MLiS – Chapter 6.2


“Oh, God! It’s not that I don’t want to accept your request.” Feng Lin struggled for a while, and then said fiercely, “Remember this, don’t make me regret my decision today! Otherwise… I won’t let you off so easily!”

“You won’t ever regret it!” Luo Lan raised her hand and swore.

Feng Lin thought for a moment, “There is only one way to succeed. I have the right to convene an internal meeting once a year and let everyone vote. I have one vote by myself and I should be able to persuade Chu Mo and get his vote. I will ask Chu Mo to help lobby Zi Yan and Bai Licang, but there is no guarantee it will succeed. However, if you can persuade Chen Sha, we will have three votes. With only one vote left, there is a good chance we can succeed. “

She glanced at the time and walked out in a hurry, “I’ll see you in Conference Room No. 1 of Sparda Palace in two hours.”


In the empty corridor, Luo Lan sat cross-legged on the ground outside the conference room, staring blankly at the opposite wall.

Lost in thought, Luo Lan lowered her head. After another moment of pondering over, she started typing and sent a message to Qian Xu.

“I like to cook because it helps me relax. I also enjoy eating delicious food. However, I don’t want to be a chef. I want to be a gene-repairer who can cure genetic diseases.”

“I came to Alikarta alone. I have no parents, relatives, connections, wealth nor status. I can only rely on my ability, my career, to make myself valuable to the people around me and settle in this society. I’m not saying that being a chef is worthless, but I need more value than that. After all, everyone still can eat without a chef, but people won’t be able to live without a doctor.”

“It’s no secret that an outstanding gene-repairer is extremely valuable to Odin Federation. Even if I leave Odin one day, I still will be welcomed in any country. I don’t have to worry about food.”

“Wealth, status, respect, sense of security, interpersonal relationships… It comes from the crowd and also for the crowd. For me who has nothing, those things… I can only get it by possessing abilities that are essentials to others!”

“You encouraged me to understand myself, discover my preferences, and help me think over my career. I’m sorry… Unfortunately, my decision is too realistic and utilitarian. It has nothing to do with my personal preferences.”

After Luo Lan sent five messages to Qian Xu in one breath, her face was pale and her hands were tightly clasped together.

Compared to Feng Lin and other researchers who harbor love and passion for their scientific research, Luo Lan felt repulsed toward her decision.

Qian Xu may not be able to accept such realistic and utilitarian friends, especially because he himself was a patient with genetic diseases. Maybe this would be their last contact.

She could choose not to tell or explain anything to Qian Xu, but this was her at her truest. She wasn’t willing to deceive him to gain his friendship.

Luo Lan waited for a while, but there was no reply from Qian Xu.

She smiled bitterly, her heart was astringent. Every choice in life would result in gain and loss.

In the face of reality, she chose what she needed most.

Luo Lan plucked up some courage, carefully thought about her wording, and sent a message to Chen Sha, “I really want to work in the Research Institute. Please consider our legal relationship and help me. In the future, if there is something I can do to repay this help of yours, I will not hesitate to do anything nor will I refuse it under any circumstances.”

People like Chen Sha couldn’t be moved by begging or lobbying. This was the most she can do.

Feng Lin, Chen Sha, Zi Yan, Chu Mo, Zuo Qiubai, Bai Licang, and Zong Li appeared at the end of the corridor and walked towards the conference room.

Luo Lan stood up.

Chen Sha ignored her and went straight into the conference room.

The others followed Chen Sha in.

Zi Yan stopped in front of her and looked at her from head to foot as if he didn’t know her.

Luo Lan looked down at the ground and said nothing.

Zi Yan said with a smile, “You always…”

Always what? But Zi Yan didn’t continue.

“Come in!”

Luo Lan followed Zi Yan, the last one to enter the conference room, and the door closed slowly behind her.

When the meeting starts, everyone’s personal terminal will be blocked. Luo Lan glanced at the personal terminal. Qian Xu still hasn’t replied to her, and Chen Sha didn’t give her any answer.

In the spacious conference room, Luo Lan sat all alone in the middle.

On the huge fan-shaped table, the seven Dukes sat in their position, behind them was a flag display of their own autonomous region. Those represent that they had one vote in favor or veto in the name of their own region.

Chen Sha, Duke of the First District, General Commander of the Federation Army.

Feng Lin, Duke of the Second District, Director of Scientific Research and Education.

Zuo Qiubai, Duke of the Third District, Chief Justice [1] of the Federation Supreme Court.

Chu Mo, Duke of the Fourth District, Director of Medical and Health Administration.

Bai Licang, Duke of the Fifth District, Minister of Energy and Transportation.

Zi Yan, Duke of the Sixth District, Minister of Information Security.

Zong Li, Duke of the Seventh District, Minister of Public Security.

Feng Lin pressed on the screen in front of her and began to explain her reason for convening the meeting, “Duke Chen Sha’s wife, Ying Xian Luo Lan, applied to Alikarta Life Research Institute to join the study of mutant gene mutation. As the Duke of the Second District and the president of Alikarta Life Research Institute, I called everyone to vote. Relevant documents have been sent to your desks, please refer to them.”

Zong Li’s gloomy and cold voice sounded, “How can outsiders join in such an important research?”

Feng Lin asked lightly, “Chief Justice, is the applicant a citizen of Odin Federation?”

Zuo Qiubai said, “The applicant is a citizen of the Odin Federation.”

Zong Li said coldly, “She is a princess of the Ying Xian royal family, with Aerdes written in her genes.”

Feng Lin snorted coldly, “I don’t want to have a meaningless debate with you. You have the right to vote or veto, do as you want.”

Zong Li said impolitely, “Rest assured, I didn’t forget!”

Chu Mo pressed the screen in front of him, “How can the applicant carry out the research work without the relevant knowledge and research experience?”

Feng Lin looked at Luo Lan encouragingly and motioned her to answer.

Luo Lan stood up and said, “I will start from the bottom assistant, studying and working at the same time.”

Chu Mo said, “Doing scientific research requires a high degree of concentration and investment. Are you sure you can like this job?”

“Pretty sure.”

“Thank you for your answer. I have no more questions.”

Luo Lan bowed to Chu Mo and sat back.

Feng Lin asked, “Are there any questions left?”

No one spoke.

Feng Lin said, “Then we will start the anonymous voting. The results will be counted by zhi nao.”

Luo Lan clasped her hands tightly and looked down at the personal terminal on her wrist.

Perhaps, when she walks out of the door of this conference room later, she would find that she has neither got a job nor her only friend.

Two minutes later, the zhi nao of the conference room inquired, “The voting results have come out. Do you want to announce it?”

Feng Lin said, “Announce it.”

“Three votes agree.”

Luo Lan looked up sadly. Feng Lin was disappointed. Zong Li sneered, stood up, and was ready to go.

“Three votes against.”

Luo Lan was stunned.

“One abstention.”

Zong Li frowned and sat back.

Feng Lin tentatively proposed, “Vote again?”

Zong Li said coldly, “Chief Justice, how should this be done?”

Zuo Qiubai said, “In such circumstances, this application can only be canceled. If there isn’t any major change about the application within three years, no further application can be made.”

Zong Li stood up and walked out. Bai Licang got up and followed Zong Li. Chu Mo sent an apologetic smile at Feng Lin and stood up.

Chen Sha suddenly said, “There’s still a person who hasn’t voted yet.”

Everyone looked at Chen Sha.

“The consul has one vote.”

Bai Licang sneered, “Then let’s hope there is no electromagnetic interference in the place where that old man[2] is now!”

Feng Lin immediately ordered the zhi nao, “Contact the consul.”

In the silent conference room, the dial tone of zhi nao sounded.



Luo Lan waited with bated breath, feeling that every sound seemed to hit her heart.

After what felt like an endless wait, the beep disappeared.

The virtual screen was dark without any image or sound. Everyone thought the call didn’t get through until the sound of snapping came.

Feng Lin hurriedly said, “Consul, your signal is very poor. Where are you?”

“… beast… in the abdomen, terminal… corroded…wait…”

There came a shrill cry of the beast and all kinds of strange sounds. After a while, the signal became clearer.

“I’m now leaning on a dagger hanging on its stomach wall. It’s running wild. If there is anything to say, say it quickly.”

Feng Lin immediately said, “Chen Sha’s wife applied to join my research institute to participate in the research of sudden mutation. We now have three votes in favor, three votes against, and one abstention. Your Excellency[3] is required to vote.”

“Chen Sha, did you agree or not?”

Luo Lan raised her eyes and looked at Chen Sha. Unexpectedly, Chen Sha also looked at her. With their eyes looking at each other, Luo Lan felt uneasy.

“Consul, it’s an anonymous vote!” Feng Lin was so angry that she stamped her feet.

Chen Sha retracted his gaze and said to the dark screen, “I agreed”

The consul said, “Agree”

Then the signal was cut off.

Everyone was silent.

No more than ten seconds later, the zhi nao’s voice rang out, “A new vote has been received. Do you want to announce it?”

“Announce it!”

“Four in favor, three against, and one abstention.”

Feng Lin smiled proudly and stood up, “Chief Justice, can the application take effect immediately?”


The zhi nao announced, “The applicant Ying Xian Luo Lan is approved to join Alikarta Life Research Institute. The application will take effect immediately.”

The door of the conference room opened

Everyone walked out of the conference room.

When Feng Lin passed by Luo Lan’s side, she winked and said vaguely, “Treat Chen Sha well.”

Chen Sha was the last one to go out. When he was at Luo Lan’s side, he stopped.

Luo Lan said, “Thank you.”

“No need, I respected Feng Lin’s choice. She is the leader of the project. Since she chose you, she must have her own reason. But…” Chen Sha paused and his gaze on Luo Lan’s face felt like a knife-edge. “If one day you betrayed Odin Federation, I will kill you with my own hands.”

“I won’t let you have that opportunity.”

Chen Sha looked away and strode out of the meeting room.

Luo Lan stood alone in the empty conference room.

After several months passed since the day she set foot on the Odin Federation, she was finally able to take her own first step.

From the day when no one at the banquet was willing to talk to her to today when everyone voted for her application. It could be considered a success, but she didn’t feel the slightest amount of excitement or joy.

Luo Lan raised her wrist. She held no expectations, but she found that there were new messages on her personal terminal, two in a row, which were sent by Qian Xu.

“I already said it will take time to understand oneself. This understanding was more than a simple understanding. It not only refers to what you like but also what you need and want. People who can do anything as they please because they can and want it are worthy of envy and admiration, but there is nothing wrong with people that choose something because it is what they need even if it is practical in a utilitarian way”

“I am happy for you, you realized what you want and need; Be proud of yourself and work hard for what you need.”

Luo Lan smiled with tears in her eyes.

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  1. 大法官-dà fǎ guān; lit. Grand Justice.The chief justice is the president of the Supreme People’s Court, and there are first-level judges and second-level judges underneath. Their functions were adjudication, legal interpretation, and supervision of lower courts. More about the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) can be found here.

  2. 老人家 – lǎo ren jia; lit. grand old man; our family old man.

  3. 阁下 – gé xià; Your Excellency, Honorable One, etc.

Amoeba’s Corner
One Qian Xu for me, please. Also, Chen Sha is on his way to the road of redemption. He is not that bad, give this good boy a chance. Can you guess who voted in favor, against, and abstention?

I bet many would guess wrong on who abstained, meaning they also guessed wrong on who agreed, No spoiler, though :)

This chapter words count (excluding title, footnotes, and TL’s corner): 2145

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0 thoughts on “MLiS – Chapter 6.2”

  1. I bet many would guess wrong.

    I only realized it on my 3rd or 4th re-read. I’m so confident my first answer was right, alas.


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