The Memory Lost in Space


Author: Tong Hua (桐华)

Alternative Name
The Memory Scattered in Galaxy


桐华 is the copyright holder of the novel 散落星河的记忆. All I own is the English translation.
So please do not re-post my translation anywhere else.

Overview | Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4


Character Introduction
Up to Chapter 9

Character Fan Song
Qian Xu Fan Song – The Winds Comes From Afar

Volume I
[Lost Memories]
Searching for a steadfast love in a world where your genes decide your fate.

Nothing can escape the clutches of time. Death and deterioration are but an eventuality. Only memory is not bound by the shackles of time. In fact, some memories become clearer steeped in time. The beautiful, the ugly, all the has-been. Each event is seemingly small and insignificant but their flashes of brilliance can even out-dazzle the night’s sky.

Volume II
[Stealing Dream]
If we cannot grow old together, then let death consume us both.

An existence that should be denied, he thought he would be alone forever for a soul born in darkness was destined to be swallowed up by darkness. Happiness can only be a mirage. Yet he cannot control his feelings that are overflowing because he has found someone willing to stand with him against all odds.

Volume III
Because their paths had crossed, because she had loved him so passionately, he may have his regrets but he’d die contented.

One existence was built on another person’s genetic makeup. The other lived a fabricated lie. Just like a whisper in the wind, they had no past and no future. They only have the present. They only have each other.

Volume IV
It is the dawning of new hope, yet also the descent of despair. We are hurtling towards our end, be it Heaven or Hell that await us.

Will your pursuit only end with the withering of the final rose? Will you discover that you’ve missed all of its radiant beauty only when it is gone? Will you only stop grumbling about the cold when the last snowflake has fallen? Will you regret failing to appreciate the here and now

Table of Content

Overview | Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4

Volume 1 – Lost Memories

The Memory Lost In Space 散落星河的记忆 by Tong Hua (BE)
Memory Lost in Space Volume 1 Cover

In the distant future world where genes determine life and death, searching for love that lasts until death——

Earth’s environment has reached the point of deterioration and its energy is already exhausted, mankind has to go to Interstellar to survive. At the moment of life and death, the door to genetic research was completely opened. In order to obtain a stronger physique, greater strength, and more survival opportunities, humans have modified their genes.

With the passage of time, various modified genes blended with each other, and the problems hidden in the genes gradually emerged. Mankind then discovered that genetic modification not only increased the chance of survival, but it also brought some devastating problems. Those people who have gained extraordinary powers by fusing genes of other species are called “human beings with heterogeneous genes” and rejected from normal human society. Especially those groups whose physical appearance is different from humans. They are called “mutant” contemptuously. When a woman with pure genes but no memory meets a man with a heterogeneous gene, how far can their love go?

Chapter 1-5

Chapter 6 Choices
“People who can do anything as they please because they can and want it are worthy of envy and admiration, but there is nothing wrong with people that choose something because it is what they need even if it is practical in a utilitarian way”
6.1(20) – Choices
6.2(21) – Choices
6.3(22) – Choices

Chapter 7 Unexpected Assassination
He sat there, obviously surrounded by the noisy crowd, but he seemed like sitting alone on the top of the cold snow-capped mountain, watching all sentient beings perform in front of him.
7.1(23) Unexpected Assassination
7.2(24) Unexpected Assassination
7.3(25) Unexpected Assassination
7.4(26) Unexpected Assassination

Chapter 8 There are Always Variables in Life
This is the most beautiful and tempting place to climb. Just like life. There’s no way to plan and there will always be unexpected changes.
8.1(27) There are Always Variables in Life
8.2(28) There are Always Variables in Life
8.3(29) There are Always Variables in Life
8.4(30) There are Always Variables in Life
8.5(31) There are Always Variables in Life

Chapter 9 This Is Who I Am
A hidden heart cannot genuinely get closer to another heart. Just like a pair of blindfolded eyes, it is impossible to see the other pair of eyes clearly.
9.1(32) This Is Who I Am
9.2(33) This Is Who I Am
9.3(34) This Is Who I Am
9.4(35) This Is Who I Am
9.5(36) This Is Who I Am

Chapter 10 Fear Not, For I Am With You
She thought the real Princess Luo Lan had disappeared in the vast sea of stars forever and would never appear again. Yet, there she was, once again appearing in her life.
10.1(37) Fear Not, For I Am With You
10.2(38) Fear Not, For I Am With You
10.3(39) Fear Not, For I Am With You
10.4(40) Fear Not, For I Am With You
10.5(41) Fear Not, For I Am With You

Chapter 11 Together With You, It’ll Be Alright
The surrounding boulders were like ferocious monsters, but his hands were safe and reliable. As long as she was with him, it would be as if they were walking on a splendid avenue of spring and blooming flowers.
11.1(42) Together With You, It’ll Be Alright
11.2(43) Together With You, It’ll Be Alright
11.3(44) Together With You, It’ll Be Alright
11.4(45) Together With You, It’ll Be Alright
11.5(46) Together With You, It’ll Be Alright

Chapter 12 I Suppose, I Am Truly in Love With You
Love is like the birth of life, an inevitability intertwined by countless happenstances, a destiny bestowed by fate. Once it happens, there is no if, only result.
12.1(47) I Suppose, I Am Truly in Love With You
12.2(48) I Suppose, I Am Truly in Love With You
12.3(49) I Suppose, I Am Truly in Love With You
12.4(50) I Suppose, I Am Truly in Love With You
12.5(51) I Suppose, I Am Truly in Love With You
12.6(51) I Suppose, I Am Truly in Love With You

Chapter 13 From Heaven to Hell
Even after so many years, it still turns out the same as before. As before, she was still all alone trekking the wasteland; As before, she was still unreconciled to bend{1] to the whim of fate; As before, she was still left with helplessness when facing countless hardships in the dark, and in the end, she still had nothing.
13.1(52) From Heaven to Hell
13.2(53) From Heaven to Hell
13.3(53) From Heaven to Hell
13.4(54) From Heaven to Hell
13.5(54) From Heaven to Hell

Chapter 14 For You, I’ll Live On
Nothing in the world could last forever. But, the feeling of longing would linger deep in the bones, engraved for a lifetime even until the last breath.
14.1(55) For You, I’ll Live On
14.2(56) For You, I’ll Live On
14.3(57) For You, I’ll Live On
14.4(58) For You, I’ll Live On

Chapter 15 Let’s Just Divorce
Obviously, the blue sky was covered by white clouds. Bright light shone from the sun. Yet, there was no trace of warmth at all. At the rock forest, the sky was covered by the sand blown by the wind. Darkness shrouded the night. Yet, because people held and depended on each other, there was a trace of warmth in their hearts.
15.1(59) Let’s Just Divorce
15.2(60) Let’s Just Divorce
15.3(61) Let’s Just Divorce

Chapter 16 Awareness of The Heartbeat
Obviously, it was his ears that got gently brushed by the soft breath, but his heart was the one that got itchy. Faced with a strange feeling he had never experienced before, Chen Sha couldn’t resist hiding from it.
16.1(62) Awareness of The Heartbeat
16.2(63) Awareness of The Heartbeat
16.3(64) Awareness of The Heartbeat

Chapter 17 Long-Awaited Reunion
Luo Lan was petrified, cold sweats drenched her. She wanted to push this man away. However, like she was trapped in a nightmare, her body was stiff and she couldn’t even lift a finger.
17.1(65) Long-Awaited Reunion
17.2(66) Long-Awaited Reunion
17.3(67) Long-Awaited Reunion

Chapter 18 Everyone Has a Secret
Experiences in life, like laughter and sadness, were stored in the human brain. Undoubtedly, the weight of those emotions was negligible, like dust. But collected over time, they shone brighter than the sky full of stars, they made life become peerlessly beautiful.
18.1(68) Everyone Has a Secret
18.2(69) Everyone Has a Secret
18.3(70) Everyone Has a Secret

Chapter 19 Revenge of the Hopeless One[2]
Once, she desperately wanted those lost memories of her to return. But now, she was afraid of it returning
19.1(71) Revenge of the Hopeless One
19.2(72) Revenge of the Hopeless One

End of Volume 1

Overview | Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4


  1. Original line is 依旧固执倔强 – yī jiù gùzhí, juéqiáng; lit. still stubborn and stubborn. 固执 and 倔强 both mean “stubbornness” but 固执 is for reluctant to admit defeat and 倔强 is sticking to one’s own point of view. In this context, it was about Luo Lan who stuck to her own belief and refused to accept that she had lost to fate. But she had lose and she was left with nothing.

  2. 绝地复仇 – juédì fùchóu; I don’t think I gave the English title for Chapter 19 justice. 绝地 could mean a lot of thing. 绝地 could mean futile, hopeless, dangerous, desperate, or with no way out. So there are many meaning to the title, a futile revenge, a hopeless revenge. Revenge, just because there is no other way except for it. I choose “Revenge of the Hopeless One” because of its content. I’m open to suggestion, though.

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