhenzhen and tried to get close to Liu Zhenzhen several times. This made Shen Ran mad. He could sense that Chen Hao was not well-intentioned: “Stay away from Liu Zhenzhen!”

Chen Hao shrugged his shoulders and said mischievously, “Why should I listen to you? I will approach whoever I want. Besides, who are you for Liu Zhenzhen? Who do you think you are to control me?”

Shen Ran said, “Liu Zhenzhen is innocent. Don’t involve others in our affairs. If you dare to bully her, don’t blame me for being impolite,”

“We are never polite to each other from the start.” There was something that lit Chen Hao’s interest, “I never guessed that one day you would say such words to me for Liu Zhenzhen. Seems like you are really quite interested in that Liu Zhenzhen. Don’t tell me you like her?”

Shen Ran rolled his eyes, “What shit are you talking about? I like her? Heh. What’s so appealing about that ugly and foul-tempered woman?”

Chen Hao nodded, “It’s rare for us to reach a consensus on something. Liking Liu Zhenzhen is indeed too low for our standard.”


Shen Ran: “Anyway, stay away from Liu Zhenzhen!”

“You don’t like her, but you are so protective of her?” Chen Hao stroked his chin, “Is there any hidden secret between you two?”

“It’s none of your damn business!”

“Oh. I see, then I will find Liu Zhenzhen to accompany me.”


That’s how the basketball game between Shen Ran and Chen Hao came about. One side didn’t want Chen Hao to get close to Liu Zhenzhen, while the other side wanted it.

“If I win, stay away from Liu Zhenzhen, ” Shen Ran stressed.

“What if you lose?”

“I will be at your disposal”



Ye Wei was surprised to see the plot progressed so fast. It was already at the stage where the Male Lead and the Supporting Male fighting over the Female Lead… Not bad, not bad…. One step closer to her wrapping up her work. 

She squeezed to the front and craned her neck. The little sisters waved the small flag with Shen Ran’s avatar in their hands. As the most loyal pursuer of Shen Ran, how could she not cheer for him?

“Shen Ran, fighting! Shen Ran, come on!”

“Knock down Chen Hao! Overthrow Chen Hao!”

Ye Wei’s voice was particularly loud, and for a moment, Liu Zhenzhen, Shen Ran, and Chen Hao all looked over.

The beautiful girl with a high ponytail waved the flag in her hand and cheered, with a solemn expression on her face, as if she was doing the most important and enjoyable thing in the world.

Shen Ran whose mind went blank: “……”

Liu Zhenzhen: “……”

Chen Hao: …Heh.

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[1] 拽得跟个二五八万似的 – Uh, basically it’s from mahjong, 258, which is like lucky(?) pieces. There are also 369 and 147, but it doesn’t feel as lucky as 258? Anw, 拽得跟个二五八万似的 = You got the pass to brag, be proud and arrogant ah.

Ry’s Corner

Honestly, Chen Hao and Ye Wei’s dynamic is the main attraction for me in this Arc.

Also, Liu Zhenzhen is a good girl.


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind us we still have ongoing translations in hands. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway.


Today, bby Jian Xingzhi is happily being planted into sand. Sand Xingzhi.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2599

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2 thoughts on “WFDO Chapter 100”

  1. Why is Ye Wei so adorable? T_T Although they aren’t that close I feel like her and Chen Hao’s relationship is almost sibling like with their bickerings


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