MLiS – Chapter 7.2

Unexpected Assassination

When the music started, Chen Sha and Luo Lan walked onto the dance floor and started their dance.

Luo Lan was originally worried that she couldn’t dance, but after stepping on a few beats, her movements gradually became smoother. She found that not only could she dance, but she also danced very well. On the contrary, Chen Sha was a little bit clumsy with his steps.

It’s not that surprising. With Chen Sha’s temperament, it was estimated that he rarely have the opportunity to dance with another person, but then what about her? Why did she dance so well? Who was the man that danced with her before she lost her memory?

“What are you thinking about?” Chen Sha suddenly asked.

Luo Lan hurriedly said, “It’s nothing!” Knowing that Chen Sha was not good at perfunctory, she changed the topic decisively, “What’s going on between Feng Lin and Zuo Qiubai?”

“Zuo Qiubai is Feng Lin’s first love.”

Ah ah ah! Luo Lan almost screamed. Don’t blame her for being stupid previously, but in her defense, it didn’t even pass on her mind that Zuo Qiubai was Feng Lin’s first love!

“Then… currently they are…”

“They had separated around 20 or 30 years ago.”

Oh oh oh! So, in fact, it didn’t matter anymore because they had separated for so long, but perhaps such black history was the reason that made Feng Lin afraid to confess to Chu Mo.

“Why did they break up?”

Chen Sha stared at Luo Lan.

Luo Lan was aware and felt that it was a little too much to gossip with Chen Sha. She quickly flattered and said, “Let’s dance to our heart’s content!”

Chen Sha really deserved his level 3A physical ability. His body imitation and coordination ability were excellent, and after a while, he could dance very smoothly.

Amidst the melodious music, Luo Lan completely relaxed, half-closed her eyes, and let Chen Sha lead the dance. Forward, backward, rotate and rotate again.

The dance ended with applause.

Luo Lan smiled and nodded her thanks to everyone. Her eyes unconsciously fell on the consul at the end of the hall.

He sat there, obviously surrounded by the noisy crowd, but he seemed like sitting alone on the top of the cold snow-capped mountain, watching all sentient beings perform in front of him.

Seven emotions and six desires could enter his eyes, but they could not enter his heart. There wouldn’t be any expression that betrays his heart on his face. Always expressionless behind the cold metal mask.

Luo Lan whispered, “Consul has always… dressed up like this?”

Chen Sha said, “No! He only put on the mask after he got a genetic disease.”

What kind of disease makes his body all-covered like that, even his hands? Luo Lan suddenly remembered that there was a genetic disease called “living dead”[1], which made the body decay slowly like a corpse. At present, the drugs developed for it could only delay the disease, but couldn’t cure it completely.

The case data that she had seen before came to mind, the terrible pictures made Luo Lan shiver. This kind of disease was also called “hell on earth”[2]. The body suffers from pain all the time. Obviously, he was still living on earth, but it felt like he was already in hell.

Suddenly, all the lights in the hall went out and the hall plunged into darkness.

Luo Lan’s eyes hadn’t adapted to the sudden darkness. It’s pitch black in front of her, but Chen Sha had already rushed out like a fierce beast.

After a while, accompanied by the screams of the crowd, Luo Lan vaguely saw that someone wanted to assassinate the consul. Chen Sha was fighting with several people and she couldn’t see Zi Yan at all, but his tarot cards danced in the air and formed a constantly changing matrix, blocking all bullets like shields.

Bai Licang, Zuo Qiubai and Zong Li did not make any move. They each guarded one side of the hall, formed an encirclement, stared at the people inside with full alertness, making it clear that they wanted to catch all the assassins inside.

The people on the dance floor screamed and tried to hide, but with the crackling sound of bullets, it seemed that nowhere was safe. They pushed each other around in panic, making the situation more chaotic.

Suddenly, a beam of light came up from a corner of the hall.

Luo Lan saw Feng Lin holding an emergency light tube and Chu Mo guarding the entrance, shouting, “Evacuate from here, don’t push, go one by one!”

The panicked crowd finally had a direction and rushed towards the light, and Luo Lan followed along.

Faintly, she felt something was wrong, immediately turned around, and quickly grabbed a woman’s wrist, twisted said woman’s wrist, and pushed her five fingers. All the drugs in that woman’s syringe were injected into herself.

The woman stared at Luo Lan in shock, but before Luo Lan could be proud of herself, her mouth and nose were covered silently by a hand. There was not enough time and she lost consciousness before she could even struggle.


When Luo Lan regained consciousness, she was inside a car[3]. It was parked in the employee parking lot on the roof of the Research Institute.

Luo Lan didn’t know what these terrorists had done, but the light source of the Research Institute was also cut off, and it was dark all around.

Luo Lan was roughly pushed out of the car. A bald man put a gun against her head and said, “Open the door!”

The cold muzzle clung to her skin and conveyed a silent deadly threat. Luo Lan trembled but didn’t make any move. Her mind turned sharply and thought, what on earth do these terrorists want to do?

“Open the door!” The bald man smashed Luo Lan on the head with a gun.

Luo Lan felt blood flowing from her head. She ordered the zhi nao of the Research Institute, “Please confirm my identity and allow passage.”

“Identity confirmed, Luo Xun.” The heavy metal door opened slowly.

Two men escorted Luo Lan from her left to right and went into the Research Institute.

There was no light source except the flashing emergency lights in the corridor and it made the surroundings look particularly gloomy and silent.

Without asking, the two men found the employee elevator used in an emergency. It seems that they had learned about the Research Institute’s internal structure before coming here.

The elevator leading to the third underground floor would automatically confirm the passenger identity and couldn’t be started by non-staff members.

The bald man motioned to Luo Lan to press the elevator, “We want all genetic research information here!”

“The entire Research Institute is researching genetics. Which part do you want?” Luo Lan quickly thought about how to get out while procrastinating.

The bald man said impatiently, “Don’t play dumb! The most confidential one, what else!”

“I’m just an intermediate researcher. I have no access to the most confidential research. You’ve found the wrong person!”

The bald man punched Luo Lan heavily in the face. Luo Lan fell to one side, hit the elevator wall, and knelt softly on the ground.

Her mouth was full of blood. Her whole face was numb with pain. She curled up to block the two men’s gaze. She pretended to lift her arm to wipe the blood from the corners of her mouth. She quickly checked her personal terminal and found that it was completely blocked. It was impossible to send any distress message.

The bald man grabbed Luo Lan’s hair and pulled her up. The gun was now put in the middle of her forehead. “Do you need help to remember it?”

Luo Lan whimpered and shook her head, “No need….”

She shivered and pressed the second basement floor, leaving a shallow bloodstain on the button.

The elevator door slowly opened and the two men escorted Luo Lan out.

Luo Lan staggered and deliberately propped her hand on the elevator door, leaving another bloodstain.

According to Luo Lan’s analysis, these people were vicious, just like mercenaries who take the money and work for others. After their goal was achieved, the most likely thing was to dispose of her directly.

It was unrealistic to count on Chen Sha to arrive in time. After all, when all is said and done, the consul’s safety must be countless times more important than her. In the chaos, whether they noticed her missing from the hall in time was uncertain. She must find a way to save herself.

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  1. 活死人-huó sǐ rén; lit. a dead-alive person; the living dead; zombies.

  2. 人间地狱 – rén jiān dì yù; a hell on earth; a hell of a life; a living hell; human hell.

  3. 飞车 – fēi chē; lit. flying car; speedy car. I normalize it to “car” because all car in MLiS is 飞车. You just need to know when I write “car”, it is actually 飞车.

Amoeba’s Corner

Here is it as promised, chapter 7.2!

“It was unrealistic to count on Chen Sha to arrive in time.”

Remember to hold onto this sentence. I love Chen Sha, I swear, but Tong Hua makes it so easy to bully him.

What will Luo Lan do, hmm? She was gossiping about Feng Lin’s love live (with Chen Sha lol) at one moment and was kidnapped in another moment (ง •̀_•́)ง

See you on Sunday!

This chapter words count (excluding title, footnotes, and TL’s corner): 1433. A short chapter! Hooray for me!

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