TVIRAD – Chapter 66

Arc 5There is a Ghost in Your Heart (10) Previous | ToC | Next Ye Chen sucked a cold breath when she heard it. She immediately floated out with Chu Tian in her arms.  “Ye Chen” informed, “When you arrive there, the array will probably be completed. At most, I can save Lin Jianxi’s life, … Read more

TVIRAD – Chapter 65

Arc 5There is a Ghost in Your Heart (9) Previous | ToC | Next After Ye Chen watched Lin Jianxi leave, she huddled up with Chu Tian. She fished out a mirror and wrote runes on it. Soon afterward, Lin Jianxi’s figure appeared in the mirror. Chu Tian sat down next to Ye Chen, accepting … Read more

TVIRAD – Chapter 64

Arc 5There is a Ghost in Your Heart (8) Previous | ToC | Next Ye Chen was silent. Her gaze sank. After a long time, she expressed, “I understand.” She stood up and bowed, “Jiang-xiansheng, I am going to borrow this spirit body for a year. I hope xiansheng will pardon me.” Jiang Huai gave … Read more