MLiS – Chapter 7.4

Unexpected Assassination

Chen Sha’s gaze stopped on her for a moment, then he looked at Qian Xu. “Where are the terrorists?”

“One was shot by me and one was locked up in room B283 by Luo Xun.”

Chen Sha ordered, “Hand Luo Xun to Dean Feng Lin. You and I will go to room B283. You need to explain this incident to Zi Yan and Zong Li and assist in the investigation.”


Qian Xu hugged Luo Lan and handed her to Feng Lin, he gave Luo Lan a smile and left with Chen Sha without saying anything.

Luo Lan breathed a sigh of relief and softly said “Thank you” to Chen Sha’s back.

She knew that Chen Sha could hear it and hoped that he would accept her thanks.


Feng Lin was suspicious. Although Qian Xu and Luo Lan had hardly spoken and didn’t even say “goodbye”, there was a tacit understanding in their every move. It looked like they were already familiar with each other.

While helping Luo Lan deal with her wound, Feng Lin tentatively probed, “Have you and Qian Xu known each other before?”


“How did you meet him? How long have you known each other?”

“At the Research Institute, I accidentally ran into him. It has been a while.”

“Does he know about your identity?”

“Except you and An Na, no one else in the Research Institute knows about my identity.”

There wasn’t any problem with Luo Lan’s answer, but Feng Lin still felt uneasy, “Qian Xu saved you. Are you very grateful to him?”


“Are you angry at Chen Sha because he is late?”


What Luo Lan said was completely ignored by Feng Lin. Feng Lin worriedly said, “Don’t be angry with Chen Sha.”

Luo Lan didn’t understand what Feng Lin said at all. What did she mean? Luo Lan wondered if she had lost her memory when she was hit in the head because she didn’t remember anything about Chen Sha that needed her forgiveness.

“It’s not that Chen Sha doesn’t care about your safety, but at that time, we all thought those people were coming for the consul, and we didn’t expect you to be in danger at all.” Feng Lin was angry at herself. Since the day Luo Lan came to Odin, nothing special happened. They relaxed their vigilance and became careless! 

Oh! It turned out to be about this matter! However, ten years ago, she and Chen Sha had reached an agreement that their marriage was only a fake marriage for benefit exchange. Chen Sha didn’t take her as his wife and had no feelings for her; She didn’t take Chen Sha as her husband and had no expectations for him. Therefore, one left without hesitation when there was danger, and the other took no offense when left behind.

Luo Lan smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter. No one would think that someone would want to kidnap me.”

Feng Lin had a guilty conscience. At that moment, habit became their natural instinct. The seven of them performed their respective duties. Not only Chen Sha as her husband forgot about Luo Lan, but her good friend also completely forgot about her. It was only when Zi Yan asked that they found out Luo Lan was missing.

They dialed her personal terminal, but no one answered. There was no way to locate her, it was at that time they realized something was wrong. In the end, Zi Yan identified the possibility that Luo Lan was at the Research Institute purely through his brain.

Feng Lin said with sincerity, “Chen Sha drove very fast on his way here. It can be seen with naked eyes that he blames himself in his heart. It’s really not that he doesn’t care about you.”

Luo Lan’s headache became worse and she felt dizzy. She agreed with a quiet “Mn” and fainted.


In the control room of the Research Institute, Feng Lin gave the zhi nao instructions to call up the surveillance video and playback what happened previously.

Zi Yan sat in a chair and watched quietly——

Luo Lan stood in front of the entrance and was beaten badly because she procrastinated opening the door.

In the elevator, Luo Lan was hit in the face and fell to her knees…

Zi Yan interrupted, “Stop!”

He pointed to Luo Lan, “Zoom in there and slow it down.”

After the image was enlarged, it could be seen that Luo Lan quickly inspected her personal terminal. When she bowed to wipe her mouth, she deliberately spits all the blood in her mouth into her palm, dying her palm red.

Feng Lin was amazed, “Oh, God! Luo Lan is good. She deliberately provokes the terrorist to beat her?”

Zi Yan’s eyes were deep and he didn’t comment. He just said, “Continue.”

Luo Lan was very careful of her actions. It seemed like the bloodstain left on the elevator button and door was unintentional. 

Feng Lin murmured, “As long as someone passes the elevator, they will see the abnormality on the door; as long as they enter the elevator to check it, they will know on which floor the abnormality occurred. Qian Xu must have found Luo Lan in this way.”

Luo Lan led the terrorists into the observation room specially established by the Research Institute to study sudden mutation

Feng Lin said, “There are a lot of instruments in this room. But in fact, it’s just a preparatory observation room. There is no useful information there. Luo Lan never thought about giving these two bastards any information at all.”

Zi Yan stared silently at the lifelike image in front of him——

The bald man pinched Luo Lan’s neck and picked her up, warning her to not play any tricks. Luo Lan’s complexion was pale and her toes struggled painfully to touch the ground.

When the glass cover fell, Luo Lan rushed out, and the bald man followed closely.

Feng Lin knew that Luo Lan was saved by Qian Xu, but she still sweated.

Luo Lan rushed into the medicine storage room. She was full of bruises and battered, full of embarrassment. She cocked up her middle finger to the bald man through the glass door.

Feng Lin couldn’t help laughing and said with ease, “Qian Xu should have arrived at this time.”

However, Qian Xu did not appear.

Amidst the bald man’s frenzied shot, Luo Lan calmly prepared a reagent, and Feng Lin’s face changed. She didn’t expect Luo Lan’s “Qian Xu saved me” to be an understatement. The process turned out to be like this.

Zi Yan asked, “What is she doing?”

“A simple poison gas, Luo Lan wants them to perish together.”

Zi Yan stared at the busy Luo Lan, almost as silent as a statue.

The glass door broke and the bald man walked towards Luo Lan.

Luo Lan’s hands were hidden behind her skirt. After a moment of trance, her eyes become clear and firm. The corners of her mouth were slightly curved, proud that her plan was about to succeed.

She was wearing a bright red dress, like a raging fire.

The moment she raised her hand to smash the bottle, Feng Lin almost let out a scream.

Fortunately, the bald man abruptly fell down. Luo Lan saw it was Qian Xu and halted her hand mid-air.

After Luo Lan dealt with the reagent, she sat on the ground and burst out weeping. Feng Lin felt her eyes were a little wet. If Qian Xu was a minute late, no doubt Luo Lan would use her life to fulfill the promise she made ten years ago. Her dissatisfaction with Qian Xu instantly went away. Fortunately, he was worried about Luo Lan. Fortunately, he appeared in time!

Feng Lin whispered, “We should treat Luo Lan better!”

Zi Yan stared thoughtfully at Qian Xu, who comforted Luo Lan with a gentle voice, “Send this video to Chen Sha.”


When Luo Lan woke up because of pain in her wound, she found that she was already in her bedroom.

Chen Sha sat in the armchair beside her bed and closed his eyes to take a nap. The moment she woke up, he also opened his eyes.

“Chu Mo said the wound would hurt a little.” Chen Sha pressed an ice pack on Luo Lan’s face. “You should be able to endure it. I didn’t let him use painkillers.”

In fact, the side effects of using painkillers were actually so small that it was almost non-existent. However, a secret was circulating in the army, it said if someone wants to become level 3A physical ability or even the legendary level 4A physical ability, they must use fewer painkillers to keep their body susceptible to pain.

Luo Lan raised a corner of her mouth, “You really have faith in me!”

“You can’t endure it?”

“It’s not like that, I mean, you haven’t abandoned the idea of making me a level 3A individual. I’m pretty sure you know that there are only two level 3A physical ability individuals in this whole Federation?”

Chen Sha was silent.

Luo Lan looked at his firm face and couldn’t understand him at all, “Do you really believe I can become like you and the consul?”

“It’s not belief, it’s hope. I hope my wife is a level 3A individual.”

Luo Lan thanked God silently in her head. Fortunately, it was her and not anyone else that was Chen Sha’s fake wife. This non-human demand for his wife was too high for any other ordinary woman.

In the dark, Chen Sha looked at Luo Lan quietly. His eyes were more obscure than the dim light of night.

Luo Lan thought it was weird, but didn’t pay more attention to it, “Where’s the terrorist that I locked up?”

“He had committed suicide when I arrived”

Luo Lan forced a smile, “As expected, they were really ruthless. If they succeed, they won’t keep me alive. If they fail, they won’t keep themselves alive. Anyway, they won’t leave any clues behind.”

“There are lots of mercenary groups in the Interstellar. It may seem that there is no clue left and we can’t investigate further, but in fact, mercenaries with such strict and cruel disciplines were not many. It is a clue in itself.”

That’s right! Luo Lan’s eyes lit up. “Is there any clue from the consul’s side?”

“Several people were caught alive. They were assassins specially cultivated by those organizations. They didn’t know anything except killing. Zi Yan was interrogating them, but according to our past experience, he wouldn’t get any useful information.”

“Who would want to assassinate the consul but want the information on genetic research at the same time?”

“Maybe it’s a foreign enemy, maybe…” Chen Sha pursed his lips tightly, his eyes as cold as a blade.

Luo Lan gradually came to a realization, maybe it was an insider job! No wonder the lighting systems of Sparda Palace and the military base were invaded. The terrorists took her into the research institute without alerting any surveillance. Only an internal help could explain that. It seemed like the authority of this insider was not low.

The complexity of the matter has completely exceeded Luo Lan’s understanding. She didn’t even know where to start, but there was no doubt that Chen Sha’s identity puts her in the vortex of the torrent.

Luo Lan said, “You go and have a rest. Just let a robot take care of me.”

“Feng Lin asked me to accompany you. She said you were angry and I should coax you.”

Luo Lan was surprised, “Since when have you listened to Feng Lin’s words?”

“Because it happens that it’s exactly what I want to do too.”

“…” Luo Lan was left speechless.

“Tonight was my fault. I promised to protect you, but I am not there when you need it. I’m sorry.”

“I’m not angry. To be honest, I don’t mind at all.”

“Zi Yan said that when a woman says she is not angry, she is actually angry, and when she says she doesn’t care at all, she actually cares.” Chen Sha opened a retro-style glasses case with a pair of glasses inside. “This glasses are made from Philip Star’s luminous pearl stone. It can protect the eyes from harmful light and keep the eyes healthy. It is very suitable for women engaged in scientific research and often uses their eyes.” His tone was rigid. It’s like a sales robot introducing its products.

Luo Lan was so shocked that she sat up, “You gave me a gift?”

Chen Sha studied Luo Lan’s expression, “Your reaction is different from what Zi Yan said.”

“You will listen to Zi Yan’s words too?” Da ge[1], has your IQ been eaten by the dog?

“Everyone has their own field of expertise, isn’t this kind of thing Zi Yan’s area of expertise?”

Luo Lan was about to spit out a mouthful of blood[2]. She didn’t know what expression the spy leader would have when he knew someone considered him to be good at coaxing women.

She endured the pain and lay down slowly, “Chen Sha, I’m really not angry. On the contrary, I am very grateful to you.”

“Because… Qian Xu.”

Mn, thank you for not exposing me.”

Chen Sha lowered his head, slowly closed the glasses case, and put it on Luo Lan’s dressing table.

He turned his back to Luo Lan and said, “You don’t want Qian Xu to know who you are. Is it because of your status as a princess or because of your marriage with me?”

Luo Lan opened her mouth, but she couldn’t voice her answer.

What could she answer? Tell Chen Sha it was both? Because her identity was fake and so was her marriage. She didn’t want to deceive Qian Xu, so she could only say nothing.

Chen Sha turned around and looked at her with a poker face, “Deception is like quicksand. Nothing can exist above quicksand because it is unable to support anything. It doesn’t care with how much you like or want it to be.”

Luo Lan’s mind was blank. She was unwilling to deceive Qian Xu, but didn’t she already deceived him by not telling anything?

Still, what could she do?

Even if someday this deception was uncovered, it was still another piece of quicksand[3].

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  1. 大哥  –dà gē; lit. big brother; eldest brother. You can call someone you respect with da ge, You can also call a big figure or boss with da ge, but in this case it was more like “Bro? You ok?”

  2. 吐出一口老血 – fǔ chū yī kǒu lǎo xuè; lit. Spit out a mouthful of old blood. To angry to speak; to show anger; holding back anger; pissed off.

  3. Even if Luo Lan told Qian Xu she was “Luo Lan”, Aerdes’ princess and Chen Sha’s wife, it’s still a deception because she wasn’t “Luo Lan”.

Amoeba’s Corner

“Chen Sha didn’t take her as his wife and had no feelings for her.” Ten years ago, this statement was true. At the moment… Who knows~?

Ai, Chen Sha ah. Why are you so pitifully cute. He was thoughtful and gave Luo Lan good advice, it was just… he didn’t know that Luo Lan’s deception wasn’t only to Qian Xu.

Zi Yan knows a danger when he sees one.

See you in the next update!

This chapter words count (excluding title, footnotes, and TL’s corner): 2379

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0 thoughts on “MLiS – Chapter 7.4”

  1. It’s funny how no one realizes that Luo Lan isn’t angry or even disappointed in Chen Sha. She has learned her lesson: not expecting anything from him that day when he abandoned her at the orphanage for being one minute late.

    • Indeed! Luo Lan had learned her lessons. Not expecting anything from Chen Sha is one of them! Chen Sha may have learned to apologize to Luo Lan, but he hasn’t thought about his past mistakes yet! It will hit him like a truck when he realized how scummy he was!


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