TXW Chapter 35

Chapter 35

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Jian Xingzhi wasn’t talented at talking, but he was talented at starting a fight. 

Qin Wanwan’s conditions were quite simple to achieve. Anyway, just use his usual tone of starting a fight and use the lines given by Qin Wanwan and all should be well. 

He recited the lines perfectly and glared at Cuilu.

Cuilu was as still as a statue. She looked at him with wide eyes, and the next second, a nosebleed dripped from her nose. 

Cuilu broke from her trance and hastily wiped her nosebleed. She pretended nothing happened and said, “Sure. I will inform the City Lord right away.”

“I dug a tunnel under the women’s bath and collapsed it,” Jian Xingzhi added “What compensation do you want from me?”

“You can dig anywhere as you like,” Cuilu bowed her head, “There’s a men’s bath that you can dig up too, if you wish.”

“I want to live with Xie Daojun, that’s fine?”

“As you wish,” Cuilu nodded, “I will arrange a room for you. What about your disciple? How should I arrange her?”

“She stays with me,” Jian Xingzhi flatly answered, “Any objection?”

“None. I will have someone add an additional bed. Please have a good rest, I will report back to the City Lord first.”

Cuilu bowed again and quickly left with her people. 

After waiting for a beat, QIn Wanwan violently yanked the blanket and gasped heavily for air.

“That scared the hell out of me.”

Qin Wanwan patted her chest.

Jian Xingzhi sat up from his original posture and began fixing his clothes. He stood up and sent her a cold glare.

Qin Wanwan’s mind blanked immediately. 

Jian Xingzhi had an innate gorgeous look, with phoenix eyes and sword eyebrows. Even a casual look from him could give a particularly chilling aura. 

In fact, if he could keep his mouth shut, Jian Xingzhi was the type of cold and ascetic sword cultivator that Qin Wanwan loved the most. Therefore, Qin Wanwan couldn’t discern whether her jumping heart was because of the shadow from his previous beating of her or because of his appearance.  

She could understand why Cuilu surrendered as soon as she saw Jian Xingzhi’s face. This man could live well off of his face, but he insisted on relying on his fists.

Qin Wanwan secretly regretted the fact in her heart,. Just as she was about to compliment Jian Xingzhi and take care of his dignity, she heard him speak, “What’s the problem with her? Wouldn’t it be simpler if she had done this from the start.”

No, Shifu, you got it wrong, it’s you who has a problem. 

If he had acted flirty with his real face earlier and didn’t perform a circus, they would have been in the mansion way way earlier and easier. 

Qin Wanwan silently spat in her mind. Jian Xingzhi, as if sensing her unfilial thoughts, glared sideways at her, “Get up quickly, and let’s discuss the next step. Don’t stay in bed all day.”

“Ah, with your face, saying such words, it makes me wonder,“ Qin Wanwan took a deep breath upon hearing his condemnation. She threw the blanket and hopped off the bed. When faced with Jian Xingzhi, her gaze was filled with pity, “why aren’t you a mute instead?”

“Shut up! Where’s your respect as a disciple!”

Jian Xingzhi reprimanded her. He looked at Xie Gutang on the side and turned serious. 

“Did you come here, far away from the Tian Jian Sect, on purpose?”

As Jian Xingzhi questioned him, he sneaked a glance at the sparkling “40” above Xie Gutang’s head. He paused and moved his gaze out of the window. Out of sight; out of mind. 

“Yes.” Xie Gutang understood Jian Xingzhi’s question and respectfully replied, “I made an agreement with the Sect Leader and came here specifically to protect Qin-guniang.”

“What protection does she need from you?” Jian Xingzhi poured tea for himself, “She can protect herself.”

“Qianbei may not know this, but,” Xie Gutang shook his head, “Some time ago, someone found Qinglong’s corpse in a secret realm, and the Dragon Neidan was taken away. That Qinglong was raised in captivity for the purpose of changing the owner’s physique in preparation for the Deng Xian Gate’s opening. If my guess is correct, Guniang should be the one that obtained the Dragon Neidan from that Qinglong.”

“Nice guess,” Qin Wanwan didn’t deny it and acquiesced, “It’s indeed me.”

“The person who can raise a Qinglong can’t be ordinary, and that Qinglong had been raised for an extremely long time. Now that the Neidan is in Guniang’s hand, the owner of that Qinglong wouldn’t let Guniang go.”

Qin Wanawn pursed her lips. She understood that Xie Gutang was telling the truth. 

Jian Xingzhi glanced at her.

Xie Gutang continued, “In addition, the Dragon Neidan can change a person’s physique and even their Qi. It can be said that the entire cultivation world covets the Dragon Neidan. In fact, the night before the Sword Trial Conference, the Tian Jian Sect received the news that the Linglong Jade was about to emerge, and a person carrying the Dragon Neidan would enter the secret realm. At the same time, many experts joined the Trial. Just in case, the Sect appointed me to secretly blend with the participants. If the information was accurate, I would grab the Linglong Jade and protect the safety of the person carrying the Dragon Neidan. The Tian Jian Sect received the news, the other sects naturally received it too. The fact that Qin-guniang is the carrier of Dragon Neidan will cause her danger.”

“Then, why did you come to help? What does her business have to do with you?”

Jian Xingzhi raised his eyebrow. He didn’t gullibly believe all Xie Gutang’s words. 

Xie Gutang gave his answer steadily, “The carrier of Dragon Neidan will have a natural affinity with the Linglong Jade so Qin-guniang would be the first person to sense the Linglong Jade. I will protect Guniang and help her find Linglong Jade. When Deng Xian Gate appears and the energy of Linglong Jade is consumed, I will desroy the jade completely to prevent those who shouldn’t have ascended from ascending, and also prevent others from having such delusions.”

Qin Wanwan nodded along. Xie Gutang wanted to use her to locate the Linglong Jade. When she ascended, he would destroy the jade. Everyone got their happy end. 

But, there’s something that still bugged Qin Wanwan. “If Linglong Jade has already been divided into five, couldn’t you just find one of the pieces and destroy it?”

“It’s not possible,” Xie Gutang chuckled, “Linglong Jade itself is not a jade. ‘Linglong Jade’ is actually just a huge amount of energy stored in a stone. You can destroy its pieces, but as long as its other pieces are still intact, it can regenerate a new piece. The only possible way to completely destroy the Linglong Jade is to let it open the Deng Xian Gate, and destroy it when it is at its weakest.”

Qin Wanwan’s confusion was finally cleared up, meanwhile, Jian Xingzhi still stared at Xie Gutang without understanding his meaning, “So, what’s the reason that you are here?”

Xie Gutang froze.

Qin Wanwan noticed Xie Gutang’s embarrassment and hurriedly rounded off the conversation, “Who cares who is here? Anyway, Xie Daojun must be here because of his advanced cultivation……”

“No, it’s because I didn’t keep my promise to Guniang.”

Xie Gutang raised his head to look at Qin Wanwan and spoke out earnestly, “I promised to protect you, but in the end, I still let Guniang get injured by the villain. It’s all my fault.”

Qin Wanwan couldn’t help but blush because of his steadfast answer.  She swiftly waved her hand, “No, no, no. It’s not Xie Daojun’s fault.”

Jian Xingzhi watched them interact and snorted, interrupting them, “That’s it. From now on, you will be her tail. So what’s next? What’s our plan?”

“Qin-guniang can familiarize herself with the Dragon Neidan.” Xie Gutang replied concisely, “The Dragon Neidan can perceive the existence of Linglong Jade. We can confirm its location first before taking the next step.”

“Acceptable.” Jian Xingzhi crossed his hands on his chest and looked at Xie Gutang, “Then, what about us?”

“You guys…” Qin Wanwan glanced left and right, “Compete to be Hua Rong’s favorite man, according to our original plan.”

Hearing her answer, Xie Gutang was stunned and Jian Xingzhi remained silent.

“This…” Jian Xingzhi recalled his previous setbacks and somewhat doubted himself, “may be a bit difficult…”

It’s easy to deceive people with his face for some time, but it would be difficult to keep up the farce for a long time. 

“Shifu,” Qin Wanwan understood Jian Xingzhi’s worry. She stared at him, unusually serious, “To be honest, you can get that position with no effort.”

Jian Xingzhi stared back at her.

Qin Wanwan raised her hand and patted his wrist earnestly, “Poison yourself dumb and promise me not to speak a word.”

“Scram!” Jian Xingzhi removed her hand from his wrist, “You dare!”

QIn Wanwan shook her head and sighed with regret.

“Nevermind, then.”

Jian Xingzhi waved his hand, “First of all, it’s time to recuperate and rest. Have you recovered from your injury?”

Jian Xingzhi asked Xie Gutang next to him. Xie Gutang received Jian Xingzhi’s care and smiled, “Thank you for your concern, Qianbei. It might take some more time for my injury to heal.”

“Take your time, then,” Jian Xingzhi nodded, “I will fight for favor while you nurse your wounds, as for you……” Jian Xingzhi’s attention was now on Qin Wanwan. He hesitated for a while, then urged her, “Cultivate well!”

“What about me?” Nanfeng leaned forward in excitement, “What task am I doing?”

“Cultivate well too!”

After Jian Xingzhi ordered them all, the voice of the maid came from outside. She stood respectfully at the door and bowed to Jian Xingzhi, “Gongzi, your room has been tidied up.”

Jian Xingzhi nodded. He waved his hand to Xie Gutang, and called Qin Wanwan, “Beicheng, let’s go.”

Qin Wanwan stood up and bowed to Xie Gutang, “Xie Daojun, my Shifu and I will take our leave first.”

Xie Gutang bowed back to Qin Wanwan. 

Qin Wanwan walked over to Jian Xingzhi and Jian Xingzhi gave her a sidelong glance, “You’re so gentle with others, how come you are so fierce with me?”

“Others treat me well,” Qin Wanwan replied with a straight face, “You are the only one who always beats me.”

Jian Xingzhi choked on these words and quickly defended himself, “Aren’t I doing it for you?”

“But, I hurt.” Qin Wanwan glared at him, “Not to mention, you…”

Qin Wanwan glanced at his face and couldn’t continue. She slowed down her tone, “Who can compare to you?”

“What’s wrong with you?” Jian Xingzhi furrowed his brow as he saw her speech had softened, “Did you stutter?”

Qin Wanawn averted her gaze, calming herself, “I stutter, so what. What does it have to do with you?”

“Oh, I see.” Jian Xingzhi nodded.

Qin Wanwan was caught off guard when Jian Xingzhi suddenly approached her. Qin Wanwan stepped back in panic and leaned against the wall. She looked at Jian Xingzhi’s face in close proximity and couldn’t help but think of the bite he had taken last night. Her disobedient heart skipped a beat, and phantom pain lingered on her lips. 

She didn’t dare to move around. She stayed frozen like a cat with frizzled fur. Jian Xingzhi stared at her for a while, then smiled. The smile was like a spring breeze. There was a hint of childishness on the cold handsome face, “Is it because you see that I am too good-looking that you stuttered?”

“You’re sick!” Qin Wanwan was ashamed. She pushed him angrily and strode away. Jian Xingzhi laughed behind her, with his arms crossed on his chest, “It’s fine. It’s human nature, I would be like you, too.”

“What ‘be like me too’?”

Qin Wanwan rushed inside the room to purify her hands and calm herself. Jian Xingzhi paced into the room, following her, “When I first saw the Lady of Ji Shan, I was lucky that I was focused on fighting, if I wasn’t, I would definitely stutter.”

Qin Wanwan paused. For some reason, her anger evaporated almost instantly.

Most people like to hear praise from others, she was no exception.

Jian Xingzhi went into the room and found a mattress. He sat behind her and prepared to meditate. “Fortunately, there is hatred supporting me, otherwise I wouldn’t dare to look at your face right now.”

“You……” Qin Wanwan was made to feel the ebb and flow of her emotions. “You…… Do you think Qin Wanwan is beautiful?”

“Beautiful ah.” Jian Xingzhi admitted candidly. He warned Qin Wanwan,” So, you should look in the mirror more often. If you get used to good-looking people, you won’t get distracted when fighting. I never saw someone who looked better than me before, so I was a bit distracted. If I had gotten used to it earlier, I would have been able to strike my sword faster!”

There’s no need for it to be faster, really, 

Qin Wanwan felt as if she was drenched in a cold bath. She wanted so badly to tell Jian Xingzhi that it was okay, his sword didn’t need to be faster, really.


Author’s Note

Mini Theater

Jian Xingzhi: Today’s Secret Confession (get)

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Do not support theft: Please read the original translation at Elysian Pit WordPress (elysianpit.com)



Lei’s Corner

From Ch30 to 40, Ch35 is the only chapter that has RAW under 10 pages… yay.

Anyway, Canglan Dao Fanwais are just hwhwhw. imo, IF-Line is always interesting.


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind me that I still have ongoing translations in hands (and someone does read my translations). ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3529

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