WFDO Chapter 104

Arc 6
The Female Lead and the Male Lead Swapped Bodies (9)

!-Merry Christmas-!

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For some time, Shen Ran was worried he had gone overboard with his words, but, after some thought, he realized. If Ye Wei stopped looking for him because of this matter, wasn’t it a good thing?

He felt a bit conflicted but still sent a message to Liu Zhenzhen, ”Watch your words starting from now on, don’t ever say another thank you!”

Especially to Ye Wei. There’s nothing he needed to thank Ye Wei for.

Liu Zhenzhen pursed her lips when she received his message. She glanced at Ye Wei who wilted on her table right away after she arrived at the classroom. It was clear to plain sight that she got into another quarrel with Shen Ran.

Her fingers skimmed the old phone buttons, “Oh. What should I say then?”

Shen Ran: “Anything but thank you and sorry. Don’t make a fool out of me or I will make you pay!”

He not only didn’t have the habit of saying thank you, but he also never bowed down and apologized to others. He was born with high status, it was always the other people’s turn to express their gratitude and apology. Even if he was wrong and didn’t put the blame on others, others would fight to step up and take the blame. No one could make him bow down and apologize. Besides, how could the Young Master Shen be wrong?

Liu Zhenzhen replied to him: “Well. I see. So, just be unreasonable.”

Shen Ran stared dagger at Liu Zhenzhen’s reply, wanting to refute it, but her words didn’t seem wrong and he couldn’t find a reason to retort it. 

He held his anger and ignored Liu Zhenzhen. 

He didn’t bother to deal with such a woman. 

He had told what needed to be told and put the matter aside. Yet, when he pictured Liu Zhenzhen treating Ye Wei coldly with his body, his mouth tasted bad.

He didn’t understand. Why did he suddenly think of Ye Wei so frequently? He felt that it was only right for him to treat her coldly, but seeing her hurt eyes, he regretted it a bit…

It made him inexplicably irritable.

Meanwhile, over there, Ye Wei busied herself writing a diary. This was the habit of the original owner. She always jotted down every bit and piece of time she spent with Shen Ran, not a single day missing. 

As an excellent tasker, this little hassle wouldn’t be a stumbleblock for her.

She lay on her bed, biting her pen cap and writing her thoughts.

【Shen Ran told me not to mind his business anymore. He told me to get lost and stay out of his sight. He was so gentle last time, and he even thanked me. Now he has returned to before, I’m quite sad.】

【I really can’t control my worry, but he seems to treat my words as a lie. Liu Zhenzhen must be speaking ill of me in front of him… hateful.】

And, that’s it.

Ye Wei fought her uncooperative eyelids to finish the diary. The last word took all her strength and she threw away her pen, falling asleep within a second.


Friday afternoon was time for an extracurricular activity. The school organized a trip to Haicheng Museum with Class 3 and Class 5 of Grade 2.

Ye Wei and Liu Zhenzhen were in Class 3, and Shen Ran happened to be in Class 5.

They got on different buses, but their destination was the same.

Shen Ran was not amused with those activities, He was simply too impatient to go to a museum. What’s the point of that anyway? It’s better for him to use the time to play two matches. But. He. Switched bodies with Liu Zhenzhen. Again!

Now he was forced to go even if he didn’t want to. He couldn’t use Liu Zhenzhen’s identity to fool around. If he attempted to do so, Liu Zhenzhen wouldn’t hesitate to turn himself in and he would be in trouble.

Shen Ran was truly pissed. The fire got bigger when he watched Ye Wei pander to his body!

For this trip, Ye Wei prepared a lot of things and let her family caretaker follow her. She carried a small basket containing some snacks and freshly squeezed juice. She offered it in front of Liu Zhenzhen, letting her pick. 

He glanced from a distance and found that the basket was full of his favorite foods. The pink pastries looked like strawberry flavor, which was his favorite flavor. There were also plump and red strawberries. He could tell from a glance that the strawberry was top quality. It must be fragrant and sweet!

Ye Wei held all those in front of Liu Zhenzhen, blinking her big eyes with anticipation: “You must be tired of walking, here are some snacks! And, the weather is so hot today, drinking some chilled juice can cool your body!”

Shen Ran eyed Liu Zhenzhen who firmly refused, “I won’t accept it, eat it yourself.”

Ye Wei pursed her lips and stared at the pastries, fruits, and juice in the basket. 

Shen Ran’s group of fox friends were also tired and thirsty. The Haicheng Museum was incredibly large. It took at least five or six hours to complete a whole tour. Although there were places that sold water, it wasn’t as exquisite as Aunt Ye’s craft which could make people drool.

The instant Shen Ran refused and Ye Wei let out a dejected look, they jumped out, “Even if Young Master Shen doesn’t want it, we want it! Look at this strawberry ah, it’s so sweet at first sight!”

“Yes, yes. Ye Wei, we are here too, aren’t we?”

“Let me try! Ohhh. This strawberry is so sweet!”

“This juice is also refreshing!”

“So cold, so fresh. I’m in heaven.”

“Ran-ge, are you sure you don’t want to take a bite?”

“Come, come. Have a bite.”

Liu Zhenzhen’s mouth was stuffed with a strawberry without permission. When she bit down, the meat was tender and the juice overflowed. So delicious!

It was probably the most delicious strawberry she had ever tasted. Not only was it sweet, but it also had a rich flavor. Over the years, she had eaten a lot of strawberries, but not many had a genuine flavor of strawberry.

Shen Ran and his group were used to it shoving fists at each other’s faces, let alone a mere strawberry?

Ye Wei stared at “him” with a hopeful expression and asked, “How is it? Is it tasty?”

Liu Zhenzhen in Shen Ran body: “……”

She remained aloof and disdainful, “Not bad.”

In fact, she craved another, but, considering it was Ye Wei’s stuff, her craving lessened a bit. 

Ye Wei beamed, “If you like it, I’ll bring another basket for you tomorrow!”

Liu Zhenzhen glanced at her. 

Ye Wei was smiling like an angel at the moment, but Liu Zhenzhen could only picture her as a witch full of hostility. Liu Zhenzhen crushed her eagerness,  “No need, besides tomorrow is the weekend.”

“It’s okay” Ye Wei waved her hand, “I can also drop it off at your home on weekends!”

“No, you’re not allowed to come to my house to find me.” 

What if Shen Ran found out?

“I see, I will follow your words. Don’t be angry. I won’t come to your house. I will give it to you on Monday when school starts, okay?”

Liu Zhenzhen: “……”

“No.” Somehow Liu Zhenzhen felt that Ye Wei’s way of speaking was similar to coaxing a little kid. 

And, how could Ye Wei keep up her smile even when she had rejected her openly?

Ye Wei: “Shen Ran, you didn’t tell me to shut up and roll off of your sight this time.” ^▽^

Liu Zhenzhen: “…………” :)

The real Shen Ran on the side gritted his teeth as he watched. Of course, he wasn’t jealous that Liu Zhenzhen was being surrounded by his people and got served well while he could only sit on the other side drinking mineral water. 

Besides, this body was really in poor condition. He had only been walking for a bit and he couldn’t feel his feet anymore. 

And, Ye Wei. She said she likes him, how could she not show any abnormality when facing ‘him’?  She was so cautious to please Liu Zhenzhen, whom she hated the most. He was curious how angry she would be when she found out the truth.

Shen Ran wickedly thought,

But he suddenly wanted to slap himself. Whoever got Ye Wei’s nice treatment was none of his business. 

He tilted his head away and turned a blind eye.

Luckily, when they returned to school, he returned to his own body. His bus arrived earlier while Liu Zhenzhen’s bus was still stuck on the road.

He relaxed after returning to his own body, but the way he looked at Ye Wei was even worse—

Ye Wei, relying on her ladylike temper, switched her accommodation to his bus. Because of this, he rarely received Ye Wei’s eye-knife while he was in Liu Zhenzhen’s body.

As soon as he returned, he couldn’t sit still. He hadn’t played games all day and his hands were itching. Before the bus could enter the school gate, he ordered the driver to stop. 

“Let’s go!”

He waved his hand and led his group of fox friends to the internet cafe to find freedom.

Ye Wei chased him with a few steps and asked him where he was going. He was already impatient and got easily irritated hearing her chirping. “None of your business. Go home and don’t bother me!”

Ye Wei was dazed by his shout. “Shen Ran, what’s wrong? You were fine with me just now…”

Shen Ran rolled his eyes, “What’s fine with you?”

“It’s just…” She looked conflicted as if she didn’t know how to explain. “I just spoke to you, and although you didn’t talk much, you didn’t sound like now..”

Ho, so she knew something felt off? “You must be wrong, then There is nothing wrong with me!”

“…” Ye Wei still looked at him with some confusion in her eyes.

Shen Ran said directly, “You don’t get it yet? I’ve said that, and you still don’t get it? Are you so shameless?”

He had nothing but annoyance and impatience in his eyes.

Ye Wei’s face paled. 

Shen Ran didn’t want to see her face anymore and left.

However, when the group of three crossed the shortcut they often took, they were blocked by more than ten half-grown teenagers. 

This time, it was not Chen Hao who came to block him, but another group of people who had been mixing in society for a long time. 

He didn’t remember their names, he just remembered that they called their leader Hao Ge. Once, while Shen Ran and his buddies were staying up all night in an internet cafe, the two sides had a conflict over a box of instant noodles.

That night, Shen Ran’s buddies were hungry and called the front desk to make some instant noodles for them but Hao Ge and his group snatched them.

 Of course, the young and energetic boys argued and fought not for instant noodles, but for a matter of face. When their things were snatched, the other party boasted arrogantly, “This is mine now. Scram.”

Thus, the words opened the curtain of the big battle.

The fight was quite fierce and almost smashed up the internet cafe. Shen Ran’s side was filthy rich and had broad connections, it was not something they couldn’t afford to compensate for. However, Hao Ge’s side consisted of street thugs. Their family’s economy was not very good. They often extort isolated students and collect ‘protection fees’. They couldn’t afford the compensation and got a few days of detention. Their detention seemed to have been lifted out tonight. 

All in all, Shen Ran was not one to fear, “What, do you want to ask for another round of beating?”

Hao Ge sneered and called for his brothers, “Catch him! Don’t stop until he is beaten all over the ground!” 

Hao Ge had many people with him, around fifteen.

He was prepared and each of them had sticks in their hands. 

Shen Ran and his two friends were only three people, and they had returned from the museum not long ago. 

They didn’t have any self-defense weapons on their bodies, and there wasn’t enough manpower. As the battle was about to erupt, Shen Ran didn’t want to admit defeat. He rolled up his sleeves and broke into a fight with the other party.

Unfortunately, the three of Shen Ran quickly got affected by their disadvantage. They received blows to their bodies and faces, and their cheeks were bruised. Yet, Shen Ran was still stubborn and unwilling to give in. He didn’t want to admit defeat, let alone bow down to others!

He, Shen Ran, lose? Ha.

Hao Ge saw that Shen Ran had fallen behind and smugly smirked. He weighed the wooden stick in his hand and found the right time, smashing down the heavy stick on his back!

Shen Ran couldn’t dodge. He groaned and stumbled a few steps, almost slumping down in pain.

He had a wound at the corner of his mouth. His sword eyebrows were furiously furrowed, “You’d better finish me today, otherwise I’ll make you kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!”

Hao Ge was still smug, “Ohhh, so scary. Don’t worry. Today, I can make you kowtow in front of me and beg for mercy! Laozi has suffered because of you ants. If I don’t kill you today, I will call you father.”

The people on Hao Ge’s side showed a bit of hesitation. If they kill someone, they will go to jail. “Hao Ge, let’s just teach him a lesson…” They followed along because of loyalty. but dare they bet their future?

Hao Ge was not happy. He knew their hesitation so he reassured, “Take it easy, I’ll take care of the rest. Do you not trust me?”

Shen Ran took a heavy breath, “None of you will escape my grasp!”

Sure enough, as soon as Shen Ran uttered those words, the people who had previously hesitated no longer had any scruples rushed towards Shen Ran, and started beating him again. 

Hao Ge’s eyes stung. Obviously, Shen Ran was already cornered by him, how could he still be so arrogant and proud? Just because his family has money? 

His face turned nasty and he gripped the wooden stick in his hand, aiming it at the back of Shen Ran’s head—

Shen Ran noticed Hao Ge’s movement, but he couldn’t muster any care. He couldn’t beat four hands with two fists. He swung his arm to block the wooden stick. He would be hit by the stick sooner or later, it better to confront it head-on!

At this moment, Shen Ran’s brothers were also busy fending for themselves. They were encircled by five people each and couldn’t handle them all. However, they still paid attention to Shen Ran’s side because there were more people on his side, not counting Hao Ge. 

Seeing Hao Ge about to hit Shen Ran hard, they shouted, “Ran-ge, on your back!”

Shen Ran managed to block the hit, but he still received two solid blows on his back. “Just you alone want to make me kneel down? Dream.”

“Mark my words. I will make you people pay for this. But, I, Shen Ran, am not an unreasonable person. As long as you abandon your wrong way, I will promise to let bygones be bygones, I will give you a generous bonus and let you be my people.”

Shen Ran’s words brought the fight to a halt.

They all knew Shen Ran’s identity as the young master of a wealthy family, but they didn’t know which family he belonged to. 

There were two ways in front of them; following the rich and following the poor. 

Hao Ge saw that with just one sentence from Shen Ran, the situation was reversed,

Shen Ran’s proud appearance made Hao Ge even more resentful. He called himself “Hao Ge”, but in fact, he was only the same half-grown brat as Shen Ran. His pride was extremely high. When he saw that his people were about to be recruited by Shen Ran……

“Why did you all stop? You believe his words? When did you guys get so easily deceived? A few stinky money bought you off? What about our brotherhood?”

No one answered Hao Ge’s words, but they all avoided his gaze and dared not look at him.

Shen Ran shrugged his shoulders and touched the wound on his face. He gave a cold smile. Although he was cornered, he still looked like a victorious king.

No one blocked him and beat him anymore. He walked effortlessly to Hao Ge’s side, “You said you can make me kneel and beg for mercy. I wonder if I can make you kneel and beg for mercy now?”

Hao Ge’s face was full of unwillingness, and felt humiliated.

Shen Ran looked at him as if he was a jumping clown. 

No, it wasn’t ‘as if’, was it? In Shen Ran’s eyes, he’s indeed a jumping clown. 

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Ry Lei’s Corner

I stole this from the Draft lmao.

Merry Christmas.

This Hao Ge only shares the same as Hao Ge from Arc 4.


Likes and comments are very much appreciated because the notifications remind us we still have ongoing translations in hands. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Whenever I scrolled the Superchat of “The Memory Lost in Space” on weibo, I see fellow sufferers of Yin Nanzhao. It has been nearly 5 years since MLiS was officially published and the people simping for Yin Nanzhao never stop. I just hope to see a spin-off where my baes is happy, please. Where art thou, fanfiction author.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway.


Today, bby Jian Xingzhi is happily being planted into sand. Sand Xingzhi.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2990

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