WfDO Chapter 70

Arc 4
The Supporting Female Is a Stand-In for the Female Lead (13)

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The information was incomprehensible to Xu Chi. Ye Wei is in love with Zhao Qi?

How could she fall in love with Zhao Qi?

He recalled the words Ye Wei had said. He assumed that she deliberately said those words because she was angry. But he was mistaken, all her words were honest. She was earnest about leaving the past behind and living her own life to the fullest.

Other people also assumed so. Ye Wei, who had been harmed and used by Xu Chi, would certainly lead a hard life. If she were stuck in the gutter, she may even hate the whole world because of the injustice. How could they imagine that she cut off the past cleanly? It was one thing to leave it all behind, but not only did she get out of the haze of the past, but she also started a new relationship soon?

“Did I hear it right? Ye Wei is with that dog man we see in the cafe?”

“Unbelievable. How can Ye Wei put down Xu Chi?”

“No, no, more like, how can an ordinary person like him compare to an excellent man like Xu Chi?”

“Is Ye Wei’s head broken? If I get to choose, I will choose to stick to Xu Chi without any second thought!”

“I think her head is indeed broken. Just because of a moment of anger, she gave up a great life!”

“So noisy, do you think everyone loves money as much as you do?”

Tut tut, what else should I love if it’s not money? Should I love another person and give my heart like Ye Wei just to end up with nothing?”


Holy crap, what this bitch said actually makes sense?!


Ye Wei’s relationship with Zhao Qi was a piece of shocking news. Neither Xu Chi, Cao Heng, nor Liang Ruowei foresaw it.

Liang Ruowei couldn’t believe it. How could Ye Wei give up Xu Chi? This must be Ye Wei’s trick!

There is a reason why Liang Ruowei’s mind was dead set on Ye Wei playing a trick. In her previous life in which she returned late to China, Ye Wei did not give up on Xu Chi. The time she returned to China was when the Liang Family was on the verge of bankruptcy. Xu Chi’s romantic feelings for her were already wiped out. He cared more and more about Ye Wei. Even though by that time he hadn’t discovered that he had unknowingly liked Ye Wei, his heart was already biased towards her. 

He started to worry that Ye Wei would discover the truth. He feared that Ye Wei, who knew the truth, would not forgive him, despise him, hate him, and then she would break up with him, completely leaving him behind. He didn’t want to see such an outcome and kept the matter well hidden. It was Liang Ruowei who couldn’t stand it anymore and broke the truth directly to Ye Wei. 

Ye Wei, who heard the truth from her, was hit hard. She couldn’t accept that she was a stand-in. She quarreled with Xu Chi and demanded to break up. At long last, they broke up in discord. It once became a hot topic in City B.

Yet, after all that twist and turn, Ye Wei reconciled with Xu Chi. 

She forgave Xu Chi and was willing to start over with him.

Since in her previous life she could forgive Xu Chi, how could she not forgive him in this life?

So, the chance of Ye Wei really giving up on Xu Chi and falling in love with another man is zero! Putting that chance aside, how could she possibly fall for an ordinary person when there is a person like Xu Chi by her side!

Ye Wei is not a simple woman. Most probably, she did it for one purpose, that is, to stimulate Xu Chi and arouse his jealousy! If that happens, then Xu Chi would be the one tailing behind her.

Liang Ruowei sneered, Ye Wei is a schemer through and through.

And, Ye Wei’s plan really succeeded. She heard from Cao Heng when Xu Chi heard that Ye Wei had another boyfriend, he was really upset and his expression was unsightly. He appeared to be unable to believe it, and he did not want to believe it. His face was obscure and he went to find Ye Wei at once. Cao Heng couldn’t even stop him. 

It’s a pity that Ye Wei still treated him like a stranger. There was even a trace of helplessness because of his entanglement.

“Xu-xiansheng, what do you want me to say to make you understand? I am responsible for my own life. I know clearly that any decision I make is not made out of impulse or revenge. I won’t do something stupid like punishing myself because of other people’s mistakes. Do you understand? No matter who I fall in love with or marry, it will be a lifetime thing and those decisions I make are all made after careful consideration.”

The usual cold and restrained person like Xu Chi was dazed and confused because of her words, “You don’t like Zhao Qi. How can you be happy with him?”

Ye Wei smiled, “I don’t like Zhao Qi. Do I like you?”

Xu Chi: “Mn, you like me.”

Ye Wei admitted, “Yes, I like you, but that is a thing of the past.”

Xu Chi was silent for some time, “A thing of the past?”

“As you heard, it is a thing of the past.”


Ye Wei observed the speechless Xu Chi, “Xu-xiansheng, I think there is something wrong with your way of thinking. Do you want me to immerse myself in the past and be unable to extricate myself? You keep reminding me of the past. What is your objective? I spent a lot of effort persuading myself to face the reality. Shouldn’t you feel happy for me now that I can let go of the past?”

…Happy? But, he really couldn’t bring himself to be happy in the slightest.

Xu Chi couldn’t understand her words. But, just watching Ye Wei with other men, he could understand that he didn’t like it, “Don’t be with Zhao Qi…”


He noticed Ye Wei’s bewildered expression and stressed, “Don’t be with Zhao Qi.”

“If you have nothing else to say, I will go first.” was all Ye Wei said.

She withdrew, simply and decisively, treating his words as some incredible nonsense not worth her attention. 

Xu Chi’s heart tautened. He stepped forward and clasped Ye Wei’s wrist, “Wait.”

Ye Wei: “Is there anything else?”

Xu Chi apologized, “I’m sorry. My words made you unhappy. I know that I did a lot of things wrong and I’m sorry to you. It’s normal that you can’t forgive me. But, I really don’t want you to be hurt again. I just hope you can think about it more carefully. You’ve only known Zhao Qi for a short time. You don’t know him deeply. It’s too hasty for you to accept him.”

This moment was probably the moment where Xu Chi uttered the longest sentence he had ever said, a truly rare occasion. 

Oh, is that all? No more? Since there is no more, don’t you consider your words a bit amusing?” She said his words were funny, then she chuckled.

Xu Chi: “Ye Wei?”

Ye Wei expressed her doubt, “Do you want me not to be hurt, or do you only allow yourself, and not others, to hurt me?“

“I… I didn’t mean that.”

“No matter what you mean, for me, you shouldn’t be the one that said this sentence to me. When the words come out of your mouth, the words do not hold much credibility. But anyway, thank you for your kindness, but please consider whether I need it. If not, your kindness is a burden to me, do you understand?”

Xu Chi: “… You don’t need it?”

“Yes. I really don’t need it. It’s my private matter. I know how to deal with it myself. It’s none of your business. Leave your concern to those who need it. Don’t waste your time on me.”

She released Xu Chi’s hand and walked away, leaving Xu Chi alone.

Even Cao Heng, who was hiding and peeping, couldn’t help but light a candle in his heart[1] for Xu Chi. Who would have guessed Xu Chi would also have a day like today?


After a break of two years, Xu Chi got drunk again.

Cao Heng was frankly astonished. He hadn’t seen Xu Chi’s gaffe for quite a time. To think that Xu Chi became like this for Ye Wei… seems like Xu Chi still has some conscience. “What are you drinking for? Drink less. No. Nevermind. Stop drinking. Do you forget about your stomach problem?”

Xu Chi’s brain was already paralyzed by alcohol. He rubbed his aching head, “I was wrong. This time, I really made a big blunder.”

Cao Heng sighed, and patted Xu Chi on the back, “I also know you did something wrong. I told you long ago that it wouldn’t end well if you keep going like this, but you wouldn’t listen. What can you do now? You refused to listen to my advice and now you suffer like this. Ai. Anyway, now you know that you are wrong, don’t repeat the same mistakes again.”

Xu Chi listened dully.

Cao Heng then continued, “Fortunately, Ye Wei is strong enough to not be devastated because of your deception. I think she is in a good state now, in spite of everything, she is still eager to believe in love. Tomorrow, I will send someone to investigate Zhao Qi and judge if he is worthy and if Ye Wei can be entrusted to him for life. If he passes, then Ye Wei and he will most likely have a good ending.”

Xu Chi took a good look at Cao Heng with suspicion. is this person really his best friend?

Cao Heng: “Oh. Don’t blame yourself so much. If you are really sorry, then you should take care of her discreetly in the future. For example, if Zhao Qi dares to go out and mess around, break that bastard’s leg to ensure that he is single-minded to Ye Wei!”

Xu Chi: “……???”

He stared at Cao Heng with drooping eyelids. Cao Heng blinked, “Or, I will do it myself! I will break that bastard’s leg! Although Ye Wei doesn’t take me as a friend anymore, I still take her as a friend! It’s natural for friends to take care of each other.”

Xu Chi: “……” :)

Xu Chi snorted coldly and put his glass heavily on the table, “Ye Wei doesn’t like Zhao Qi, they won’t last long.”

Cao Heng retorted, “Does that even matter? Zhao Qi’s use value lies in the time Ye Wei is willing to be with him. During this time, I will keep an eye on Zhao Qi and will not let him do anything harmful to Ye Wei! Don’t worry, I promise to do it well. Don’t you think I am quite capable? Hehe.”

Xu Chi: “…” You are really quite capable :)

Xu Chi discerned that his already stuffy chest was even more stuffy. He rubbed his forehead, raised his head, and drank another glass of wine. All he thought about was the cold gaze Ye Wei gave him; the heartless words she said; and the tenderness and care that no longer belonged to him.

“A’Chi, A’Heng.” 

Liang Ruowei pushed the door and entered the room.

Today, she wore a long white dress, with her wavy hair resting on her shoulders. Her makeup was exquisite and charming. “I heard the manager say that you are here too, so I came to have a look.”

Cao Heng peeked at Xu Chi, but Xu Chi didn’t react much to her. He spared her a glance but then was reminded of Ye Wei. When Ye Wei was by his side, she also dressed like this……

He smiled bitterly. In order to satisfy his own selfish desire, he almost changed Ye Wei into someone else. No wonder Ye Wei detested him. If it were him, he would not be able to stand it.

Liang Ruowei asked, “Am I disturbing you guys?”

Cao Heng waved his hand. He sensed that Liang Ruowei, who he hadn’t seen for a few years, seemed to have changed into a different person. Regardless, that didn’t change the fact that their relationship for more than 20 years was not fake.

Liang Ruowei smiled, “Then, I will bother you for a while. I came here today for no other purpose. I just don’t want our relationship which has lasted for so long to be ruined. The guilt in my heart has never eased since that day. I came here to apologize. Since the cause of this matter is me, I have the obligation to explain it clearly to Ye Wei.”

Let Liang Ruowei ‘explain it clearly’ to Ye Wei? Xu Chi sent another glance at Liang Ruowei.

Cao Heng doubted, “What are you planning to explain to Ye Wei?”

Liang Ruowei explained, “I know that Ye Wei must mind about my existence, that’s why she is mad at A’Chi and ignored him. I will personally tell her that the matter between me and A’Chi is already in the past. Everyone must have their own past, right? I believe Ye Wei will understand it. What matters the most is the present and the future. After all, the past has happened and cannot be changed, right?”

Cao Heng kept his mouth shut. He himself considered that such an explanation was useless. So, he turned his focus to the related party.

Xu Chi rejected her offer right off the bat, “No, this is between me and Ye Wei. It has nothing to do with you.”

“But if I hadn’t spoken to you that day, Ye Wei wouldn’t have overheard it, and she wouldn’t have found out that… you never liked her. If she didn’t overhear it, she wouldn’t have broken up with you. In short, it’s my responsibility. A’Chi, I know you hate me, so let me do something for you.” Liang Ruowei offered painstakingly.

Xu Chi closed his eyes. The splitting headache became much worse. 

He got up and smashed the empty wine glass heavily on the ground!


The shattering sounds scared Liang Ruowei to step back and almost cried out

Xu Chi has an aloof persona. He seldom, if ever, got furious like this. His actions were enough to prove that he was really mad at the moment.

Cao Heng also stood up in alarm, “A’Chi, what are you doing!”

Liang Ruowei exclaimed, “Xu Chi, how could you treat me like this? In your eyes, am I such an eyesore? Everything I do is wrong? You treat me like this for a woman you have known less than a year? What am I in your eyes? Do you regard our relationship for more than 20 years as nothing?”

Xu Che merely gave Liang Ruowei one last glance and picked up his coat to leave.  

Liang Ruowei yelled, “Xu Chi, you stop right there!”

Xu Chi paused, and a second later, he strode away.

Cai Heng chased after him anxiously, but then stopped and went back to check on Liang Ruowei. He found Liang Ruowei standing in the same position, with disbelief clear on her face. Her eyes were tinted red, as if frightened.

Jie? Are you all right?” He tapped Liang Ruowei’s shoulder gently, and Liang Ruowei seemed to wake up from her stupor.

Cao Heng reasoned, “A’Chi is drunk. He doesn’t know what he is doing. He is upset, and he is not truly angry with you. Don’t take it to heart…”

Liang Ruowei laughed with self-deprecation, “I don’t expect A’Chi to hate me so much. I just want to help him. Why doesn’t he believe me?”

Cao Heng: “…” What can he say at this time?

Liang Ruowei turned her back on him. She wiped her tears, “It’s alright. Go, chase after A’Chi. He is drunk right now. It would be bad if something happened on the road.”

Cao Heng was indeed worried about Xu Chi. He anxiously said, “I understand. I’ll go to find A’Chi first. You have dinner first. And, send me a message when you get home.”

Liang Ruowei hummed. Cao Heng kept giving her assuring words like a mother hen. After all that, he was still not at ease and settled on calling Liang Ruowei’s good friend to accompany her before he went after Xu Chi.

Liang Ruowei watched as Xu Chi and Cao Heng left one after another. She examined the empty room. There were broken glass shards that Xu Chi had just smashed on the ground. The way Xu Chi looked at her before he left… She had never seen it before. She recalled his indifferent expression and remembered that he… actually got drunk because of Ye Wei!

Xu Chi would get drunk for Ye Wei!

Ha! Look! Ye Wei’s goal has been achieved. That woman has driven Xu Chi to this point! Her way of doing things was so smooth that both Xu Chi and Cao Heng would only think of Ye Wei as innocent and kind!

Today’s matter opened Liang Ruowei’s memory of the past.

That woman stood next to Xu Chi from high above, with a smile belonging to a winner plastered on her face. 

In the present life, Ye Wei was trekking the same goal, and she would have Xu Chi again. 

So hateful. She had to watch Xu Chi fall for the second time into Ye Wei’s trap. 

She is not reconciled! She is unwilling! Why does no one discover Ye Wei’s true face! Why does no one recognize she holds no love for Xu Chi at all?!

Liang Ruowei sat down at Xu Chi’s seat and poured herself a glass of wine. A glass of strong wine made her stomach ache and her brain awake.

No. She can’t let her trap succeed!

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[1] Lit a row of candles. Sending a prayer to someone. Basically, Cao Heng pressed “F” to pay respect to Xu Chi. 

Ry’s Corner

The please-raise-his-pay sidekick, Cao Heng.


Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3114

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2 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 70”

  1. Maybe it’s because so much of this arc is spent not in Ye Wei’s perspective or maybe it’s because we know the full backstory of how it’s a rebirther messing things up but unlike the previous three arcs I’m not encouraging Ye Wei to get a good death and properly fail to mess up the main relationship, I am genuinely boiling with hatred and rage towards Liang Ruowei and want her to suffer and die

  2. Mmm i cant predict a scenario where ye wei has to die this time. Also i dont understand why they keep chasing after her when shes clearly set her boundaries and cut things off so cleanly


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